Rage 2

This is going to be GOTY.
Screencap this post.

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Never heard of this

I love games that don't take themselves seriously. Definitely a day 1 buy for me

It's just the latest sjw wank bait game.

One of the few open world games that seems to have good combat. I just hope the game's narrative doesn't just bore you to death or the objectives just get real old. DOOM 2016 was good because it didn't overstay its welcome, and open world game might just be too much

>some journo commented the combat can be fun...
>when you can find any
Fucking open world meme needs to end. Hate traveling 5 minutes through fucking nothing just to get to the next bit of content.

GOTY doesn't really mean much, I mean Witcher 3 got it and it's a terrible game

>half the characters are black or have pink hair

yeah nah

isn't it supposed to be some sort of apocalypse?

cut the unironic zoomers crying about muh sjws because they dont know what punk is
oh wait too late

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>Witcher 3
It may not be your jam but it's far from terrible.

>be kind of interested in this game because of trailers
>see some raw gameplay
>it looks like fucking garbage

the vehicle combat might as well be an on rails QTE, there's no aiming, everything is lock on only
and the shooting is just subpar, avalanche is just a shitty studio

Intro to the lore.

post gameplay

brace for disappointment

It looks pretty good, surprisingly good actually.
The gameplay itself looks really great and is the direction I want to see FP shooters go in, but I'm not super sold on the open-world, it all just looks like jungle and some light desert areas, I hope there's more variety.

I didn't have any hopes for this game and this video still disappointed me.

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I refuse to buy into the whole REEE SHILLL REEEEE meme that runs around here, but at the same time, I have to admit I'm finding it really difficult to find a different rational explanation for why anyone - and especially anyone on Yea Forums would think that game looks good.

Because it looks kinda fucking awful. Like - take the worst from Borderlands, Bulletstorm and Far Cry and mix it together while also giving it the WORST style and art direction imaginable.

And really, with the core premise, this shit can't be good. Tight combat and extremely large, open world settings just DO NOT mash well. The "level design", the encounter design, the enemy A.I., it's all fucking terrible and it has to be terrible because there is no fucking human posibility to keep it tightly designed, focused and tested given the scale and looseness of progression.

It has the good old problem of so many post-Halo shooters have: the absolute core gameplay loop is trash: it's the dullest imaginable abstraction of most basic shooter mechanic humanly possible. So they desperately try to jam as many gimmicks in as possible to hide the fact that the core loop is bad - shitton of weapons and throwables and items and powers that ultimately fail to distract that the core gameplay loop is still shooting boring baddies in incredibly uninteresting arena's with what evetually ammounts to large collection of variations on an assault rifle.

I'm learning to despise these games more and more. I am really getting some Halo flashbacks here.

You just hate fun that's all

>implying goty awards mean shit
Overbotch got the GOTY award and even Injustass 2 managed to get the FG of the year 2017

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doom will be better
the open world looks empty


its goty as in its going to be good no one gives a shit about goty awards.


the first one played like ass, fucked up ai that worked only by reading the players inputs, not reacting to them

they popped their bolt on the shitty parkour enemies running along scripted paths and doing fancy shit, which lasted for two whole areas before the rest of the game turned into a fucking shooter shitfest

the elements of RPG and crafting it ripped from other games just held it back due to how fucking basic and useless it also was

exactly, who the fuck stockpiles hair dye in an apocalypse

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ever heard of mad max?

ever heard of post apocalyptic production?

in the mad max game there was an entire raider faction covered in neon paint.

never played it

rage is clearly inspired by mad max you fucking zoomer

Why the fuck does this matter so much to you idiots? Like holy fuck

I think I'll get rage 2 but at the moment it feels like the appetizer for Doom Eternal

october-november 2019

Eternal is going to play the exact same way Doom 16 did (aka a punching simulator) why is everyone hyped for this shit

spider demons

this is either a shitpost or a zoomer trying to fit in

>Why the fuck does this matter so much to you idiots?
its good way to annoy people :^)

No I'm serious and I'm a boomer literally. No one sane and smart can defend Doom16's glory kill mechanics. NO ONE. It's just shit and goes against the game's entire point. It even make the gun feels weak, in a SHOOTER.
You literally cannot prove me wrong.

because it's a clear sign that the game is pandering to a (((certain))) audience which usually includes shitty forced dialogue along with it

dude you can play the entire game and not use glory kills.
you can practically just use glory kills.
Its up to you the gamer thats the beauty of it.

doom eternal will be less arena battles and more traditional levels with monster placements which is the one problem with d44m
glory kills are unviable on nightmare as they get you killed unless you have the upgrade which makes glorykills faster, at which point they are so quick anyway who cares
sorry kid youre just a poser, bad luck you ran into someone who doesnt take shit from zoomers

looks good but since they also decided to pander to sjws and remove all the sexy and cute girls formt he first one I will buy it used so that the devs donĀ“t get a single cent form me

No, it need to be balanced. Most of the ammo and health packs dropped with kills. Gimping yourself on purpose is not my idea of good gameplay

I only played on nightmare. They're absolutely viable you zoomer.
Imagine defending this dogshit.

If you're good enough you can go through the game without using glory kills beyond the required ones. Just don't get hit lmao

>Just ignore it!
Again, this isn't an argument

>that fucking glitch effect
God that's terrible

It looks unbelievably generic and mediocre

yeah it is. pistol start in ultimate doom was also a player choice ignoring the natural game progression in order to make the game more fun because its a singleplayer game and fun is all that matters. fucking zoomer

it's like someone thought chromatic aberration wasn't bad enough so they made that shit

fuck off you either suck at the game or havent played it.
Pure shooter playthrough is the strongest build for doom slayer. Its recommended.

>pistol start is the same as an active and unavoidable game mechanic
Seething kid with no argument.
You're defending casual cancer and you can other people zoomer? Stop projecting.
Good videogames don't have garbage mechanics period

>choice is bad, us gaymers right XD
yeah im thinking youre not worth responding to anymore

>defending player choice in a singleplayer game is bad
Lmao. Grow up.

>choice is good!
I bet you love these easy modes.

>Defending bad gameplay mechanics that ruin everything is good just because it's singleplayer.

Wow, it looks fucking terrible.

The very concept of doom slayers having fists stronger than his guns is a bad one desu

but i just said gun build is more powerful