Make him relevant in 2019

Make him relevant in 2019

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When i was a kid i thought only faggots played these games and i guess i was right

>when i was a kid
so yesterday?

unfortunately linear action games are dead, nobody wants to pay $60 for a 6-10 hour long game

I've got it, we have the main soundtrack done by Godsmack

Standard edition - $60
The Sands edition - $89
Twin Throne deluxe edition - $109
1001 Nights special deluxe edition - $179
Special collectors exclusive only - Jaffar and the twin sands edition - Includes a Time Dagger collector in-game item + actual physical plastic mold dagger (excluding UK). - $299

>t. EA
DMC5 sold 2 million and its doing fine

fortnite is doing fine, dmc is dead

Since pic related is already the perfect PoP game just give me a sands of time remake with a deeper combat system.

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Modern day Iran fighting ISIS who weild some ancient Persian demonic power as a result of the iconoclast destruction of a sealed temple-prison holding demons captive.

The MC is descended from The Prince.

hes now a trans princess

capcom is an exception, nips just make better games

>actual physical plastic mold dagger (excluding UK)

A combo of Warrior Within and Two Thrones? Why wasn't this what two thrones was from the start?

I believe this series died because of AssCreed.
Jews form Ubi knew two similar games won't sell, they went with milking the bigger cow.

AssCreed was born from the PoP games.

i was watching a doc about POP a few days ago and yes AC was the sole reason.
Also the original creator did not like Warrior within bc he imagines the prince as a noble naive young man instead of and edgy metal teen rage

Might be cool. Have some hallucination sequence where he encounters Zoroaster.

Sands of Time already has a deeper combat system than WW.

Born from it but it drastically changed over the years, even the initial asscreed was far different than PoP.

user... I...

When you can back up the edge with actual skill, I give the edge a pass. And WW prince can. Two Thrones is a bit of a hybrid of the noble and the edge.

he goes to american and european museums around the world and takes back all the stolen artifacts of persia

>*this is what zoomers actually believe

so? there's still a market
its just westerns are busy following shitty trends like games as service and open worlds, god bless the days when they actually made something worthwhile

>AC was the sole reason
im sorry but no, AC isn't the reason why the last two POP games were shit, it was the development team

Unironically AssCreed.
Make him the protag, with Persia as setting and attribute anything supernatural to MUH ANIMUS or MUH ISU.

The original Two Thrones was named Kindred Blades and it retained more elements from WW but it was scrapped and trasnformed in the final game.

Aw. That kinda sucks. Even the original name is cooler.

>reddit trying to post on 4chin

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Sekiro gameplay but timesand ability instead of second life
also wallrunning/hopping, and more platforming in general
also more generous/easier (at least in standard difficulty)
also PoP 2008 artstyle

that's it, the perfect Prince of Persia

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>shaves half of hair off and dyes it blue

The WW prince has seen some shit, he has an excuse for being edgy.

And then they get destroyed by islamists.

Shitty idea. Just make a new game and basta.

>also PoP 2008 artstyle
Fuck no.

just imagine the shit they could do with it on a current, or better; next gen hardware

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and consecutively they changed every game they publish into assassins creed formula shitshow

Prince of Persia has been around for over 30 years, you fucking zoomer filth.


go back to preschool kid

But not you


We need to find a way to make it an open-world crafting survival sim for babies with an almost absent story consisting of constantly following forced AI companions through repetitive and trivial combat sequences.
We also need to make it as much of a grind as humanly possible to boost microtransaction sales.

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Fuck you nigger faggots

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>nobody wants to pay $60 for a 6-10 hour long game
its ok when japs do it tho

That's how you do it, whether you like it or not.

the Prince exists to suffer. Even the 2008 game has him suffer. The DLC has him suffer, the 3ds game has him suffer, the gameloft game has him suffer.

Make him a woman.

The Forgotten Sands 2010, this game is forgotten.

yeah they could have made a sequel for the PoP 2008, but noooo manchildren subhuman cuntfucks said they didnt like it, so they made a mediocre SoT game, fuck those faggots, ruined a perfect game

I don't know the freezing mechanic was fun

Put him in Smash

>Make him relevant in 2019
Get Platinum to make a new game, apparently that's all it takes, faggots will eat anything they make nowadays.

The Wii version of The Forgotten Sands was legitimately great

predator of persia. instead of the price its the predator alien parkouring around killing people in iran.

Warrior Within is better than Sands of Time

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Plus I'd imagine being chased by a nigh unkillable beast would keep you on edge.

i like both, but the ending of SoT gave me so much feels that i had to put it over WW, but yeah WW is still a 10/10 game, it introduced me to rock scene too, which i really liked

Can't believe how shitty MGR and Automata are yet are hailed with almost cult status.

Make him show up in an Asscreed Persia DLC as a goof

True, he also had to kill his dad after seeing him and his whole army getting turned into sand monsters.

>Remaster Sands of Time
>Release a solid, well crafted original game shortly after, preferably an odd spin-off like how the top down shooter Tomb Raider games lead into the new series
>Don't go edge again like Warrior Within (I actually like Warrior Within)
>Use that Assassin's Creed and Siege money to make a good, thought out and well crafted PoP after getting good will and recognition

why can't they put Prince at least in For Honor or fucking uPlay rewards, he saved the company and was their mascot alongside Rayman and both get the boot now

>Use that Assassin's Creed and Siege money to make a good, thought out and well crafted PoP after getting good will and recognition
And then release a new rehashed PoP each year.

*dies in the first five minutes of The Two Thrones*

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Well she's telling the story during the whole game.

i nutted to this back then


The 2008 reboot being a failure was probably a good reason to switch to Asscreed too. This game had potential but it ended being a complete snorefest.

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You mean xer

>This game had potential but it ended being a complete snorefest.

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I'll never understand why people didn't like the idea of not being able to die. It's not like it's completly unfair considering bosses regenerate life whenever you die and you go back to a checkpoint if you fall.
I guess people prefer seeing a loading screen every time they mess up.

wouldn't be snorefest if they made you fight more and dropped that "we want the journey audience"

Exactly. They emphasized too much on the platforming part, but what makes PoP really fun to me is the fact that the prince is mostly a Persian God of War.
Elika is still hot though.

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The platform were always the most important part in every PoP game, what are you on ?

>Assassin's Creed: Persia
Your'e welcome

DMC is my favorite game series ever. I don't play Fortnite. Not everyone born after 1995 has the exact same taste.

The ending was kino. The DLC ruined it.

>The DLC ruined it.
this, they should have just left it as it was, it was perfect

i've got the perfect name. Assassin's Creed

Make a reboot set in post-islam Persia where the MC is gay.

I...STAND ALOOOONE. Every time that big fucker showed up, though that was instrumental I guess. Not many other (western developed) games use copyrighted music like that do they?

I mean if you play the two thrones it changes that he finds his father's corpse and you get the legit best weapon in the entire series. Other than the water sword from Warrior Within, why didn't he hold onto that thing more tightly? Like come on dude.

maybe early on in the asscreed lifespan that would have been okay. as it is, ezio trilogy, 4 and Syndicate are the best ones. Rogue is pretty okay and mostly cause it's by default the most different cause you play a templar.

Do you not know what linear means?

you can make a linear action game last longer than that by having more levels.

Neck yourself

better than a lot of the other ones with how some of the mechanics work. I never said the characters were amazing or the story was amazing. It's the lowest in that list but it's higher than the others not in that list.

REmake 2

For someone who didn't play it, what was the differences?

Are you for real?.
The only thing WW did better was combat.

Assassins creed 1 was originally meant to be a PoP game, and for some reason they changed it into a new IP

It doesn't change it, the prince still killed the monster of his father but time changed so he now has to see his father dead another time.

Oh yeah that's right. Fuck that's pretty rough. I think I actually remember that he was super fucking bummed about finding his dad dead again in the two thrones.

he's a muslim poc who fights the white devil in an open world setting
but the game isn't political or trying to say anything about anything t. ubisoft

I guess they wanted to go somewhere new than try to keep PoP going. I think it won't matter, cause either we'd have no Assassin's Creed and PoP would have just been longer and gone down the shitter, or we'd have what we have now.

>We get the Prince of Persia as a non-binary black person

You guys ready?

Yeah of course, he expected to get back in Babylon with Kaileena, see his dad alive again, take her as a wife and be the hero who beat time itself. But instead the city is under attack, Kaileena is killed by the vizier and his dad dead again. Also everybody in Babylon is either dead, a monster or captive.

It's fucking great. What are you on about? No PoP games looks better and since they went for more stylized visuals they age better.

How come two thrones feels like shit compared to WW?

Was PoP2008 any good? I loved the sands trilogy but never got around playing 2008

I really dislike that artstyle. Also the other games aged very well for me.

it doesnt tho, it just doesnt feel as brutal, i think you cant cut their heads like in WW and etc, i liked the QTE executions and dark prince parts too

it depends person to person, but i absolutely loved it, even tho i was skeptical when i saw the trailer for the first time


>the DLC was never ported to PC
seems I'm not missing much.

>"we want the journey audience"
Journey came out year later, friend.

What's wrong with them?

Sands of COCK where you are a post-tranny Princess who can rewind time back to when she had a cock. Retrieve your cock to solve various puzzles and combat situations or fast time forward to post-suicide and explore the level as a ghost.

You gotta treat it as it's own thing because it looks nothing like Sands and plays nothing like Sands
It's more of an artistic journey going from place to place turning the shitty gray area into green beautiful areas.
Combat is much simpler but they try to make up for it with fancy animations. The combat is as Simon Says as it can get.
Platforming is also braindead easy with blatant on your face magnets snapping the prince to it's path, but it managed to get creative with the Prince's metal gauntlet and wallrunning, Elika is fine for a double jump explanation.

Braindead but pretty / 10

You can't die and all enemies in the game are boss fights which is like 4

While both WW and TTT deal with the prince alone in a gray and red / brown and bloom setting in WW the Prince is fucking METAL cutting shit up and chasing after red hoes, while TTT has the Prince moping, shirtless and getting his moveset fucked by the Dark Prince's daggertail and the weak as fuck Dagger of Time apologizing to Farah (also a red hoe).
Don't know if you noticed but TTT suddenly gets fun fights once you get the King's sword and you go back to WW levels of damage.

I still get rock hard to this perfect ass.

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Kaileetits > Shadass

This was exactly the reason I downloaded Webm for Bakas.

Attached: Shahdee's ASS.webm (1280x720, 778K)

>some of the mechanics
Name them, the parkour was a dumbed down version of Unity's, the combat was like Batman except stiff & mashy, the zipline was only useful because the parkour was shit, stealth is no different than Unity other than being easier, & taking hostages is a near useless feature

I'm nutting to this right now

Every Sony game movie
We can go on and on

>be young user playing my ps2 in the living room
>just started a new game of WW
>grandpa comes over
>this scene starts playing
>he says nothing
>awkward silence
He probably knew I was a lost cause since that very moment

WW is broken as fuck, maybe on console it's different but playing 1 hour of that shitfest was more than enough for me to just leave it at SoT.

i'm not gonna do your job for free ubisoft lackey, but here's a hint: hire not ubisoft to make it

Yah I don't get why people can't see this

Ya was the best part of the game

Good Voice Acting.
Good Story telling
Good Writing
Good Controls/Movement.
Good Music.
Good Combat
Dont make it Linear, but dont make it open world either, needs to have plenty of ways to approach a situation to add replay value.

There, You dont need anything specific to make a game good, you just need the right people to handle it.

nice linear game of a small sized adventure that doesn't need to be fuckhuge or "the next big thing" like your standard copypasted open world checklist made by Ubisoft. Of course we know it's not gonna be like that and it's gonna abide by today's fucked industry standards whenever they decide to revive it. Please let PoP rest forever, I'm just fine with emulating it.

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>Make him relevant in 2019
Open world RPG. Literally the only way it can survive. Linear stories are far and few between and Ubisoft would need something to be able to milk it for what it's worth plus consumers don't wanna feel cheated out of there money


Been wanting it back for awhile

Rip off nu god of war.


New game but you play as the son of The Prince, because he has now become The King of Persia

The trilogy was great

ample dabs

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