Are any of the post 3 Silent Hill games worth playing?
Are any of the post 3 Silent Hill games worth playing?
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The first 3 aren't worth playing.
4 is good
Objectivelly wrong opinion.
P.T. only desu.
The Room and Shattered Memories if you are really ithcing for SIlent Hill.
First post worst post
Shattered Memories is really good.
Origins and Homecoming are solid 7/10, just don't expected the same level as the first two titles.
SH4 has the best premise and atmosphere but the worst execution, it's one of those games that you will be glad you stuck with to finish but will never ever want to replay again.
4 scared me shitless as a kid, I almost though the game was cursed hahaha
Good times as an innocent little kid...
4 and fuck everything else, P.T isn't even playable (officially) anymore
Sure, if you like the first three. They are basically all the same thing. Anyone who claims it was only good when Japs did it or MUH TEAM SILENT is just a weeb faggot. Team Silent isn't even a thing that exists. They literally just made up that a consistent group of people made the first three games. It's not true.
Homecoming get way too retarded on enemy numbers
Downpour is legitimately great and so sadly underrated. Super comfy too once you get to the town.
3 words: Book of Memories
Homecoming is awful
Shattered Memories would have been good if the running segments were fucking cut
What are you on about, Homecoming has less enemies than SH3 and SH4.
4 and PT are good, stay away from all the other
Was that the portable game? Nobody played that. I'm also obviously not referring to the awful point and click Silent Hill game I played on my Nokia 2610 back in the day.
1-4 are good.
shattered memories and orgins are dumbfun and enjoyable as well
there are sections in HC where you're literally zerged
Explain. Shit gameplay, shit story, only SH1 is remotely scary and it's a polygon turd.
They arent horrible games.
SH1 - 5/5
SH2 - 5/5
SH3 - 5/5
SH4 - 4/5
Origami - 2/5
Downcoming (both games) - 3/5
Shatmems- 4/5
Bookmems - 1/5
SH1 is the most oppressive
SH2 is the most atmospheric
SH3 is the scariest overall.
Glad we can all agree.
I found 3 the least scary, explain that.
3 is literally cheesy as shit.
The arcade game is good if you can play it
>SH3 is the scaries
Damn I will never forget my first and blind playthrough through Underpass level without the map.
4 is okay, though the last half of the game is kinda shit and if you want the best ending it's even more shit, but the way the apartment works is pretty neat and worth experiencing. Silent Hill 4 was actually the first one I played, since someone gave it to me since the first person stuff triggered their epilepsy. So I played it, and enjoyed it enough to go buy 2 and 3 which are actually way better.
3 is only barely worth playing as is
I'm curious what do you think is good about shsm
I find the gameplay tedious and boring, with no suspense since all enemies are just in the shitty running segments
The puzzles, story and dialogues sucks
Besides the soundtrack and one or two fun ideas, that were poorly implemented, is there any redeeming qualities in the game
Heather is cute
Haunting atmosphere and the psychologist. Fucking kino
4 was pretty good and spooky.
Wii's Shattered Memories was a fascinating experience, but not a horror game exactly.
Rest suck ass
Been a while since the last SH thread, so here's the SH PC Guide + links :
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial + bare essentials pack:
>SH2 Audio Replacement:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
All the info & links you'll ever need:
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
Play the games in release order, and don't play on Easy mode.
Multiple playthroughs per game is very recommended.
Lower the in-game Brightness, crank up volume.
Turning OFF flashlight helps a ton!
The only good part of shattered memories was like the end.
Origins was good in my book, but I played that 10 years ago.
>I'm curious what do you think is good about shsm
The themes, story, and they way it adapts to player's own behavior.
I played the game 4 times in a row, last two with a guide to get rest of the endings, but when my buddy played the game for the 1st time, he ended up in places I'd never seen, triggering scenes and meeting characters I didn't even know of.
The way the game utilized the player's own prior knowledge and expectations of the SH games was pretty damn cunning.
Obviously the OST is superb, but that's Akira for you.
Sure, it ain't a perfect game by any means, and calling it a "survival horror" would be a mistake. Still, it's an engaging psychological gaming experience, that's also a total treat for folks who dig urban exploration stuff.
Origins is actually one of THE worst games in series.
Literally worse than Homocoming, which at least didn't outright butcher the OG trilogy's lore and cast.
The first two are among the greatest games ever made. The rest are garbage.
4 is better than 3