What do you think about SFV?

What do you think about SFV?

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very enjoyable

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I think it's fucking bullshit that I can't get this game to even launch despite following literally every single solution there is online.

Complete bore where every character feels really "stubby" and only one or two playstyles are worth playing if you want to succeed.

I dislike the fm nerfs, used to enjoy the varying activities to grab them, now it feels like a snail-like overbearing chore.

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you have to disable your antivirus for the entire directory folder the game is installed in.


It's a bad game, but Menat is hot as fuck.

A lot of the characters look fucking hideous, Like clay animation abominations with birth defects.

Only some standout characters look good like Juri, Menat...

First thing I did, I even said fuck it and just disabled the anti-virus altogether and it still refuses to even launch.

What Mike Ross said

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What did Mike Ross say?

"Street Fighter V is one of the worst fighting games I've ever played."

that pic has such a weird aspect ratio that when I hover over it it fills up my entire screen like no other pic on this site has ever done before


>Decent OST
>brought back some old street fighter favorites like the the sf alpha girls, alex
>introduced a bunch of new characters, though only some of them are standouts
>some of the girls in sfv are arguably their most attractive versions of themselves yet
>lobby system is done well, can infinite match someone after only 1 loading screen
The gameplay itself is controversial, as most will say on this board that its got a long list of problems like shit normals, shit comeback mechanics, lack of creativity in playstyles. the single player content was lacking for years too.
theres a lot that people like about street fighter, and everyone wants street fighter to succeed, but sfv is making it hard to continue

It's okay, shame I don't like this version of Sakura. At least Ibuki is fun. Whens Fei or the twins?

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Sfv straight up killed his soul

Looks shit

Should have polished it and released it at the end of the gen. The last SF4 installment still had a good amount of mileage on it.

V Chun-li is a work of art and i worry they cant do better, only worse.

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Worse than GG, Uniel, T7, etc.
Feels like a western studio made it.

just make her legs bigger

Nah. She peaked with 3S like most of the character designs.
SFV made her legs look fatty with zero musculature (Which is fine on some characters, but not Chunners).

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>SFV thread
>turns into a waifu art dump
Never fails.
No one actually talks about the game, because it sucks.

what i think is that cammy not being real makes me want to die

Season 1 was meh, season 2 was godawful shit, didn't care past that. Overall the game is pretty rote and for every "1-frame links are now 3" improvement there's twenty problems. Input delay, lack of combo paths, boring as shit v-trigger, etc.

I at least thought they cared but were incompetent until Abigail. Holy shit what a turd.

IV was better than V in every incarnation

nearly every comment is about the game
you're retarded, faggot
stop being afraid of skin

where do i go to get a black gf with this body type

Never got into V. I mainly tried playing it around launch and kinda stopped caring after maybe a couple of months.
Thought about getting back into it but my local scene is basically dead for it so can't be bothered.

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>and everyone wants street fighter to succeed
lol, you are very delusional

people fucking love to hate SF and many would love to see the series fail just so their fav fighting game will get that much more exposure and success

this could be said to other fighters too, but SF is in shitty place where most people genuinely believe that it is the most popular fighter out there (even though with the exception of 2 and 4 SF was never popular outside of the competitive scene) so it has to be taken down a peg.

For example Tekken or MK have tons of delusional fans who genuinely believe that their game is some "underdog" to SF, and wouldn't mind seeing SF fail so their game would become bigger (even though these games always sold MUCH more copies, but the only thing people hear about is that SF is bigger at the tournaments).

it's shit, hope ono's another pet dies too

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>input delays
SFV has like the lowest input lag out of any current gen fighters. It is like 3 frames only since a while

the balance is also pretty good in this season, and AE brought a lot of improvements to the gameplay in general. You should probably give it a try

Pretty good. Probably my favorite fighting game.

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I prefer V Special

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lying faggot

lying about what?


what else needs to be said?

Is he completely blind? How the hell is he blocking jumpins let alone crossups?

sfv's sound design is actually pretty detailed
you can tell the distance where a character is based on which side the sound is coming from and how loud it is, and things like neutral jumps and jump ins also have different sound

it requires a lot of autism, but basically it is possible to play the game blindly

great game but the netcode and average wifi ps4 warrior ruin it for me.

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well tournament entrant wise SF schools those games all the time.
everybody wants to be the maingame of the FGC and they think that the best way to achieve that is to shit on SF.

what about it? its great that SFV has sound effects that allow it.

this guy will literally anti air you as a blind guy.
I played him before and he is literally better than all the shit tier posers I've faced in fighting games on Yea Forums over the years, especially the SF4 dickriders.

It's not great, but the girls are cute. Falke is the best.

*blocks your path*

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dogshit that killed the franchise twice over. unforgivable in that they tried to turn Vega into some stance switching sperg and fucked up tremendously, 0 depth and my weeklies now play SF4 and T7 exclusively.

>the state of /fgg/ when he came out and said that
poor broski still trying to make a living off of his online sim

I love SF's character designs, but suck ass at fighting games.

I wish they'd make a beat-em-up spinoff or something. Like that one MK game.

Woshige is an absolute retard. I hope capcom just scrap the whole thing and announce sf6 on evo, without woshige being anywhere close to the design team.

I beat my meat to the girls but haven't played SF since 2 Turbo.

How did they let this guy anywhere near the game?
The nigga can't even count

The only correct opinion.

>this happened four years ago

What the FUCK


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09 was 10 years ago...

try reading a thread before making blanket statements retard

The worst fighting game in the past 10 years with tons of scummy business practices.

>muh sound effects
Lmao, it's because the game is so slow and has zero depth. Sound effects have nothing to do with it.


>implying gedo isn't anything but based

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good art and characters. too bad its a fighting game

Better than it used to be. People who hate it will never like it, though. They're in too deep.

It's the same with every SF, people need time to get used to the new systems.

this is why people say that the next SF will be on RE Engine
which means that they can get Chunners body model from that Spanish girl

I went back playing USF4 after playing SF5 for a couple of months.

>AAing is easier in SF5
>Execution in SF5 is way too easymode and USF4 makes you work for it and learning one frame links which is very satisfying
>seems like you lose life faster in USF4 then you do in SF5
>i feel that SF5 has better new characters then 4 had. Half of 4's new characters ignores footsies(Elf, Viper, maybe Seth)
>Ultras has more various uses then VTriggers. A lot of Vtriggers in 5 either gets overshadowed by a better trigger because its better or its design sucks

AAing might be easier but it sure has a shittier payout.

i think is a testing ground for sf vi

When the fuck is season 4? Are they seriously going to wait until EVO to announce new shit? At least fucking say something like they don't want to fuck up the balance during CPT by introducing new characters or something.

oh yes few things to add

>In 4, while all the characters have their own unique hitboxes, its annoying how janky they are(Blanka and Elena hitboxes are retarded). In SF5, everyone has the same hitbox(except Abagail)
>both games has awful lag. 4's laggy input in laggy matches nulling execution Vs 5's rollback lag which makes you think you you hit your opponent but you didnt and teleporting everywhere aka "nothin personel kid"

I think it's come a long way since release. It still has problems, but so does ST, Third Strike, and IV. As it is now now the balance is relatively good for most characters beside a few like Alex and Vega.

Also they added my main finally after years without him despite being a staple character.

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I actually tried out SF4 again recently too.
-I'd say AAing is about the same but SF4 has more characters with shit useless AAs. It really depends on the character. I dont think any character in SFV has an aa like Sakura as an example. That thing was super good.
-1f links are shit and SF was never about that before 4.
-SFV is actually a higher damage game than 4. People die super fast in it. Many SF4 players dont like that.
-ultras are absolutely not more varied. they are literally just damage moves. most players just picked one per character because so many were useless. people only opting for one choice has been a problem with SF from the day they allowed choices though. ST, SFA3,3s,SF4 and SFV are all like that.

Elena is literally buggy because USF4 was rushed and they just copied her from SFxT. The game needed another patch to adjust those new characters.
And yes netcode is fucked in both. in SF4 you have to play around the lag and literally abort your strings or some ken/gief faggot will mash DP/SPD through it. In SFV you are literally fucked when it gets jittery.

nah. AA damage is about the same and in SFV you often get oki from a successful AA which is big.

The damage from normals might be the same but you get a lot more in SF4 from spending meter.
Also you get better oki, I'm not sure what you are talking about unless you mean like Akuma and Ibuki maybe.
Like when the fuck is a Chun doing stand short going to discourage me from jumping when I only need to land it once to remove half her life.

Akuma, ibuki, birdie, balrog, cammy,ken, ryu and many others get oki from AAs.
They can also all spend meter to increase damage.
characters like Birdie and Urien get like fucking 300 damage off an AA.

Chun Li SPECIFICALLY has really disgusting left/right oki after an AA and if she has vt2 ready then god bless your soul.

Works on my PS4

>oki from AA
Unless you keep neutral jumping from half a screen away his stand strong ain't doing shit. Chun dash under is very rarely a problem.
I'm not sure we are playing the same game when you are more afraid of fucking throw/meaty/shimmy oki than SF4 vortex.

he literally gets oki from mk, dashup and chun gets oki even though you claimed otherwise.
fuck off retard.

>no knockdown
Do you have brain problems, child?

its not oki when someone gets air reset with me being heavily plus in his face

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No you wood league faggot. Please understand the difference.
Fucking chimp that thinks an AA dash under is worse than getting knocked down in 4 by the top tier should not be allowed to post on my board.

you backpedaled multiple times and now argue a completely different point.

Don't worry, Evil Kage, Dark Ingrid, and DeeJay will be worth the wait.

I like it but i'm casual trash, haven't got out of bronze since launch

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No, I kept repeating the same thing while you were being absolutely retarded. EU? What do you play?

Same, I feel like when I lose a match I lose way more FP than what I gain with a win

Menat is the best thing that happened to it

yes EU. post CFN and you will get an invite in a minute.

>since launch
How? I bought tbe game three weeks ago and have got to silver, dropped to high Ultra Bronze though. Just understand your basic combos, concepts like AA, and be patient and you can destroy most of the Ryu/Ken shitters.

Haven't made the same observation, but my biggest obstacle by far is panicking


Post mains.

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this will suck. logging on.

That's not the Italian flag. Hurry up I want to go to sleep.

Match starts>things go fast>drop spaghetti and panic>drop inputs / press random buttons

I need to rebind. I have no HK.
You can keep that one win.

Zeku because no Guy/Maki yet.

Play some shit against cpus I guess, spaghetti is fine at first, I still have moments where I do shit like waste my v trigger in panic, but if you have owned the game for years like said you have little excuse. You grind that shit out. One day in my first week I lost like eight matches in a row and dropped from Super Bronze to fucking Rookie, it sucks but I just kept playing. Learn to balance your time between playing online and labbing stuff in training mode. There's a shit ton of guides and resources, use them.

it is probably the most disappointing fighting game i ever played only loosing to fighterz

what a waste of effort.

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I found the cast incredibly homogenized. All the DLC sucked except G
Cody's bastardization ruined SF as a series for me

This glorious ruler

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forgot to add.

Different from fighterZ i can see why people would like the game. I dont see how people could care about SF5 besides money matches and sponsorship.

Waifus dont really count since everything can have cute waifus.

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Good taste, her and Eagle deserve more appearances.

Zeku is pretty cool though, shame his young form overshadows his old form.

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I just want F.A.N.G in SF6

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I dont mind dropping points so that is not an issue. Its my first fighter I really play, so maybe I am just a really slow learner. I always lab between matches, watch the videos, read the stuff. I can aa dp semi-consistently and when I get my shit together I can reach 1500 points. What do you think the labbing time should be?

I think you mean f"butt"inating.

This is my first fighter too really, been messing with fightcade shit too but still.

For me I started by watching a quick guide for my character. I got used to his specials, movement, and some simple combos. I wpuld play online and try to aware of my playing. I would go back to the guide and try to notice things I wasn't utilizing correctly or even using, that was when I would lab shit.

A flawed game design that has been very, very slowly built up around the outside, but is still just as flawed. The "everybody's best poke is also their best combo starter" criticism is still there among all the other issues. Its issues are a contributor to other fighting games having a stronger foothold on the market (which is a good thing).

That said all the big bodies in it are fun to play in a vacuum (Abigail is fun as hell, Alex lariats are cool, Birdie and Gief have cool reworks), the newcomer designs are overall great, and the vast majority of the girls are hot as fuck.

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Same. Normalfags hated him but I found him one of the most interesting newcomers, it would be a shame if shit like Ed or Abigail came back but not him.

There's a king missing here.

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He'll just join the pile of weirdos that they'll put back in to shock people. He's not so hated he'll never ever come back, like Rufus, Fuerte or Necalli

>>some of the girls in sfv are arguably their most attractive versions of themselves yet
>based cody became a wagecuck
>man hands chun li
hell no

>Reformed, more mature Cody becoming mayor of Metro City to help clean up its rampant crime
Also manhands Chun was much worse in 4, which also had a less attractive model overall. I don't know if 5 Chun is hotter than 3 Chun but it's close at least.

Did you stick to a main? Might be part of the problem that I switched from necalli to zeku to sagat, who are all quite different.

>wage cuck
he's the god damn mayor of his city
he was a street punk turned hero turned criminal and now hes the mayor
get the fuck out of here
only one who got a shit job was sakura who works at a game center

Menat is one of the few good things about it.

Boring to watch. Some good fan arts here and there but lack of decent doujins.

There was an attempt.

GGs though.

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GGs dogshit retard, too drunk to react to shit and I kept dropping combos.
SF4 where your character doesn't play neutral for you like the braindead faggot you are?

I dont play SF4 anymore. Quit that like a bad habit like all smart people.
Hold that L.

Yeah, I main Sagat. There were some hurdles with him, even now I still find myself struggling to read jumps and do a light DP since that's his only real AA option, but his simplicity has made things pretty smooth. Finding a character can be tough, I totally get that, but don't be so quick to always dismiss a character if you lose a few rounds. Some characters like Menat aren't beginner friendly but if you truly like the character and are dedicated stick with them.

It's Birdie, not that bothered by it to be honest. Keep rolling your head on normals and get sweeped lmao.

well dont leave us in suspense who won

>this fucking salt
I don't understand how people still don't realize that posting excuses, insults and complaints after you lose literally always makes you look like a tremendous faggot. Why do they still do it?

Holy shit LTG posts on Yea Forums

It's just friendly banter, I wanted to play more. Just something I find more fun.

The retard who thinks command throwing after an AA reset is oki.

>this assblasted over some casual games with an user

Me. The one who said that oki after anti air is strong in SFV.
Proved it by anti airing him into oki.

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Jesus christ, are you feelfaggots really forgot how this board used to be before your cancerous kind invaded? I'm not mad, I'm just telling it like it is.

It's salt and you're just making yourself look more retarded. Hold your L like a good boy and stop embarrassing yourself.

You beat him 10-0? Christ no wonder he's mad as hell.

Literally trash game.

Everybody just plays top tier braindead characters like Abigail.

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Well he got one round when I didnt have HK bound. You can count that I guess.

You're still wrong even though you beat him. If they aren't getting up after knockdown it isn't oki.

Mike Ross is an idiot, it's not even the worst game on the EVO lineup this year. SFV is no masterpiece, but saying "one of the worst fighting games I ever played" when shit like New Generation and CTB exist is just being stupid.

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Fuck off back to /fgg/ friend (:

Maybe he hasn't played New Generation and CTB?

mike ross played like three fighting games in his life.

>u mad dude
>so mad
Damn Dr. Seuss, chill the fuck out. Are you really too young to have experienced trash talk?
Bitchboy won, now I want some SF4 action. You up or you pussies don't even play?

Abigail player detected.

hold your L and stop embarrassing yourself

I know for a fact he's played CTB and I would be very surprised if he's never played New Generation.

>He's still trying to act tough after getting washed 10-0

Calm down there sweetie.

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I play him for like three weeks now. What are your buttons in mid to close range? his st.mk doesnt cancel and I find his st.mp animation a little awkward. st.hk is good but often gets ducked under. So I mostly try to block and punish with something like st.mp>cr.mp>dp/tk or st.lp>st.lk>dp/tk

Scrubby to play, boring to watch. Bad netcode never got fixed.

SFV was infinitely worse than SF4 in every conceivable way. It's a fact that if people were given the choice between the two without Capcom basically forcing players to switch over, they'd pick SF4 easily hands-down without a shadow of a doubt 100% of the time over dogshit SFV

>trash talking when you lost

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His crMP is an amazing button in the midrange since it's also cancelable. It can confirm into medium Tiger Knee from most ranges (and if it doesn't combo, it's probably safe anyway) and you can also auto pilot into fireball. His crMK is also good despite being 10 frames, it has great range for a low and you can get nice conversions from crMK xx ex low shot. stLK buffered into ex low shot is also pretty strong. stMK and stHK are mainly just poking tools but they're both good at that, and you can get a DP from a CC stHK in neutral.

I want more games, it's really not that hard to understand.

>there are worst games

Sounds like you need to practice a bit first :^)

Then why not just ask for more games rather than embarrassing yourself and becoming a scrub quote?

>boring to watch.
Woah there. I don't play fighters at all but I find 5 interesting to watch. I put it below Tekken, above Sm4sh, above DoA, below MvCI or UNIST and above DBFZ

Shit Fighter IV 1.1 that ruined the franchise

Every SF4 revival attempt has failed though, and one of the dudes who tried running one said that people would rather bitch about SF5 than play SF4. People might not like SF5 but they don't want to go back either because SF4 is just as, if not more fucked than SF5 is or ever was.

>I don't like my CFN ID and want to change it
>Don't have the FM for it
>Don't want to pay real world money to do it
>Just don't play the game anymore instead even though I find it okay
Am I autistic?

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I prefer SF4, but I disagree. SF5 was clearly made to cater to people who thought SF4 was too difficult to play.

Nigga Poongko won't even stream SF4 anymore and he's far better in that then he is in 5. J.Wong goes hard on 5 but the only time he ever boots up 4 is to prove examples before he just goes back to playing 5 and he has the least invested in playing that game for streams.

Don't like 5 enough. It's a game I hop on when I had a few beers.

I did ask to play 4? I mean Birdie is definitely a troglodyte character so there is that too.

I don't necessarily agree with the previous post, but those people focus on SFV more because they're pro players and SFV tournaments are more common/pay more than SF4 tournaments.

You don't get to whine like a bitch about the dude's character when you got 10-0'd. Learn the MU and hold your L.

Standing medium kick is a great poking tool. Standing heavy kick is also good as you can combo from it but it whiffs on crouch so it's risky.
Normally I use standing medium punch as it links into a ton of shit, including itself.


This video was really helpful for me when I started with him. Good and easy to understand overview and analysis of his buttons.

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>I find 5 interesting to watch
Tournament viewership for everything that isn't EVO has dropped like a rock these past few years.

Based and brownpilled

Okay? You gonna see me ingame or ride on someone else's win like the bitchmade faggot you are?

>Nigga Poongko won't even stream SF4 anymore
He streams SF4 every week. Shit, he was streaming it a day or two ago for hours.

Agree with cr.mp. Seems like I need to lab reaction times, I don't think I can cancel from a single normal. One more thing, is there ever a reason to use forward st.hk?

I'm NA. I'm not fucking with cross-ocean connection in either game.

Read up on subjectivity, it will make your life easier.

Nice dodge.

Blame scheduling and announcements. I live in Atlanta and I outright missed final round because I forgot when it was every year and my twitter feed was silent until people actually got there. Had to watch it on stream like a mong.

But EVO? Pretty much the same time and the entire year feels like it's built with it as it's final destination as opposed to these games relative finals.

Least Tekken's community is getting bigger as it allows the tournaments to last longer comparatively after the jobber pools are over

Is he? I haven't watched him for like awhile since he stopped but the last time I watched his stream he still had that shit in his stream talking about SFIV stream was 100 USD or some shit because some dummy kept asking him to stream it.

fHK is your best CC punish starter, and in neutral it can catch people neutral jumping your fireballs. It also has utility as a meaty since it's +3 on block and almost no one will actually know that, so it's a guaranteed counter hit afterwards.

The women is the only thing good about it

oh yeah, I forgot about the cc. cool shit dude, thanks.

also thanks

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SF4 is trash man.

What does the meta look like at the moment? Who is top tier? What makes someone top tier?

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As long as the background isn't too gradient and is very simple, you can easily make Wallpapers with MSPaint.

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I think I'm bad at street fighter games and I don't want to put forth the effort to get good at them

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Haven't played it since Capcom Cup last year, since they apparently don't give a flying fuck about keeping the fans interested.

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If you can be good in Street Fighter the skills transfer over to almost every other fighting game

Haven't played since the start of December last year. Any substantial changes since then? Might jump back in once I've wrapped up my projects.

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Nah, game is still as is. People are still freaking the fuck out because Capcom hasn't said anything about another character or whatever. I dunno game feels well balanced this time around.

make another account, pay up or deal with it. dont drop the game because of something so stupid.

It's alright but people are freaking out because they don't know for how much longer is the game going to be supported. And Ono's posts at one point sounded a lot like somebody not involved on the project in particular anymore.

Which. I guess is kind of fair given the initial reception of V and MVC:I

Why'd they change Claw into a non charge character?

More mobility
The only Claw main I know loves the new one so I guess they did it right.

All the characters have homogenized playstyles that are too dependent on knockdown pressure. Normals are too stubby for footsies to play a significant role. The way they've done balancing is seriously questionable, with them nerfing concepts across the board instead of buffing the individual characters, leaving fighters like Vega perpetually bottom-tier.

Boring to play, fun to watch


It's boring, it's an ugly game, it still has severe offline (and online) variable input lag, Crapcom keeps disappointing fans, community is toxic as fuck, and they won't stop playing the series no matter how shitty it becomes...

G is bottom tier and there were what? 3 of them in top 8?

I don't play fighting games but I remember reading this eventhubs.com/news/2018/oct/23/street-fighter-5s-input-lag-reportedly-reduced-441-frames-and-77-stability-according-findings-wydd/
when my friends were talking about it that they reduced all lag across the board.

Only nips think he's bottom tier

Currently I'd say Akuma, Birdie, Rashid, Karin, Ibuki and Menat are at the top.
There are way more characters capable of winning events at the time.

I think characters need to have strong neutral and at least a decent comeback factor to win. Doesnt have to be a strong vtrigger, good conversions and oki are often enough. Karin is a good example of that.



>throws a tantrum
classic Yea Forums

Is Menat still good after the nerfs? people have been dropping her

Sako and Wong still play her. She's still strong. She was retardedly good before the nerfs.
I think the only MU that absolutely ruins her is Rashid so many are learning pocket characters. Sako has a pocket Kage and Infiltration (RIP) had a pocket Juri.

She's not in her own tier SFIV launch Sagat style so people have gone back to their mains.

What's up with Infiltration anyways. I thought he was only excluded from last years CPT. Was it this years CPT as well?

>a pocket Kage
I find this so funny because I got the impression that he was considered almost bottom of the barrel low tier like Vega. Is he specifically good against Rashid or was Sako betting on matchup unfamiliarity?

I forget, what happened with Infiltration?

Accused of beating his wife and dragged through court. I don't know exactly what the outcome of the case was but regardless he's out of CPT for a while.

Right now the best characters imho are Rashid, Akuma, Ibuki, Birdie, Dictator, in that order.
Menat was carried super hard by 2-bar VT1. Sako's performance has fallen off a lot and Jwong is still inconsistent, and basically every other Menat player has dropped her or just seen less success. She also gets raped by Dictator who is extremely strong now, so she has a lot of trouble with the strong characters. You definitely need a sub if you want to play her now.

Nah, like I said Abigail's reveal was the point of no return. If I were to get back into fighters now it'd be going back to DBFZ. MK11 looks pretty bad too but I'll buy it and play for maybe a month.

they banned him from the CPT finals and this years entire CPT

Dunno maybe he just likes him because he has some meme potential with VT1.
Maybe he banks on a S4.5 patch that buffs him.
Juri wasnt super great either but Infiltration used her against Rashid and succeeded. Rather play a lower tier than a SHIT matchup I guess.

no he is only excluded from this years CPT.
he's growing a scene in korea though. you can see him stream sometimes but its mostly in korean.

His wife tried to socially assassinate him and the execs did the knee jerk thing and ousted him from two tournaments for his "penalty"

The court documents saying he dindu nuffin are all online as are all the trophies he had that the crazy bitch broke. Right now he streams regularly and is creating scenes in his area for fighting games

Turned out that he was the one who got beat on instead of him beating on his wife. and all of this because he didn't want to stay with her anymore

The game is about 4.5 frames on PS4 and 3 frames on PC. I can't find the tweet about PC but here's the data for PS4: twitter.com/WydD/status/1054804594730196992

worse than mvci?

Abigail is hilarious though.

Also whats funny is everybody was bullying Capcom because of the Abigail reveal at EVO while others got Jubei, Geese and Trunks but Abigail is the only character that still sees any play in 2019 lmao.

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IIRC his ex girlfriend and maybe someone else(?) made dude look he had been beating the dogshit out of her. I think it was found out that he bruised her wrist grabbing because she was being a lunatic after they broke up or something.

MVCI isnt even a bad game. The publicity and the xmen situation just broke it.
SFV is better though.


Never mind, here's the PC data. No one is lying.

People go where the money's at based retards. You think all the diehard melee players prefer to play ultimate at EVO or that anyone knew what Undernightgivesbirth was a month ago? If you remove Elena and a few other moronic balance changes they made in Ultra, SFIV is the better game by a mile.

The most easy to play, Gen Z friendly cash shop disguised as a video game in history. If you were to tell me it was a mobile app, I'd believe it. Ultra SF IV is still the best in the franchise and can't be beat.

Abigail is hilarious and I like watching people mong with him as much as I liked watching Seth in SFIV. Maybe even more so with how funny his shit is


Abigail's design and size disgusts me.

Objective answer: Like every single SF game ever, it only got better with further editions/updates. It's still behind 3S/USF4, but it's not terrible anymore.

>they play for the money
Yes, in the genre where only a small few can make money from events and and an even smaller few can win consistently, all of these people are playing for the money.


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What about the leaked court transcripts of him beating her like a fucking lunatic? Or were they all fake?

SF4 will never be good as long as it keeps garbage like focus.

This needs to go on the "Yea Forums plays fighting games" compilation

You should be glad V killed IV fast so people can still pretend it's good.

they were "leaked" on fucking r/kappa of all places. of course it was fake.

officially he bruised her wrist and paid like 600$ or something for that.

Those were all heavily edited and basically fake. The only thing that was confirmed is that he potentially bruised her wrist and paid a fine for it, which is something that could have accidentally occurred in an otherwise non-violent argument.

He got fucked. There was a group in Korea (most likely fed by his ex-wife) that was trying to assassinate his character by spreading a bunch of lies around the situation. Panda Global did a quite thorough investigation that basically exonerated him, but they dropped him anyway because of the bruised wrist thing. Pretty dumb.

I thought Geese is still relatively popular in Tekken? Did he get changed a lot in recent patches?

I'm talking about the actual investigation
>Player contacts Ms. X to inform her he will come the following day with his mother to collect his belongings from a home that Ms. X was living in. Ms. X responds that she will not allow it unless he agrees to continue their relationship and move back into the home.

You're talking about those "leaked" transcripts on reddit. Which was made by a guy who literally prefaced it by saying he had a personal stake in disliking infiltration.

Apparently that shit was fabricated or made up by someone trying to help slander dude. I remember when that came out especially because it looked really bad.

>muh input lag
>muh Abigail
>muh [insert old ass FGC quote]
Stop being stuck in 2017 Yea Forums

Damn, and everyone was shit talking him everywhere online, not just in FGC circles, solely because of those transcripts and they were all fake? Christ what a shit show. I bet not even half the people who made all those wifebeater memes even know he did nothing wrong. Social media is fucking scary.

never forget how kappa backstabbed infiltration just because he dared to play SFV.
biggest hive of niggers on the internet.

I thought no one used VT1 because VT2 gives you a hard knockdown off of literally anything you can cancel from. Maybe you could meme out a few wins like that VT2 ken using shinryuken to go through whirlwind shots that no one really got used to.

*saves SFV*

Attached: sfv-ae-g-speech.jpg (750x400, 121K)

Someone on /fgg/ translated him talking on stream and the whole thing broke Infiltration. He couldn't leave the house because people were taking photos of him and calling him a wifebeater.

>a small few
Maybe 10 years ago, if you don't live under a rock every big city has weekly tournaments and majors monthly that get attendees in the 4 digits. Competitive games are driven by the "esport" scene whether you like it or not. If someone invests a few millions in that garbage new Power Rangers fighting game everyone will gobble it up and make it the best thing ever like that couldn't even learn their BnBs in IV and are now competent enough to defend a game they can win in for the first time in their life.

I'm actually not following what he is using in tournaments, but VT1 is the type of thing that would get Sako interested in a character.
People are finding new shit for it, dunno how legit it is overall.

It's still just as bad and not even the perfect ass and tits can change that.

VT1 has a lot of depth and there's no shortage of cool tech with it. There was one example where you can cancel into the teleport from a blocked tatsu and you get mixups from it. It just doesn't have the easy damage potential of VT2 but I think it's probably the better V-Trigger if you put the work in.

>If someone invests a few millions in that garbage new Power Rangers fighting game everyone will gobble it up
ARMS had a better prize pool than tekken so did Pokken but people still play what they like COMPARATIVELY.

You're not entirely wrong. But there are limits.

nice joke. NRS games always have the biggest prize pools and nobody gives a fucking shit about them.
tell me why anybody would want to waste his time with pitiful pots in SFV when the competition is so ridiculous when they could just play the newest NRS turds and farm events for free like that gay furry.

also SF4 is trash.

He's cleared his name to the people that actually care about him as if there was ever a doubt in my mind but it's a shame that anybody had to go through that.

NLBC is probably the biggest local in the country for SFV and they still struggle to break a $1000 pot. There's barely any money in FIGHTING GAMES, period, to seriously suggest that everyone is playing for the pittance that is in this genre and they don't care about the game at all is retarded. The reality is that the people who don't have sponsors can't and don't travel, and don't compete, especially if they don't like the game. Chris T has basically stopped competing now that he lost his sponsor since he doesn't like the game that much. There's not enough money at stake to play for the money.

And like it or not, SFIV has actual issues that plague it's core game design. Focus attack IS cancer and Ultras are a garbage robbery mechanic. Your game is not perfect, and if it was maybe one of the 1000 revival attempts would have taken hold. Eat shit.


>Those horns

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I can log onto fightcade and find more people to play 30 year old shit with with than in fucking SF4, a game that was once the biggest fighter around.

Nobody actually wants to play that game.

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his V trigger is OP

You can say what you want about SFV but you cannot deny that the music is god-tier.

I didn't like it more than 70% of SFxT but it's really warmed on me.

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It really makes you wonder what the fuck they were thinking with the Yuri theme

I also legitimately though the music team lost his old style until he just came out of nowhere with youtube.com/watch?v=vzoRarGCINw

Juri* fuk

many different artists working on the themes. guess that one was just shitty or had a bad day.

Reminder that Infiltration lost a year of his life and his Evo trophies were smashed

How do I find a gf like this?

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Boring ugly garbage

why do people say this have you never played third strike? V is shit in comparison




user. Especially when talking about the music you're talking with people who own most of the OSTs in one form or another. No Jive isn't shit in comparison. It's actually really good.

I like 3rd strike in particular because I'm a big fan of DnB and it's full of it but when I compare that to the EX+@ title (the first one anyways) I think I'd rather have more of that. This is in no way saying 3rd strike is bad, Jive is better, or EX is best, just that I prefer one over the other and even trying to say one is bad is quite silly.

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I can't wait until SFVI comes out next gen and everyone starts dickriding V instead.


Reminder he got perfected by a Smash player and went nuclear on Twitter for over 13 hours.

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alright, we're gonna run that back

You do know it's possible to think more than one thing is good, right?

>nobody gives a fucking shit about them
Again, do you live under a rock? Maybe go out of your basement for once and check your locals. Injustice didn't get that traction but MKX has been going strong. >There's barely any money in FIGHTING GAMES, period
Completely disagree. There's a lot of money being poured into fighting games in the past 5 years, you wont see that money in prize pots. Organizers and players live off of advertisement, some of the "pro commentators" quit their jobs and earn more in a single event than what they did during IV's era in year.
>focus bad eat shit
Maybe if you weren't trash you would learn how to play in 10 years or you're the average moba zoomer that can finally compete. Either way your post only verifies you have nothing to do with the FGC and never attended an event in your miserable life. Keep sucking up what twitch and r/kappa feeds you with while having no idea what goes behind the scenes dear subhuman.

He's not wrong that focused was kind of fucked and the fact that delayed wake up and red focus even needed to exist is also a bit silly.


No one even mentioned Third Strike. What is the point of this post?

I'll be honest I find a lot of of 3S ost boring and repetitive. It was cool for it's time and there weren't and aren't a lot of fighting games that went for that sound. There are very few songs from the game that I actually like listening to though.

Injustice had gigantic Warner Bros funded tournament pools you fucking retard.

Both MKX and IJ died out fast at events, even the ones bankrolled harder than anything Capcom does.

it's not like it's devoid of appeal, but every single design choice woshige brought to the table is awful, what a fucking joke.

You seem more like the average r/kappa poster given your blind fanboyism towards SFIV. My criticism of the game mechanics has nothing to do with my skill, but keep strawmanning. You have no argument.

focus is trash, sf4 is trash and you're trash.

the eternal 09er strikes again

lmao 3rd strike is hot garbage

Woah there. Most of the songs were unique sounding enough and I still throw that shit into my playlists

The game was arguably released in beta, and could only be considered a full title with all the season 3 characters. Capcoms sheer greed is the reason this got mediocre reviews, had they released on day one as it is now then the playerbase would be massive. Companies aren't grasping the fact that if you shit on customers then they shit back, or they simply don't care, as EA can attest to.

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G got my interested in the game again.
In game advertisements and FM nerfs killed it for me.
Season 4 deadline made me move over to Tekken and Soul Calibur.

Fuck off 09er you have no argument.

What he said is pretty reasonable though. The launch was a shitshow and basically indefensible. The game is in a decent state NOW.

>had they released on day one as it is now
You fucking what? Al 3 seasons worth of characters in a game that was having problems pushing one out every few months?
Is Arcsys the most jewish company on the planet then?
How about T7's S1?

Like the launch WAS a fuckup but for actual reasons
>netcode was awful
>Ghosting from aforementioned netcode
>no normie i.e me approved modes like arcade
>AI worse than the AI in 4
>input lag
Your post is wild man.

no sean no makoto no buy. as a matter of fact thanks to the mess that is 5 i tried tekken and i like it.

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>has never played Tekken ever before until V fucked up it's launch
I swear this board sometimes

V > Tekken
you have no argument

What? I like both you goon. Quit being defensive on this topic.

I was just poking at user that he's never played a fighting game.

imagine asking for those trash characters. especially sean.

Why does everyone shit on V but still love Kekken 7 when it's worse in almost every department compared to 6 and Tag 2?

Because while it may be worse mechanically it's still fun at a casual level (where most people are at) and still fun to watch (which V is admittedly too)

They may have INTENDED to make V more casual friendly. But it is not. For years online in IV I teched maybe two dozen grabs and spent the rest of my life doing lights into scissors. Plenty of people were worse than me but could do "well" online. That is NOT the case in V. Get stuffed too hard for turning my brain off. The end result is that I don't play V that much and just stick to watching tournaments.

I agree bro. I'm facerolling everyone in Tekken 7, a pretty casual and easy game. SFV is a bit too mechanically advanced for me though but I'm still happy to play it as it is the best fighting game ever made.

I prefer motion to charge but I really don’t like Vega’s new moveset outside of having a ground command grab now.

its trendy to fellate tekken and shit on sfv.

I find it a lot less fun than SF4. But I also seem to suck a ton more.
I could go fairly far in pools at majors for SF4 but I haven't made it out of pools since S1 in SFV. Can't even make it out of Gold online, but it's rare that I can get a match where neither me nor my opponent are getting rollback.

I guess I relied on meterless reversals, easier whiff punishes and OP command grabs too much or something and don't have the kind of mind necessary for truly outthinking opponents as SFV seems to require. It's very depressing.

I know you're being facetious to prove a point but I like Tekken too and don't find V as fun to play because I can't play in V like I did in 4 and see success.

Where as I can still beat half the people I meet in T7. The last time I played V I had a 30 lose streak. Like I'm not good at these games. But I see more success in T7 than I do in V.

So did they just give up on season 4 or something? Kage is a pretty lame note to end on for new characters.

Woah now Kage is cool. But the scuttlebut is that Capcom has a bunch of... somethings planned for 2020. We don't even know if that's a fighting game. But from how Ono was sounding, he's on something else as well. And Tsujimoto is over that division so there's definitely something planned to happen at some point. But probably not for V anymore.

Ono was gathering feedback through Capcom USA when he was last in NA, and was surprised to find out that people were wanting and expecting more characters.
He pledged to bring that feedback back to the dev team. But it's fairly indicative that they've got nothing of that sort brewing if it was completely new news to them.

I'm pissed that nobody was screaming at him about fixing async rollback.

More than likely trying to prep and budget for SFVI while figuring out their stopping point for SFV.

Ono got fired so it sounds like their figuring shit out. They said season 4 is goimg to be "different", whatever that means. People are thinking we won't have new characters until at least evo in August.

They're probably waiting until the new console gen for 6

>while figuring out their stopping point for SFV.
The stopping point is probably going to be at the end of this year or next years CPT. That makes the most sense.

Was he fired?

Fun but fell out of it because of other options. Also the drought of content lately prevents me from jumping in again.

they probably dont want to interrupt cpt until sf6 is out. capcom just invested into esports shit so I assume they want to keep the momentum

no, he just isn't heading the fighting game division any more

He's no longer in charge of the fighting game division. Not fired, he's still at capcom, but not as important anymore.

Probably for the best, though he did seem to have good intentions.

I don't know how anyone can hate that little motherfucker. Dude can actually get out there, goof around, and be likeable. He managed to be the Ed Boon for a series he didn't even create.

AFAIK no other company has the infrastructure in the fgc esports scene like Capcom does so they're not letting that (the scene or their influence) shit die. Especially when one of the citations in 2018's report was directly citing the 2020's esports in the olympics.

Everybody cited the 2020 and 2022 from Capcom to Konami.

So I imagine everybody is doing their best to get their hands in that pie.

>people actually think SFVI is happening soo
Not for another two years, and that's at the least.

well obviously not until next gen.

Capcom USA made them rush out SFV a year and a bit early. They'll probably do that again.

Huh? We're saying it's not happening until the next gen user.

Yeah that is why right now sounds like about when they would start prepping up for SFVI.

>no arcade mode
lmao keep zooming

He makes questionable decisions, thlugh as a representative he's fantastic. He does genuinely care about the series and what people are saying, it's just how he addresses problems always seems half assed. To be fair though, that probably is more just Capcom being Capcom and Ono trying his best to make things look better.

He needs to be nerfed hard, his grab range is fucking retarded and he shouldnt fucking have a teleporting dash.

The only good thing to come from SFV was that delicious, incredible Cammy model too sexy to be on live, and Laura

I mean it's obvious that all the talent went to detail Cammy's perfect everything so fucking much. The pussy lips, the ass, the perfect abs, the perky tits that got the nipple bumps removed because holy fuck, it was too much for any dick to handle. The voice and perfect face and expressions, holy shit.

But as far as the game goes, meh. It's a footsie 1 or two hit trades and a super tryhard combo that demolishes one player. Doesn't feel hype or fun.

The first SF I've ever disliked. The piecemeal roster model can fuck right off. It's ridiculous that I can not train as or against a character because I haven't paid more money on top of buying the game to do so.

That fact alone got it uninstalled on principle. I've gone back to 3rd Strike for now.

Daily reminder that Mike Ross got 17th at the most stacked Goober tournament with a low tier character.

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Adapt. Every v trigger is usually for offense anyway.

>says he hates character.
>plays character.

>The piecemeal roster model can fuck right off.
yeah it's so much worse than having to fucking buy an entirely new game

You what.
>i've gone back to 3rd strike
Do you seriously not see the irony here?
How was New Generation treating you. What about 2nd impact?

I swear the posts on this board.

its extra funny because ng had 10 characters in the roster and half of them were clones.

Mike 'This is America' 'WAXL' Ross.

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tokido said in an interview he prefers 5 than 4 and the fans went ape shit, i saw it on valee twitter

Mike "no happy birthday" Ross

he even prefers 5 than classics, wtf

Never got what he meant by this comment. Like at S1 for SFV at Final Round he shouts out "hey it's that guy Mike Ross". And I go up to him and shake his hand and shoot the shit with him. And then I see Gootecks and he obviously looks like he just landed but he's willing to shoot the shit

But then on twitter he's talking about how people only cared that he's popular and don't like the real him.

Like what should I have done my dude

This gen sucks with some of the attitudes of people walking in and thinking every game should start with thirty something characters.

He's just pulling a Chappelle and realising that fame sucks

He wants to be special, that reddit AMA was funny you could feel and taste the salt

>Cammy's perfect everything
and then they added that airthrow.

Mike "please like me" Ross

SFV has the best business model of any current gen fighter. It also has the best gameplay, roster, and soundtrack of any SF game.

Attached: comparison.png (1562x1420, 1.1M)

Make a bunch of money in the first world, then travel to some poor country like Brazil, you'll be ablle to get multiple gfs depending on how much you saved.

Use any dating app there if you have a hard time interacting with people naturally, and be upfront about being loaded.

AE/AE2012 and Ultra were pretty cheap upgrades. SF4 was the only one that cost more, and it was still only $40, you got everything immediately, and it was accompanied with a huge apology by Capcom about how they screwed up the DLC system in vanilla SF4 and so they needed a full new release.

It's weird that you still can't buy fight money.


b-but DBFZ is the SF5 k-killer

wut why would you want to do that?

5 isnt the best SF, no way but i do believe it is a good game, the hate for SF is always a trend with every new game

why the fuck would you buy FM?

I mean. It was. Or rather. It killed MvC:I. Frankly DBFZ did it's job at getting people into fighting games as a whole. So while I am sad that MvC:I is dead as shit I'm pretty glad it had it's time. Tekken keeps seeing a boost upward. Which is neat. And more people play UNIST which is neat as well.

I think people who either never played or only played season one complain a lot about it but it's a pretty good game and a worthy successor to the name.

What happened to broski-kun

I love my wife Menat


The gain is very low, so if you've expended it already you're not going to be able to get a lot of the cosmetics.

Obviously it would be better if they reversed their prior nerfs to fm gain.

>it killed MvC:I
can't kill what was dead on arrival

I thought she had armpit hair for a second. Now I'm disappointed.

Even being a lazy asset rip game CTB is leagues above SF5.

I'm pretty sure the implication is "worst game he played at high competitive level".

When will she finally rape Ryu?

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True enough

If whoever was pushing her had his say. That would have been Ingrid.

menat best girl

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MvC:I killed itself, it wasnt DBFZ and casuals picking a fighting game because of nostalgia will guarateed a drop in the playerbase so quick

Fucking shit taste

yeah but you only use FM for what? costumes and stages so you can may as well pay it already instead of buying other currency for the same shit and extra battles are for people that play the game so not selling FM is their way of keeping people playing

I think the pacing of the matches and the fluidity of attacks and movement puts it above the others by a decent margin.
Though I still do love 2 and Alpha, 3S feels more like an anime game than SF and doesn't have many characters. They also canned the cool stage transitions between 2nd Impact and Third Strike (iirc).
4 is good but held down by focus attack and slow ass hard KDs. Delay wakeup and red focus are probably some of the shittiest attempts at balancing I've ever seen too.

>doesn't have many characters
What? It has 19 if you don't count Gill, that's plenty. People are spoiled now

>Though I still do love 2 and Alpha
Immeduately followed by
>3S feels more like an anime game than SF
Fucking what? Alpha games are anime as fuck with how broken they are.

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I love her so much

Gameplay very stale, lack of combo variety , only kept alive because it's the recent title

>lack of combo variety
How dare people do optimal combos.

>because it's the recent title
is that why SfxT died so quickly. Capcom certainly thought it was the next step for the brand because it was the last OST included in the 20th anniversary box which I own.

I prefer the Xrd model. DLC characters being free for the first week was a big plus, game was regularly priced lower than competitors during sales, no need to grind fight money or install a rootkit just to play the game I paid for, no in-game ads or additional stages locked behind a pay wall and most importantly the game itself isn't shit.

>because it's the recent title
yeah same reason MvC: I did so well

>I prefer the Xrd model.
Not him but lets take a look at this

>Charges money for updates
That's already a minus

>Grind fight money
Grind actual money
>Priced lower during sales
Can't get lower than 15 USD but we'll come back to that.
>for the first week
Which people who waited for a sale don't have access to. Characters are priced at the highest on the market at a whopping 8 USD on the ps4.
>additional stages
Less additional stages.

There's other shit that pisses me off about Xrd in particular
>Pay for colors
>pay for system voices
>pay for avatars
>character pricing

I frankly hated the Xrd model. I hated being forced to pay money for an update. And while I like Xrd and arcsys in general it's why I've adopted a wait forever mentality.

Yeah I realized that was a hypocritical thing to say. I suppose I simply have fond memories of Alpha. The art and roster are pretty great too.
Except for when a new version of the game comes out and you have to buy that at full price then later get hit with an additional 20 dollar fee to play the newest balance patch.
Having the option to earn characters is infinitely better than being forced to purchase them too. Especially if you want to compare bonuses for getting the game early. SFV threw so much money at you there was no way to not have 100k stocked at any given time.

Nigga you can make a new family account on psn/steam and you can play any character in sfv for free, allthough you do have to start your ranked grind from the beginning. Sfv is literally the only fighting game that lets you do that

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thoughts on kolin?

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Kolin has thighs for days and some of some of those outfits are a dicks demise

Why don't you post some actual footage of her instead of this pathetic Menat copycat.

>Why don't you post some actual footage of her instead of this pathetic Menat copycat.

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