So how hyped are you for the Muv-Luv Alternative sequel?
So how hyped are you for the Muv-Luv Alternative sequel?
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Only if the one drawn by Ban
Who's the artist?
>MLA sequel
Admittedly they might fold before it happens.
for anyone getting baited:
this isn't a muv-luv sequel at all. atleast it's not a game.
this is all from a magazine that just has a bunch of lore and "if we ever do a game set in this time it'll have all this cool shit!"
they're never going to actually make it because the company is dying
Excuse me what?
Is it?
How would they even make an Alternative sequel?
Continue that out of place epilogue while Takeru keeps having some PSTD flashbacks?
If they did a sequel it should be from the BETA's POV.
>muv luv 15h anniversary event "delayed" because they had nothing to announce, never got a new date
>parent company renames itself
>DMM gacha game shuts down
>they stop streaming entirely, used to do it once atleast every 2 weeks
>twitter stops posting anything that isn't retarded shit like the SRW mobile game collab
>last game was schwarzesmarken part 2 mid 2017
>they post a user survey that is filled with questions related to mobile games
>as of this post the latest piece of news on their offical website is "happy new year."
Well damn, RIP age
I blame SM2 being lazy as shit.
I blame pandering to EOPs and making shitty gacha games. The same things that killed Light.
They got a lot of money all for a dumb translation though. But yes the mobile meme kills everything
how is age pandering to eops
the only thing that's offically translated is the trilogy
>tfw didn't read alternative
sumika a shit
>hair intakes still exists
God isn't dead just yet.
So he is talking about Exogularity from a while ago? Shame
These are great redesigns; modernized but still clearly recognizable, not like those Yuno ones that get memed to death. Dunno if they're official but I'd be more than okay with those.
Aren't they like super dead? Anyways, not excited. Muh luv turned out to be overhyped garbage.
Of course they're official.
I hate this image
Why are they dying? I thought Kouki was an expert at marketing
the entire VN market in japan is dying because the smartphone and gacha markets keep growing.
the new generation of japanese teenagers has little interest in spending a lot of money on long anime books that are tied to consoles or pcs. they only spend money on LNs and gacha games.
every single VN company is trying to get a slice of the gacha game pie, because all of them will fucking collapse otherwise. any company that doesn't manage to make the switch just collapses right there, look at sprite(aokana) and light(dies irae). but of them tried making a cashcow gacha game and failed. now they're dead.
âge's gacha game just shut down last year and they've been very quiet since then. an obvious solution to this problem would be just releasing VNs on phones, but the problem is that nobody fucking buys phone games despite throwing thousands of dollars into f2p games.
VNs shouldn't be expensive to make in the first place. So many of them got big with only one or two people working on them. Why can't that be the case now?
Voice acting.
Take your pick of the thousands of seiyuu school graduates starving for work.
mostly because industry standards like full voice acting, and a decent length are in place now.
mahou tsukai no yoru had sales around equal to tsukihime and f/sn, despite the type-moon brand being several times more popular, mostly because they decided to have no voice acting at all and around 15h playtime.
they did that because they have autism and not because of money issues, but voice acting still costs a lot of money in japan even if you go don't go with actual anime seiyuus
but I already played the sequel
Aren't those mainly agency fees? Just negotiate a contract with the cast directly, much better for both parties.
Sumika look so cuteeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
But everyone is like you know fucking dead so how?
Clones, nigger.
Brilliant idea, surely no one has ever thought of this before. You've saved VNs, congrats.
Obviously it's not the only problem. VNs in general are kind of a shit medium for storytelling. Most of what people look at are static scenes without movement so it gets tiring in today's short attention span environment. The multiple paths makes progress a chore no matter how interesting you might make bad ends, it breaks the flow of the story and takes you out of the experience. The time investment is too much when people can just watch an anime and get a superior product in their minds. Just a few of many more problems but VNs as they are deserve the death.
Another alternative universe because it's not like the audience gives a shit about the vn making sense.
So the problem with VNs is zoomers being Zoomers? How the fuck do consequences for your choices 'take you out of the experience'?
Most of the time there's one optimal path to see what the VN has to offer, barring bad ends. Breaking this means you have to either reload a save or skip a lot of dialogue/scenes to get where you need to be on the right path. The medium basically created a "non game", where they gamified something that really shoudn't, the act of making choices. At least in this medium, there's no fun to be had in limiting the story flow just to see some interesting events. It isn't the same as a WRPG where there's actual interactivity to be had that correlate with your decisions. Also, most people would rather see a cohesive story with structure. When I went though Danganronpa, I looked up a guide to just get through the trials as quickly as possible since it's all stuff getting in the way of the story. Most people think the same way looking at the decline of VNs. I don't think it's a zoomer thing. I used to read VNs all the time but as you get older it gets harder to make that big time investment. Anime might not have better stories but it's way more passive and can give people the stories they want, at least theoretically.
They released new info? I thought that Age is dead by now since they stopped updating for 6 months.
Yes, I would love to see sequel, anime too maybe. Muvluv deserve much more love and popularity and models made by Bandai instead of Kotobyuka so they would actually be in stock.
I never played Muvluv but felt in love with backstory.
All I see is that you are too busy to truly invest yourself into a vns. Going as far as to prefer anime because it's shorter and gets the point across faster is just disgusting.
If you don't have enough time to read vns then don't, it's that simple.
You're free to make that conjecture however I mainly read manga nowadays. I'm just making the observation of the industry and where it's headed. As it's been stated, gacha games and light novels are still big business and I think both are crap. VNs can still work today but there's problems inherent in the medium.
Please stop this meme. A muvluv anime would never work since the story works so well because it's a VN in the first place.
This. Anime doesn't allow one to hold Ctrl to skip all the boring parts.
It's called the seek bar, bro.
I think the biggest problem is the whole "every ending is canon to Alternative" thing, it'd be pretty difficult to portray that in the same way with an anime without major cuts.
>optimal paths
>in a vn
confirmed for never playing a vn ever.
By optimal, I mean the straight path to the non-bad endings.
It isn't just that, most of the story takes place in Takeru's mind and all of the tension and drama gets built up from that point of view.
Dude wants a kinetic novel.
but Alternative is one
It's been so long that I don't remember if there were choices or not. But, yeah, vns with only one ending are lame as fuck.
Not hyped at all, even if one did exist, since Age hasn't done anything remotely noteworthy with the setting since MLA.
cute sword autist
Anime would help franchise getting more popular and Total Eclipse was fun to watch, unlike what some autists says.
There's nothing to fight about.
It was fun but not very good. Nobody would watch it either even if it was the main story. It's better to be happy with what we have before any more gets tarnished.
>before any more gets tarnished
Too late, Schwarzesmarken happened.
I like to pretend it didn't
Made for anal sex.
But that's wrong, you can't create an heir to the Mitsurugi Financial Group with anal sex.
She needs it.
VN for ants.
best sisters are literally built for procreation
Chizuru's eyebrows aren't thick enough, so I hate it.
This. AF is as good as canon and nothing you say will convince me otherwise.
Is this the ending where Alt V moved people to another planet?
>breeding with Mikoto
Good thread
No. She's a nice girl.
Sumika looks as dumb as ever
Meiya is a slutty girl.
Meiya is wholly innocent, but Tsukuyomi puts strange ideas into her head.
>there are people who skip extra and unlimited and only play alternative.
When is Photonflowers releasing for non backers?
Should have been released by now. No idea what is taking so long.
When you download it off of Sukebei, because why would you give money to something handled by Sekai Project in 2019?
Truly the lowest.
It's up there already?
>why would you give money to something handled by Sekai Project in 2019?
Because I'm an EOP learning Japanese at a snail's crawl and want to support the series.
Shinobi Meiya is cute
A torrent of the backer version was put up almost immediately.
How does it run?
wtf mikoto is a guy
No problems, the torrent comes with the SmartSteam loader and there's a comment on the page that leads to a download for the necessary registries.
While you were wasting time practicing the way of the blade, I was mastering the forbidden arts of idolizing Takeru. You may cut through a man with your blade, but I cut through the universe with devotion.
>"No hard feelings, no matter who wins!"
>"Haha whoops just kidding my jealousy transcends space and time because I didn't win in every timeline"
That's a horrible image. Delete it right now.
I have a paltry amount of Muv Luv reaction images and screencaps. I should really replay the games. How are the non-Meiya and Sumika routes in Extra? Is it true Marimo's is a joke route?
>Is it true Marimo's is a joke route?
yes, it's a joke route. the game just continues as-is/spoiler]
>Is it true Marimo's is a joke route?
Uncensored version is a bad end where she rapes Takeru
Intakes are low-tier
Not sure if it's good or not, though I would have preferred a proper route.
They have drama and if you don't like that then you're in the wrong genre. I really liked them all, but I guess Ayamine's and Chizuru's routes were the "toughest" due to their personalities. Great girls in the end though.
This isn't a Tsukihime situation is it. Is there a sequel actually coming or was it announced years ago and the put onto indefinite hiatus.
Also who's the artist in the OP? I swear I've seen their art somewhere before...
It's a Tsukihime or HL3 situation. As for the artist, I dunno.
Didnt ban draw previous exogularity stuff?