Just beat Sekiro, how does pic related even hopes to compete?

Just beat Sekiro, how does pic related even hopes to compete?

>Generic unrewarding bamham combat
>Literally mash attack while your character does crazy manouvres. Visually impresisve yet mechanically simplistic.
>Weave in some "super cool" samurai arts with a mid-ish cooldown (20-30 secs), that just trivialize the already easy combat
>All characters fellatio you on how much of a badass you are, yet you, as a player, feels apathetic and unchallenged.
>Generic storyline grounded in reality, strong female characters play an important role, of course.
>Predictable plotwist where one of your trusted companions has sold out to the Mongols because "you know we had no change of facing off against them!".
>8-10 hours of playtime.

Prove I'm wrong.

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S0nyggers want to play movies not games

i don't think it aims to compete
i'm just happy for more games in this setting, hopefully it explores more non combat nippon stuff

Yeah they kinda fucked up. If Sekiro and Nioh 1&2 didn't already exist it might be pretty hype, but who on earth is going to choose to play that over a game with actual gameplay?

I'm already sick of feudal Japan now anyway. Lets move on to a different setting. Even in Asia alone theres so much unexplored porential like a three kingdoms RPG, a game set in Japanese-occupied korea, a game set in China at the turn of the 20th century, a game about crime in modern India, a game set in Shouwa era Japan, an action game based on the monkey king, a game about the Philippine drug war etc.

I loved that Detention game so much, just because it actually explored a unique setting. So sick of sengoku period Japan.


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>grounded in reality, strong female characters play an important role
pick one

Even r*ddit is starting to realize that these shitty "cinematic" games are trash after Sekiro. The only ones shilling for Sony games now will be journalists.

This. Japan is so fucking boring as a setting. You see it all the time in anime and vidya.

And yet year after year these cinematic games get tons of praise, and sell insanely well.

It's time to accept that you are niche.


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>8-10 hours of playtime.
You hit the nail on the head with everything but this part. These shitty games usually drag on for 20-30 hours minimum.

Why should I care about sales dumbass? There's nothing wrong with being niche.
See you on r*ddit.

>admitting to going to reddit

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>Ghost of Tsushima is what Sekiro should have been. Fun and easy to learn combat, visually impressive with engaging story.

"Sucker Punch lead dev: It was very important for us to include a wide range of difficulty options, se people that can't normally play action games get to experience the story at their own pace."

>how does pic related even hopes to compete?
I'm excited because I just want to walk around in the Japanese countryside.
I doubt it will look very impressive and I doubt it will have very engaging combat, but with low expectations, I doubt I will be disappointed.
I know that it's an open world game so it will be an objectively bad game but a subjectively good experience.

Tards who want story need to get off their computers and learn to read. Books > any video game story ever.

This seems like some dumb inFamous vs Prototype thing again

Sucker Punch never made a title with bad gameplay
The game maybe wont be too big and the story could be a mess but it would have solid mechanics, of that I'm sure

It's not even comparable despite them being Japanese themed, the gameplay is entirely different

That’s all well and good but why not just play one of the Way of the Samurai games if that’s what you want?

Recommend me a good book and I’ll read it. I’ve read Crime and Punishment and that’s basically all.

They haven't made a title with good gameplay either. inFamous feels like a lackluster third person shooter more than half the time, the movement is where they excelled in because playing Cole or Delsin was fun. Sly has neither movement or even decent combat but its Sly.

Infamous is dogshit. Sly was good though.

Because way of the samurai games are fucking dead and aged like milk? Way of the samurai is also a lot closer to the yakuza games in scope than being a japan countryside tourism simulator. Doesn't help that WotS4 went full Saints Row 4 in terms of lolsorandom jokes

Not him, but those wacky low budget games are way outdated. I liked 2 but I wouldnt recomended it on this day and age

>WotS 1
>Would legit play this almost everyday
>You can beat it in an hour or two and get the best ending

Good times.

Reddit is unironocally a better place to actually discuss videogames though,

>how does pic related even hopes to compete?
Add an easy mode.


Keep coping, Xbro.

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>prove me wrong
game isnt out yet
I know for a fact you are wrong about the playtime. Sony games are all over 12 hours nowadays.