>I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero... and you have to leave
I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us...
the least you could do is far cry 3 me
>Have bloody mess checked
Heh, nuttin personnel overseer
Korra is so hot.
I always wanted to play fallout 1 seriously, I keep getting the water chip then just losing interest, any advice for where to go afterwards? Obviously after turning it in.
>Turn off her essential flag and ice her
>you saved us but you'll kill us
literally what the fuck did they mean by this
my dumb ass legit throught this was rogue from nuclear throne for a second
>Install sex mod
>Rape her
>piss off master and the super muties
>they know it's you in particular because literal hivemind
>oh hey he's in this vault, let's just bomb it
it's a valid complaint. It's like in medieval times. You save a village by killing their baron who is abusive and over-taxes them. But they're not going to take you in because if they do, the baron's lord will just buttfuck the entire village to kill your dumb ass.
What user said about the super mutants but also just the fact that the overseer was deathly afraid that you'd inspire other people to go out into the wasteland and get themselves killed trying to be like you. Which is fair. It happened anyway though.
are the lewd mods for fallout 4 good yet? rse elements is a pile of shit and i just want to make a qt brown slut that gets raped 24/7
that's too bad.
the character creation mods are actually pretty based but it sucks being perpetually blueballed while playing a mediocre game because you cant do anything lewd with your boner inducing characters
Life in the wasteland can change a man. For better, or for worse.
Lover's Lab is your friend, as always
Check out AAF Sex em Up and AAF Violate
>amazing art wasted on shit tier fetish
every time
Is this an optical illusion?
Depending on how I focus, I either see her wearing pants with fur and a weird cut that shows off her thighs, or she has two pieces of furred leather hanging from her belt.
What the fuck is this.
>every time
This shit almost never happens though, vanilla has better art in SPADES compared to fetish stuff. Of course fags like Yea Forums anons will only save the few dozen well-drawn pictures, instead of the hundreds of millions of deviantart trash of the same fetish.
I'm with you on this. I know what it's supposed to be because of her canon design but I see thighs too.
>tfw korra would never settle for a gnelf like me
she needs BGC
Shit man, now i see it too.
>they know it's you in particular because literal hivemind
I have no idea what you mean by this. I thought maybe you were trying to say that all Super Mutants in the Master's Army are somehow linked psychically and know everything all the others know but that would be beyond retarded. And you're not retarded, are you, user?
>this exact same reply
every time
Why are you just a hollow shell of the average Yea Forums user?
I have vague recollections of seeing this artist say they had issues after their parents found out they draw sexy Korra
>only psychic abilities and ESP allow for hiveminds
yeah bugs just don't exist. Not like they report back to the master every week either.
"Hivemind" as you're using it is a fantasy term. Made up. Not a real thing. All animals are individuals, regardless of how well they operate as groups, synergise their efforts or share information.
Super Mutants do not have a hivemind regardless of what "type" it is. And by the time you reach the Overseer and get told to fuck off, the Master is dead so whatever they tell him is irrelevant.
>another futa artist
Because the artist was a girl?
I fucking wish
Just imagine it.
Yeah, that was a thing.
I wonder how many/which pictures they actually saw.
I was confident it was the first one. didn't even see the second until you mentioned it, but now I can't unsee it. fuck
I want to RAPE Brown Erin
I want to kiss her abs
White Korra >>> brown erin you filthy swine
Korra can't compare to Toph_
>impregnates her with my bastard child
Nuttin personnel bitch
Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working?
Its incredible how fast the quality of this mod dropped the second you left the vault
speaking of that,why the fuck did you have to fight 500 raiders on the road and not to mention the supermutants who fucking said"yeah this is good"
>modders working on big overhaul mods
>having any restraint or talent
>White censorship
>going over the whole tits, not just the nipples
Shit taste
Hey look it's that character from that shitty show
but a bad main character from a sub par sequel to an actually good show.
just like bioshock infinite isnt any less of a piece of shit because the the main character (booker is just the vehicle for the player to watch the actual main character) is practically THE star of high quality animated porn.
My issues were the difficulty curve with some of the skill checks, and that there generally weren't enough side quests or background content to help flesh out the in-game world. Some of the locations were nice to look at, but vacuously dry as you ventured further from the main story.
I get that it was just two guys pulling most of the work, but I think some parts could have been planned better. The third act to and from (and then back to...) Fort Daggerpoint was downright tedious.
Yeah the choke points were ridiculous, especially in early builds where memory leaks ran rampant. I don't understand why so many designers equate the depth or quality of a scene to how many entities or particle effects you can place on a field; there is beauty in subtlety if used properly.
I think that was awhile back though wasn't it? Back when she went by the pseud of k-y-h-u. Or was this recent?
Should have hidden her art in a off-computer drive
That's really lazy vore art. I'm not going to drop my pants for this.
>Dad didn't start making requests
if you ask me the worst part was those HD images they used in the ending,which were also used to advertise the mod
made me think you would actually revist Fallout 1 and 2 locations and see what the current condition of those locations are,but instead you get a shitty hub town with jack and shit to do
Should have been happy their daughter doesn't have shit taste.
Yeah, that was shitty how a lot of background elements and politics don't have much impact on the story. It's called New California but even then you're on the cusp of what is basically the frontier. On the other hand, it's also a convenient way to spin a new story without interfering with established locations and events.
Richard had a hard life.
Should've done more than look between their legs then
weren't his scientists intentionally falsifying data to placate him?
Yeah but he obviously made the mistake in the first place because he equated FEV not destroying genitals with FEV not rendering people sterile
Maybe look a little deeper into what a genetic engineering super virus does to reproductive genetics before claiming there's no effect
Not to play devil's advocate but FEV doesn't make everything sterile by default. Deathclaws are perfectly fertile, virile even, and so are a lot of the lesser wasteland-induced mutations brought on by the hypothetical airborne strain. It's a wildcard sure but not enough to make everything a mule. Best case scenario you get psyker powers or rad resistance, worst case scenario you turn into a frankenstein flesh carpet.
There needs to be more vore art with Korra as the pred
The strain of FEV the Master uses was engineered as part of a military experiment to create supersoldiers, not a viable replacement to the human race. It also requires dipping the subject in a vat of goo and letting them soak, to ensure it alters every cell in their body at more or less the same time.
So not only is it a potentially non-functional strain in the first place, it's also applied in a way that means sperm and ova are absolutely going to be affected by it as well. The strain used to create Deathclaws and the airborne mutant strain that infected most of California aren't comparable.
>a military experiment to create supersoldiers, not a viable replacement to the human race
So true. I suppose you could say the Master's hubris prevented him from seeing the ultimate flaw in the Super Mutant design: They were engineered to be *too* perfect.
>The strain used to create Deathclaws and the airborne mutant strain that infected most of California aren't comparable.
That's fair, although I doubt Richard or his subordinates understood that at the time.
>rpg instead of bazooka
>master missing a tooth for some reason
>that dogmeat
>you know they draw furry
What the fuck did season 3 do so right? Why the fuck were the wtiters so bad?
Why did they have to ruin the ATLA world?
>Bethesda presents Fallout: Remasteredâ„¢
>fully voiced protagonist and settlement building
>Creation Club support
The military base iirc. The Overseer will tell you where to go.
Someone paid for that user, if you put out the big bucks like those fetishfags maybe you'd stop being a little bitch lol
Fallout 1 is so short that your attention span must be really short for you to lose interest.
The baron's lord would buttfuck the village regardless whether it's "savior" was in there or not, out of spite. The Nazis did this all the time in WW2, partisans fuck up shit, they didn't just go after the partisans, but also executed and burned an entire town just to make an example , regardless if said town helped the partisans or not.
*Blocks Your Path*