Am I an autist if I think Shadow The Hedgehog is unironically cool as fuck?
Am I an autist if I think Shadow The Hedgehog is unironically cool as fuck?
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Yes your autistic and yes Shadow is cool
I hate women but I literally can't stop thinking about sex and desperately want a woman to tell me she loves me. God, I'm so fucking lonely and horny...
Not just cool: He's the coolest!
still fucking say this ironically to this day
its been almost 20 years now fuck
Unironically his sonic '06 depiction is his best. He's not some teen edgelord like in SA2 and he's not some Doomer like in Shadow the Hedgehog.
He's just dark enough and heroic enough.
He also has the best controls in that game.
>dedicating even one picosecond's worth of thought to the sonic franchise
are you fucking gay
Incels like you deserve to be alone. It's natural selection and your pathetic genes don't deserve to be passed down.
Yes,that being said. I'd let shadow fuck me.
>Yea Forums
>Am I an autist?
well, yes
But actually no
You’re almost there, user.
I used to think he was the most badass character ever when I was 8 years old
No, there is literally nothing wrong edgy or rival characters
Yes but you're not alone on that one.
Probably, but are you wrong? No.
This, in 06 he was fucking pitch-perfect both as his own character but also with regards to the game's tone. I'm glad that this personality carried over to Episode Shadow, even though it went missing everywhere else.
Again this, edgy shit can be played well, not everything that's remotely serious needs to be demonised as "lol so edgyyyyyyyyy"
Shadow is cool. In SA2 that is, in every other game he's a tryhard
user, I get that this is true: Social Darwinism is the best and Nature Itself will provide to make the Perfect Society, but...
You too, I don't think you truly deserve to be sad. Even though it's true that you deserve Satanical Despair because it has been decided, doesn't mean that you shouldn't be happy. Now that I think, nobody wants to be Life's own Butt Monkey, though. But I won't get you started with things like go to gym, eat healthy, hail Happiness Hitler, etc. Though I believe you'll be happy in a manner or some
Either an autist or you're literally 10 years old.
He wasn't an edgelord in SA2. Just a huge smartass.