anyone played this game yet?
Zanki Zero
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I'll bump this thread, how is the game?
Imagine unironically taking the time to write this
waiting for the patched version so no
I just started it on PS4, only a couple hours in but it’s pretty good so far, music/dialogue/characters are good, not familiar enough with the gameplay to judge it yet though.
is the codex version shit or something?
ooooooooooh you mean uncensored LUL
looks interesting
might pick it up
>why do you want to see naked kids are you a pedophile
Can you kill yourself?
I could pirate it but I'd rather play it comfy on PS4. How long until a price drop, you think? Six months?
Cant believe they're charging 60 bucks for this shit. That alone is a reason enough to never touch this.
>pc version
>no gamepad support and relies on steam manager
>doesnt work at all for some
>downgraded graphics compared to ps4
jesus fucking christ didnt they need this game to sell after jap version flopped and now they pull all this crap? gg you retards
are you serious? was thinking about buying on steam instead of PS4 because of the censored stuff.
did they really fuck up the steam version?
only jap version isn't censored
Yeah I'm stuck in the underground shopping centre in chapter 3. Fun game so far.
The censoring is one cropped cg in one scene guys. Just go look up the jpg of the loli's panties and you've experienced it.
Stop lying, marketer
>54 dollars
Lower the price and I'll buy it
This thread make me remember I downloaded demo on ps4, time to finally check it out.
so steam censored the same way the PS4 is?
what about the other stuff the person i was replying was saying.are the graphics on steam worse then on the PS4?
Just pirate it. It's justified here
I have no idea why you think that and I don't particularly care either.
I'm just going to wait for a sale. It's too expensive.
>he gives people money for shit decisions
some effects are missing and also textures are lower. seems like they ported the vita version
Stay mad
>The censoring is one cropped cg in one scene guys
No it's not. They literally mentioned more in the post on Twitter that announced the censorship. It even said "and more". The game is censored to hell and back faggot.
Whatever. It's your money being given for a censored vita port
There is much more censored at that point
CGs are removed or edited, complete Scenes are removed, Sexual Jokes are removed,
Gay Jokes are removed, Jokes about the Sachikas artificial limbs are
removed and any scenes which contains violence against the children or
were harmful (in a non-sexual but phsyical way) against them ARE REMOVED
apearently censorship didnt end with the cg's. there is also some story cuts in the form of conversations as well outside the bedtime stuff. its a shitshow all around desu
its literally just cg art of the kids in undies.The dialog is still there
stop lying cuck
what was their excuse for censoring pc version?
whats the harm if you can mod it?
They outright removed the bedtime events. And they're actually important events.
yeah the ones with the kids or all of them?
Why the fuck did they even bother to localize it at all? They clearly didn't like the game.
they kept the gay ones in
it floped in japan. this is a desperate cash grab to recoup costs
okay where are current sources? Everything about censored scenes is from month ago from an guy who claimed to have a review copy.
lmao nah
one of the gayest names I've ever heard of
Only thing I think of when I read the name.
Laziness or they agree with snoy. Either way, spike chunsoft can go fuck themselves
>Implying all PC games can be modded back to uncensored status
>Imagine OP is faggot enough to market the censored localized Japanese game.
Go back to your western AAA games retard
Something tells me its not gonna help much
That's about in line with other censored ports. Retards never learn
Doing better than Death Mark, which is completely uncensored.
>49 posts
>26 posters
>Repeated irrational complaints from the same guy about censorship
>comparing AAA-published games with mostly unknown indie trash
What a fair comparison
If you think Zanki Zero is AAA and Experience Inc. are unknown indie trash then I have a bridge to sell you.
2 posts per IP is the average for most threads though.
>censored ass on the title screen
What for?
Every weeb heard of danganronpa, while i have no clue what any of the games that those guys released are. You're delusional mate. Though you're right that Spike Chunsoft isnt AAA
If they were desperate for money they probably shouldn't have butchered the release.
90% of the time when a Jap developer makes a PC port they port the Vita version. Has been the case for the Nep games for years
>i have no clue what any of the games that those guys released are
You're really missing out, then.
If you want to play a Spike Chunsoft game that's actually good and not weebtrash then play 428
DOA5 also was the PS3 version and not the PS4 one, is there sony money on this?
Sony usually funds the console versions while non Capcom publishers are cheap and port the Vita version if available. See Koei porting the PS3 versions of the Dynasty Warriors games and Namco porting the PS3 versions of the One Piece Pirate Warriors games and charging full price
ok who played it, spoil the whole story for me.
*and port the Vita/PS3 versions if available
Made a mistake, correction
Anyway, now that those platforms are mostly dead, maybe Jap publishers will bother hiring more than four interns to do their ports
Can't wait for the KH collection port that will still be based on the PS3 versions
Who the fuck pays full price for this?
Some people have no respect for money.
It'll be sub $20 in a year
>No one
ResetEra'ers, Discord & twitter tranny, Ugly woman & feminist will never buy this censored or not. Beta tester and "journalist" who making a cuck fake review got the game free.
This faggot localization company "Spike Chunsoft California USA" need go down forever.
Source to all this? I somehow doubt all of that is true.
so is this game good or is it just for anime poontang
If you somehow in doubt with user who share this info in Gematsu (based on review copy) just pirate this game, play and check for yourself.
> hates Anime
> still placing this game on watch list
kill yourself retard
it should be obvious from this thread alone
Why do you even care about the English release you're clearly an ESL brainlet.
Never ever, EOP cucks.
i liked danganronpa and zero escape
i was hoping this would be something in the same vein
I mean just wait a month to see if someone can come up with uncensored patch if it's that big of a deal.
I don't care for this cucked localized game. I care for 4channel to been spammed with this marketing trash tread like this. I bet OP is one of the staff from that faggotry localization company.
Yeah fuck wanting to talk about video games on Yea Forums, right? Where you from mate?
I dunno im downloading it right now.
>FUCK wanting for talking about localized Japanese games infected by western faggotry culture
You have an exclusive forum for that RESETERA
I doubt Resetera would be very receptive to this game dude. I played the JP version and trust me, the censorship isn't that bad. You need to chill.
Yeah, where are the uncensored patches for Agarest 2, Mugen Souls & Z and many more?
$0.01 deposited to your psn account by Spike Chunsoft America
So is anybody gonna talk about the game or are we just gonna shit post about censorship?
How the hell would I know what is missing from the censored version if I never played the jap version?
I will not pay for anything that has been censored in any way. Might pirate it just to see what it's like. Censorship is unforgivable unless it absolutely has to be done due to laws in the region it's released.
>Only heard about this game vaguely, think it has something to do with Danganronpa or whatever
>People are losing their goddamn minds in this thread
What the fuck
Yeah I fucking guess not you god damn fucking cucks. At least take this shit to a censorship thread
Was interested before, not even going to touch now
>heavy censored PC version
well, here it goes my DROPPED
I'm glad I saw this thread, I had already put the game in my wishlist, but now I know that the game is censored.
Only a fucking cuck would pay for a censored game.
I'll pirate it maybe.
Don't buy a censored game, it's probably badly translated too.
Just pirate it brah.
So people are going fucking on and on about the censorship, what was actually censored? Was it a couple character models, or were whole scenes changed?
Being fuck cucks SJW I assume.
>no vita localization
Maybe read through the tread and you'll find out
But it is this game good or not? I don't give a shit about censorship.
I did, that's why I asked. From what I gather so far a couple of bathing suits cover slightly more ass.
user everyone in this thread just cares about the game crashing and burning, not about the actual quality of the game.
Good job, you looked at the picture, but didnt read what the user said
Yeah and I was hoping for clarification on that, dumbass. The post is pretty fucking vague.
>Only 200 sales
>pictures altered or removed
>text altered or removed
It's mediocre
>Some stuff was removed
>Some cgs were removed
>Violence was removed
Wow such detail
Saying that "gay jokes are removed" or "scenes with violence against the children are removed" without giving a example is pretty vague.
Really liking the story so far, reminds me of the Zero Escape series. The gameplay and optimization is terrible. Wish it was as smooth as Grimrock. Overall not worth the full price. Wait for a sale.
Thanks for talking about this game and not screeching about censorship. I was planning on pirating it anyway.
So tone-wise it's closer to Zero Escape than Danganronpa? Hmm. That's slightly disappointing.
more like zanki zero pantsu
fuck snoy
I never played V3 and the art looks disgusting compared to danganronpa and the supposed pedo shit isn't helping. I rather wait for ZE guys VN since got actual games like Sekiro keeping me busy now
I will ask really bizzare question now.
How's the gameplay?
What's the gameplay like?
Of fucking course.
200 concurrent players. I doubt everyone started playing as soon as they bought it
With that said, it did about the same as other censored trash put out by the likes of nisa and such. Definitely hurt sales
my god the intro is boring as fuck man.
>have to go to the bathroom or your character dies
Look up Legend of Grimrock (and buy it, its good). Exploration and combat is pretty much that. Exploration puzzles don't seem to be that deep, but I'm still early on. There is a base building/crafting part that feels a bit bare bones so far, but it is something on top of the typical Grimrock/Wizardry stuff.
Spent 2h on it and beat the first "dungeon". It's not very good. Pretty much plays the same as danganronpa, with the exact same story beats structure, with the goofy mascot character spewing fucked up exposition (population died, you're the only ones left spoiler warning for the first plot twist 30 min in you're all clones and grow old and die after a set amount of ingame days but can get revived as children who grow up and die again and again, you can spend coins at an arcade machine to gain buffs after reviving a character.
So, fucked up premise very simlar to danganronpa except everything else clearly lacks polish, from the artstyle to the music to the way characters interact with one another. It's anime as fuck, so you know what to expect. Pretty much feels like an alpha version of what the first danganronpa was supposed to be with the whole first person view but this one has shallow dungeon crawling elements (see the style of Etrian Odyssey/persona Q/legend of grimrock but with even less rpg mechanics and more loot/grinding).
I've already played the danganronpa games so this one doesnt do anything for me and I've uninstalled it. I'm looking for what the plot twist is then I'll forget about it. Just move along folks, this shit is subpar, go play legend of grimrock instead with anime mods while listening to ayumi hamazki, you'll have the same experience but with less cringe.
very nice
I can fap to this
don't blame me blame the sexy children
Does it have movement and attack in real time?
i'm waiting for it to go on sale first. the gameplay looks intriguing, but not enough to be worth $60.
it's going to be impossible to ever discuss this game on Yea Forums because of the censorship anyway.
Yes, everything is in real time.