For me, it’s the Kulu-Ya-Ku
For me, it’s the Kulu-Ya-Ku
kinda weird for it to carry its egg when the only bird that doesn’t keep their eggs in a nest is the emperor penguin i believe
That's not it's egg, that's it's lunch
bird up
>Legiana won't drop a gem
Come on faggot I need to do my workout
Deviljho is the one true monster
>Can spawn in any biome
>Breathes literal evil for ranged attack
>Uses other monsters as weapons
>Can cure his exhaustion by cannibalising his tail
>Is actually hard to beat unlike basil goose
>Best theme in all of monster hunter
>The only normal monster that can match the elder dragons
If he was ever to get a proper sub specie, that thing would literally be the ultimate life form.
>If he was ever to get a proper sub species
oh no nono worldbabs on suicide watch cope bing bing wahoo seething 80 metascore etc. etc.
>still second the real deal
>oh no nono worldbabs on suicide watch cope bing bing wahoo seething 80 metascore etc. etc.
YKK is better
its afucking video game idiot where you hunt big monsters ,what does it have to do with reality
He's such a faggot in MHW.
A fatass like him shouldn't be able to turn on a fucking dime within a a nanosecond. And there's something very weird going on with his hitbox around his belly.
I didn't find him particularly difficult, but he's annoying as hell.
True, he was more intimidating in mh3u. I used to rage quit whenever crimson qurupeco spawned him or he just randomly walked onto the fucking scene. I thought I just got better but maybe he just got worse.
>done with storymode and get into high rank
>tfw i realize 80% of my crafting inventory has become worthless
Capcom is cray-cray if they expect me start fighting the exact same monsters all over again only to have half of THAT shit turn redundant again when i get into the archtempered monsters.
Arch temp aren't directly better than HR armor, at least for the high level ones. Both can be upgraded to have roughly the same defense.
>Best theme in all of monster hunter
Pre-World, sure, but they royally fucked up Jho's theme in that game.
Archtempered is cancer, just do high rank and cheat the rest of it in
Switchfags having a stoke as usual
The fact that hungry jho is a thing and ia deviljho on perma rage and gets another level of fucking pissed really tells me these pickles don't need subs
Why is it that the only defense for MHW people can ever seem to think of is bringing up its sales figures?
You called?
Because sales are the only thing that matters.
What was his name again?
Partly because all the bingbings were predicting low sales and the doom of the franchise pre-launch of MHW.
if we're talking about favorite MHW monsters mine would have to be Nergigante, the blue flying one in coral highlands or the Bazelgeuse, the others are just so forgettable,
I was so worried about fighting Legiana because everyone told me she's difficult but i found her a complete pushover.
Flashpods are overpowered.
Pretty stupid considering MHW was built from the ground up specifically to sell a ton in western markets. There should have never been any doubts about it selling well.
It's still a shit game though, and basically the finishing blow to an already dying franchise after the downward spiral in quality 4th gen started. Everything released after 2013 or so is really just Monster Hunter in name only.
Nigger Grande
I wish they let you fight the one with the crystal again
yeah i guess im going off of memorable design and the way they fight, like lagiana had ice, bazelgeuse was a bomber plane, nergi was spikes, the rest were kinda meh IMO, especially Xeno Jiiva, very bad final boss, maybe the electric one was cool but i feel like it was just a gigginox mixed with a nargacuga
It's where the series began to stagnate. They couldn't think of any more ways to legitimately improve upon the formula, so instead they just began forcing in gimmicks and focusing on making monsters flashy instead of actually fun to fight. Then with World they just threw out everything in favor of making a generic western oriented action game with a Monster Hunter skin.
Bazeljuice is a good monster but the fact they programmed him to show up CONSTANTLY whenever you're fighting something else
it was obviously meant to act as a kind of deviljho throwback, but deviljho was never this obnoxious. He would wander around on his own and sometimes run into you.
Bagel is programmed to fly to where you're fighting and interrupt you, and it happens WAY too often. I've been on 6 minute hunts where I've had to repel him 5 times.
That's nice.
agreed, i just really like his design, and the fact he's a bomber plane, aand his armor is really cool
At least I'll always have FU. They can't take that away from me.
The problem being that he is attracted to monster roars for whatever reason. He's pretty much a poop magnet.
>focusing on making monsters flashy instead of actually fun to fight
4th gen has the most fun monsters, though.
The Great Baggi
That's great :)
No localization is just as bad as overlocalization.
Like what? Gore and Shagaru, which are entirely ruined by their weak legs making them trip far too often? Seregios, who has the same problem but also uses fancy animations to try and cover up the fact he has one of the most basic and boring movesets in the entire series? Nerscylla which spends most of the fight running away from you? Shit fodder like Kecha Wacha? Boring HBG fodder like Seltas Queen? Fucking NAJARALA?
He also has some scripted AI that exists only to make him annoying.
Fighting Azurelos in elders recess, for example, when you chase azurelos to the kushala peak bazeljuice just shows up sometimes with no warning. It was meant to be some big cinematic experience bullshit because he has a special animation where he crests over the rocks and roars at you but it's interrupted me so many times now I don't care, especially since I save my IG mounts for that area and bazel shows up and roars me out of them
>It’s another Bazel and Jho double trouble episode
I beat him first try in World. My first time fighting one.
It was the special mission (where the handler gets stuck on him), is that an easier version of him? And I was a bit overarmored, maybe. Not by much though, I was still getting ready to beat Nergigante or had just done so.
You actually have Jho show up?
I never see him outside of that one event and the rare investigation
It's always bagel coming in to ruin the day
>that Deviljho vs Diablos turf war
Deal with it.
At least now you have a better grasp of what you actually want and need, instead of farming every single armor set just for kicks. Welcome to MonHan.
Nice trips, also yeah he usually comes to annoy me during investigations
Imagine being a casual double digit iq worldlet who only gets to hunt 29 different easy monsters
virtually everything is hbg fodder, pretty shitty example there
Uh, no? Seltas Queen specifically is big, basically immobile, and extremely vulnerable to bowguns.
HBG doesn't demolish everything in 4U, at least not solo.
Now THIS is shit taste
>It’s another Bazel and Jho double trouble episode
>They are not the objective
You hunt them both in glorious 3 ways fight anyways
No, I'm just not a pleb who's blinded by fancy animations and thinks they make a good monster.
Do tell what makes a good monster, then.
AI, moves and hitzones designed to make you approach a fight in an interesting, challenging fashion.
Of course, you can't sell that in magazine spreads and trailers, so who gives a shit.
not really, unless it’s apex mechanics screwing it over. hbg does shit on almost everything in 4u
Give some examples
No, it really doesn't. Only on big, flashy, overanimated garbage like Gore and Shagaru that let you fire off half a clip during each of their attacks.
It’s shitposters and austistic retards who likely don’t even like monster hunter but hate Nintendo
Most normies who brought world never even heard of 3U-4U
My favorite fights in the series are probably Tigrex and Narga in FU, Zinogre in 3U before he started skipping leg day, and Soulseer Mizutsune in GU.
They use some to have ecology cinematics for some monsters, many of which mimick real life animals they were similar too, some of which did and do still during gameplay
uh you don’t need big openings to use hbg unless you’re trying to force siege mode like a retard. it has possibly one of the smallest attack commitment windows of all weapons
>only likes 3u zinogre
you should try fighting the apex one
Yeah, and in those cases, HBG only performs decently well, but it doesn't shit on anything.
Twinheads are some of the most incoherent fights in that game.
dumb sexy bird
Sleepy typing, point still stands though, they look to real life creatures to breathe life into the monsters and their behavior. Hell half the sound effects they use are spliced up real life animal sounds. They went way heavy on the pigeon sounds in world
>At least now you have a better grasp of what you actually want and need, instead of farming every single armor set just for kicks. Welcome to MonHan.
>instead of farming every single armor set just for kicks
Do people really do this?
Apex Zinogre is fun but I can't really consider him good from a game design perspective, there are really only a handful of weapons that fight is remotely tolerable with. If they wanted these sorts of fights to be the new standard, they should've bothered to actually update the old weapons properly.
Kecha Wacha is one of the best early game monsters though. It’s got a good design and unique moveset that takes advantage of certain kinds of terrain.
I doubt it, considering no MH game has ever had more than around 3-4 actually useful sets, for mixing or otherwise.
it outperforms the majority (>50%) of weapons on tawiki so yes, it does actually shit on them
More than plenty of MH fans simply follow the games onto whatever hardware they're on, so this kind of shit sticks out like a sore thumb too. But there are going to be people who'll refuse to play any MH that isn't in the style of World for whatever reason.
It doesn't outperform the relevant weapons. Half the weapons in 4U border on unusable garbage, so that's not really much of a point.
He's a good tutorial "boss". Harder than the dromes, but easier than Geat Maccao.
>But there are going to be people who'll refuse to play any MH that isn't in the style of World for whatever reason.
Why would anyone want to go backwards?
You're complaining about monster being too easy when having full knowledge of their movements, which makes any monster in the entire series a trivial punching bag.
Also, I'm no 4U fanboy but I find it DANGEROUSLY cynical to scoff at it as not good enough when the fact is the 4th gen brought in tons of new and unique monster types, so there was clearly a lot of effort put into it.
More games.
new and unique doesn't equal good
zorah magdaros is new and unique for the series
MHW controls really well and weapons all feel very smooth and enjoyable to use but god damn do they need to work on adapting the monster movesets to actually be threatening without just ramping up damage on arch-tempered variants. Monsters just can't keep up with players' improved speed and handling at all.
But that's why MHW ended up being so popular.
Shittiest taste imaginable.
Western players think that if an enemy is faster than the player it's artificial difficulty, and remember who World is designed for.
You stop that
>best theme in all of monster hunter
*blocks your path*
so according to you, ig and cb are the only relevant weapons in 4u
I want to fuck it
*meant to say gs
cb and hbg are about tied in tawiki times
Doubtfull, however many newfags initially think they need a specific elemental weapon to cover all weaknesses and specific armors to resist monster damage and take a while to learn that this isn't really necessary with the exception of 2-3 of the really tough AT elders.
DB and GS are relevant too, and SnS is playable.
But honestly, would you disagree? Weapons like SA, Lance, Hammer, GL, LS, HH, they're so fucking atrocious in 4U that I don't see why anybody would want to bother with them.
>playing the game is cancer just cheat lmao
PCfags are the real cancer. /mhg/'s PC fanbase is entirely made up of people who cheat in all the decos and kulve taroth gear.
>meet guy who also plays Monhun
>start talking about what we like about monhun
>at one point he says he likes and mostly plays the "real" monhun on vita and he's been with the franchise forever
>Later get into a hunt in world
>Regular Diablos Investigation
>He said he mains GS but for some reason uses a GS with Sleep on it
>Weird, but tells me he knows what he's doing
>He can't tackle for shit
>Never lands a single True charge
>Never actually build up enough status to get sleep
>Plays like it's crit draw in fucking world
>Carts not just 3 times, but 5times because investigation
Never met an actual fraud irl before
God damn I miss this angry boi
Also Congala because he was fun
Monhun should have more monkeys
the whole endgame grind shit is cancer, does anybody actually enjoy fighting the same weak ass tempered monsters that die in a minute and a half and Greater Jagras for hundreds and hundreds of hours?
>>> /scaly/
Why would you play MH if you don't like easy, mindless grind? It's all the series has ever been about. You think anyone would ever bother with any of the content without that carrot dangled in front of them?
No but as a PC player I don't cheat cause cheating is shitty and more boring than fighting same tempered elders 50 times.
The Handler is pretty much a personification of DevilJho
>Both are ugly
>Both seem to be unable of properly conveying emotions
>Both of them never shut up
>They're always where you don't want them
>They both eat everything in sight
Prove me wrong.
Hey, fuck you, Jho is handsome.
I enjoy MH's gameplay and learning its toughest fights.
And MH was never about mindless grind back in the day. Collecting all the materials for equipment was never a particularly long grind, it was the introduction of RNG cancer like charms and relics that fucked it all up.
gs is actually top 2 behind ig, i mistyped
i disagree, my perspective is that gs and especially ig are horribly overtuned in 4u. not that the other weapons are bad or irrelevant
on a somewhat unrelated note, the fact that xx had a far smaller spread in ta times is indicative that the game was vastly superior to 4u in terms of game balance
World fights generally aren't difficult so it's not really a big achievement. Congrats though.
If its cancer then don't fucking play it fucktard, don't whine about how unfair it is then cheat to get every good item you want. Fucking dipshit.
Bootlegged Kut-Ku
>the fact that xx had a far smaller spread in ta times
Depends on the monster, certain monsters like Boltreaver Astalos and Bloodbath Diablos are so skewed towards certain weapons that they don't even have serious TA attempts with anything else.
First timers usually spend an inordinate time in low-rank, where they might get caught up collecting gear.
(Arch-)Tempered monsters are the worst fucking thing. They feel like a rushed decision they made late in development to stretch endgame content
>Lads what if he just like, make the monsters stronger and enrage more often and only like, make them shiny instead of actually giving them more moves and making actual variants like Dreadqueen Rathian??
I dropped MHW after defeating the two tempered Bazelgeuses because I realized it's all just the same shit and it's all just to farm the fucking gems.
Making gems instead of charms he RNG lategame farm was an even worse decision than tempered monsters.
Well yeah, World is cancer so I don't fucking play it. It still upsets me because every future MH game is going to have this shit. What was so bad about just hunting monsters for their materials, instead of stupid RNG bullshit?
Most of World's monsters are bootlegs of old ones but I don't think I'd count Kulu among them.
U can meld gems with gold prints.
>Well yeah, World is cancer so I don't fucking play it.
Thanks for sharing, fag. Makes me happy that whiny little retards like you are dropping the series.
>Making gems instead of charms he RNG lategame farm was an even worse decision than tempered monsters.
It takes less time to get all the decorations for optimal sets for every single weapon in the game in World than it does to get just one optimal charm for one set in 4U.
>b-but charms are optional
So are decorations.
>expecting that dipshit to know about methods to mitigate RNG
>insulting to prove a point.
Cool, enjoy your mindless RNG treadmill.
I don't fucking care dude I just want to craft them like in other games and not farm for fucking years to get that one gem I need
Also fuck off with your "u"
Decorations are far more important than a single charm.
How is this a bad thing? Beats having nothing to do after beating the final boss in the old MH games.
What's the point of playing if there's no grind?
If your criticism about gems is I HAVE TO FARM THEM REEEEEE congrats you are a fucking retard, because you don't know how to use the master melder.
Cool, enjoy shitposting about a series you apparently used to love because you're now an outsider with garbage opinions who advocates cheating.
God forbid that anyone who like MHW has fun with the gameplay, right?
Lacking one or two attack decorations will not have that big of an impact on your damage output.
Your charm literally defines your entire set.
That’s because world lower the skill ceiling hard.
A mid tier HR 5 hunter in every other game is an HR 275
Even GU players who’ve played world for too long start getting bodied by weak monsters
>God forbid that anyone who like MHW has fun with the gameplay, right?
What gameplay? Mowing down defenseless village tier monsters with literal invulnerability buttons, infinite iframes and 1000+ damage super moves for hundreds of hours?
MHW is barely even a fucking MH game.
that is true even of 4u
my point is not that xx is a perfectly well-balanced game but that it’s at least better than ‘lol ig and gs’ 4u
He won't change his opinion so why bother wasting words on him?
If we're looking at outliers, then valor HBG is the most overpowered weapon in the series' entire history and it beats every other weapon by a massive margin on every single monster in the game. No exceptions.
Glad to know your useless opinion that is taken without even fighting At xeno which have new attacks and is challenging if u don't use 4 man HBG party.
Thanks for trying, shitposter-kun
It's all there is.
Thankfully I don't follow that logic, or else I'd be playing Fortnite, along with the hordes of sweatties *shudder*
ATs are fun, but they're also not the content you have to farm for hundreds of hours. That would be KT and regular tempered monsters.
and? what does it matter? do you kill big dinos outside or what
You know what you're right, I'm done with World and I won't touch it again, at least until that expansion is out. The tempered monsters shit put me off way more than the decorations shit anyway.
Also I'm currenlty plenty busy with MHGU anyway.
Hey guys, my first MH was MHW but I just bought MHGU. How are ranged weapons in the game? Best melee weapon to have as secondary? I plan on doing exclusively solo runs.
I concur.
You don't HAVE to farm KT or regulared tempered monsters for hundreds of hours either.
I’d delete the handler in a heartbeat
Worst incision ever
Give us back the moga sweetheart or Guild girl
>WORLD IS SO FUCKING SHIT but I'm going to go back to it when IB comes out ^_^
Ok glad I will never meet such a fag in world.
Considering ATs and the collab shit are designed around endgame sets and augmented gear, yeah, you kinda do.
>What was so bad about just hunting monsters for their materials, instead of stupid RNG bullshit?
What an odd thing to day about Monster Hunter of all games.
I have basically every single deco I could want and a couple dozen KT sets, and my playtime is 250 hours. Nobody is forcing you to spend hundreds of hours fighting optional endgame shit or the gacha mom, unless you want to do that.
Did you fags already forget about greatest jagras and the firefish?
Can you fucking read you absolute moron? I said the post-game grind is shit. I really enjoyed the game itself.
You never will either way because I only play with friends and never with rando fags.
How much of a difference will it make when the expansion comes out? I gave up farming these AT monsters to be honest, I just kill them enough to get 1 or 2 pieces I want.
t. 4Ubab
>the guy who doesn't know you can get gems from the master melder calling anyone a moron
>reskinned Laoshan
>zorah magdaros is new and unique for the series
Oh come on please
the difference is that while both 4u and xx have outliers, about half of the weapons are only a minute to 2 minutes slower than hbg
as opposed to 4u where half the roster was like 3 - 5 minutes behind ig
but putting aside outliers, in 4u even something like cb and hbg were about 2 minutes faster on average than the mid-tier weapons like hammer, whereas the high to mid tier weapons are all around 1 minute or so of each other
You can't run and climb around on Lao's back and fight another monster on top of it
Zorah is new and unique (and required extreme amounts of development time and resources because of it), and it's also really fucking shit.
>Community has the term "Desire Sensor"
>Series isn't about RNG
You're a goofball.
First time playing MH evet
>Spent the first 9000 hours trying weapons
>Chose switch axe cuz I like axes
>Spam circle to kill every single creature
>Only 4 zones
>With 4 or 5 big monsters in each one
>Feels kinda empty and small
>Handler is ugly
>Feeling like vomiting each time he has a close up
>Had a hard time fighting rathalos and diablo until I learned their move sets
>Keep spamming circle
>Don't like the story, felt it like superficial and rushed
>Finish the story
>Oh great high rank
>Have to kill the same monsters but harder difficulty
>First HR monster is Pukei Pukei
>I hate Pukei Pukei
Dropped it and now I'm playing Nioh.
Why can't I enjoy MHW?
For me it's Ash Kecha Wacha
Honestly World's endgame wouldn't be so bad if the monsters were better. Between the 300+ hours I put in between both PS4 and PC, I've already forgotten half the roster because of how forgettable their respective fights are. That's never happened to me in a Monster Hunter game before this; even the -dromes in FU/4U have a more lasting impression.
That's all you need, really. The meta defining set for most weapons is Drachen, so everything has to compare to that for utility. Every AT set has at least one piece of meh gear, so really you can just grab what you need and go for set bonus on stuff you like (like ZM). For example, you only need three things from AT Xeno to get the full benefit, and a couple pieces of the set are pretty bland.
around 1 minute or so of each other for xx
i’m retarded
The difference is that things like gems don't have a drop rate of literally fucking 0.02%
Again, my main complaint is the tempered monsters system, not the decorations
And the melding is still mostly RNG if my friend explained it to me correctly but correct me if he's wrong
Melding gems is not RNG melding decoratios is.
U pick which gem u want and u use gold print to meld it.
>And the melding is still mostly RNG if my friend explained it to me correctly
>he hit endgame in World
>he still doesn't know how the master melder works
You can't make this shit up
There is nothing RNG related about getting gems from the master melder. You are fucking retarded, bro.
There's a difference between grinding a certain monster and breaking all the parts to use skill to raise the chances for a rare drop to like 5-10% and just grinding tempered monsters over and over again until you get that specific 0.1% decoration you need.
The hero stones being divided into different weapon classes compared to the Zenith Gems from 4U which could be used on any weapon also just makes it more grindey and RNG dependant for no reason whatsoever.
Start out with LBG
With Striker style for a more aggressive play style or
Valor if you git gud at perfect reloads and dodging
I perfer an oiled up S&S or Switch axe both very aggressive with speed and power
SnS is the only weapon than can use items while unsheathed so a weapons drawn flash bang is only possible with SnS
Also in GU you’ll be locked into position much more often than world
You can’t walk and shoot.
You can’t walk and heal
You can’t walk and sharpen
You can walk-run-Super Man dice for I framed
You can use items
Healing is on a 4 Mississippi count
Sharpening is on a 6 Mississippi count
(without skills those improve times)
I guess I'll have to look up how the fuck it works.
I asked my retard friend about it and he said you can't 100% influence it so I dropped looking into it entirely.
>about half of the weapons are only a minute to 2 minutes slower than hbg
Most weapons need around 8 minutes for Silverwind Nargacuga
HBG does it in less than 4
Most weapons need around 10 minutes for Drilltusk Tetsucabra
HBG does it in 5
Hellblade? Valor HBG is around equal with Valor LS and Striker Lance here, but those 3 are twice as fast as the next best weapons
Nightcloak Malfestio? 3 and a half minutes between Valor HBG and the next fastest weapon (Valor GS)
Rustrazor Ceanataur? Sub 4 for HBG, 7-10 minutes for everyone else.
Need I go on?
You and your dumbfuck friend belong together.
The guy is referring to decorations when saying gems
Just like you and my dick.
The guy is retarded, gems and decos are not the same thing. Deco melding is random, gems are flat out exchanges.
If that's what he's doing than he is even stupider than I thought.
Use a bit of common sense, yeah he made a mistake but it should have been easy enough to infer what the fuck he meant.
Yeah, I corrected it into decorations in my later posts, sorry about using gems in my first post.
So are decorations RNG or not? I still don't fucking know because everyone is too busy calling me retarded
He complained about the fact that he can no longer craft "gems" (decorations) like he could in the previous games.
Yeah, he used the wrong word. His point still stands.
They are.
>MH was never about mindless grind back in the day
>rare high/G carves with 2-3% drop rates
This is how I know you're a poser.
>Use a bit of common sense
This thread is too fucking stupid for me if I'm expected to know people are talking about decorations when they're complaining about gems. Jesus fucking christ.
It wasn't mindless because the monsters actually fought back, and it wasn't that bad a grind because 2-3% rates with multiple shots at them per hunt is not actually that bad.
You do not know what "grinding" is.
>It wasn't mindless because the monsters actually fought back
They don't fight back in World? That seems unlikely.
Well u can craft some decorations without RNG but only a small portion of them.
Quit being such a raging autist.
>omg this game sucks because u cant make gems!!!!
>umm i meant decorations obviously lmao!
Stop being such a fucking genius, dude. Oh, wait, I obviously meant "retard".
did you have fun though
Well great, then my point stands. Fucking hated grinding for them because 90% of decorations are fucking useless and you need a lot of duplicates of the good ones. What a retarded fucking system.
Why do the alpha sets or whatever the fuck the sets with several sockets were called even exist? How autistically do you have to grind to just get 3 identical, good gems?
Monsters in World flinch and trip from a gentle breeze and have barely any health compared to your power creeped moveset, and their downed animations are so long you can set up to knock them right back down again as soon as they get back up. Even if they manage to get a single attack off, mantles exist.
For me it's ??? track hunting and forced cutscenes.
Depends which gems u call good.
Also farming Greatest jagras and lavasioth should give you most of decorations.
What's your point? This is a discussion about game balance.
The game gives you at least two attack decorations for just playing the game.
>Depends which gems u call good.
That's not subjective.
This guy has played this game.
>Depends which gems u call good.
Whatever fit to the set I was currently using and whatever isn't a useless garbage skill like Antidote/para/blast or fucking Mushroomancer. Who fuck uses those?
As I said, I never got why you'd ever make a beta set over the alpha one.
my point is HBG is boring as hell to use, from a gameplay perspective. To me that's a tradeoff
You're a fucking moron
My cropped-kus making the rounds
It's not a tradeoff unless you think you should have to choose between fun and effectiveness. There isn't any reason why any of the 14 weapons in the game should just be so much better than all the others, just as there isn't a reason why any of the 14 weapons shouldn't be fun.
Mind you I generally get less annoyed at gunner weapons being too strong because blademaster MH and gunner MH are already like 2 different games to begin with, but gunners in GU annoy me more than usual because they have no tradeoffs for their damage output. Valor/Adept gunners are basically invulnerable.
Oh and there are several situations where a beta set is better by virtue of sills present on the gear versus slots available. It only takes a bit of common sense though, so I'd imagine that is why you struggled with it.
G5 / EX lifeline skill right thurr. But its not muh DPS so it must be trash yo :-s
>You can't run and climb around on Lao's back and fight another monster on top of it
That's the gimmick of the fight
>required extreme amounts of development time and resources because of it
Sure but it doesn't change the fact that Zorah is still a reskinned laoshan and a shit fight because lao shan's fight is inherently shit.
You comparaison with Zorah and gen 4 monster is wrong because gen 4 monsters were new fights instead of just being a rehashed fight with a new section and gimmick.
I’m convinced that anybody whom complains about World’s grind just really doesn’t like the monsters or the gameplay changes. Basically because of how much easier the game is and how lackluster most of the newcomers are when it comes to their fights, even with tempered buffs, you’ve become more aware the endgame grind.
>unless you think you should have to choose between fun and effectiveness
I mean, yeah, you should. Why should you be allowed to have both?
Every HBG speedrunner I see sounds / looks bored and the gameplay itself is boring to watch. Don't get me wrong I'm not debating effectiveness I'm just asking, if HBG is so astronomically better than everything, why do only a fraction of people gun?
Of course I know it's better than the beta set if you have the right fucking decorations, get off your high horse you conceited sperg. Point is getting the right decorations is a pure RNG fest and if you're just one fucking gem away from having a complete set then have fun hoping for the last one to drop and fighting the same tempered assholes for 20 times.
Why the fuck are MHW fags so self-opinionated, holy shit
>if HBG is so astronomically better than everything, why do only a fraction of people gun?
That's not really true anymore, Bow is one of the most used weapons in World, and HBG got more submissions for TAs than any other weapon in GU. In fact, HBG and LS by themselves make up about 40% of all recorded runs in GU.
People will use whatever is strong. That's all there's to it. Weak weapons are rarely fun, anyway.
*than the alpha set
My bad.
>Of course I know it's better than the beta set if you have the right fucking decorations,
You say "Of course I know that" like you weren't just saying completely fucking stupid shit like LOL MUSHROOMANCER IS TRASH GUIZ
Maybe if you spent more time playing MHW than you do whining about MHW, you'd know about the game. But you clearly chose your path.
The worst thing about World is it was a FotM game so nobody plays it anymore.
I don't see how you'd choose mushroomancer over something that gives you more damage for example, but enlighten me. Never seen anyone use it and from the description it reads like a useless skill. It just replaces items you use with other items so what the fuck is the point?
It's not all there is to it at all. You're avoiding the question. In online lobbies, with normal players, like you and me, only a fraction gun. That's facts, jack. Speedrun schmeedrun.
>muh meta
*yaaawwwwwnn* get over yourself
>I don't see how you'd choose mushroomancer over something that gives you more damage
Of course not, we've already established that you're stupid and don't know much about MHW.
I already enlightened you about how to use the master melder to make gems, I'm not spoonfeeding your dumb underage ass anymore.
The fact that 40% of the endgame rotates in and out is kind of irritating as well.
not that user but its useful for giving 10 max potions on deck (on top of your normal 3 / combines). Not useful against HR or most of G rank, but against monsters that can combo you to death (such as later Dreadqueen with deadly poison / follow up attack) or 1 shot you - or indeed in huntathons where one can easily run out of heals altogether - it becomes almost mandatory.
*blocks your path*
I recall when carves were replaced with mega potions on hunt-athons
Steam says otherwise
Except it was established in several posts that I never meant gems that drop from monsters, but decorations. That was my mistake and I even apologized for it, but not that uppity cunts would care since you're too busy sticking your head deeper up your own ass.
>uhm I totally know cuz I'm smart but uh Im not telling you because uh lol ur dumb
Great fucking argument, chief
Still waiting for someone to explain me why the fuck you'd choose mushroomancer in MHW over anything else, any volunteers?
I can see that being useful in some other games, but in World? Where item management is literally babymode and you can basically farm a shitton of potions on every map yourself??
>Except it was established in several posts that I was really fucking dumb
Hey at least you admitted it dude, I appreciate that.
Not him but it's probably because LBG feels underpowered unless you play hyper-aggressively, and Valor HBG kicks your ass if you don't play almost perfectly
Both of them feel awful in lategame if you don't know what you're doing
I admitted it long ago, glad you finally noticed, good job senpai.
>accidentaly using the wrong word due playing other games that used the word "gem" for that powerups you put into armor sockets means someone is "really fucking dumb"
Could you be any more autistic? I have a hard time imagining that.
>I admitted I suck dicks long ago
Kind of a weird thing to bring up, user, but okay.
Great argument again. Just keep posting titties since that's the only thing you're "contributing" in this thread.
You can fight the tempered (HR 50+ event mission) version on pc mhw at the moment. Fucking hits like an AT
No a great argument would be going "I ALREADY ADMITTED I'M DUMB but I did it by accident so I'm not actually dumb" like you did right here:
Man you're a fucking dipshit.
Big nigga Dante
Negro gigante
>Why can't I enjoy MHW?
Because it was made for bugmen that think grinding so you can boost your stats to kill copypasted stat buffed enemies and grind even more is engaging gameplay.
I had the exact same experience as you except I used the insect glaive.
>Because it was made for bugmen
Except MHW specifically was made to cater to westeners in every aspect
>Because it was made for bugmen
nu Yea Forums needs to know what words mean
So you dropped the game before HR50 and you then proceed to talk about content you haven’t even played.
>double Tempered bazel
Is intentionally hard at that point. You can’t even augment gear to get good defense to avoid the 1HKO explosions. And unless you killed 20+ bazels, you lack the experience to know how to avoid them.
MHW is one of the few games that manages to improve with each free dlc update. AT monsters are harder than G Rank, and also have expanded movesets (despite your claims. AT Xeno is a fantastic fight).
>gems vs charms
Never fails. This is the easiest way to spot a novice. Charm farming was always and will always be worse, because you would never get a godlike charm in old games and hit HR999. Meanwhile you’ll have every gem in MHW by HR300 with moderate, focused grinding. And please don’t try to counter with the “b-but you didn’t need godlike charms in old games!” And charm farming rarely involved actual monster fights. Also MHW dlc armor cuts the decoration grind down thanks to stats (Attack, crit boost, etc). Not to mention Kulve weapons. So complaining about a grind when you haven’t even played that portion of the game is silly.
What? I never said it was hard. What gave you the impression? I bet the two bazels without trouble. I just got bored doing the same shit over and over again and realized that it's not going to get any better anytime soon, so I dropped it and bought MHGU (I already played MHG a few years ago).
I've heard a few of the arch-tempered fights are good, but not all. So that didn't keep my interest.
Mind you I played the PC version where all the updates came a fucking year later (another really retarded decision but who knows how much they could influence that, it's just a shitty port either way). I lost all interest in Kulve Taroth cause he wouldn't be out for several months after I stopped playing it.
You're arguing with the dipshit whining about gems when he means decos, and who has no idea how the game works. Spare yourself the effort and just be glad he's not playing the game anymore.
>MHW is one of the few games that manages to improve with each free dlc update
The non stop power creep just makes the game more and more trivial, and generally has only ever helped out the weapons that are already god tier, like Bow, LS and HBG. Weapons that were already in lower tiers like lance, GL, HH, SA, etc have gotten fuck all.
>talking about fucking tiers in Monster Hunter
Every weapon is viable
Fuck off
i dont understand how you people have problems with the dual bazel quest, just let them fight each other and finish the remaining one off
That doesn't mean some weapons aren't significantly weaker than others for no real justifiable reason
Literally just don't get his by his exploding shit, what the fuck
He has super easy patterns once you know them. He's not hard.
>Legiana finally dropped the gem
>got that full set now
Feels good.
Need a Paolomu wing to keep upgrading the bow to go with the set but that can wait, gotta do my fucking workout.
You could have just used the master melder for that gem
Depends on context.
Sometimes I get great synergy between 4 hunters that on paper or
individually would be weak, but as a team cohere brilliantly.
Likewise a lot of the speedrunning thing is to go solo, using
techniques / approaches / methods that maybe wouldn't be viable in
multiplayer; be that because the monster targets other people;
teammates would get in the way etc. etc.
I'd be in agreement with meta talk if multiplayer wasn't always
such a big part of MH and the design of MH.
But because MP is a massive part, as far as I'm concerned the more
variety there is in equipment, the better. Even if it means lack of
If it was PvP it would be more important also. But as such...
Except the same exact weapons always dominate in both solo and MP. Some weapons are just far too strong and others are too weak.
You can have variety without one weapon arbitrarily doing twice as much damage as another weapon that's meant to fill the same role.
They're actually going to make us wait until E3 for Iceborne news, aren't they?
Ok how about you play with the strong weapons only, since you obviously need a crutch, and real players gain mastery with all approaches and enjoy the fullness of what the game has to offer? stay in your little box.
This Fortnite era has spawned little brats that are never happy and always demand patches and updates. What happened to the days when a game dropped and that was that? you took what you were given. One could actually learn a game and not have it change and alter constantly so one can never settle into a groove. Why is there so many armchair developers these days?
>This Fortnite era has spawned little brats that are never happy and always demand patches and updates
This was a thing before Fortnite too though
Jho is already full of spikes you retard, those are literally the ones he already has
>What happened to the days when a game dropped and that was that?
You mean when games were completely broken and nothing actually worked as intended? When RPGs had half the spells and stats do literally nothing, fighting games had 2 viable characters, and so on?
>weapon tiers
>Gunlance, Switch Ace has gotten fuck all
Kulve weapons say hello. Especially the para swaxe, and literally every r8 gunlance
All the bugs and rough edges are a part of the game just as much as anything else, and you can learn them and adapt to them. Getting rid of them doesn't necessarily make the game any better.
it was never that way, you give devs too little credit. Thou art oneth of the armchair devs I speaketh of.
>4th made monsters less fun and more flashy
>too many weakpoints like legs on Seregios and Gore
>thankfully i have MHFU
So are you autistic or what. Gen 1 and 2 monsters are fucking shit and have exploitable weak points too, with a few exceptions like Narga and Rajang that also are weak to ____. Your shit taste is irreedemable.
Never played any Final Fantasy before the PS2, I take it? Or literally any old school fighting game?
Weapon tiers are undeniable. Some weapons are simply vastly more effective than others.
Only retards and carebears claim otherwise. Which are you?
Imagine owning a switch
Do you also have a soilent diet?
>a game being buggy and shit doesn't mean it's shit! J-just get used to it!
Excuse me?
New monsters are shit because their weak points are both easily accessible and completely safe to hit.
It's a pity that shitters using such weapons/techniques are still supreme shitters then, isnt it?
Plenty of competitive games were literally built upon bugs and exploits. With patch culture these games would have never existed in that form.
The developer's vision is not infallible, and sometimes their mistakes may actually result in a superior end result. literally 0 difference from old monsters.
A bad player using an overpowered weapon doesn't make the weapon bad, idiot.
4Ubabs literally can't stop exposing themselves.
An overpowered weapon doesn't make a shitter good either.
>it takes 2 minutes to kill a monster with one weapon
>it takes 3 minutes to kill a monster with a different weapon
Who cares? Just play the game. Why have every weapon do the exact same dps? That’s impossible to balance, given the breadth of movesets+reach with each weapon, vs the behavior of monsters. MHW is literally a refinement of combat mechanics from 10+ years of experience. It’s a miracle one weapon doesn’t completely obliterate everything else (not counting rng cluster spam). It probably has the best combat engine of any game on the market.
Stop basing your opinions around someone else’s speedhunts and your inability to perform
That doesn't make the weapon not overpowered.
"B-but shitters!" isn't an excuse.
Said the FUggot literally exposing his head every single time after landing after flying(because everything is a Rath reskin) and doing a double tail spin
>hit the dragonator
>music flows into proof of a hero
makes me feel tingly every time
What if one weapon takes 8 minutes and another takes 20, such as is the case with Behemoth solos?
It's easy to dismiss the issues if you just lie about their severity.
Also, effectiveness is not solely defined by DPS. Switch Axe has the best DPS out of any blademaster weapon in GU and it's still mediocre. It's a combination of their damage and the tools at their disposal. So if a weapon cannot keep up with others in any matchups, its tools are lackluster. That's really all there's to it. That doesn't mean that each weapon should have equal DPS, that's stupid. Just that the weapons that are struggling hard need better tools to not be completely outclassed.
Good players are a minority, why should the game be designed around them?
shitters need crutches. if there was no "meta" they'd complain about that too. Despite the fact that even after trying to copy a speedrun YouTube video, they are still awful at the game (a weaker weapon would make them even less effective) they still waste carts, ragequit, have autistic fits, be general shitters etc. etc.
Cretin, 2gen Rajang is the most exploitable monsters.
No they’re deniable. I enjoy fighting raths with horns and hammers, even though LS will get me faster kill times. I like using lance vs Jho because it feels good. I have a range of like 5 weapons I enjoy using vs each monster. I don’t pick a weapon type based on nonexistent tiers. I will select weapons that provide entertainment, and if I’m farming then sure, I’ll use bow vs Diablos
>which one are you
Your brain is extremely tiny if you think those are the only two options.
I just play the vidya, and I happen to be good at it. Keep up.
>i literally cannot read a whole post
The most easily accessible and safe weak points in the series are the heads of early gen monsters that do the double turn, which is a lot of them.
You sound like a game journalist talking about Sekiro.
Why cater your game to those who refuse to engage with it?
Good for you that you're such an aimless retard that all you care about is "feews gud".
>nobody dies in the campaign
>except the good guys
So a weapon with a built in counter mechanic vs a weapon that relies on evasion, in a fight not designed to be solo’d? With kill times that aren’t even yours?
That’s like getting mad that hunting horn has a harder time than bow does vs Kulve’s final phase, because Kulve’s horns are out of range most of the fight. Of course a ranged weapon would have an easier time hitting horns. But should Hunting Horn be changed to do 3x damage on that body per for sake of “balance”? Hell no.
No weapon struggles hard. And if you hadn’t noticed, ranged weapons have become increasingly less effective against certain encounters (slicing ammo nerf, Behemoth, changes to AT Kush aura, bow wall jump nerfs, the weakness exploit skill having no viability vs Kulve, Lunastra fire walls blocking ranged attacks, etc), which made the game even more balanced.
who dies in the campagin ?
>in a fight not designed to be solo’d?
Buddy you do not want to bring up MP when MP has been HBG territory for a decade.
>And if you hadn’t noticed, ranged weapons have become increasingly less effective
LBG dominates on Kulve to the point where other weapons get kicked, Bow dominates on Behemoth, Bow dominates on Lunastra... you sure we are playing the same game?
Yeah it feels good to set world records. It also feels good to land a clean hits that make my dick hard. Just because my water bow will kill Teostra in under 2 minutes doesn’t mean I won’t use para swaxe and latch onto Teo’s face to trigger a paralysis that cancels his airborne supernova. Doesn’t mean I won’t shoot a dazed teammate with bow because my dps would suffer for half a second.
It must suck to feel the way you do. You can’t even enjoy what the game has to offer because a charge blade user kills Nergigante faster than your insect glaive
My enjoyment in video games comes from finding the best solutions to every challenge the game has to offer. So in MH, I'd ideally want to have to think about my weapon choice, equipment choice, and strategy with every single monster.
But if every single challenge has the exact same solution, then where's the fun in that?
LBG doesn’t dominate the actual kill, it’s absolutely the best for body breaks but horn damage is abysmal. That’s why it’s just a cc weapon for the final phase. That’s why you switch to bow for the end.
>people get kicked
Lol stop playing on PC
>bow vs Behemoth
Yes, if you invest in an evasion set, grind 50+ times against Behemoth to learn the matchup/evasion timing, get a good AT Kulve drop, then yeah, you can potentially dominate that fight if you yourself are good enough. Stop watching YouTube and taking it as validation. Speed hunts are extreme rng+borderline exploits.
>Lunastra vs bow
Yes, it’s the best weapon for hitting face. Stop ignoring what I said about nerfs. They’re obviously put in for a reason and they were implemented post launch.
lack of G-rank and end game has made you ill in the brain
Bow never got any legitimate nerfs, it got bugfixes. Wallrun bow is still busted by the way.
Slicing nerf is irrelevant when spread is stronger than slicing ever was.
Weakness exploit is a core skill on every single weapon. Not a gunner nerf.
>only mentally ill people want strategy in their video games
ok m8
>Yes, if you invest in an evasion set, grind 50+ times against Behemoth to learn the matchup/evasion timing, get a good AT Kulve drop, then yeah, you can potentially dominate that fight if you yourself are good enough.
Every other weapon has to do the same fucking thing and still takes twice as long.
Listen I'd also be seething if my game difficulty only went up to HR
Fun fact
G rank games are easier than HR games.
For me, it's the niggacuga.
Who will he beat up in turf wars and who will he get beaten up by?
What you really meant to say is weapons and armor are shitter in a HR game.
That's part of it, but G rank event quests also just tend to be easier than high rank ones. Lv100 GQs in MH4 also had higher attack multipliers than 140s in 4U.
for real how will the armor even improve in iceborne? apart from defence i mean
just give everything 3 slots or 3 skils, so with a full set you get more than 15 skills?
seems silly to me
And Gen / Gen U?
Shh don’t tell him that
So you find the best solution, and execute countless flawless hunts, using optimal sets and ideal weapon types.
What’s after that? What do you do? Move on and play Dauntless? Nah, you crack that same code using different variables. You can switch to an optimal solution at any time. But why do that every hunt?
MHW has been catering to the top 5% of players since its first DLC. I doubt 1% of players even experienced AT Xeno, or AT Kulve. Name one other game that produces free, challenging content for hardcore players.
I’m not saying you can’t criticize MHW, but it’s a shame how many people on here literally only care about damage meters and someone elses hunt times. This isn’t an MMO
Have you done it? Nope.
None of the endgame stuff in GU really comes close to Five Kings of Destruction.
>Nah, you crack that same code using different variables.
Why should I? I don't care about self imposed challenges.
>You can switch to an optimal solution at any time. But why do that every hunt?
There is always room to improve.
>This isn’t an MMO
You spend the vast majority of time at "endgame"
Equipment progression
Content updates with power creep gear
Entire emphasis is on its monster fights and repeating them a ton of times
I don't see why it shouldn't fall under the same kind of scrutiny
That's not even close to being on the same level. Five Kings of Destruction had just as much HP, and almost as much attack, while being a high rank quest.
This is my biggest issue. ATs being limited is silly and doesn't make much sense. I get it for the Extremoth and Kulve fights, to drive people into multiplayer to do them all at the same time, but everything else is designed to be soloable so there's no real reason to limit it.
Reaching now. Just admit you're wrong, it's OK.
You hoped you were talking to brainlets.
Oh, also, EX deviants are really only any harder than max level deviants in Gen because of their damage output. G1-G5 meanwhile are easier than their high rank counterparts with equivalent gear.
See for yourself. Nearly identical stats, except players do significantly more damage and have a ton more defense in G rank.
You said nothing comes close. Stagger, Exhaust, Damage, HP, Attack, everything (except defense) is higher enough to be significantly harder inthat MHGU quest - especially given its a hyper huntathon.
Five Kings are hypers as well. The only noticeably larger stat are the stagger thresholds. Other than that, damage increased by around 25% and health by 15%, against hunters with significantly higher defense (and the damage formula means that damage taken drops sharply once your defense is high enough compared to the monster's damage output, standard for hard endgame quests in GU is around x15 attack), and close to twice as much damage output.
That quest is a fucking joke.
>hypers as well
Never said they weren't. We'll just agree to disagree.
You're still fucking wrong, but whatever.
>nothing comes close
OK m8y
Point stands until someone actually posts an example of a quest that's as hard as that.
I did but you are doing some extreme mental actobatics because you're in denial that you were wrong.
I was also right when I said that what you really mean is that HR weapons and armor are shitter thanG rank.
Thanks for proving me right again.
I explained why the quest you posted was laughably easy compared to Five Kings of Destruction. You're just plugging your ears and pretending not to listen.
Even speedrunners need 30-40 minutes to solo Five Kings of Destruction with the best weapons and sets in MHGen. Path of the Hunter does not come close to that.
Well, no shit, but GU is easier because the difficulty of its quests does not increase parallel to the increased power of your gear.
Isn't the entire point of G rank that it's supposed to be harder? Not just a mild upgrade over high rank but with significantly stronger weapons and armor?
The G rank quest has higher stats, so it's harder. Your gear is irrelevant there.
The only reason it's easier is, in fact, because you can get better gear.
But the quests and the gear have nothing to do with each other.
What kind of retarded logic is that?
MHW is boring and sold it's soul to the GoW audience.
Can you replay the Crystal-ya-ku hunt? That shit was fun but I dont think I've seen an optional for it and you cant post a completed special assignment.
>The only monster that can match the elder dragons
lol no. Jho is an angry fat kid on the playground. A jho going against an elder would be like a fat kid trying to bully a tank out of it's lunch money. The only thing jho has that might give him a boost is dragon element but it really doesn't count for much. Even a savage jho would get its ass royally whooped.
You do capture your monsters right? You do remember that you are a researcher whose mission is to understand, preserve, and respect the laws of nature, not a concqueror, right? You're not a savage beast are you?
Prior to MHW's release the only thing Nintendo toddlers were talking about were sales and how hard it was going to flop.
>who will he get beaten up by?
Jho, Bagel.
It's what an invasive monster does.
>Jho was never this annoying
You must have blacked it out. Jho very much was an obnoxious bastard. Just as much of a pain as the bagel.
I know you ain't talking hsit about the deltas queen. She was the single best monster in 4.
You know what happens to captured monsters, right?
Okay, what about it makes her good?
I thought the pickle vs bagel was a really good turf war too but yeah. The diablos wrestler slam was damn good.
Qurupeco is best girl.
Sup mello
they're tagged so they arent hunted again and released into the wild after they recover from their wounds
And for how you get items on captures? Well, When you carve a monster, what you carve is the hunters cut. The rest of the body is used by whoever the hunter is working for. The capture rewards are just spare parts from separate dead monsters
Nothing bad happens to captured monsters
other than being put into the arena to be hunted again in MHW.
>tfw rarely dung podding monsters because I love the chaos of two monsters going ape
>tfw the arena hunt with multiple raths at once
>tfw @vaal when the murderdog decides to get involved
I get why people bitch and moan about monsters joining the hunt but God it's just so much fun.
Captured monsters in world get sent to the special arena where you can bombard it with cannonballs, ballista arrows and skewer it with a dragonator
Correction, Desert Seltas Queen is rad.
Regular Seltas Queen is boring garbage.
Doesn't happen with every capture and once again they let it recover from its wounds before setting it in to see how they retain memories of the previous hunt and react accordingly.
Once again, you're supposed to cap them so they can then release them back into the wild.
Not the sexiest bird though.
Plz, iceborne. Bring peco back. I miss him dearly.
You can also dump boulders on them if you choose. My personal favorite.
I only hate it when they seemingly stop to all attack me at once
>Grew up with no huntan buddies
>LoneHunta 5 ever
>4U has native online
>Internet buddy is more of a monhun fangirl than me
>We both play the shit out of 4U because duo huntan is best huntan
>He is just okay. Capable but not exactly good
>Next hunt is a Tigrex hunt
>He loses his mind. His fave monster. Spent dozens of hours hunting him in FU and blah blah
>He triple carts in the first 7 minutes
Good times. The dude is a silly bitch. We had a blast though. Duo hunting is truly best hunting.
Thanks for reading!
How to get shearclaws?
how 2 Lance without guard?
His gimmick's going to feel neutered if they bring him back now that every monster in the fucking game can summon Bazelgeuse.
They can just make it absorb the monster it summons, you know.
How needed is guard for lance anyways? I never had any issues with never having the skill in GU where i played aerial lance, and i got up to at least archtempered kirin in world with never once using the skill either and never really ran into any trouble
AT Xeno is actually fun because if you gear against it's quirks instead of following idiotic youtube meta the battle doesn't feel like retarded bullshit.
>Nobody plays it anymore
>I dont play it, that means no one is playing it
Might want to hop online and at least peek at the rooms. Theres still tons of people playing.
you wanna hit this?
World has drug in a weird crowd. I mean I'm not bitter. I'm thrilled more people are getting into the game and having fun. I've never subscribed to the much secret club thing. Still, just lots of weird people getting in on it. People demanding the best "builds" and using shit like "BiS". There was always TAutists but it's just been dialed up to 11.
Use sub optimal loadouts and whatever weapon looks nice. Have fun with your sets. Minmaxing is the quickest way to burn out on monhun and using a shitty set only tracks on like 20 seconds to your hunt. Big deal. The only thing that tiny amount of time counts for is speed run autism.
It upsets me that the growth in the quest was making me hard. It's an actual dopey bird thing, it's not attractive in the slightest. Why must you betray me, macrophilia?
aren't the monsters supposed to be based on real animals? there aren't any birds that do that. the only birds that carry their eggs are emperor penguins. it doesn't look like an emperor penguin so where did they get the basis for that behavior?
Of Behemoth? You don't, it's fucking impossible to break his arms even with full bombadier and part breaker. Just kill him and carve, I immediately got all the claws I need
Killing monsters is the true mercy. You get extra monster parts when you capture. Where do you think those parts come from? Captured monsters are vivisected and harvested for as many parts as possible for distribution throughout the guild. If they arent dismembered they are thrown into the arena and dissected afterwards if they cant be reused for more arena torture.
Stick with Switch Axe or make the jump to Charge Blade?
You have ruined your own mind, user.
I was doomed from the start, set up for failure. I was already interested in giant women by the time I was 4 or 5, and I didn't understand why since girls were weird. Now pretty much anything non-hideous that is bigger than it should be works, apparently.
They are based on oviraptors.
Jesus fucking Christ, it isn't his egg, he steals them and breaks them and eats them. He also picks up rocks and jumps really high to smash human skulls with them, what bird does that? What bird uses a bright flash to stun you and then comes at you with a karate kick?
Cant speak for other games as I only dabbled in lance before world. In world, guard is pretty nifty. I'd say at least one level is mandatory. 3 levels is optimal. It just keeps your hunter from flinching to strong attacks so you can counter more attacks and generally just get into the action faster. Its probably not a huuuge difference hunt time wise but it's enough to screw with your timing if you really have the groove with lance. Having no guard really makes you feel stun locked for most attacks. You could always just power guard everything but that takes extra time anyway and kind of screws with the flow if you ask my opinion.
It carries rocks to hit stuff with, and likes shiny things. The eggs it steals are other monsters' eggs, and it breaks them for food.
Xx was shit, so who cares. Fuck the anime movesets
once you say it's not their egg it actually matches up fairly well
What lion has a winged blue wife who can float above him and cause a nuclear explosion? Because I want to see that at a zoo
Exactly so fuck 3, 3U, 4, 4U, Gen, Gen U and fuck World.
It's based on a motherfucking oviraptor (latin for "egg takerr"), a fucking dinosaur
It was assumed that oviraptors eat eggs since the first fossil was found near a nest but recent discoveries make it more likely that it was the dinosaur's own nest
Now stop being a sperg already
But theres plenty of birds that eat other bird eggs and a handful of birds that use rocks to break things open they want to eat.
Also "based on" doesn't mean "exact habits" or anything. Not many porcupines attack and eat elephants and get enraged to the point they dive bomb prey and explode in a flurry of quills.
sure but a lot of birds will drop things on their prey, steal the eggs of other birds and attack with their legs and talons
God damn man. Zoos are boring as fuck in this reality.
Mhw is shit because even the quests you can do are RNG. And it's the endgame ones
>those faces