Everyone would love to see their favourite character join the fray, and that's a good thing because it shows you actually care for the character you're rooting for.
But I made this thread to learn about why the character you want would be perfect for Smash Ultimate.
Me personally, Banjo is my number one pick (apologies for the bias... I understand the toxic fans and the cringe induced posts make this character very controversial...), but seeing other's most passionate character is something that is legitimately facsinating to me, and something that I can stand by!
Write away!
Note: Please refrain from posting Non-Video Game characters and starting flame wars just because someone mentioned a character you do not want in the game (it's going to happen anyways, but let's keep the trigger level at a minimum...)
honest question: How many times are we gonna see this thread and how many variants?
Brandon Ramirez
One too many times, but still a treat to see live.
Tyler Collins
Either Sans, Frisk or Kris. I just really like Toby Fox and I think they'd be great Indie representation for Smash. Undertale is popular both in the west and in Japan. Also the music is fantastic.
i'd love to see cole macgrath from infamous 1 and 2 make an appearence. he has electric-based superpowers and a wealth of different moves to pick from that would actually translate pretty well to smash like the shockwave, lightning tether, kinetic pulse etc.. the list of choices is endless.
plus if his reveal trailer was animated like the cutscenes in the infamous series i would fucking cum
What is a seven? Also, imagine if they pulled a Donkey Kong and gave them realistic bear and bird noises.
Cameron Hernandez
>Ignoring Yoshi and fox
Jaxson Nguyen
I'm just saying because all the rare intemperated characters like Diddy Kong and K. Rool all have realistic noises.
Aiden James
Aiden Powell
Can i just have this? Please? I've been a Sonicfag for a long time and i believe that Shadow has a lot of potential with his chaos abilities and yes, the guns.
If they had to add other Sonic characters i'd say they should add Tails, Knuckles and finally Eggman, no more than that.
I think Dante's got a deep enough move pool with his four combat styles and all his weapons that you could make something really cool with him. Royal Guard down special, Air Trick up special, etc. Shit if they wanted to go really crazy they could give him style switching with his taunts, but that'd be far too much work.