Should there be accessibility options for arachnophobia?

A lot of people seem to have difficulty finishing games with a lot of spiders in them, especially in games that aren't horror games specifically. A lot of people couldn't get past the Frostbite Spiders in Skyrim or the Spider Pit level in Dark Messiah.

In fact, Dark Messiah had a quite often downloaded no-spider mod which replaced all spider models with pigs, which made pigs crawling on the walls no less unsettling, but probably triggered less phobias. Should games should have options already to deal with people with arachnophobia?

Also, spider thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. Fuck spiders, they're the Devil's spawn.

Arachnophobia is a meme fear for retarded normies.

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You know making a spider thread is gonna attract people who are gonna shitpost gigantic spiders as a funny joke.

How big of a pussy do you have to be to legitimately be afraid of video game spiders

Not gonna lie, the part where all those fucking spiders climbed down in that shaft/tower was pretty fucking creepy.

Jumping spiders are cute and based

Attached: jumping-spider.jpg (600x400, 46K)

its not like i want to be scared of spiders. ill still play a good game with spiders in it but ill just be uneasy a lot of the time ie: metro last light, hollow knight

>Portia jumping spiders are so high IQ that they specialized on hutning other spiders and forge plans to attack, while capable of trial and error learning

Attached: Dandy_Jumping_Spider_(Portia_schultzi)_(11908383663).jpg (1045x756, 238K)

High IQ is sexy

No, to overcome your fear (or whatever your hang up is) you need to expose yourself to them in a controlled environment. Not avoid them at all costs.

Phobias aren't real, you nigger.
Stop being a pussy.

post some cute vidya spiders

Why should there be any more than any other phobia?

Games should have an option just for you, and when toggled on it makes every enemy a spider.

Does that work for phobias?

I have a really bad roach phobia. But I'd still play a game that featured hordes of roaches because I'm not that big of a pussy

Yes, it does.

I want to say no.

Unless it's a VR game. Then fucking yes.
Throwing fucking spiders at me in VR is FUCKED.

My favorite is when killing one spider unleashes a spawn of many more

You're a good man.
All you pussies look at this man and learn!

I had difficulty finishing Dark Messiah only because of the glitches. I was fucking pissed when the game just would not accept the last gem on the spider statue. Fuck that level but not because of spiders

No, and virtual spiders are unironically a great way for arachnophobes to get over their phobia gradually, or at least make it less obtrusive.

no, be a man

I have a phobia about needles and injections in general. Probably stopped me from enjoying bioshock. Still there is a shitload of things people have phobias for and they can't add accessibility options for each and every one of them. Just think it through and realize that it's only a game and nothing displayed on the screen is real.

Fuck off with that shit, you have literally no reason to be scared of spiders. Yes, you humans have some kind of an instinct formed from your ancestors fighting venomous species, but most of spiders now aren't dangerous at all and just want to live in peace.

I have a phobia of drills in my fucking mouth

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It's literally pixels on a screen you fucking retarded zoomer piece of shit.


Maybe a cock (cock) in your ass will calm you down.

I really don't like how games with giant spiders make them so slow
Imagine a jumping spider the size of a small dog that moves so fast it appears to be teleporting short distances

>a lot of people seem to have difficulty finishing games with a lot of spiders in them
>a lot of people
women and trannies, nobody gives a shit about such crybabies

>you humans

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Small critters generally move faster in relation to their body size compared to the bigger ones.

when i was a kid i used to always have to play minecraft on peaceful mode because i was scared shitless of the spiders. even now i don't like exploring abandoned mineshafts, those fucking spider nests with the ones that poison are straight from satan's asshole

>that webm

>when i was a kid i used to always have to play minecraft
underage b&

fucking kek

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I'm the only one who thinks with all this debate around Sekiro difficulty and accessibility, that both sides have a point? While I think developers should have the last saying when it comes to difficulty and that journalists are being bitchy and whiny when it comes to demanding it, I feel it's a valid suggestion to add some options to help disabled people to enjoy the game. After all, lots (if not all games already) have options to balance audio, add subtitles, change luminosity. Things like a colorblind mode should be easy to implement and would be non disruptive to the game difficulty.
Not all disabilities can be covered sadly, but as long developers, consumers and journalists remenber this, it shouldn't be a problem.
And returning to the topic, I think they could try, like putting a weblink that advises of phobias and trigger warnings.

user... Minecraft came out 10 years ago

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Never had a problem with the spiders in skyrim. But when I faced them in VR I was honestly startled.

you mean more spider related video games?
remaster when?

Only if I get an agoraphobia accessibility option for open world games. I only want them to have small, closed corridors instead of vast open spaces.

Not sure that counts as an irrational phobia, that's a healthy one so long as you can suppress it for the duration of a dentist visit.

I have arachnophobia, fucking shudder uncontrolably when i see the a spider, but i could not give a shit about spiders in game. Like only time I was a little "eww" is those sadoko bitches in the spawp from Dark Souls 3.

I, for one, welcome our new spider overlords.

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are they fighting or fugging

Would you fuck a nigger?
It's the same for spiders.

i would tho but not the n word

I sing Frère Jacques in my head, that usually helps

Reminds me of Fallout and ES. Would you rather live in

Fallout world with giant roaches
ES world with giant spiders?

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ES world with CHIMP

Did you like the new spider-man?

Many many years ago I had a friend that loved Zelda. She was playing through TP (it had just come out) and got to the part that you need to carry midna through the castle sewers. That's where you face the very first spider in TP, and they are creepy as fuck.

She legit had a panic attack, and asked me to tell her whenever there were spiders (I was ahead of her in the game) so she could prepare herself.

Let's just say temple of time was rough on her.

I get grossed out by some spiders (especially hairy ones like tarantulas, even though I know they're harmless), but I love scorpions.

I also do not fear scorpions and spider-like creatures like crabs.
I think its down to them not having a big hairy moving abdomen.

that cider acute

>How big of a pussy do you have to be to legitimately be afraid of video games

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I eat crabs, they tasty

Hellgrammites are worse

Saw the picture, just glanced at the title and assumed it said bestiality instead of accessibility.

> that spider infested station in metro
> shelob
Thank god they do mechanical spiders nowadays

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I'm arachnophobic to the point that any spider bigger than my fingernail makes me spill my spaghetti, and even I don't have a problem with 3d-rendered virtual spiders. Stop being a pussy.

Spiders are cute mate. They're total bros too.