Why do basedboys love this game so much?

why do basedboys love this game so much?

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Gaige is cute!

Redditlands memelands


holy fuck im dying

t. Anthony Burch

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Didn't really pay attention to the story but it's fun to play

I've always enjoyed how painfully accurate that post is.

Borderlands 2 writing is cringe. It's like Rick and Morty and r/funny condensed into a video game script. Borderlands 1 writing, while nothing special, was actually tolerable and had some decent jokes to break up the monotony. Weird analogy but it's like the jump from Saints Row 2 to 3. Borderlands 2 and beyond went full retard. Can't speak for Tales from the Borderlands because
>point and click

i wonder how retarded borderlands 3 writing will be

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>fifa cocksucking normalfags hyped for borderlands 3 for some unfathomable reason
>ask them why

I think NPC's are real

It's top comfy, just get a friend to play it with.
Good level design. Fun co-op. Decent quest design. The gimmick gun stuff works well enough (especially with mods that make rare drops more common).
I mean if you don't like the writing, that's understandable. But it's more the snoozefest Roland shit, than the lolrandumb and way too wordy humor, that's irritating about it. In BL1 they'd just give you the quest and shut the fuck up.
Also just play Krieg, at level 18-20 switch to mid tree and be an absolute madlad.

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cute snek :3

>Yea Forums: I hate games with a focus on story, writing should always be secondary to gameplay
>also Yea Forums: *complains about the writing being bad in video games over and over again*

Maya is a cutie and Lilith actually has cutscenes.

No one cares about the writing on a borderlands game you dumbass wankers, the central gameplay loop is amazing. That's why people like it

The gameplay is fun, but "farming" is what ruined the game for me.
Technically, farming isn't even worth it until you reach OP8. There's only a few exceptions like the rough rider for Krieg.
You're forced to fight through the obnoxious, overpowered, bullet sponge enemies in UVHM in hopes that Gearbox will be generous enough to give you a weapon that doesn't suck ass.
Then when you finally get to the point when you can start farming, if you have a social life, it can take months just to get a single gun. It turns out that the majority of YouTube channels that make Borderlands videos are actually PC players, which means they manipulate the game via gibbed and save files. So all those "kill this raid boss in 30 seconds" videos are invalid and not helpful to the average player. Console players have to save and quit, then reload the game over and over for hours like a mentally insane person. If it's a quest reward, you have to close the game from the dashboard, then restart. And for what? A virtual gun? Not worth it.
For a game that likes to constantly remind you how many weapons there are, only 10 will help you stay alive.
I can't believe this game has a fanboy following either. They'll actually defend 1.2% drop rates for legendaries.


I think it was written by the guy who did 1 and Tales From the Borderlands, the latter of which was easily the best writing in this series or Telltale games in general. Not exactly a high bar either way though.

Just because something is secondary doesn't mean you don't have to put effort into it, you dumbass. Especially when the writing becomes so obnoxious it actively detracts from the gameplay whenever they stop you in your tracks to subject you to it.

im excited for it, ive got hundreds of hours in 2. Im a super sucker for loot shooters, but every one since 2 has been awful fucking shit gameplay wise. Borderlands might have horrid writing, but the gameplay is great

BL2 made me want to fucking murder the BL1 protagonists, minus Brick.

Except Rick and Morty is actually clever and funny.


For me these games always get incredibly boring once I inevitably hit a roadblock on some mission, can't figure out how to proceed or what to do next. But then I realize I don't even care enough to experiment for an hour and just stop playing all together. I'm no stranger to RPGS where you need to really search and experiment at times but I just can't be fucked with these games. I always drop them.

It is, when I first watched it it was great and it still is. No amount of retarded shitposting can possibly change that. People will look back and see it for the great show it is. It's unique, not cliche, and has a lot of cool shit.

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Are you serious

tried playing this again but all it is, is spam fire guns, the game.

Anyone can do this reductionist shit, mouthbreather

It's the textbook example of "But it's fun with friends!" memery.
Nobody actually likes it, it's just less autistic than MMO's and lasts longer than most co-op games. You'll never remember a single moment from the entire game aside from some bad writing however.

it's too good relative to other guns, and it's always effective more or less.

Never played through 1, but playing through 2 now as Gaige with some friends and I like it a lot, albeit being too easy and everything just melting. We're planning on playing Pre-sequel afterwords as none of us have played it, hopefully it's a bit more challenging.

Also while 2's humor is really hit and miss, I appreciate the relentlessness of it being shoved into every aspect they could cram it into. Honestly works to fill the dead-air a game focused around mindless shooting has.

>If I don't like something, it must mean no one else likes it

Funny. But is that supposed to make me think it isn't a good animated show?

>t. found a green maliwan revolver in the first area

How does this post manage to be so accurate

This was the last game me and my best friend played tirelessly before life caught up with us. Playing this all day every day for months. It holds a special place in my ass since its really the last time I get to do something like that without a care in the world.

you like playing with your friends but not borderlands as a gam,e

>It holds a special place in my ass
how come such a single word chage in a sentence made me laugh, kudos.

>When your post is more obnoxious than the thing it's criticizing.

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It's good a good amount of variety, and the combat can be good if you have a decent gun like a Maliwan revolver or Hyperion shotgun. And each class has a distinct playstyle which helps break up the monotony of just shooting basic guns (except Axton, he's boring).

However the writing is obnoxious and constantly in your face, a lot of the missions feel like they're delibarely designed to waste your time without any thought put into them or a good reward at the end, and the new manufacturer system isn't very good, making some weapons absolute garbage.

So overall it's an ok 7/10