Just bought this on the switch without having played it before.
Is there anyway for me tonget a refund?
Just bought this on the switch without having played it before
For the switch? Probably not, because as soon as you go to return it there gonna ask for mommy's credit card info, and your gonna have to steal it out of her wallet and then get a talkboy to trick the store clerk into thinking you're a grown woman.
why would you want a refund to a game you just bought and never played. Let alone a good game ha nearly everyone should give at least one playthrough.
just give it a chance
It's a great game that I'm currently playing, and it's cheap. You shouldn't have bought it, and should know Nintendies business practices by now, so it's your own fault. Now just play the game, it has unforgettable music and fun materia mechanics.
Damn, I was going to tell user to ask mom for his allowance early, but you beat me to it. Maybe he'll have to take out the trash this week.
I try almost every year to play it and I just can't. You should play 9 instead. I played it for the first time last year and damn I couldn't put it down. I just can't like 7 and don't see why its so loved besides nostalgia. If you do get a refund try 9 out.
>try every year
>bought it last year
So have you tired once or twice?
I brought 9 last year,but had 7 already on ps3 and ps4 since they were on sale and I thought I could get into if I kept giving them a chance. Just not for me
Hmm, i played it on ps1, pc, ps3, psp, psvita, steam, ps4, iOS, Android, XBone, might have to give the switch version a try
9 is so fucking bad lmao, it tried so hard to make me care for Vivi and the mages when they are literally a gun with a mouth
Might very well be the single most overrated game ever made, even moreso than Ocarina of Time, and that one was a top contender.
9 is legit shit, don't listen to this fag FF7 is pretty much the best one with 10 after it if you can stomach fucking Tidus
>Likes 10
If you hate 9 it must be good.
>FF7 is pretty much the best one.
You can't have this much of a shitty taste can you? Let me guess 7 was your first FF wasn't it. Otherwise you have to be retarded to think it was the best.
Cool meme, 10 isn't perfect but better than 9
You have to be a trolling try hard contrarian snowflake to think the games before it are worth a damn and even more so if you think 8 or 9 were good followups
Right so it was your first one,got it.
>Try hard Contrarian snowflake
Right so you're also retarded as well, understood.
>9 is legit shit
This is what someone who hasn't played FFIX would say.
I played FF7 after 6,4 and chrono Trigger among others and it's by far the best one. It's just that it's only enjoyable if you either are a teenage boy and relate to the story on a deeper level or you're actually not retarded and appreciate and enjoy the care, originality and thought put into creating a story such as this
Nope but it's the only one worth playing and the only one most people still care about and refer to as the best cause it is, liking the others before it and thinking they're better cause FF7 is too popular doesn't make you a intresting person
>appreciate and enjoy the care, originality and thought put into creating a story such as this
This is bait.
It takes a special kind of bad taste to actually dislike IX. Holy shit neck yourselves.
Have they patched out the bug where the overworld BGM starts from the beginning after every battle?
What a retarded switch nigger, not only do you have garbage taste but you also are retarded, as you can just emulate it for free instead of paying $15+ for the inferior PC port
Eh. IX is a weird case where it's a JRPG that's great in every aspect BUT the story. The main plot is godawful and completely falls apart after Disc 1, and the story is what a lot of people play JRPGS for.
It's the same reason why people think Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda. It was the first 3d one and most popular game at their time. Doesn't make the best or "only one worth playing".
Sorry man, go back to xirclejerking about how good of a villain Kefka is or how epic FF9 when literally everything good it does is done better by DQ
But DQ is literally vanilla JRPG the series. It is extremely bland and boring with forgettable characters. No wonder Japan loves it.
even more brainlet detected
Shut the FUCK up Projared you faggot, FF6 and FF9 are only cared about by pretentious cunts and contrarians. The majority of fans will ALWAYS put Sephiroth and Jenova above your 2 dimensional (LITERALLY) We Live in a Society fag and Tranny sorcerer
DQ's philosophy is perfecting or polishing what is simple, that is true. If you think a good game or story needs some super complicated narrative with twists and turns and lore then yes, sure, it's boring. But DQ is like a poem: it's simple and low in content, but what is there is beautiful. There's many different ways stories or games can be great experiences. Although I want to say I don't think FFVII is so good because of its lore or whatever
When does FFX get good? I just got through the lightning plains.
If you don't like it by now you're not going to like the rest of it. Although the post game is pretty fun if you're into that sort of thing.
Name 10 characters from the DQ series out of the top of your head. I bet you can't. It is so mundane and boring as a series that nobody even talks about it. I wasn't even referring to DQ when I made that first post either user so but ok.
FF7 isn't good. It barely passes as a ok-ish game but I can at least remember 4 or 5 characters and the overall "plot."
Why would you want to refund one of the greatest games ever made?
Does your zoomer brain require 16x af and ssao in order to enjoy a game?
It has possibly the best story of any video game ever