Why does Yea Forums rely so heavily on empty buzzwords instead of actually arguing opposing opinions?

Why does Yea Forums rely so heavily on empty buzzwords instead of actually arguing opposing opinions?

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They've been trained by /pol/.
>never use logic
>never use facts
>use biased sources that reinforce your own position
>blame your opponent of being illogical
>deflect, redirect at all times
>it's never ok when other people do X, it's only ok if you do X
>you win the argument by memeing your opponent to death and looking smug, presenting sound arguments is beside the point

Yea Forums is full of redditors use to relying so hard on the downvote system to hide opinions they don’t like, which leaves them incapable of actually forming coherent sentences & counter arguments.
Short version: Whenever you hear “Seething”, “Incel”, “Toddler”, “Man-child” or “Zoomer” on this board after posting your opinion that means you won the argument & your opinion was correct

What opinions would you like to argue user?

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This, the fact that Yea Forums & reddit share the exact taste, but pretend otherwise by being contrarians just proves that we have become Yea Forumseddit

have sex

Sounds like everyone.

why do liberal game developers insist of using video games to push their agenda?

yikes. have sex.

they don't, you just can't stand people disagreeing with you.


I just don't understand why Yea Forums acts like TLoU is a "movie game" then goes and praises the MGS series. I got too bored to finish it but at least in that one i had to preserve ammo and there actually was the risk of dying.

People come here because they're lonely and want to feel like being part of a group. Nobody actually wants to discuss video games.

Attached: cloakofwisdom.png (1138x675, 234K)


tlou is a movie game, mgs isn't.

>mgs isn't
But that's wrong. MGS is basically just cutscenes.

because the majority of Yea Forums are pretentious normies unable to form their own opinion, so they rely on Yea Forums to tell them what to think and can not actually argue their point without using buzzwords. same applies to every major board here.

still not a movie game

Yup, TLoU is not a movie game.

Mgs does have gameplay, the only problem is that it's shit.


nope, tlou is, mgs isn't

Why isn't it?

this is Yea Forumseddit you're talking about, why are you surprised

t. seething incel manchild zoomed toddler

have it

cuz it isn't


Prove it isn't

proof sent