>Rockstar are a bunch of SJWs
How does this make you feel?
Nothing, i don't play shitty western trash.
Only people who think Red Dead Redemption 2 is ''sjw'' are paranoid retards.
Krogan is pretty based, good vid.
>hour long video
Fuck off OP.
At first I thought Abigail was holding a giant revolver.
There were female bandits in the old west, OP.
RDR2 was pretty bad with overall themes, only decent story part was Arthur's character progression and the gang's decline .
I posted this exact video on here and I got a warning.
Overwhelming majority of bandits were white male confederates.
It's worth the watch.
Probably not as many as media likes to pretend, and the ones that were famous were riding the coat tails of their men.
Miss Grimshaw >>>>>>>> shitty attempt at a strong woman aka Mrs Adller
Black Belle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shitty attempt at a strong woman aka Mrs Adler
They didn't need anything more to have believable strong women. But they had to shove her.
Also women are universally shit in any type of life and death scenario.
What should I feel? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, doesn't mean I have to agree with it or even accept it. It's just bait for clicks, stop caring so much, and live a happy and productive life user.
>Giving a fuck about how a game is not historically realistic
It's a lost cause, we will never have an accurate protrayal of History in any media
>and the ones that were famous were riding the coat tails of their men
Yeah no shit just like in this game which is completely fictional story which in no way is pretending to be historically accurate,
or indeed anywhere.
The realism isn't the point you cocksucking queers, the point is to offer a sense of wild west movie sort of feel and the diverse cast offers the audience characters to relate to. Also the camp girls are there so it feels less like a Brokeback Mountain sausage fest. Fuck culture warrior faggots both on the left and right.
>brokeback mountain
I don’t see anything wrong with that
That's a bit sad, I would really like to see an accurate representation of a certain soceity at a certain time without having modern concepts put in it but it won't happen, I don't even think it's possible
Why has SJW just become literally anything that portrays a woman in a good light? Stop being a goddamn schizo there's nothing wrong with a woman being a hardass. Be more like Arthur, he's a true alpha who just accepts things like they are.
pretty good vid
it's pretty in-deph and goes into historical inaccuracies and arthurs characters discrepancies
>good light
Sadie was so fucking forced and obnoxious I don't know how anybody outisde of waifufags can like her. Grimshaw and Black Belle were great though.
Man it sucks how tough women characters are a brand new phenomenon started by the jewish sjw cabal and not a classic archetype that has been popular for half a century, particularly in the action genre
>>brokeback mountain
>I don’t see anything wrong with that
There's nothing gay about 2 men keeping warm on a cold night, and spooning. Also, every need a a hug from time to time, even if it does involve another man's anus.
I'll admit sadie was a bitch of an annoying bitch but given what happened to her I can understand, plus Arthur deals with her perfectly imo.
I'm glad that people, fanboys included, are finally admitting that RDR2 is historically inaccurate and unrealistic gameplay-wise. The sooner we can all find common ground and come together, the sooner the developers will listen, and make our games better.
you're mixing up good light and masculine
it was very jarring and RDR2 felt poisoned because of the SJW shit in it
it could have been a lot better without it
>Anyone but Sadie fucks up
>Arthur gives them endless shit
>Sadie fucks up
>"Ahehe she's a wild one that Sadie I do declare she scares me a terrible amount aheheh"
>I'm glad that people, fanboys included, are finally admitting that RDR2 is historically inaccurate and unrealistic gameplay-wise.
Yes. It's a video game. It's not realistic. Go outside nigga.
Yeah, but honestly who cares? It's a fictional game, the only accurate game I can ever think of is Verdun. I'd sacrifice all accuracy for a fucking horse that works right. Just enjoy it, or don't.
>unrealistic gameplay-wise
What tipped you off, Arthur's time control powers?
Bill pls
>just finished RDR2 for the first time ten minutes ago
>come to Yea Forums to talk about it
>only thread is bait for retards who won't shut the fuck up about politics
Fuck this board
I drink the tears of idiots who set out to be triggered by nothing
look at board stats for Yea Forums, even more retards are definitely bleeding into Yea Forums
I highly doubt your story, but this thread is shit.
It's only a problem if the devs said that their game was supposed to be accurate
Nigga the game's been discussed and memed to death, your own fault for being late to the party
I do,because it doesn't work for me.I want the writings of nerds sharing cool shit about history.I want the writing/character team to match the environment teams work
And instead of fucking off, you're crying about it like the little girl you are
>Implying he didn't ever get mad at her
should of waited for the pc port
Videogames are a hobby of mine, just like everybody else that comes on here. It doesn't mean we don't have other interests or a social life just because I, or others don't suck corporate dick like you.
Assuming things like you just did is the definition of projection. You're probably white too, so act like it.
Input delay for starters, but that as well.
yes, yes goy worry about the "ESJEWs", very good
do not think about the exploitation of the laborers in the game making process it is not important what is important is that RDR2 has a woman with a gun in it
working 100 hours every week is good and okay, yes goy
now get back to work I need a new airplane
>Women's suffrage was happening at the time.
>Racism was a major issue at the time.
>Black cowboys did exist.
>Fresh off the heels of the Civil War.
>A woman who was raped and had her husband brutally murdered becoming a gun slinging lunatic that wants O'Driscals dead is unreal.
Fuckoff the only thing that was truly unrealistic about this game was how everybody followed and sucked after Dutches dick and where blind to the fact everything bad started happening after Micah joined.
All signs pointed to Micah being a rat to even the point he brought in his own gang, and he constantly made threats at camp to kill the others, if it was more real, John, or Hosea, or even Arthur would have strung him up right there.
i watched it,thanks for sharing bro
I'm telling the truth, I'm only awake this late because I couldn't put it down during the epilogue and ended up playing till 4AM.
He gets sort of mad then immediately forgives her. And she got based balloon man killed so honestly Sadie can go get fucked off a cliff and die
>Potraying some women in a good way and some white men in a bad way means "MUH ESSJAYDOUBLEYOU AGENDA"
He often makes good videos but this one is total bullshit.
Arthur is totally detached and centrist in regards to most issues.
A multiracial band of yanks and orphans opposing slavery isn't SJW.
The feminist characters are intentionally obnoxious joke characters, with one stating they'll "elect a woman in the first 10 years" and end all forms of war and violence.
Sadie Adler isn't a female empowerment character, the point is that she's hell-bent on revenge and only wants to kill O'Driscolls in total opposition to the supposed rules of the gang.
You don't have to kill at least one of the mildly racist characters he said you kill, there's really no correlation between characters being racist and you killing them.
The only point he has is that sometimes Arthur is nice and sometimes he's mean, that's a ""problem"" with all of these types of games. CJ would help everybody out with their problems, then drown a man in concrete for whistling at his sister.
That kind of thing is typical in real life gangs and cults, particularly because they don't have any other place to go if it all goes to shit so they'll ignore it and pretend everything is fine for as long as possible.
That's what makes Dutch effective. He promises everyone that he'll take care of everything, that it'll all turn out OK if they just put their faith in him, and that everything is going according to plan.
And to be fair everyone does start bitching about Micah's butt buddies moving in.
>play rdr2
>white characters literally say the n-word out of nowhere
how did Rockstar think this was okay?
Glad you admit being gay at least.
He knows that Arthur can make some "You belong on a kitchen" jokes, right ? I would think that feminists wouldn't be happy about that.
RDR2 was a shit game anyway. All you do is follow npc and shoot something.
ok, that's a based video. fuck nu-roccstar.
Nigger was a common name back then though
Yet it just so happens that Arthur is the stereotypical white centrist that "hates everyone". Rockstar beating around the bush once again. Maybe they should grow a spine and make an actual wild west game, like before or during the civil war.
A female with an attitude and a loud mouth would've been taken advantage of, killed, or raped. They didn't even allow us to interact with hookers like the first game. Rockstar playing it safe. It's a save space for players.
Meanwhile 1 had no less than three separate female characters who fought in Reyes' army, one of whom was central to the Mexican arch.
Because he was raised by a fucking anarchist with Marxist sympathies.
Honest to fucking Christ it seems like everybody with grievances about the game being unjustly overtly political didn't play either 1 or 2, possibly both.
>guy is raised by a socaliast dreamer
can people even pay attention anymore
I wonder if these mongoloids hate Tarantino movies too for having badass women and black people, with racists being acceptable targets for violence
You have these things in a movie any time in the last several decades and it's totally fine, but if it's made in current year it's an "agenda"
Well I mean nothing is stopping you, the player, Arthur from being a sexist racist, you can lasso women down and feed them to gators, and dragon black people to klan meetings and drop them on the burning cross.
I dont find that enjoyable, but I did find enjoyment in throwing Dynamite into rival gang camps or klan meetings and enjoying the destruction it caused.
Games made in a modern politically correct climate can't afford to explore a historical setting without pilling on a bunch of contemporary political shit like the stuff highlighted in the video
This leads to homogeneous, boring and stagnant media that gets all the perks of presenting itself as challenging, progressive etc
Anyone who pretends this isnt a massive issue (especially in a time where good boy points attained through virtue signaling is becoming a powerful social commodity) because they don't like le /pol/ boogeyman is a retard
Despite a huge emphasis on political messages in media, there is something painfully bland and borderline apolitical about most media nowadays. Don't care if you want but activity defending it is just servile and pathetic
People here don't understand the idea that just because you're playing as the protagonist, that doesn't necessarily mean they're the good guy.
>Implying women didn't play an important role in shaping the wild west
Micah's reception reminds me of this meme. He's wasn't even that bad. He's just abrasive but basically right about everything, the gang shouldn't be dragging a dog around, Reverend and Uncle contribute nothing and they should've retrieved the Blackwater money instead of fucking around.
it doesn't help that my game glitched out and she disappeared for like the first twenty hours and then showed up being all hard ass
>Expect a terrible story DLC thats use that bitch as MC
>It is just a The Quartening tier video
You scared me for a second, user. A business who exploit their workers can hardly be considered SJW no matter how hard they virtue signal
I wish this board would stop pretending that it's upset about politics being shoved down muh throat and just admit that women in general upset them
RDR2 is pretty much a minority killing simulator though. There are more negroes and orientals walking around than whites. I'm always restocking on ammo. Rockstar has always been redpilled.
Shame we can't shoot the Indians. I guess it's fair since we already beat their asses in war. Let them drink themselves to death.
>A female with an attitude and a loud mouth would've been taken advantage of, killed, or raped.
The fuck are you talking about? 98% of the main characters wouldn't be in a gang of rapists. And the women did get passed around of their own free will, Dutch clearly ran through them all and was setting up Mary Beth as the next.
Arthur chews her out when balloonbro dies and when she thinks to rob the Rhodes general store.
>waaah waaah RDR2 wasn't my hang niggers fantasy
purge /pol/
how pathetic do you have to be to waste your life making such videos?
Im pretty okay about girls as long as they stay away from vidyas (unless they are cute 2d tomboys)
Maybe they just hate them because they're shit.
I think there has been somewhat of a shift in media where it seems a lot of media seems really prideful of the fact that women and minorities are receiving more representation in media, which is fine, but it just comes off as arrogant and self serving.