How many Gokus should a dragonball game have?

How many Gokus should a dragonball game have?

Attached: not even half the total gokus.webm (888x500, 2.69M)

80% minimum

>no kid goku
>no ape goku
>no ape man goku
More than that apparently.

Attached: 1387442099205.jpg (1058x705, 117K)

That's only a single filter.

Attached: goku filter.jpg (1200x675, 213K)

This is a card game so as many as possible, but if we're talking fighting game rosters then I think the sweet spot is 4:
>Pre-Super Saiyan (Piccolo arc or Saiyan arc)
>Super Saiyan (Cell/Buu arc)
>GT version (SS4)
>Super version (Blue or Ultra Instinct)

Just got started playing this.

Is CI supposed to be the meter that fills during attack and defense phases?

Also what are the benefit of back and middle attack rows, do certain cards get better use of them?

Every time I only have 1 guy at the front and 2 or more at mid or bottom I'm under power level against the opponents.

I want to get but i want to know how the game is getting updated, if it is going to get updated. Will they add new units for you to summon in the future through updates? Do you have to pay for them like dlc?

the game wont get updated. this is an one year old japanese game

So it isn't like your gacha with new banners and units added during this game's lifespan.
That's disapointing.

Yes CI is the meter minigame. The different rows determine how much stamina you will spend. The back row spends 1 the front row spends 3. Each bar gives you 1000 team power to determine who goes first. If a character has 3 bars you might only want to put them in row 2 because completely draining all their bars will make them vulnerable to being stunned if you fuck up a CI while on defense. If you have no stamina you can put them on the field and they will do their attacks but you only get 100 team power and they are going to be the most at risk to being stunned.

there is 0 microtransaction in this game, you can farm the tickets very easily to do your pulls.

is that a fusion of goten and mr satan? jesus...

What the fuck are you talking about the game came out 6 days ago in Japan. They literally got the game the day before we did. There are also 26 slots for dlc in the steam database.

I know that, but once you get all the shit that matters, i imagine the game just dies since there isn't new content, new events, new units to go after.

Would be cool if they added new content for free.

Goku and Satan. And it's not new, it's a canon hypothetical fusion that would've happened if Vegeta didn't show up against Super Buu

Holy shit GT Goku is dark.

Pretty sure that's the potara fusion of goku and satan.

Roger that, so it is card dependant then.

I suppose putting Berserkers in row 1 is generally a good idea? Or should I put them out in front to get more team power?

So far I've been going Hero R1, Elite R2 and Berserker R3.

What decides CI speed of a character? Apart from buffs and debuffs obviously. Does it depends on the character power? Is there any away I can see it from the deck builder?

The actual damage a card does doesn't change when they are put into different spots. If you see someone spent most of their stamina on turn 1 and now they only have 3 bars left on their team you don't need to put all yours in the front you just want enough to make sure you go first during turn 2. Berserkers go well in the back because when you take damage you also take stamina damage and berserker takes more than the other two classes so they will want to have a higher reserve of unused stamina

There are only rare exceptions where a card might have a passive skill that makes them stronger based on the teams total power level.

looks fun but not $60 fun

A lot

Attached: the goku room.png (1600x1791, 1.21M)