What happened?

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SJWs and their poison is what happened comrade

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>muh essjaydubya reeee
Back to your containment board.

Rushed development. They couldn't ever really figure out what they wanted it to be. At one point the worlds were supposed to be proceduraly generated like in No Man's Sky. Game was rebooted like 18 months before it was released. Also Frostbite.

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They deliberately made the women in the game ugly because it just isn't politically convenient for women to look good these days. Memes aside though, I'm seriously starting to think bioware just hates women. Why else would they want them to be ugly?

I can no longer find it but there was an interview with one of the former managers who said female employees ran the show and demanded female characters were made ugly

Rushed development explains all the technical failures but not the pronoun shit or completely retconning gender roles in long established alien races.

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That sounds unlikely to be honest. I do remember however an interview with the guy in charge of character design for Dragon Age Cisquisition and he was spouting the usual shit about challenging established beauty standards.

The game has actually a solid basis, most of the bugs were because of the incompetence of the animators, not the engine. The combat gameplay is pretty good, the visuals are quite nice.
But it really suffers from shitty animations in dialogs and cut scenes. Someone got a job he couldn't do and that's the failure of practically everyone involved in decision making.
Its also painfully obvious what kind of people were responsible for the design of the game, pretty much everyone has dyed hair for some reason and the number of gays is staggering for a colony ship supposed to populate a galaxy. You just cant play it without it slapping its agenda in your face.

So the game basically feels like a good toolkit given to a bunch of fresh-out-of-collage leftists.
Probably was. Its one of the best examples on how SJW influence ruins games.

The higher ups having no idea what they where doing, and they wanted to do a lot more then what they were capable of.
or you can be like this guy and blame some blue hair woman that had nothing to do with it.
Also everyone was to busy to shitpost about the faces to actually talk about the gameplay

>The combat gameplay is pretty good
It was literally the worst in the series unless you were a soldier through the entire game.

Keep repeating a lie enough times and perhaps it will come true
>Its one of the best examples on how SJW influence ruins games.
Well if SJW can design combat and exploration that we see in Andromeda perhaps we should allow them to make more games

The combat is fast and flashy, but the fact alone that you're limited to three abilities only (because of controllers obviously) which also share a cooldown is a massive letdown.
Plus the weapon balancing is all over the fucking place. There are three guns that are ridicolously powerfull and the rest ranges from mediocre to trash.

>blame some blue hair woman that had nothing to do with it
Yeah, I'm sure the "higher ups" unanimously agreed that what the game needed most was dyed-haired faggots.
I actually was.
>Well if SJW can design combat and exploration
It's hard to inject your agenda into gunplay without making them shoot dildos.
I wonder what you think of that "automatic fire" mod they added later into the game.

The auto-fire mod is absolutely ridiculous. There was that one N7-assault rifle, i can'T care to look up the name for it, but it was limited to semi-auto bursts in exchange for pretty high damage. Well guess what crafting it with autofire makes it dash out double or triple the DPS than any other assault rifle in this trash game.

That would by why you thought that. They gimped the other classes which rely on abilities by fucking up the cooldowns compared to the other games and for some unknown reason removed the ability to manually control your squad.

Only way i managed to remotely have fun in this game is when i downloaded a mod that removed cooldowns and rolled a biotic god vanguard hybrid character who just flashed across the map.
That and 20 mods that un-uglyfied everybody and patched the worst bugs.

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The fact that you can switch classes on the fly gives it a level of depth not seen in previous games.

I remember using the invisibility cloak and overdrive for the weapons all the game.
>removed the ability to manually control your squad
Never used that feature much in previous games unless for focus fire on bosses. But I do remember that you literally have to give your squad commands on the tutorial planet to finish it. Dunno if you can issue attack commands though.

Brain dead development right there

Most beautiful race in the galaxy btw

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I don't know man. Re-rolling your class instantly in mid-combat is an interesting idea i guess? Feels like it was badly executed though. Also i'm not sure if that doesn't defeat the point of an RPG in some way.

>a real discord tranny in the wild

I had to play a custom female that looked like Lara Croft because the males have stumpy legs.
That game was actually my first time making a custom female character and I'm actually kinda proud of the result.

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You mean turians?

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Pretty cute op I’m surprised that was even possible.

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>get the M-37 Falcon GRENADE LAUNCHER
>tfw use the automatic fire mod
I refuse to beliefe they did any playtesting with this shit.

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>custom female character
I've seen that character on nexus by several people so consider me doubting.

Although more proof you can make a decent looking white character in this game because she looks pretty Hispanic.

All the white skin colours have a sickly hue to them or gross freckles and I wonder why...

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>I’m surprised that was even possible.
Well, it wasn't after launch. Because they limited the skin colors to black, brown and non-white. Because of "technical reasons" of course.

>she looks pretty Hispanic
Its still impossible to make a fully white character. That pic is the peak.

>Manveer Heir
Remember when that faggot dropped out of Bioware after this dumpster fire was finished?
I saw his racist ass pop up on twitter again after the kotaku article about 'toxic' atmosphere at Bioware and now he's claiming victim status too.

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I used a template from the archive thing, but modified it quite a lot. Would be pretty clear in a side by side comparison. I still spent hours doing it. That's why I usually don't make custom characters.

Yeah thankfully there are plenty of skin replacers mods available now.
Like pic related is a skin for the Nigger preset head 8.

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