A Hollow victory
>the boss is already almost dead
>3 revives ready
>the flask is at max charges
>upgraded firecrackers and 16 emblems unspent
Honestly, just killing him normally would be easier at this point then slowly and awkwardly cheesing him.
It's not a victory at all, just delayed defeat.
i like the title name
>still almost gets killed
holy fucking shit i could physically sense the panic of your pussy ass in that webm
Even if I died I would just revive.
Based and cheesepilled
every fucking time. Those subhumans that use this item should be banned from buying future From Soft games.
Seething cucks who can't handle seeing their precious game split open by alpha chad cheese.
t. game journo
I'm sorry but this is a Shinobi game, Shinobi are supposed to be underhanded and cunning.
those panic slash lel
It's all in the game so it ain't cheating. Good job.
Also, once you get the mikiri counter, any dude with a spear is just asking to get fucked up.
>that seething
Stay mad bitch boy. A winner uses what it takes to secure victory. Winners go back to Ashina Castle and fuck Emma and the shota. Losers like you cry on reddit and twitch about people not respecting your playstyle.
That way of winning is actually fine, it's within the game parameters and exploiting a weakness in the game design.
It's better than whining about needing an easy mode.
hard game. totally not easier than demons souls guys
Fuck it - play to win
I dont like it, but we all have our ninja way, I guess.
I time Mikiri counters just fine but I can't for the life of me do it against this guy.
nice game fromshit
>3 revives
>still needs to cheese
I'm glad you found a way but I hope you have a plan for beating actual bosses
why the fuck are you so mad?
I know right, I didn't even use them!
Mikiri has a really wide window, the only thrust he can fuck you up with is the delayed one when he drags it through the dirt. But if you keep on the offensive I don't he does it at all.
Yeah rofl
>can't beat seven cucks without chessing
>that amount of life
>3 revives
Firecrackers arent even that good, there are better tools to create openings.
>one of the easiest mobs
>still have to cheese him
Good that you haven't meet the Lone Shadow yet.
I think its cuz this dude does sweeps as peril attacks too. It's only the two peril attacks though I think so not too bad to memorize for just this fight.
This guy?
because those are the same idiots that boast about completing the game, even though you didn't if you used firecrackers even once
It stuns like, 80% of the enemies in game including bosses. There isn't a better opening maker unless it is specifically suited for an enemy, such as spear for loose armor guys or fire for red eyes.
>chessing an early game mini boss
>"seeing their precious game split open"
the bait is too good
Honestly, there's not a single useful prosthetics tool in game. Da fuck they ever had to implement it? For basaka references only?
You can mikiri the kick
I did.
Umbrella fire prosthetic is incredibly helpful against Demon
shrukiens are great to whittle down posture after upgraded and it can sometimes make enemies fall down on their ass when you shruiken their ass during their mid-air jump.
Yeah, but I asked the op.
You whiffed most of your deflects. No wonder you cheesed every mini boss. You definitely got your 'time played' worth of your money.
I am the OP...
lol, let me guess, you call yourself one of those Dark Souls pvp pros right? Enjoy playing with your broken toys while men continue to laugh at you.
Okay so what is the true hardcore way to play this game?
Yes there are, stop trying to bait and just in case you're serious: play the fucking video game some more you goddamn heathen.
>not even playing with Demon Bell active
No, you blocked 4 hits instead of deflecting then jumped away from the kick. You would have done massive posture damage if you could land your deflects and mikiri that first kick.
>purposely gimping yourself
I can't believe that you actually had problmes with the spear fucker, especially if you can do mikiri properly.
I did it when it mattered, a win is a win.
that's part of his chesse idiot
A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.
Cheesing everything and using firecrackers.
>Not farming a shit load of items
>Not purposefully making the game harder to make your wins more rewarding.
no upgrades whatsoever, no healing, no items, no prosthetics, no dodging, one hand tied behind your back and both eyes closed
even than some elitist fucktard would claim he did everything first try and that you don't even need one hand
great gif
Guys like that Seven Spears mini-boss do seem unfair when you first get to him, but it's only because the game really wants you to learn to play "their way" and once you learn how to play their way, the game becomes a whole lot more enjoyable
>Early in my first playthrough
>Seven Spears dude does his perilous Thrust attack when I'm still fairly new to the game and not comfortable performing Mikiri Counters
>I panic and just try to jump over it
>Even though I'm clearly way above his spear thrust, I get hit by it and you better believe that this made me angry
In hindsight, it makes sense to me. The reason why you can't jump over a thrust attack is because jumping is the counter to Sweep attacks. If Jumping was a one-button answer to both Thrust and Sweep attacks, then the game would be trivial. I think making the player think and react on-the-fly is fun. You see the red-kanji and then identify what kind of perilous attack it'll be and then react to it accordingly by jumping on their head or performing a Mikiri Counter
I have no idea why he always got my number, enough was enough.
Yeah, of course it is. I never said it wasn't. I was just pointing out how scuffed your mechanics are. Practice on the dummy at the temple more.
>kill the enemy easily
>n-no you didn't kill it the right way!
Seething and buttpained. Will your ass ever recover from this tragedy we will all call Colonbine?
>implying it isn't just a simple "Hard" difficulty modifier
>user literally playing on easy
>Practice on the dummy at the temple more
I already killed him.
Seven spear dude moveset look scary but it actually pretty simple if you have time to learn.
Too bad those damn asshole right next to him dont give you time to learn.
No I'm playing on normal, the difficulty FromSoftware intended it to be.
Why was wolf on the bottom of the well for 3 years? Why was the drunkard alive again despite you killing him? Why the need to keep Wolf out of the plan in the first place? What was Owl agenda?
>Dies and has to revive to finish off a guy he took a free deathblow on.
>Not farming a shit load of items
Only useful items are the sugars, which are made irrelevant by the Headless drops
>Not purposefully making the game harder to make your wins more rewarding
>huurrr not playing blindfolded with your feet, while you hire someone to crush your balls for every hit you take for maximum reward
fuck off
Jesus. Let up on the mashing a bit before you break that controller.
>right next to him
wut, you literally can't aggro anyone safe for that patrolling fat dude if you go too far down the stairs.
Ok, I can agree with and , Umbrella and Shurikens are somehow useful, but all the others are literally just a gimmick tools for several bosses, that's it. For what fuck do you ever need the firevent or tengu if using the sword is a much more fast way for killing everything?
Looks like the enemy died and the player walked on unhindered to continue playing. All in a day's work. It must suck wasting so much of your time trying to be good at video games when real niggas are just plowing through this shit.
Feel better?
No deflecting.
Fire vent staggers red eyes
Fire shits over big enemis. Mist shits over slow enemies with high posture. Upgraded lance is really nice.
It's the same kind of tard who things using onmyo in Nioh or general magic in Souls is forbidden since it somehow renders his ego into nothingness.
>that panicked jumping and L1 mashing
Just relax.
What happens if you don't perform the second deathblow on bosses?
i believe thats the point of the quote
Nobody ever failed them.
You have to play using only your erect penis.
Why aren't Soulsbornefags playing this the Shinobi way? It's fun as hell.
That's why I'm asking.
I've seen somewhere that if you fail the deathblow on the snake she gets you to the cave near the monkeys.
wtf? thats just some random?
no wonder people are bitching about difficulty.
They recover and you gotta fight them some more. I think they recover about 10% of their posture, maybe less; it won't take long to get them into deathblow again.
It's a miniboss.
No, that's a mini-boss, but they're basically glorified regular enemies with two health bars. Later on they become commonplace. Same moveset, just lower hp/damage.
Are you sure you're talking about the second deathblow that shows up on a few bosses like Genichiro?
Imagine sucking at GOTY
By smashing deflect you are reducing the time window reflect has parry frames exponentially, if you spam it it basically has no parry frames.
>Defeated Owl 2 in a single try after getting to phase 2 for the first time
Is this what sex feels like? I dont even remember the fight, someone else took over me and stomped the fatty.
Good to know. I thought they'd just kill you if you missed. Isshin as well?
You don't, that's just a rumor.
That being said, deflect window isn't wide enough for mashing to reliably deflect multi-hit combos, so you still have to time them properly, so they wouldn't result in regular blocks. And single-hit attacks are usually slow enough for you to deflect them without mashing.
>No you can't have an easy mode, players are supposed to rise the the challenge and use every resource at their disposal to complete the game.
>Noooo stop doing that! You're doing it wrooong!
I don't think anyone has been man enough to try on Isshin, but maybe not because he's sitting down, ready to die.
Beating most of the bosses in this game feels better than sex.
No one is actually saying both.
Towards the end of the game when Ashina castle is burning and you're on your way to Isshin there's a part where you fight one miniboss accompanied by one large samuraiman.
I struggled very hard on this fight until I figured out I could stand on a nearby treebranch and the big samuraidude would just run off the cliff and die, isolating the miniboss whom I could then easily finish off 1v1.
I feel bad.
>Too bad those damn asshole right next to him dont give you time to learn.
Use the stealth-buff you get from one of the Headless minibosses, then go from the right and execute the sword guy. Better yet make him your puppet if you don't want to repeat the process and take one hp ball off from Seven spears too.
I baited Isshin into his overhead attack and didn't take a single hit from him, am I no longer a true gamer?
>Butterfly has butterfly esque animas
>Owl gets an owl
>Orangutan transforms into one
>Wolf gets ????
It's almost like Yea Forums is made up of different people with different opinions.
No but you are now a true Shinobi.
you could also just stand on the stairs and the samurai guy will walk over and you can puppeteer him
>Why was the drunkard alive again despite you killing him?
That wasnt drunkard, that was Tokujiro The Glutton.
I have to confess. I killed one of those snake eye gun women mini-bosses when I discovered she could get poisoned in the water if she stood in it for too long so I just left the game running for a few minutes while she got poisoned repeatedly and all her health was lost.
Wolf gets the fun of hunting down each and every one of those fuckers and going for the kill.
Oh. I tried baiting just the samurai guy but they always kept coming over together.
Try this:
just mc the sword guy
I guess since this period was about there being no true honor, cheesing bosses seems like it is the cannon way to fight.
You could use the cloaking candy and go for an easy backstab too if you're lazy. Puppeteering definitely wrecks the boss
I played the game using my hands.
You fight him again in Owl's memory.
This is true easymode.
I tried stealth with the candy and thought it didn't work, so I toughed it out and abused Great Feather Mist Raven. Ending up being good practice for Jinzaemon and Doujun.
How important is stealth in Sekiro? I love stealth games but never played any From games, so I'm wondering if it's ok to play it.
reminder that you didnt really beat the game if you didnt fight Father Owl
Its the canon way in all souls games. Cheesing the game just to win is the goal and the whole point. What matters is that you figured a way to beat the game. Honor shit is just something pvpfags made up
Stealth is great for taking out entire rooms of normal tier enemies and taking an entire bar off a minibosses health bar. Stealth does jack shit for any fight that matters so expect more combat focus than Stealth.
Important as a way to approach and ambush enemies. But it's not a dedicated stealth game like Dishonored or something.
Fire vent with the buff followup is great for inflicting burn which stuns 90% of the enemies and bosses in the game
Sekiro is basically modernized Tenchu. Standard fight goes like this:
>You enter a new area, you scout ahead to spot the guard placements.
>You pick and kill lone guards one by one all around the map.
>You jump on top and stealth kill the first guy on a group of 3, then quickly kill his 2 friends before reinforcements arrive.
>You run away from reinforcements to hide again and while you're running you quickly kill a lone guard or two that are in your way.
And just like in Tenchu, eventually you come across bosses that usually require you to put the guard up and look for openings to exploit, or to cheese the shit out of them with your tools. Theres no kill animations from different sides anymore but there is normal stealth kill, jump stealth kill, corner stealth kill and ledge stealth kills.
The game literally promotes that victory is the only thing that matters too, that's the whole teaching of Ashina style
It's an action game first and foremost, but stealth is rewarded with free deathblows and thinning out crowds of enemies, as well as aided by some items and fairly free movement especially compared to the Soulsborne games
you know you can use 1 revive at best right
Yeah I know, I just think it's neat it fits the theme of the period, the Sengoku period having no honor and you being able to backstab nearly every boss.
>Sekiro is basically modernized Tenchu
Miyazaki cocksuckers, everyone
Bite down.
>doesn't kill Genichiro immediately in the field of grass
>lets him run away in Ashina Castle
>gives him plenty of time to summon grandpa
Truly a """shinobi""" of the highest caliber.
Not as long as you have bundled jesus and divine tears to eat.
But the point is, the player in the webm has killed Butterfly and Genichiro already, and he didn't even die to the 7 spear guy once. He's likely not cheesing him because he's bad, but because he wanted to find an exploit for the sake of it.
Stealth being bad in Sekiro is kind of a meme. It's not a stealth simulator, but it adds a dimension to the From soft formula that feels new and fun. Having several different options to take on situations like mini bosses is awesome and great game design
how can people be this bad at video games
It must feel so horrible to be bad at video games
But it is. From published Tenchu 3 on PS2 so it was easy for them to take the good ideas from the game and improve the bad aspects (mainly the tank controls). 90% of the game you sneak on top of rooftops and look for a way to quickly and efficiently stealth kill as many enemies as possible just like in Tenchu. Because its always the faster and easier way to do things. Later abilities like the Blood Mist make it even faster.
>You just can't burn alive armored warrior with fire, because japs don't even know how armor works
Retarded island monkey
While I agree with this, doing something like video related is just silly. I'm okay with it on speedruns and consecutive NG+ runs but as a first timer you shouldn't cheese to THIS extent.
But a victory nonetheless
>woman manipulation
Nice try, cuck.
Wolf killed both of them, proving once and for all that Sekiro > Nioh.
Wolf gets headpats from his cute shota master.
>but as a first timer you shouldn't cheese to THIS extent.
Why not? As long as its you who figured it out. Back in Tenchu days everyone spammed bosses to death with bombs or other cheese too.
God I wish I knew about this, I spent like an hour just fighting her ridiculous health bar.
Demon bell doesn’t actually change the games difficulty. Even without charm. You already know movesets. It’s just makes you sip 2 gourds more than usual if you miss them parries.
Why does he keep spamming the firecrackers, when he just jumping deathblows her anyway?
It was a tenchu game before fromsoftware decided to have activision publish the game
I thought shes just sturdy because shes an illusion. And just like O'ren probably would've died faster with Divine Confetti. I'm glad I spent time learning her patterns there because the actual Corrupted Monk was stupid easy afterwards.
Lol he's easier than old owl
The seed + firecrackers stagger her, making her move backwards a bit. He's doing this repeatedly to get her into range for the jumping deathblow, while still technically remaining undetected.
I ran out of divine confettis at the time so the fight was really really boring and slow.
Also I barely even touched O'Rin, her posture is an absolute joke.
Reminder my ass. Even retarded casual Ninja beat him.
>stagger her, making her move backwards a bit
Oh, ok. You sure you can't reach her without that though?
If you delay the wall jump a bit, you can do a backflip that moves you quite a bit, instead of a regular vertical walljump.
Maybe, but it might be harder to pull off. Could be that he does it this way for reliability.
You just know
No, it wasn't
Miyazaki said from the start of development it was new ip, just in case tenchu fags will be pissed of on the casualuzation and making it arcade like cinematic experience game turned to be
Did you not upgrade your attack at all? Because I beat corrupted monk legit on my 2nd try and it only took 5 minutes. No divine confetti (I don't even know if that has a bonus effect on her)
Is there a way to improve the healing gourds heal rate?
You can deathblow actual monk anyway and completely skip her first and second phase. Third phase is just the usual mix of parry-strike-firecrackers.
There are two passive skills you can learn, plus you get like 3 other passives from beating bosses and mini-bosses. Like the Chained Ogre for example.
I have but I barely did any damage to her for some reason, not that it matters now since she's long dead.
>it was new ip
Yeah but he hinted it will be a new ninja stealth kill game, aka Tenchu. It doesn't matter Titan Quest had new Ip, its still a diablo-clone.
Divine confetti works on 90% of bosses specially spirits or creatures.
I fought her legit but because I knew her moveset thanks to spending time on the ghost version and didnt take long to figure out trees are good safety for her shadows, it was pretty easy. Third phase movesets were way easier to deflect and predict.
>you cant use skills that are legitimately in the game
I bet you used deflect huh? You didn't beat the game either.
>Community manager
Holy shit
I actually got tears in eyes from laughing
I did the same but apparently you could complete trivialize her shadow attacks by hiding under a lilac umbrella.
Corrupted monk is affected by the confetti? Not that it matters since 1st and 2nd form doesn't regenerate posture anyways.
Imagine getting mad at the choices provided in a single player game
True lol
>I fought her legit
A Shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.
Jokes aside, apparently the ash works on third phase too.
I wish all bosses didn't regenerate posture, like let's just remove the health bar completely.
>b-b-b-b-but I was only pretending!!!!
Every boss is affected by confetti, it boosts your atk power by 25%
I just took the shadows head on.
>stand still
>parry first shadow, parry second shadow, parry third shadow
>they give you 2-3 seconds of rest before 3 new ones spawn
It's very systematic and not hard if you stay calm. I had more success with this compared to jump around in the trees.
Not him but I jumped on one tree and then hold the right stick to the right and spam the grappling hook, it will randomly jump from tree to tree non stop so the shadows couldn't touch me.
The game's challenge exists for you. You bought the game for yourself.
When you cheese the game you're only cheesing yourself.
Imagine having bought an experience and then exploiting glitches so you don't have to experience it.
>fight shadows
>they don't die twice
shit game
But in this game you're supposed to be dirty as fuck, that is the Shinobi way.
>“A lot of influence came from ‘Tenchu,'” Miyazaki said. “We even pondered upon making ‘Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice’ a part of the ‘Tenchu’ series at first. Of course, after that we researched and referenced many other games as wel
Sekiro confirmed being Marion sequel, you jump on enemies in both games!
I did exactly this but it was only 80% reliable. The third shadow would on some occasions hit me while I was flying.
I had the same problem on the dragon. Had to wait for his sweep attacks because he kept hitting me mid-air with his overhead attacks.
How do I dedeat great ape
i jumped up on the tree and noticed the corrupted monk so i jumped at her to get some hits in and i could deathblow ,negating the rest of phase 2
Why are people angry at this? This is no different than pausing to kill the Yellow Devil faster in Megaman 1.
1. deflect the combo
2. get a few hits in whenever theres an opening
3. dodge the turd
4. eventually posture stops recovering so you get a kill
just like every other boss? you even have a prompt to use grapple on him from time to time for several free hits.
Pretend he's Ludwig.
>in this game you're supposed to do exactly what the shitty main antagonist does
Does increasing your health even matter during boss fights? I swear it's like they scale their attack power to your health anyway.
Well, yes? A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.
Yes, it matters. Without 9 beads or more the Demon's sweep will one-shot you on NG+ with Demon Bell active.
why are enemies in games so dumb? why is this thing incapable of taking in information about its environment and making decisions?
Games don't think if the devs didn't program something in it won't happen.
This. Nioh chads unite.
so why didn't they program it to think?
I wish there was an action game where the AI could recognize patterns you struggle with and then repeat those more often.
why didnt your mum program you to think
You're better off just playing online, like that For Honor game.
best NPC burn I've seen in a while
user btfo
Real brainlet status here but it took me a playthrough and a half to realize that some bosses only use certain moves if you use a health item in front of them
>grandma tell you to avoid courtyard
>It is the most safe and fast way
Fuck you too grandma
What courtyard? I don't remember that.
but a victory nonetheless
>tfw only got Demon of Hatred and Genchiro/Isshin left
>keep getting my ass kicked in both
Lads how do I cheese them, I can't put up with these 3-4 stage bullshit bosses
in Fountainhead Palace. I dunno what means by "safe" though, it's packed with Elders who can suck the youth out of you in seconds. I took her advice and stealth'd around the whole area. I dunno how sprinting through the middle is safer than that.
It feels like cheating to me.
I immediately felt bad after puppeteering the samurai in the second Seven Spears fight and commited suicide.
It was immensely more gratifying to use leet skills to defeat both of them.
I cheated at the NG2 max combo trophy.
There was a pit with some crabs at the bottom.
It was a later part of the game and it was MNM.
I simply kept throwing shurikens and they all legit counted as a combo. Crabs couldn't parry or anything so I got the trophy.
This kinda crafty cheesing is the best.
>Иccин, мacтep мeчa
>Not perfect parrying all the kicks, mikiri'ing the leg, and then high monking his sweep to end the fight in 20 seconds
what kind of backward ass logic is this, jesus
What exactly is going on? I'm watching swords clash, but nothing happening aside from two bars on the top getting more yellow as the fight goes on.
Is this how you're supposed to do it? She keeps spotting me when I try to crouch walk behind her
The story in this game was contrived and stupid. FromSoft attempting a cohesive narrative was a bad joke, they should stick to vague NPC dialogue and weirdly written item descriptions.
One day you too shall know the tragic extent of my failings.
>Struggling with boss
>Time to whip out the most broken item in the game
This shit will probably get patched, but taking corrupted Monk from 100% to death with this is fun
Should I feel like a shitter for using oil plus flame vent for almost every boss?Why shouldn't I use my chance for free damage that I can always farm at Hirata.
Pop a Gachin's before you drop down from the ledge
Does that work on Ishin ?
Fucking anayama, a side character, is a better written character than 99% of bullshit made by wannabe movie directors posing as game devs. The purification ending is more kino than anything made by the fags over at Naughty Dog.
For the first phase, don't bother deflecting. Learn when he is open after doing a huge combo or rolls around on his back. For the second phase, deflect the huge downward swing.
one day you will learn edgy writing voiced by a heavy smoker aint actually culture
And he is one of the easiest boss in the game too
>Game let you backstab him
>You can easily use Mikiri counter to remove his posture
You have to be really retarded to thing he is hard to beat
Just deflect bro
However when he goes for his standing grab, jump, don't try to dodge
2nd phase again deflect everything he does, deflecting the big overhead strike stuns him for a bit. For the scream, run away when the perilous symbol appears, if you get caught in it use Mist Raven to teleport out of it
Someone enlighten me, why does the guy fight like a samurai when he's a shinobi?
Is it just japwank or does it have a lore reason?
>doesn't use a spear
>doesn't use a bow
>doesn't ride a horse
How the fuck does he fight "like a samurai"?
>primarily uses stealth to get the drop on guys and assassinate them
>uses shurikens, poisonous blades, and a *teleports behind you* technique
>throws sand in your face
Doesn't sound like a samurai to me
Why am I having so much trouble with this guy? I have no problem deflecting/dodging most of his attacks, but he's always too far away to punish him. It feels like his perilous move is different than all the other ones I've encountered before, I can't Mikiri it, jump on his head or dodge hit him and the only thing that consistently works is doing an awkward back jump dodge.
Perilous is a grab, jump away is your best option.
Save some gourds and sneak attack her like
Her grab can actually be deflected with proper timing. She's an Okami descendant so Sabimaru should work. If you want to cheese her, deflect -> double ichimonji -> repeat
Because real shinobi's weren't anime tier and would use the same martial techniques as the average jap swordsmen. They also weren't dedicated assassins to begin with.
There were schools of fighting. It's not "you fight like a shinobi" or "you fight like a samurai", you "fight like your school" regardless of your occupation.
If your tactic doesn't work, try something new.
>They also weren't dedicated assassins to begin with.
>A ninja (忍者) or shinobi (忍び) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of a ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare.[1] Their covert methods of waging irregular warfare were deemed dishonorable and beneath the honor of the samurai.[2]
Can you tell me why I should believe a random user on Yea Forums over wikipedia on this matter
Yeah, quit the game when I die once instead of reviving so I spawn outside of boss area and can go back to an idol to heal
You can't deflect grabs, dumbass (I have never tried though).
You can however iframe through it, while being in range with proper timing.
Or just dodge or jump back to get out of the grab radius altogether.
Her perilous attack is a unique grab. It tries to hit you on the way out, and then it grabs you as she pulls her gun back in. So it's a 2-in-1 attack. The first hit can be deflected, but I found it's much better to just take a step backwards, then attack forward immediately. It should dodge it just in time.
I'd do the same If I was bad at this game
>You can't deflect grabs, dumbass
I know, you can this one though or else I wouldn't have said you can
>(I have never tried though)
I have, dumbass, and it absolutely works against this particular one
>included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and geurrilla warfare.
Anyone can be an assassin. Some samurai wearing their kimonos could walk into someone's home and cut them up. That's not the same as being hitman.
Imagine buying a video game and not actually playing it.
Well, I'll try that on NG+3 this weekend and see how it works. And if it doesn't, you'll eat your pants.
I don't follow, except unless by the "they" in "they also weren't dedicated assassins to begin with", you actually meant the samurai despite only mentioning shinobi in the previous sentence.
Rather than waiting until the weekend, you could also just look it up: youtu.be
That's neat. But suboptimal compared to dodging, since you don't stagger her with the deflect and don't get a free hit on her vitality.
Kind of, although I found it actually easier and more reliable after a couple of tries.
Although if we're talking about optimal, then the ichimonji cheese is better regardless
If shinobi weren't dedicated assassins, who were?
She's right, those guys can enfeeble/kill you in a matter of seconds if you aren't careful.
You already met her in the poison cave, you should know how to fight her.
I fucking rotflstomped her there in the cliffs area.
>"Demon Bell"
>The idol's name says "Bell Demon" instead
There's a demon sealed in the bell, thus the bell is called Demon Bell.
The demon inhabiting the bell is known because of the landmark he's sealed in, thus he's the Bell Demon.
You don't take the actual bell with you, you only get haunted by the demon you released.
>cheeses like that
>still almost gets killed in the end
How bad can you be?
Thanks, beat it on my first try after realizing that the gun attack is a free dodge counter. Fucked his posture up
I just finished NG+6, and didn't use firecrackers at all on the first run. you're a moron, they aren't that helpful and don't make a single difference against the two hardest bosses. you're probably just bad.
you ring the demon bell, what you get is a bell demon
are you dumb or something?
what the fuck are you talking about? as far as I know there is no "combo" trophy and no crabs in this game.