so what's this ""gamergate"" everyone is talking about?
So what's this ""gamergate"" everyone is talking about?
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Time travel thread?
I want to go back and get those winning lotto tickets
Frothing polcucks invade Yea Forums in 2014 and invited a bunch of newfags in because of their autistic reactionary conspiracy that Zoe Quinn was sleeping with a gaming journalist for good reviews.
1. Basement-dwelling incels on Yea Forums aren't allowed to gatekeep and slut-shame what game developers do with their genitals.
2. Even if she was romantically involved with multiple gaming journalists, it doesn't give you reactionary fuckheads to start twitter hate mobs and harass multiple developers.
T. Incel womanchild
You dumbass polcuck, you're supposed to puot the meme arrow infront of t. to imply that i am your reactionary insult.
So when you write T. Incel womanchild, you're alling yourself that. It as supposed to be written >t. incel womanchild
Stop appropriating /int/ memes, you dumb fuck
Funny since there are even more goobergators on /r/KotakuInAction than there are on Yea Forums.
>everything I don't like is /pol/
I sure hope we can travel through time to stop you from popping those estrogen pills into your faggy throat.
An embarrassing memory, and I wish all the retards that flooded here because of it would leave.
fucking /pol/tards
In a nutshell, game journalists are shit. Chelsea Valkenburg fucked more than a few journalists that gave positive coverage to her flash game about depression. Her boyfriend is then obviously angry and does a tell all blog post, and she then uses her silver spoon upbringing to have courts gag order him. After having a noted free speech lawyer take his court as far as they could, she drops the previous restraining order since actually having your behavior scrutinized by courts is bad when you're living human garbage that makes a living off grifting idiots under the guise of progressive activism
You can also directly thank her for Candance Owens, as of today's spotlight in Congress, coming to light. Since Valkenburg/Quinn doxxed her after Owens tried to create her own anti-bullying platform that encroached on Quinns scamming territory, so Quinn then leaked a personal email to her followers that lead to a harassment campaign against Owens that made her so far overdose on redpills she flipflopped to the other side
It was a thing that happened 5 years ago. We got proof game journos were taking money for reviews(actual evidence of this happening not just it seems way too suspect).
Then journos got mad that they got outed and they're still butt hurt 5 years later while everyone else has moved on.
Get out. Reddit is where you belong.
>because of their autistic reactionary conspiracy that Zoe Quinn was sleeping with a gaming journalist for good reviews.
But she actually was? Gamergate was retarded but it absolutely succeeded in waking up the public about how retarded and biased games journalism is. The issue is the movement was full of fucking retards who didn't know when to stop beating a dead horse, shitting up the entire website, and harassing people.
>reactionary conspiracy
Sure thing leftie cuck.
Day 1 was more or less what described. A stupid little scandal over a girl sleeping with several journalists for good reviews on a shitty game. It should have blown over in a week, tops.
But then things started getting really weird after that first day. Instead of apologizing or denying the allegations like any normal scandal, the involved media outlets (and a few dozen uninvolved) all at the same time, all at once, started this campaign about how gamers are this cesspool of [adjectives] without any clear direction to their criticism. Instead of the original girl, Anita became the media victim, almost every games journalist website was found to be owned by a single company, there was an over-arching societal conditioning organization involved with most of the lead figures, and Hulk Hulgan had a sex tape somewhere in the middle of it.
It was a pretty fun time, truth be told.
>Day 1 was more or less what described
based googling internet history because he wasn't actually there retard
wow desu it sounds just like a shitty Mexican soap opera. why did people even care about any of that? and who gives a damn about those people?
Gamergate was retarded and just larping for faggots here. Still less cringy than feminism though which is the hornet nest they kicked. Gave us a lot of mediocre to decent youtubers, created the gamers-rise-up meme... That's about it.
Game journalism still fucking sucks but that's because most gaming in the west sucks (sjws mostly)
Whatever happened with it, at least Gawker died from it. If only Kotaku followed suit.
this. everyone knew already that gaming journalism is a joke way before 2014. it was just reactionary newfags first ebin raid
>autistic reactionary conspiracy that Zoe Quinn was sleeping with a gaming journalist for good reviews
exactly describes the Five Guys leak by the angry ex.
*tips legbeard*
Don't care, post more Vivian
Nevar 4get
>owned by a single company, there was an over-arching societal conditioning
Yes, but at least shit isn't as fucked as the movie review industry. That really sucks now. At least with vidya most people just watch a few select gamers similar to them and take their opinion... Well, a good amount do. Some probably just suck IGN's dick.
People tend to care when their hobby starts rapidly devolving in quality due to moral busybodies acting as gatekeepers of standards when they themselves are corrupt beyond belief. Financially, morally, any way you want to argue it, Western journalists are an old media group rapidly trying to censure and maintain their control over discourse when their own actions are driving views away, especially in light of streamers and eceleb garbage giving better and more holistic reviews than they ever could due to not relying on ad revenue from the same companies whose games they're reviewing
God do I hate Jezebel.
>created the gamers-rise-up meme
reddit made that meme.
except gamergate was the first time a gamedev was exposed literally getting fucked by game journalists in exchange for promotions and reviews
Newfags seem to think everything political is /pol/, be it left or right. While in actuality /pol/ itself doesn't care for anything beside jews, mass shooting, trump, or blacks. I don't even remember the last time someone make gaming related post on /pol/.
I never understood why this was important in any way.
>Women are whores who slut themselves for anything they can grab
>vidya journalism is false and corruptible
Yeah more news at 7 I mean literally everyone with two brain cells already realized it from a decade at least.
>public awareness
I think nobody gave two shits about it in the normal world. And for normal I mean outside vidya groups and dedicated websites.
Fuck off back to RetardEra tranny
>infinity ribbon
Back to your shithole you meme thieving reactionary neocon puppet
yes and wasn't gamergate spawned in reddit?
Sheesh, it's like those who write those articles are different people or something.
Sorry, we're here to stay.
>and wasn't gamergate spawned in reddit
It was because game reviews would affect metacritic scores, and poor metacritic scores could result in some studios getting shut down by bigger game companies, entirely because some vapid bitch didn't like something about the game/devs/etc and not for the actual quality of the game itself. So finding a trail about some shitty half-baked dev sleeping with journalists for good review scores sort of brought that shadowed corruption into the light.
This reads like a reddit post
driv3r scandal happened a decade earlier. youre just a newfag.
It started in wizardchan.
I still can't believe we lost.
And as a result this happened.
huh yeah i wonder why
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
have sex
>you meme thieving reactionary neocon puppet
Wanna string some more baseless political boogeyman words together user? To have a fun reminder, the mods here are compromised and actively deleted GG threads more than fucking REDDIT of all places did
Maybe if you keep being a good boy, you can get a Gawker gf like Moot did before he abandoned us to a Jap infamous for selling user data
>Frothing polcucks invade Yea Forums in 2014
reddit you revisionist.
The shitstorm went deeper than just those two points. The media tried to redirect everything on "gamers are all sexists shits," which dragged in feminism and the fuckhuge chasm between second-wave and third-wave feminism. Which created backlash. And the larger the backlash, the easier it was for media to keep the topic focused on 'feminism' rather than 'video games.'
Knowing it's corrupt shit and actually seeing media-controlled false narrative was a pretty eye opening experience to me.
>redpilling gamers elected donald trump
no the only thing the redpilled incels did was give candace owens a platform
i just did stop posting this in a bunch of threads this is the second time i've seen this
man, if only there were some kind of step between the writer and the published article on the website. some kind of person who could make changes to articles and even choose which articles to run in order to fit a consistent message and theme for their journal.
*nods respectfully towards all LGBT allies and wom*n*
She's a cutie desu senpai
I still think vivian is cute, shame she comes with all the GG baggage
to be fair, those reddit tourists went on to become the modern /pol/ack
Zoe Quinn and Anita Sakiieian should REALLY both be drawn and quested, because prior to their bullshit, this place was not full of edgy, wanna-be, hard-ons who considered themselves above everyone else, despite the fact tat they've accomplished fuck-all in their own lives. But, since /pol/ now gets all the attention, trather than just focus on the Video (i.e., as was pre-2014) it's just more and more edgy assholes and less of ANYTING to do with Video.....It's all so tiresome ...
Have sex
Yes but you traded with all the shit we get today. It was worth it? You gave awareness to people who already know things and in exchange you ruined the reception of the gamer world and gaming in general with the consequences you see today.
inb4 thread gets autosaged.
Honestly you're shit outta luck as far as an explanation of it goes. If you weren't there when it happened you're just gonna get bamboozled by either explanation of it because neither of them are correct.
The official (anti-gg) version of the story is that it was a campaign to harass womenand/orminority out of video games which eventually turned into the alt-right thanks in part to Breitbart media. This is kinda bullshit. This version of the story spread from several outlets that were being accused of wrong-doing (i.e. Gawker sites) and often using as a source a certain person who is possibly an incredibly well-documented, manipulative, compulsive liar. These outlets (blogs mainly) ran with this version of the story which was then picked up by other blogs which was picked up by other blogs and with each telling the story got a little more exaggerated until it was picked up by real news sites and papers and was presented as fact even though it wasn't really true.
On the other hand the pro-gg version of events is fucked too. In the aftermath of the Zoe Quinn scandal a lot of weird shit went down all over the internet, especially here on Yea Forums. Unfortunately as no one properly reported on it a Yea Forums post about it gets misquoted by another poster, it eventually spreads to reddit then twitter and finally youtube comments and whatever written then is completely wrong. It's like the digital equivalent of Chinese whispers. It's why the line about Zoe Quinn having sex for reviews keeps getting repeated. It never happened but Zoe's ex never said it happened and neither did anyone who actually read the Zoe post. It's just that as this controversy got bigger and bigger and bigger no one stopped to get the facts right and the whole thing got exaggerated into nonsense. She did sleep with Nathan Grayson and yeah that's over the line, but he never reviewed her game.
He only retracts it after his name got dragged through the mud and he was persona non grata.
People pretend Quinn was some angel when she was a sociopath where she orcestrated an attack on Wizard chan. Maybe the redditors that have taken over Yea Forums today would look cheer that, but even that's a line older Yea Forums wouldn't cross.
Also, people like to pretend that ethics in journalism was some sort of cover for a war on women. But they always ignore the fact you had 12+ different outlets all post the same 'gamers are dead' article in 24 hours. Or the fact they did get several sites to revives their ethics policies.
Owens was a grifter too, just like most everyone else. She just jumped on the most lucrative gravy train and got blown out by Ted Lieu.
In a perfect world, Quinn and Owens would die in a fire since they're both con artists. Just once uses the left, the other uses the right.
and now /pol/ sucks major dick. I stopped browsing that board shortly after november 8th 2016 and the only people left are the redditors
Kys Zoe, nobody fucking cares about you anymore
Editors are luxury only big names journalism company have, definitely not some online bloggers like gawker.
The death of this board
>be quested
>focus on the Video
Is there some subliminal message I'm missing here?