>Been told all my life that aiming without sights is shit
>Never touched a gun before
>Get VR
>I can fucking mow people down in VR without even acknowledging the sights.
I feel like a fucking cowboy.
Don't think, just point and shoot. It's more effective with long guns because I have more length to determine where the bullets gonna go.
I hit center mass 90% of the time at mid range.
Been told all my life that aiming without sights is shit
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
sights are meant for hostages/civilians caution and long range, otherwise 90% of operators will just guess where to shoot. but 90% of non-operators in the military won't find themselves in a situation where they aren't fighting long-range in the first place, so they'd use sights on every single tour of their career until they become an op
Yeah man, everyone told me being a fighter pilot is hard but I played Ace Combat and got like 500 kills so I guess that makes me a real life ace.
Why do games insist on making not using iron sights inaccurate though? Because it's quite plainly not?
Hell, why do games make it so hipfiring is more accurate with pistols, when in my experience hipfiring with rifles is easier?
When an altercation with an enemy can be over in as little as a second, you don't really have time to line up the sights.
Makes sense to me.
Balance. You always know where the center of the screen is and that's where bullets will always go + spread. Having to at least take the time to aim down your sights makes it so you can't just run around with perfect aim with no penalty.
Because in engagements of 50 meters or less the sights are pretty much not important, and video games rarely have you engage from longer distances.
If you're trying to hit from 300 meters, those sights are really fucking useful.
>That smile
What emotion is this man trying to convey?
>>>I can fucking mow people down in VR without even acknowledging the sights.
Because you're playing garbage where every enemy is 2 feet away and you have a machine gun.
Aiming without sights is shit. The pinnacle of guns in gaming is being given a pistol with ironsights and shooting a target a mile away.
He's gonna smell his waifu and you're not
He's trying to convey the gay
>otherwise 90% of operators will just guess where to shoot
You have obviously never shot anything at any competent level. Once you have enough experience with guns, you get like a natural feel for where bullets go, it's not guessing.
Wow, way to make me feel really sad. I'd give anything...
You wanna know the real hack for aiming, OP? This shit right here. Hit a target 25m away from the hip with 100% accuracy.
Damn we got some operators in this thread
>300 bucks for a fucking hunk of plastic that sits in front of your face and blows shit on you
I will never stop being amazed at how quickly retards fall for advertising buzzwords. This is going to be the mother of all failures, I'll be shocked if they even get units out to people in 5 years.
You have obviously never done anything at a competent level if you're bitching about someone's word usage on Yea Forums.
>Aiming without sights is shit.
You telling me that swinging around, slightly shifting your hands, and blowing the head clean off the guy 10 meters behind you with a shotgun is "shit"?
Yes. Because there's no skill involved.
Is it fun? Sure. Do I consider it an engaging experience? No. Because there's no reasonable way to simulate kick-back and recoil. If you try and one hand a shotgun over your shoulder, you're probably going to break your wrist. The fun of using a rifle or machine gun is in controlling the spread.
The only decent VR experience is with low calibre handguns, and not full auto mag dump gimmick shit.
>Because there's no skill involved.
There is skill involved, it's just subconscious.
Brains are surprisingly good at vectoring, and they can be trained to do better.
Look up instinctive/point shooting.
I keep accidentally shooting cats that chase my pointer.
>If you try and one hand a shotgun over your shoulder, you're probably going to break your wrist.
It's going to go out of your grip and land in front of you and you'll look like a retard but you won't break your wrist.
>one hand a shotgun
>slightly shifting your hands
Who the fuck is talking about one handing a shotgun here retard.
aside from the hair
this shit is uncanny
Back when I got fallout 4, I thought glow sights would have only made a tiny difference to aiming.
I feel fucking blind when aiming down the sights of any gun that doesn't have them in vr.
Thats why holo sights exist, you can have both eyes open and you dont need to aim down really.
Holo sights are so fucking good they feel like cheating.
I would imagine that if you have played flight simulators for years, it would be pretty easy to become a drone pilot.
Yeah feels rully fun when you use them for the first time
hitting your target with a gun within 30m is really easily irl compared to video games, what's hard is dealing with the recoil and obviously the consequences of shooting your target. That's why all the shootings are so successful, it's really hard to miss pointing a stick at wherever your eyes are looking.
>That's why all the shootings are so successful
I was under the impression that in most shootings, only a (relatively) small percentage of people actually die, and shootings where the gunman is actually competent are rare?
This. Guys fire hundreds of rounds in crowded rooms and kill a few people. I'm all for giving these idiots full auto battle rifles. Watch em walk into a schoo, spray their entire mag into the ceiling and then be out of ammo on the first 13 seconds with 1 casualty.
I imagine nerves may have something to do with it, pull a stunt like that and you'd probably be so jittery that you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.
It makes the shootings where the shooter actually is competent, like the recent NZ mosque one, rather scary.
Like the dude was spouting memes the whole time. That's like Joker levels of villainy.
What be game needed is Jedi academy vr
I want just to duel people whiling blocking laser shot and shet