Just bought these for the first time and holy shit it’s comfy. Can we get an Ace Attorney thread?

Just bought these for the first time and holy shit it’s comfy. Can we get an Ace Attorney thread?

also, just got bit by a scorpion, I think a bark, am I gonna die? Honestly hoping I feel shitty enough to call out of work and play vidya.

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nigga u gonna die
at least finish trials and tribulation before it

>Just bought these for the first time
>Can we get an Ace Attorney thread?
It's just going to get spoiled for you, OP.

Damn really? Nuts feeling weird right now to be honest.

I should of clarified no spoilers at least as much as possible. I just haven’t seen any discussions for it and want to talk about it.

Just beat Ace Attorney Investigations yesterday. Good god, it mostly sucked, especially the final case where you inspect the same two rooms over and over for 9000 hours and then the villain does "proofs pls" for 1 billion hours. The flight attendants in case 2 were hot though.

Do I play AAI2 now? Is the translation good enough?

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So are the HD sprites not that bad after all ?

Prepare for the comfyness to nosedive after the first game.

>I should of
you deserve spoilers.

yes, both are good enough. do it, you can walk around as edgy boy and do shit
what the fuck with capcom never localize all their games

One of the few Japanese games that wasn't racist against the Chinese and actually made them look pretty cool.

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I never saw the big deal with them. I've been playing the Switch version and its great. I'm seeing so many details and expressions I never have before.

>that flashback case when the prosecutor start losing the rest of his hair and turned full bald later

Wait, is the music redone too, or is it still GBA soundfont

AAI1 is the pleb filter for AAI2, unironically the best game in the franchise.

it seems to be the same as the DS versions, which are apparently just straight ports of the originals, so yeah

they have the soundtrack as DLC with some bonus tracks and arrangements

Just finished Great Ace Attorney 1. Enjoyed it, even if it's obviously only the first half of the full story. The fantranslation also was really good, only catched some minor errors at the last case.

AAI2 is so much better. Definitely play it.

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Did you play the 3DS version on Citra? Any glitches/slowdowns? I wonder, if the Android version would be better.

No, I played it on my CFW 3DS. No idea how it works on Citra.

You're right about it being comfy, OP. I started the series with Dual Destinies when it first came out and iy's become one of my fave series. Which moment did you like best so far?

The original trilogy never lost its comfiness, retard

Should I just skip DD?
I've been off and on it for like 2 years now and I've only gotten to case 4. It just seems so dull compared to the previous games.

You'll get to enjoy one of the most overrated and shitty games ever created.

Just take me back

Junko is the mastermind.

Why is Gumshoe nowhere to be seen in the new games?

t. AJfag or JFAfag

t. autistic von cuckarmafag

He's dead.

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One case, man

Play it, it's pretty cool
Not the Apex but the last 2 cases are worth it
Lots of people like the dlc case but I'm not a big fan


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Holy shit is the judge the most retarded fucker there ever was? I just started episode 3 on the first game and I already hate him. The witnesses and prosecution can say whatever they want and don't have to prove anything at all,but Phoenix has to have evidence for every single thing under the sun. Even when the person is cleary guilty the judge still needs you to prove the smallest detail and if you can't than too bad you're clients guilty. Why is everyone in this game so stupid except Phoenix?

>The witnesses and prosecution can say whatever they want and don't have to prove anything at all,but Phoenix has to have evidence for every single thing under the sun.
It's a satire of Japanese legal system or something like that.

Died of poverty.

I don't think Shu Takumi had a very good opinion of the Japanese legal system.

Last case of the second game
I messed up the nombers
Judge is neutral, Edgeworth is an asshole but has a pretty good redemption arc in the last case

because a.) it's funny and b.) it makes you work harder to expose every detail, thus a bigger payoff when you cut down every last bullshit excuse they have

would the game really be better if the judge was biased toward phoenix instead? Or just completely impartial to everything and might as well not even be there until the final verdict?

It's a video game.

The characters are only going to get crazier and there will be so much evidence tampering from both sides it will drive you crazy if you try to take it seriously.

There will be birds and ghosts as witnesses later on also.

So, i've been playing Layton and Ace Attorney, alternating one game of the first and one of the latter. Just finished Layton 4 and started Apollo Justice, when the fuck am i supposed to play the crossover?

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Hoo boy. Don't take this game too seriously.

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whatever was released before it, obviously

not like you'd need to play anything that was made after it to understand

After Apollo Justice.

go to the hospital retard

>play original trilogy which takes place in modern times
>black and white photos
>play DGS which takes place in the past
>colored photos
The fuck?

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Japanifornia doesn't give their forensic teams a good budget.

Wait I didn't know these games take place in America. From all the silly screenshots I seen,I figured it took place in Japan. Also it's pretty funny I almost died laughing at the first case when the guy throw his wig at nick.

that's the localization americanizing it, like Brock's jelly donuts

I like how with every next title the devs are making it harder and harder for the american localizers to keep up the charade.

anyone know why the game keeps flashing white

In AJ you cross-examine the guy that sells "hamburgers" to Nick and Maya

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It gets even worse in the 3DS games, with cases involving youkais and rakugo.

Is the collection worth it just for AA3? Its the only one I havent played.
I was also spoiled about Godot being a murderer or something to that nature.

can you switch between old and new graphics?

The translation is more than good enough, it's professional as fuck. Translates names in the same punny way, translates images and backgrounds too, and has all the voicework in english. It's top notch.

And ignore the 1 autist that hates it, it's one of the best games in the series.

Are there fandubbed versions that gets rid of the ridiculous localization?

>You are going to die.
>Damn really?

No, you are obviously going to live for an infinite amount of time, never dying, user.

(especially egregious in 5-2 and 6-4, which I'm semi convinced were just put in there to troll the translators)

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>not knowing the deep lore of Japanifornia
tbdesu all the names are puns in Japanese too that'd sound ridiculous translated and the localization isn't bad at all

How did the T&T anime turn out? I've heard mixed things about it.

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Are those flashes accompanied with sound effects? Those whacks are just part of the AA experience.

>eating sushi
they were eating noodles, stupid fucking awkwardzombie and her retard-fans.

have sex

Hello, everyone! My name is Dragon Isee, and with my assistant Evening Village (who loves burgers and who I met after her sister, Thousandfathoms Village, was killed), I investigate crimes and defend clients as a defense attorney! My rival is the prosecutor Clever Swordedge, who I was in primary school with (together with my first client, Youknow Forsure). He was mentored by Fromhell Demon, a famous prosecutor (who is now gone, but his legacy continues with his daughter, Dark Demon).

These days I've taken proteges myself, like Surprise Lawboy and Moon Heartnoise, and adopted a daughter, Seethrough. Life is swell here in Japanifornia.

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So are all the games worth playing?
Are they long?

Reasonable length I'd say, they're not too short but they don't overstay their welcome either generally

>ridiculous localization

To be perfectly honest, I didn't mind the localization.
It completely ruined the original game, but it gave something decent in return.
Your average localization these days literally gives excrements instead.
They ought of released it with both scripts, though. I'm glad I wasn't invested in the franchise before the official Western release. That would have sucked.

>naming your antagonist Fromhell Demon
Japs don't do subtlety do they

yea its making the game impossible for me to play

>the kid

Are you playing on an emulator?

steam release
it just blinks at nearly every sound effect and randomly during new dialogue

>when you realize he can't see red

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Fucking secondaries I swear.
That's just AA being AA.

The art looks like absolute shit in the new release, can I go back to the pixel art? Even if it's stretched?

That pasta is a funny joke about localizing names but it's not really an accurate comparison since using specific kanji and wordplays in Japanese names isn't really comparable to saying words in English. Saying 狩魔豪 is not actually the same as saying "Fromhell Demon" or whatever, it uses kanji for Powerful + Demon + Hunt but you don't actually say those words out loud. That combination of kanji are pronounced "Karuma Gou" which are both words that mean "karma", one from English and the other from Japanese.

English doesn't really have the means to do multiple layers like that so direct translations will always be enormously unsubtle, the closest you can get is stuff like "Damon" Gant.

yeah I doubt that my problem is whats normally supposed to happen

I mean if you get medical attention you should be able to recover. Please dont tell me you just got stung and not your posting about ace attorney on Yea Forums while asking for medical advice.

Pearl is the murderer. She killed millions.

Go to the hospital you infinite fucktard

Oh. Nevermind then, I don't know shit about japanese. Didn't know it worked like that.

Compare your game with the original and see if the flashes match up. Maybe they fucked up the steam version. Or perhaps it's because the flashes are more painful on a larger computer screen.

Go to the hospital you idiot, especially when you think that its no big deal

>Today on Yea Forums - Video Games: user fucking dies, but is enjoying Ace Attorney

Do you really want people this stupid to survive?

>that one time Pearls shot someone

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Yes. I do. I know that they'd be a nuisance to the genepool for the rest of us but I'd still rather they dont have to die.

Anything to keep someone in the AA fandom

~Two of these drawings are not like the others~

that flashing looks a lot better than what im seeing
ill probably just emulate it then

why this hd remaster look so soulless? I still prefer to play the DS/Wii versions because the sprites look so much better. They could had at least put voices like the Atlus remakes.

>bark scorpion
Nigga you're probably feeling like you're in hell right now if it was actually a bark scorpion

All the ports/remasters are ridiculously incompetently done for some reason. It sad because a well made port could've brought in fans and revitalize the franchise. Now AA feels like some shitty mobile game made in china.

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>The bark scorpion is the mostvenomous scorpion in North America, and its venom can cause severe pain (coupled with numbness, tingling, and vomiting) in adult humans, typically lasting between 24 and 72 hours. Temporary dysfunction in the area stung is common; e.g. a hand or possibly arm can be immobilized or experience convulsions. It also may cause loss of breath for a short time. Due to the extreme pain induced, many victims describe sensations of electrical jolts afterenvenomation.
If you think you're fine, then it either wasn't a bark scorpion or you weren't bit.
Are you an Arizonafag?

I would be honestly fine with the DD look for the remakes rather than what we got

You are good people

So... is it possible to mod the game to make custom cases?


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>hating the judge
get a load of this faggot

seething samefaggot cuck

The music was redone for the Wii versions, and this uses that

I think living for eternity is a worse fate than anything

Wii versions existed?

Wiiware, but they replaced the music with the official OST versions.

your dogshit post is filtered