Does Yea Forums play Smite?
Does Yea Forums play Smite?
>LoL with the camera panned down
>"Third person action game" it's exactly as 2D as LoL or Dota
But the god aesthetic is much more interesting and fun to play with than champions
Not anymore
Not in a few years and I regret giving any money at all to Hi-Rez
I used to, tried the game again yesterday, everything feels really bloated and a lot of the new gods feel pretty uninspired lately. Not to mentinon the devs have made a lot of quiestionable decisions lately.
What made you stop playing? I recently picked the game up to play with my co workers and know next to nothing about it.
I still play it, Im playing it right now
for me, it's because hi-rez is fucking incompetent as always
>New champions have bloated kits (arthur, merlin, the druid girl) basically every champion that releases
>they prioritize skins over gameplay
>joust map (mode I mainly played) sucks
>every champion does the same
I still play, its become my main game as of late.
True, but lately they've been doing alright. Game is still fun to play, and they haven't been fucking up as bad as paladins. Plus the alternatives are all terrible.
I care a lot more about the game being good than I care about its shitty theme.
>release baron, the first fun new god in ages
>nerf him every single patch, still considering more nerfs
>meanwhile broken old gods stay untouched
i really like it gameplay wise but in the end its another moba with ranking system which eventually makes me rage
release baron samedi was fucking stupid
I'd play it if it didn't make me install Hi-Rez's """patcher""" malware
Baron Samedi on release was the most broken fucker ever. He needed nerfs bad, but does he still need them? I don't know, because I haven't seen him played, nor played him myself a while.
release baron was fucking retarded
what gods are you comparing him to at the time of his launch?
there are plenty of reasons to drop the game like hi-rez being shit at game balance, but you're just being a dumbass if you think that baron didn't need nerfs
Almost, then I learned hi-rez was making it. not a chance after what they did to global agenda.
eat a dick shill.
For me, it's Ne Zha.
Merlin is fun as fuck
You didn't say the game was bad though retard, you said it was the same as the others. Don't backpedal faggot shitter.
I use to. I single handedly made them nerf Ratatoskr into the ground.
>Tribes died for this trash
I haven't played in fucking ages, like since way before Chernobog. Was he more broken than Fenrir on release?
>You didn't say the game was bad though retard
LoL is bad, so yes I did.
Are you retarded?
Only played Arena
>He hates mobas
>He made the conscious decision to come into a thread about a type of game he hates
>He calls anyone else retarded
Horus and Set when?
What do you guys play it on? I play on PC, but my buddy says console version is comfier.
Are the switch servers dead or does it match you with other consolefags?
Bellona best god.
Amaterasu runner up
>He hates mobas
No I didn't say that you fucking retard. Were you dropped on your head as a child?
I hate LoL, and thus, I hate cheap LoL clones.
Mercury on ps4 is comfy
>Cheap lol clone
>yet it plays completely different and has 100+ unique gods
That's exactly what he said. I'm gonna download it right now.
>This much damage control
Merlin and Arthur are not only not gods, but they are fucking overtuned bullshit. dude imagine if anubis could move during his 1, and blink away whenever he feels endangered. dude what if we buffed the fuck out of glad shield and blackthorn to go along with this 8 ability warrior who has true damage that doesnt cost mana.
I welcome Arthur and Merlin, because they have opened the door for American legends like Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, etc
Hopefully, they won't fuck it up like Fate did.
To be honest, I think LoL is way more skillful and competitive than Smite but I think the advantage Smite has over other MOBAs is that it is more fun to play. The gameplay feels more fluid and like an action pvp game.
>yet it plays completely different
It's the exact same game but with a different camera scheme. Dota and LoL are functionally FAR more different from each other than LoL and Smite, this genre is primary an economy and positioning game and that aspect is almost completely unchanged from LoL.
>100+ new combinations of the same cloned LoL abilities!!
>no argument
Concession accepted!
LoL might have been more skillful back in season 7, but the chinks at tencent have run that game into the ground. Season 8 was the "everyone is an assassin" levels of damage season. shit was ridiculous, to the point where malphite with 5 items could get popped by an even or behind zed with a single rotation. Season 9 has done nothing to stop this, and instead games are decided at 5 mins by whoever got killed first in the bot lane.
>not gods
Neither is Loki, but you're not going to have a mythology game without motherfucking Loki.
>Implying this level of retarded faggotry deserves an argument
Triggered by the green haired girl.
king arthur was perfectly fine as a funny skin for tyr, we dont need this pick/ban horseshit flying around solo lane
I hear from a lot of people that League has been on a decline for a while now.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!
Used to jump back and forth between Smite and Paragon, but I decided to avoid anything made with unreal after what happened to Paragon and UT. The faggotry surrounding the epic store has proven that I made the right choice
I have to play on SEA servers cause Australia's dead and every single chink player only plays Ao Kuang or He Bo and has the Chinese flag as their avatar, I hate it
What's your ping there?
>WASD control
>autos being replaced by basic attacks
>only about 10+(maybe) point and click abilities that usually do nothing till late game
>juking actually meaning something given 90% of damaging abilities are skill shots that are heavily telegraphed
>better ingame currency gain system for both gold and gems
Maybe you’re jaded, stupid or plain ignorant. And yes ignorant and stupid are two different things.
season 6 just before they started removing old champs and replacing them with same name husks was peak LoL. Played it every day until some time in pre season 9 when I just couldnt take it. even wins felt like shit since every game is an ff20 for whoever got first blooded
I stopped playing because my friends stopped playing. Also because they refuse to reevaluate Anubis and he forever remains shit tier.
I quit when Medusa launched. Has anything changed?
Yeah, beads and aegis work again along with lifesteal and spear of magus.
Anubis’s are just Loki fags wanting to combo people down. And yes come changed, clash was added, arena changed and we got dozens of new gods.
they released a new lifesteal item and anubis is good now. you get bancrofts and typhons fang and he rips peoples asshole open
Yes, and just about exclusively Assault. I can't into the whole meta, because I frankly can't be assed to care about that shit. Random picks make people use characters they're unfamiliar with, and it cuts down on the competitive types due to the innate imbalance of the game mode. Lets me actually have fun instead of having to listen to some screeching autist the whole game.
Like 100-ish. I've had worse, just means you need to lead a little more or activate stuff a bit earlier
>Use to play Neith exclusively when she came out
>Suddenly they made her the tutorial god
>Get made fun of for playing Neith after
It isn't fair.
And like I just said, none of those things affect the core underlying gameplay, just how you interface with it. If you play LoL, you can pick up Smite and play fine because it's the exact same flow and scaling and pacing and economy and strategy, it just controls differently.
Meanwhile if you play Dota and you pick up LoL or Smite, you'll have no fucking clue what you're doing and will play like trash. If you play LoL or Smite and you pick up Dota, you'll have no fucking clue what you're doing and will play like trash.
And no, aiming dinky spammable 2D projectiles against giant circle hitboxes does not take mechanical skills. People severely overestimate the gameplay impact of targeted abilities.
>not going damage cdr neith and one shorting people with crusher and bloodthirster while starring at a nice brown Egyptian ass
Weak. pathetic
I used to play a lot,but once I took a break I can't get into it anymore. Conquest constantly changes and when I try to play again I don't have enough motivation to learn where roles start and best rotation and items. Medusa, Sun Wukong and Nox were my go to's though.
Did they ever change Ares or is he still useless if they have beads?
But you right click, last hit and buy items like in league, oh but you can steal last hit, buy carriers and have to wait an extra .5 seconds to turn around to do anything. You’re arguing about the staples that make mobas, MOBAS, and when I lost the differences in game play and you dismiss it like it’s semantics then that’s your lose dude. I would say leading shots, aiming face front and knowing the windups and cast times of abilities with wasd makes the difference. Arguing that smite has creeps, towers and a core to attack is like saying doom is a carbon copy of duck hunt. It may all be relative but nothing is inherently original, that’s why we have genres and sub genres.
Just chain and chain again when it’s about to run out, you have 3 other abilities cunt. Stop playing like an arena ares.
Since you can pull off 2-3 ults in the time beads come off cooldown, Ares is and always was great.
Unga bunga me blink and ult
I have a group of friends who still play regularly so Smite is still max comfy
Unfortunately, yes. I've tried to quit it 4 times.
I have 3.5k hours across Xbox and PC, 1.5k each
I ditched smite 3 months ago and haven't looked back
Forced crossplay, more and more overtuned bullshit. Season 1 and 2 gods are majority below A tier and can't compete anymore with their tiny unbloated kits.
Hirez refuse to add anymore to the map since season 5.
solo laners are still just warriors and some tanky mages. far gone are the days of season 2 god and lane freedom. Hirez have also been incapable of releasing a new god that wasn't slightly underpowered and immediately buffed to S tier or just straight up S tier from the bat. And then you have to way 6 months for them to be tolerable to fight against
Most gods now have 3 to 4 CC or stat adjustments in their kits, most of the time trading some form of either mobility, damage or utility for these things.
hirez spends half a fucking patch showing off skins. Which are solely obtainable through expensive chests that are RNG fueled to hell.
Smite is inherently a good game but it's just ruined by one of the absolute worst developers out there.
*they used to most of the time trade some form
but LoL has the cheapest mechanics in all pc mobas. LoL=mobile legends