how do you deal with toxicity in vifdeo games
How do you deal with toxicity in vifdeo games
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who cares
I don't understand what's happening here.
Hunter trying to tame a rare pet, some rando comes up and kills it or somethin
>il remember this
lmao what a fucking cuck get piccolo you faggot
>AOE Farming
>Some other faggot jealous mage starts sheeping my pulls so it messes up my aoe farm
Absolute cancer and should be reportable as griefing
hahahaha the /ignore is gold
>the player is playing a class called the hunter in the game World of Warcraft
>the hunter can tame a pet as a fighting companion
>it takes a while to tame the animal, which the hunter is trying to do in the webm
>whoile he's dping this another player, who is on the same faction as he and should be considered an ally, comes and kills the animal
>this is kind of a douchbag thing to do
taming an animal in wow requires you to finish channeling the 15 second cast without anyone else touching the mob, random guy ran past and killed it for the lulz
it's a normal-ass scorpion you find every 5 yards
it's absolutely nothing, you lost 15 seconds, big woop
>Scorpashia Lasher
It will take him 3 minutes to find another one
I'm just guessing my man
The guy probably just wanted to help. You don't usually see hunters tamming pets and the guy was probably not focused.
By the way it doesn't seem to be some ultra rare monster so I don't see the point.
>Orc huntard
you deserved it fag
the problem is that there's nothing you can do about it
if WoW were a real mmo that wasn't shit, he could go and kill that guy after for revenge
fuck off pansy, also
couldn't they just make it so the animal is untargetable by anyone else for the duration?
>couldn't they just make it so the animal is untargetable by anyone else for the duration?
But why? Why "protect" anyone from "toxicity"? If you're a cunt you should have the right to be an asshole in a fucking MMORPG. Maybe the hunter fucked the mage over before - you don't know. Social interactions shouldn't be controlled by Blizzard (if they aren't breaking the TOS).
Hunters are subhumans and deserve all the bully they get
Why don't you ask your friends on reddit?
I would if they didn't banned me
Man wow did come a long way, like even with hunters removing quills/arrows, ability to feed pets or they could leave you and shit like that. While it was just serviceable it still gave you that little sense or roleplaying
Name 5 MMOs where you can just randomly kill other players of your faction
Hard mode: Ones with over 1k people playing right now
this. fuck huntards
>finally find lupus
>a lvl 60 shows up and backstabs it
just remember it and screw him over later
the 60 that griefed me got loot blacklisted in raids and it took him 3 months to figure out why he wasnt getting any loot
Pug raids? What happened that you had that much social power to do this if it isn't a larp? Shouldn't have effected him in guild raids
I don't know outside of meme MUD-tier shit.
WoW could use an item that makes it so you're hostile towards everybody and can attack everybody. Make it damage 90% of your health too you just can't pop it on the spot. I think they've had something similar in the past, but only exclusive to certain places like the Timeless Isle.
guild raids are exactly why he didnt get loot
he only had one guild available to join because this was back in the day when servers werent 10k pop
after the drama was over he couldnt raid anymore, social cohesion on the server was good
You remember it like in this webm
Classic isn't retail, there's an actual community.
Be a dick, and others will be a dick towards you
Cast Esuna
anyone else remember when using the words "toxic" or "shitter" would get you laughed out of the building? fuck you normalfags
And why would that guild give a shit that he killed your tame?
Usually in games with toxicity there are a number of antidote items, so I just use those.
What's wrong with shitter? I call myself that all the time.
because lupus was the de facto raid-pet at the time
much better than giving loot that can go to a loyal guild member
Were you in the guild or did your guild know raiders from yours?
lurk more
ignore it or banter back
Again, this isn't retail fag.
If a guy is a dick to a friend and guild mate, I'll be a dick to that guy
Not to mention if he did this he probably does this kind of shit constantly.
If a core raider of a guild that's always helpful mentions this to the guild master he could just take his word for it
This kind of shit was extremely common in vanilla, I remember blacklist addons
Lootbanning your own guild members because of drama with people out of the guild is dumb. Anyone not in your guild is not worth your raiders not gearing up.
every 60 shitter on the server was in that guild at the time if they didnt fill in the insane requirements to join the cool kids guild
there used to be a transition period for guilds to create legitimacy
that's what everyone does on horde on every private server, the faction is full of people that don't raid and when they get stomped by ally premades at 60 and can never win a game of AV they get salty and either A) gank lowbies in redridge or B) grief anyone they can
so many 60's on horde with fucking atrocious shit gear as if they only log on to gank, baffles my mind why they even bothered hitting 60 at all. had to stop playing horde on private servers because there are much more imbeciles than ally, which is funny because on retail it's the reverse
>I'll remember this
did the same thing with a guy taming Skoll but i also did a gnome dance on it's body before i left
If we're talking vanilla, there are 8 other rogues who can receive that gear.
The people who bitch at others for being toxic are the ones that are actually toxic
If someone is 'toxic' you just put them on ignore and move on with your life
I not only respond but go make a thread because that'll surely not prove satisfying to them or be the precise kind of feeling they want you to confirm for lulz.
That's pretty toxic to bitch about people who bitch about people who are toxic
Because nobody like to be fucked over.
>if someone is mean to you turn the other cheek
how about you go fuck yourself
pls no
I mean it beats whining and getting butthurt about something recreational you voluntarily expose yourself to that you have no control over and by the time you're seething I have had my laugh and moved on while you try to get the last laugh in or rage.
Is this bait? Laugh it off and find another scorpion you absolute putrid cum stain. Jesus Christ fucking sensitive zoomer faggots
> faction is full of people that don't raid
kek this but it's Alliance on retail. Horde is where all the raiding happens.
that kid is more based than the older dudes
>someone is actually toxic
>call them a nigger faggot abortion failure
>get banned for being toxic
what a clown world
You don't, the actions against toxicity often outweigh the people that are toxic, and in most cases these people can't be monitored anyway beyond a simple short ban out of a match or 3, which will only benefit you for half an hour. Make servers public again and let people decide for themselves who they want in their servers and who can admin the people in them, which will give you the option to go to servers known for strict policies.
OP hasdecided to roll an overpopulated class where the most you need is maybe two in a raid and that friendly mage was just encouraging him to reroll to something actually useful. But nostalgiafags are retarded, so they're difficult to teach.
ye my man fuck western civilisation n shieet
Fuck hunters