How hard is it to get a job at EA, Valve or Epic?

How hard is it to get a job at EA, Valve or Epic?

What to expect?

Attached: panty.jpg (900x704, 97K)

better know somebody on the inside to begin with
like any other job, nepotism is your way to everything


not hard, just be a code monkey with some background in the area and you will be hired, these companies has high turn over rate since they tend to mass-cull employees after every major project.

see above, but they are probably not hiring anyone but artists right now.

Panty a best.

>but they are probably not hiring anyone but artists right now

why do I keep seeing these extremely open ended question threads with an obvious fapbait OP pic

God, why is Panty so hot?

Valve don't do games now, all they should be hiring are 3D artists who makes cosmetics for Dota 2 and CS:GO

She’s not. Stocking is better.

She's a slut, she would fuck anything and do it with skill. Also blondes in tight red dresses are kino


Look up "what it's like to work at valve", there's a really good video on it


>big tits
fuck off

Sluts are great.


Be a fresh-faced graduate who will work long hours for peanuts and not ask too many questions

Expect burnout, a bizarre cult mentality making excuses for numerous corporate failures, a lot of bullshit that passes for culture among game developers (try asking someone to explain sometime why some group of employees gets overtime while another gets paid vacations during E3) and shellshocked camaraderie with your fellow wage slaves. If you get hired for QA you might as well pick up a drug habit at the same time, it's about as good for your health. If you want to see a developer laugh and cry at the same time ask them about when they plan to retire.

Oh yeah and to work in these places you have to sign a contract with the devil they call a work-for-hire agreement that gives them the right to everything you create while working for them, even stuff you do on your own time.

How come Scanty has a 5head?

Still wrong, pleb.

Attached: Kneesocks.jpg (390x585, 46K)

I can't say I object.


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you dont want to work at those companies dude. They pay no more than average salary for a senior coder and will demand you to work for extra hours. And when you argue they will tell you they are giving you experience in a great company


Ah, a fellow man of culture.

scanty is the true best girl and you cant prove me wrong


Panty would rule the porn industry with an iron minge.
Put her in BLACKED and it'd have to be renamed ANGEL'D within the hour.

Panty was made for black cock

What would be a good vidya company to work for or at least one that's decent enough to not make you want to kill yourself?

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>heavily implied that Scanty and Kneesocks have incestuous RUUUUULRUE breaking wet and messy sex

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*Black cock was made for Panty

Based and REDpilled.
Season 2 never ever.

if only panty had tits like that

yeah, it's not like Valve has been on a hiring spree to unfuck Linux for games and their VR stuff.
Maintenance for Steam is also important. If anything they don't hire artists since those usually release their hats through Steamworks or whatever it's called, no need to hire someone for that

Other way around.

I can't make it out.
What's on the camera?

A company that doesn't have ties with known devil incarnates e.g. EA

Don't do this. If you really want to work on vidya, get a job elsewhere and work on vidya stuff in your offtime as a hobby. There's nothing that will make you want to never work on video games again than actually working on them in the industry.

Why do fags like you always do this

You're better off making your own shitty game and trying to sell it than you are working an 80-hour-a-week crunch anywhere on earth

If you absolutely have to work in vidya make sure you work for midsize studio or something outside your typical idea of vidya (edutainment companies are generally much more relaxed).

A handle.

can't wait for season 2

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based and redpilled

It's easy to get a job at most vidya companies.
Expect them to work you to the bone until you hate video games. Then you'll quit or be the guy who watches wave after wave of recruits come and go, like a veteran soldier seeing the young blood die in the trenches.
Valve is a weird exception. You need to be super qualified to get in, but once you get in you're not actually make any games and you'll be wasting your talent while doing fuck all and still getting paid.

>Season 2

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>Valve is a weird exception
how come?

You can find the articles on the topic, but to put it shortly, they have a very flat hierarchy and very high requirements.
It's a company where everybody works on whatever they want more or less.
The results are unsurprisingly that they release fuck all and mostly suck money from other peoples games through steam.
It's also why some people will leave the company, because they want to actually do things rather then masturbate all day with their 2smart2makegames coworkers.

Literal cum dumpster

>But regenerating hymen!

God, Peach is so hot

valve is the place you go to after you got all the experience in game dev since gaben literally pays his workers to do jack shit during work.
its like a retirement home except you get paid mad money for existing.