"What is life?"

>"What is life?"
>also panties

Attached: 13044C0A-DF0C-4CF9-90D7-D273B4C030C4.jpg (452x678, 49K)

i hate this game so much
men shouldn't have the choice to look at fictional robot women's butts


>think the protagonist is 2B from all the porn
>it's actually A2

Why is all the porn for 2B?

And it was great

Oh... Nines

Attached: 57699018_p0_master1200.jpg (392x431, 79K)

Attached: 2B stripper 1.webm (640x800, 2.92M)

I hate this game because the gameplay is absolute shit. The fan service and OST is its only saving grace.

It's kind of jarring thinking about 2B's fate then seeing some 2B cosplayer twerking

Thought this was an RPG but it's a badly controlled 3d platformer/bullet hell hybrid. Start playing, doesn't recognize the most basic standard PC controller (like every other game the last decade). Fuck I'll fix it after I get to a save point. Get trolled into an entire hour of keyboard controlled play before there is any save point.
Camera is also a mile away, you don't see shit as far as ass.

It's actually 9S and thots who cosplay and people who draw the porn don't play the games.

It recognizes 360 controller just fine.

What panties? She wears a leotard

Good game, but it left me wanting more. Route C should have been entirely devoted to A2.

I'm assuming someone has done this already by this point

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>implying it’s not 9S

Just ignore the 3D sluts.

Imagine OP going to the beach


which games do i have to play to understand what the sex robot game was trying to tell me?

Attached: 2B.jpg (720x718, 36K)

Nier 1

It's all a matter of perspective.