What game?
What game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stardew Valley
Ace Combat 7.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Harvest moon
unironically undertale
dark souls
It's pretty much guaranteed GOTY.
Team Fortress 2
Prey (2017)
resident evil 2 remake
did you uninstall it or something?
Alan Wake
Nier Automata
Bioshock Infinite
Life is Strange
Gone Home
Fire Watch
To be honest, the only games that ever got me like that were OoT and Metal Gear Solid (PS1.)
i killed b4nny in a grocery store once
Senua's Sacrifice.
I got this feel from Wolf Among Us. I wanted more of the interactive movie. As for games: Dragon Age: Origins, Hitman Bloodmoney, Desperados Wanted Dead Or Alive, Swat 4, Half Life, Opposing Forces, Ignition. I've got alot of that fee I guess, if I like a game, I'll feel like I just wanna keep playing, but there's no more. Oddly enough, didn't get this feel for Stalker ... but I did like the game, maybe it's because the ending felt rushed.
Bioshock Infinite just made me feel "meh", the moment they started to pull the story fully in to "lol it's alternate realities" I kinda just felt like the story turned ... "cheap" I dunno why, maybe it's because it feel like at that point you can pull what ever you want and shrug it off by saying "alternate realities" also the ending scene felt rushed.
Knights of The Old Republic 2 except I wasn't expecting the incredibly abrupt ending, I was doing a Dark Side run and the game just ends after killing Kreia.
Now that i think about it better.
Chrono trigger.
Secret of Mana.
Both Paper mario games.
MM 100%.
Need for speed MW.
Sunshine 100%.
Both golden sun games.
Ape escape 1.
and Kirby 64.
BB, Bioshock and even Firewatch for sure
Also OoT and MM ending scene with everyone together
Witcher 3 was a huge one for me. I just felt such a connection to the characters and world building.
Killer7, shit just appears in my head months after I finished it still.
Muv-Luv Alternative. My only regret is not being able to fug the bunny.
The Witness was the worst.
I feel like I'll never play another game like that again (essentially a puzzle metroidvania where instead of abilities you learn a visual language for what the puzzle mechanics do), and being a puzzle game it's not like there's any replay value until you've forgotten everything.
The Last Of Us
Not so much the story and characters but it's game world in general
World of Warcraft Vanilla
Also SA2B.
Touhou, EOSD.
There's something special about finally 1CC'ing a schmup.
all max payne games
UFO Defense
Pic related then trying to do it on superhuman
Persona 3, 4 and Cave Story for me.
Kirby 64 was the epitome of wholesome and comfort. Why does it have to be so SHORT.
Sekiro is the most recent game that gave me that feel.
>oh....years of pain, concentrated and distilled. just so he knew it was me who got him in the end
what a fucking legend
Red Dead 2
I felt similarly after RDR1, but I think this one outdid the first.
It's shitty knowing what happens to John, but watching him reclaim at least a few years of legitimate happiness was fucking kino
My nigga
Nex Machina reminded me I was actually playing a video game and not some cinematic shit.
Mass effect trilogy
with one character
Most recently; Yakuza 0
Right? I also felt like you just end up at Malachor because you ran out of planets to discover.
Kid Icarus Uprising. The whole thing was a trip I was not ready for.
Metro Last light
This year so far:
Nier: Automata
Zone of the Enders 2
Xenoblade chronicles 2
Came here to post this.
Deus Ex
Resident Evil 4
Symphony of the Night
Max Payne
best and most fun ps2 jRPG and I dont give a fuck if you disagree
Sekiro. I just want more. Moooooreeeee
i genuinely felt it when i played witcher 1, 2, and 3 and expansions back to back. it feels like a big adventure.
treasure planet got some interesting video games. there's even an RTS ship battle game on steam.
Whenever I think or talk about video games I think of Killer7. Incredible game.
Bloodborne ... wanna play sekiro but im a poorfag
Ds2 , Ds3 or nioh?
infamous 1 and 2, both endings in the latter half.
not ss tho.
Dark souls after I read up on some lore
Mass effect 1
Dust an elysian tale
Red dead redemption 2
Metal Gear Solid 1-4
Pyre. Couldn't put the thing down until I finished it.
Final Fantasy X
Most recently, Devil May Cry 5. It was my first DMC game, too. Before that, Yakuza 0 and Sonic Mania around the same time. I also replayed Katamari Damacy with Re-roll and despite having played it hundreds of times before on the PS2, I got the same feeling. What an excellent game. I love video games, man.
God damn the wait was well worth it, huh buddy/ All of the AC games do it for me though. AC04 harder than the rest. Something about the R&B credits theme.
Assassin's creed 2
Nier and Nier Automata, you can't stop thinking about existentialism for a bit after finishing them.
>Most recently, Devil May Cry 5. It was my first DMC game, too.
Glad you enjoyed it, newly-minted DMChad.
When it comes to AC though it's gotta be AC0 for me. It's mostly because my older brother was actually the big fan at the time, and he first introduced it to me by playing AC4. After I gave it a shot he bought AC0 like a week later and I was instantly hooked on it.
>Devil May Cry 5. It was my first DMC game, too.
My nigga, welcome to the club
> Yakuza 0
My double nigga
Zero was the one I connected to the least growing up. I played AC04 really young and loved it. Then I played 5 one summer when I was visiting my dad who had that and Zero. He let me take 5 with me since I was halfway through with it. Didn't play Zero until later and I loved it, but it probably didn't do much for me since I was older.
Yeah. I'm going back to play the older DMC games since my roomate owns the Collection and I was able to get 4SE earlier, but never play it. The genuine joy and excitement for DMC5 got me interested, since, as an Ace Combat fan, I related to the catharsis and joy of a long-awaited sequel. I was happy for DMChads and I was willing to get into the series to partake in that sincere happiness.
>I love video games, man.
get out
Trails in the Sky SC/Third.
I just want to go back to Liberl and go on wholesome Bracer requests for everybody in town that knows my name and wants me to take down a crop-munching monster or find their lost cat or be their wingman to pick up a date -- anything. Take me back to Zeiss and soak in those hot springs down south, man.
And when the time comes, let me rise up to smash a secret society or two from the inside and get into trouble twenty times way over my head. That'll be loads of fun.
Drakengard 3
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
Red Dead Redemption 2
Persona 5.
Finishing Nier Automata got me excited about the potential of vidya and had me replaying it again in seconds.
After finishing P5 just stood there like a dumb cow for a week or two to let the whole experience flush through me. Shit was cash.
DMC5 is the most recent.
Had this same feeling after finishing FFXV despite it being a terribly flawed game.
Thief 1, 2, DS
Good times
>when the playtest of a great game ends
Any Final Fantasy
>you will never play best fantasy for the first time.
You can make collages to make almost any game look good.
>Life is Strange
>Gone Home
>Fire Watch
Minecraft unironically
>Game that looks good will look good.
A few months ago I finished the Talos Principle and felt this way. Do recommend.
XC2 has left a void in my heart no other game could fill ever since
All three Xenoblade Chronicles
Bioshock infinite
Wolf among us did leave me satisfied I just wished they made part 2
I know I know, they're not all great games but I've never played the series before and literally had a fucking blast with each one. Excited to start V next.
>fire watch
>the game where every mystery turned out to be a nothingburger
>the game where the radio chick and the main character just shrug and part ways at the end after days of bonding with eachother
Hollow Knight
the man of absolute taste
arena update when
Witcher 3
Arkham City was probably the last game to give me that feeling
Most recently Sekiro. I had shit to immediately play after, but since getting all the achievements I've been wishing there was more.
Absolutely my main man here.
Ayamine best girl
Fragile Dreams
Lost in Vivo
I thought the first ending was the real one and almost raged out
A porno's never done this for me. But a doujin or comic has.
probably nier automata
except it wasnt really a great game it just had some great moments and a great ending
Post the doujin then if you're so great
>stuck at gwyn
>stuck at twin princes in dorks 3
will i ever finish 1 fucking game?
Witcher trilogy.
Riven. Except instead of a peaceful pause it was because I couldn't sleep because I was too excited about No Man's Sky in D'ni. This was before 9-11.
I feel you
yeah I did like the BUG ASS N TIDDIES one
>Alan Wake
yes, nothing like an appology video from the studio manager for cancelling the sequel while begging me to buy the pc port anyways
what an ending
>Both Paper mario games.
Link's Awakening
K-ON season 2
i was expecting a lot from the witness, i thought it was going to be some lore heavy puzzle version of myst with a cool island to explore
What a letdown and it took forever to come out too
That was the whole point you double nigger. There was no Illuminati conspiracy, and the MC couldn't keep running away from his problems with her wife with a new one.
sequel never ever
shhe was lying to you the whole time
Anthem :)
I never got the name, but someone posted a passionate vanilla furfag doujin a few nights ago and I loved it.
For western comics, Alfie for sure.
Hellblade: I'm a retard and I can't get over my bf's death
That doujin where a guy has the ability to go back in time, lets a girl who ran away from home live with him so that he can rape her every day then goes back in time to before the rape. As time goes by the girl who never remembers the rapes gets attached to their every day life, gradually falls in love with the guy and starts resisting less and less to the rapes until one day she tells him that she loves her whIle he is raping her and kisses him, and he decides not to go back in time anymore.
Fuck phoneposting, I didn't mean to write this badly.
Golf Story
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of X
This. It felt like a part of my life was missing for a while
Spectre knight. Easily my favourite of the three campaigns so far. Scythe surfing never gets old.
Deadly premonitio
Persona 4
do people actually feel something other than basic accomplishment and finality when they finish a video game? i have literally never felt anything deeper, they're just games
>t. haven't finished a game in his life
Arma 3: Laws of War
Witcher 3 saving ciri and ending the game in toussaint with yen
Unsubbing from Eve online
Red dead redemption, too bad i barely found games with this feels nowadays
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
of all the arguments you could make, you make the autistic assumption that i haven't finished any one of the hundreds of games i've played? i bet you're a nigger, 100%
This. Shadow of the Colossus is a game where your first playthrough is everything. The magic of playing SotC for the first time can never be recaptured
Pretty much any 2hu game.
You feel empty because you forgot the game had an ending, you were so focused that you forgot it was a game all this time, and you want more, but there's nothing else to do, obviosly if the only fucking games you play are fortnite and minecraft you will never know the feeling
I hope the sequel is just as good.
People have feelings while reading books how are video games any different?