Lara Croft

>from Queen of Vidya to Queen of horses and dogs
What went wrong?

Attached: in-game-lara-croft-reference-photo.jpg (550x317, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread: croft,samus aran

nothing really. it had a good run. franchises never stay good. live long enough to become the villain etc etc

She was never the queen of gaming, even in 2002 everyone still preferred Samus

Here comes the nintendofaggot with his gamefags polls


It's true though, Samus was always the most influential female in gaming history. Samus was only remembered for her Triangle Tits, people forgot about her when FF7 came out, since Tifa was infinitely hotter. Metroid has always had a long stretch of amazing games, that kept Samus in the noble nine for nearly 2 decades. Tomb Raider died 3 seperate times, which doesn't happen with a iconic franchise

> Lara was only remembered for her Triangle Tits
Fixed my Typo

Based retard

Prove me wrong then, refute me without using Buzzwords


>that level where she's on the high rise with the little black dress that splits revealing her pistols strapped to her legs

this is how you do erotic design

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Does she still have tits? Haven't paid attention to her games since the reboot.

No it’s true, when I was a horny teenager in the 2000s the only thing I remembered about Lara Croft was how much jizz I wasted jerking it to her turbo tits. The games were never more than “good I guess” and now a decade later I don’t feel ANY loyalty to the brand. She might as well be a new IP to me.

That said, Lara with Horse is a work of art and Shadman’s sole excuse to continue existing.

The horse meme is not due to shadman

First game had no tits, second game had a little tits, and third game had CHONK. Presumably this was due to the developers slowly realizing their “epic reboot” was going nowhere and they tried to subtly appeal to the horny grognards who remember when Lara took the blue ribbon for Breast in Show.

It didn’t work. Shadow of the Tomb Raider was so bad they had to patch in an ending. The franchise ended on a wet stinky fart so smelly I doubt anyone will remember these games outside SFM porn in five years.

Where did the horse meme come from? I honestly only remember Lara’s association with horses from that animated pornography (hosted on Shadman’s website) where she gets fucked in all of her holes by a stallion.

>3 fucking games under this nu-Lara reboot

>not once do they do her iconic dual pistols

The devs are just fucking retarded at this point

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>ywn play Tomb Raider where Lara is modeled after Wendy Fiore in her prime

man bad feels


like said.

then there's also the movie that came out with Angelina Jolie.

then, I found on a the guiness world record site itself;

>Since her debut game in 1996, the Tomb Raider heroine has featured prominently on at least 1,230 magazine covers from all across the world.

so yeah, you're dumb.

Attached: guinness-world-record-lara-croft-magazine-covers1.jpg (1279x668, 575K)

>tomb raider (2013) sales -11 milion
>metroid series sales - 16.69 million (the most generous figure I could find)
One game in the tomb raider franchise sold almost as much as all of metroid.

metroid has also died numerous times.
>no game after Super metroid until 2002
>no game after 2010 until 2016 and it's a joke. the next game a remake
>metroid prime 4 literally never

Also let it be known I have never played a metroid or a tomb raider game I merely fap to the characters.

IMO neither are iconic. Metroid is a literally who game. Tomb raider sells well but it's normalfag trash.

Oh didn't know it was hosted on his site. The original artist is animopron though. He did a quiet one too.

explain mario then?
>inb4 mario is bad

Mario is a lobster that continually molts into new forms to stay alive, and Zelda remains FRESH because it’s got the strictest standards for production out of anything. Nuclear Power Plants probably have more lenient productions than Zelda.


Attached: brap raider 1.webm (432x240, 2.36M)

I only played the first game and they gave her dual pistols in that. (Albeit for literally one scene at the very end.)

I didn't bother playing the other two, guess they stuck with their """unique""" strong female protagonist archer concept.

I can guarantee you and would bet my life on more people on the planet knowing who Lara Croft is over Samus.

>First game had no tits

wrong, she had bigger tits in 2013 than she had in rise. there was even a slight jiggle animation when she was drawing the bow.

>modeled after Wendy Fiore in her prime

this is actually the easy solution to feminists complaining about big tits in videogames. use a real life naturally big titted woman as the model and voice actress and voila, no complaints about her proportions being "unrealistic"

All of these are fap bait, which coresponds with my point about her triangle tits being the only reason she was relevant. Nobody actually gave a shit about her as a character, she wasn't beloved or popular. She's merely fapbait, same as Widowmaker & Tracer
Metroid is iconic as fuck, are you literally retarded?

Attached: Best in Gaming according to Normies.jpg (945x944, 682K)

>mario molts into new forms
idk they added a wall jump and shit but they literally still make 2D mario

they did it once for 5 minutes in the first game, but yeah they *really* wanted to push that Lara-with-a-bow concept

A Literal JPG image for Metroid Prime 4 got more of a reaction & hype on the internet then anything since Sonic being in Brawl

This. Lara was (and still is to some degree) a cultural icon. There are a lot people who don't play video games who know about Lara Croft.
Samus, on the other hand... She's pretty much unknown outside of gaming sphere. She's not inconic, a cultural icon or anything, really. She's not even a character. Even the terrible nu Lara is better than her.

Attached: 12209213.jpg (300x240, 25K)

did they change that word to mean very little known?

There is one objective metric we can look at for popularity and that is sales and by that metric metroid is a literal who.

In fact I'm fairly certain that metroid best selling entry was on the NES. The fucking NES.

All of those gaps in releases are due to Nintendo having the strictest & highest standards for their Mainline Triforce games, they literally started Metroid Prime 4 from scratch due to it not being up to their 97 Metascore standards. Perfection takes time, the only time they released a Zelda game unfinished was with Wind Waker & ever since then they've never made the same mistake twice.

My man, literally no one but Metroid fans and starved for games Switchlets gave a shit about that image.

Angel of Darkness is mad underrated

>on the internet
Where specifically on the internet?
Also you're missing my point completely, and you're retarded for honestly believing Samus was ever more iconic than Lara

> Implying Topping More Best Game Lists then every 2D Mario, Pokemon, COD, GTA, Elder Scrolls, Resident Evil, Metal Gear & Final Fantasy game doesn't make it iconic
Imagine being this much of an underaged faggot

But my man, you do know how video game polls work, right? Literally all of those """"characters"""" are garbage. Hell, the entire image is garbage.

Lmao you must live in a shell

It's not iconic if no one buys the games or cares about them OR knows about them, retard.

even people who like angel of darkness tell others not to play it

If people forgot about Lara after FFVII came out then why did Tomb raider 2 sold more than the first Tomb raider game?

Attached: 171.jpg (613x533, 33K)

>best games list
oh's retarded

>final fantasy
>elder scrolls
>implying these games are even good

>gets proven wrong

alright well, I knew you were an idiot when one of your points for your argument was why you jacked off to a character, but you further proved it now by resulting to buzzwords

Attached: god.png (500x394, 196K)

Imagine being this much of a braindead manchild. Go back to gamefaqs

Ah so Larafags are Snoyggers, being contrarian to hate on Nintendo? Makes sense, i don't know why i even bothered
> Favorite Character Contest (2004)
> R1: Samus Aran (68,889 Votes) > Lara Croft (14,279 Votes) (54,168 Vote Difference) (83,610 Voters Worldwide)

Attached: brap raider 2.webm (720x404, 1.92M)

I love my wife Rise Lara!

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> 92 Billion
> 26 Billion
> 1 Billion
Cope more, all of these franchises are popular as fuck

>a metric of quality
look at this retard and laugh

>this will never be you
Life is unfair bros

Attached: squared.gif (354x192, 1.79M)

>posts more polls from Nintendo gamefaqs board
Lmao you absolute retard. Also kill yourself.

So much seed was spilled to Pixel's videos
Wish she did hardcore tho

Jennie is the greatest Lara Croft of all time

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Exactly, even my fucking boomers parents know about Lara Croft

> Favorite Character Contest (2004)
So a nonsense poll filled with Nintendies?

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>le hype
yeah call us when hype turns into sales for metroid which has never happened
>metroid is so popular
>look at this gamefaqs poll
why does Yea Forums of all places believe gamefaqs is some sort of authority

Attached: 1553485738340.jpg (709x595, 156K)

>Most iconic
>if most normies even know who she is they refer to her as metroid

Attached: 1521711681033.jpg (335x352, 32K)

>best character is a woman with literally 0 character to her
Based nintendofags proving once again that they're massive retards who think with their dicks

c o p e

Cognitive dissonance happened. The nuLara devs thought the character had no identity, thus in their 'reboot' titles she of course, had no identity.

Attached: lara croft.jpg (230x320, 19K)

Hillary also had a "98% chance of winning the election". And we all know how that turned out.

You are aware that some people never bother with stupid polls like that, right?

You have no idea what you are talking about. It really shows when you talk about Sonic in Brawl being such a big deal.
The internet blew up because of the first Smash trailer and that included the first non-Nintendo character at the end, Solid Snake. Snake's reveal changed everything and was the biggest reveal. It might not be your favourite one. Sonic was completely multiplat by the time the Brawl trailer released while Snake was still kind of a Sony/Playstation thing

Wolf dick is a work hazard while raiding tombs and that is a good thing

Why was Lara with Horse so good, but Breaking the Quiet so bad? Is dialogue and a "plot" really that bad?

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You're the only one coping you little pussy, post more polls to try and validate yourself

Metroid Prime Announcement-2.9million views in 1 year

Cyberpunk 2077-13 million views

Even something more niche then either game like DMC5 had bigger hype then MP4

Metroid is like mega man in that it's super iconic and Well known but still sells like shit regardless

You say that but yet Other M and Federation Force exist


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Or especially...

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Attached: Lara Croft.jpg (488x366, 34K)

>4k version never ever
it hurts bros

Care to drop a full name? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Pixel

Attached: 1553237687937-v.jpg (175x240, 17K)

>New Super Mario Ds
>New Super Mario Wii
>New Super Mario 2 3Ds
>New Super Mario Wii U
>New Super Luigi Wii u
>>explain mario then
jesus christ its like Nintendo fags barely remember half the games

>nipple piercings through the top

Attached: muh dick.gif (499x360, 405K)

nice now I've been called a sony fag and a playstation fag in the same thread. my life is complete.

Not enough cumshots and the other woman keeps breaking up the action with lesbian shenanigans.

Sony fag and nintendo fag*


Pixel from PlayObey, the girl in the webms posted

Imagine thinking a Literal who like Lara Croft is iconic in anyway outside of her porn

Attached: ThisKillsTheLaraCuck.jpg (2322x1210, 287K)

Fuckin chinks


At that point just put a FGO character because apparently that cancer will never stop making money anytime soon.

fuck off weeb

Attached: lambs.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

because the dual pistol thing was when Lara was S E X U A L I Z E D therefore she needed a feminist disruptive redesign

Cope, they are the ones making the most popular games, characters, franchises & consoles. Gaming doesn’t exist without Japan

>ask random person on the street if they know who Lara Croft/Tomb Raider is
>most do
>ask random person on the street if they know who Samus Aran/Metroid is
>they dontz ever
how will weeb incels ever recover?

If they are so popular why dont you search Lara Croft and Samus Aran worldwide?

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>moving the goalpost

what does any of that have to do with Lara's popularity again?

go back to your containment board you weebshit degenerate pedo

Attached: a in 30 years.jpg (1700x2267, 1.22M)

This kills the Samus retard

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This is why I don't bother with real life. She is hotter than hell but the costume just doesn't fit the same. And shiny material rarely works IRL. I know it should be something like a swimming dress originally but the games never had that look for the material.

Attached: classic1.jpg (1200x2280, 150K)

Blue is Lara, Red is Samus.

I like this much better, very close to the original

Go fap some more to hentai, weeb retard

t. wasn't even old enough to remember Lara Croft at her peak
She was always hot, but that was really all people cared about

The same goes for Samus. She's even less of a character than Lara was.

> Recognizability among Non gamers means anything
The absolute state of LaraFags, also i tried this at my family resort. These were the only games that people recognized
> Super Mario
> Super Metroid
> GoldenEye
> Halo Trilogy
> Metal Gear Solid
> Resident Evil
> The Legend of Zelda
> Call of Duty
> Grand Theft Auto
> Pokemon
> Final Fantasy VI-X
> Street Fighter II
> Super Smash Bros
> Shadow Of The Colossus
> Mega Man 2
> Sonic The Hedgehog
> Wii Sports
> Mortal Kombat
> Mario Kart
> The Last Of Us
> Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
> MineCraft
> Madden/Fifa/NBA 2K
All of these were instantly recognized by well over 70 % of the people i met, other games like Dark Souls, Half-Life, Chrono Trigger, Tomb Raider, Doom, Tetris & StarCraft were shit that people had to ask me what they were since they had never heard of it

Lara was hot and cool as fuck. Imagine if they rebooted back to this Lara realizing their mistake.

Metroid games are popular & iconic among the gaming community, Tomb Raider was always irrelevant

>All of these were instantly recognized by well over 70 % of the people i met, other games like Dark Souls, Half-Life, Chrono Trigger, Tomb Raider, Doom, Tetris & StarCraft were shit that people had to ask me what they were since they had never heard of it

Attached: 151572086411.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

cope harder weeb incel, enjoy self genocide

this fucking post

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>people not recognizing tetris
Post is full of shit

>All of these were instantly recognized by well over 70 % of the people i met, other games like Dark Souls, Half-Life, Chrono Trigger, Tomb Raider, Doom, Tetris & StarCraft were shit that people had to ask me what they were since they had never heard of it
Fucking kek

Attached: 1550000842336.gif (500x373, 487K)

That fucking weeb

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (400x386, 34K)

Absolutely seething, coping & crying in desperation

A significant number of gamers don't even know who Samus is though and most people that know still think she's a male.
Even people who don't play videogames know about Lara Croft. She was everywhere in the 90s

Your japanese video games are far less influential than you think. There's Mario and Pikachu and that's all.

> Halo, GTA, MineCraft, COD, Fifa, Madden, NBA, MK, TLOU
> All western games
> Somehow “Weeb Games”
Imagine seething this bad

You're still a sad fucking weeb though

Need a diaper?

All of this is factually incorrect, congratulations.

> Bbbbbut WEEBS
Go back

I just started underworld and i love it the puzzles and exploration is so much better then the reboot games

That being said the reboot did have better combat

Also i still can't seem to make the bullet time head shot mini game come up in underworld

Which one should I believe?
Actual verifiable data
or user survey during his family trip

Attached: 1541633324007.jpg (415x471, 226K)

>weeb incel is having a meltdown

>anime website

Fuck you got absolutely butthlasted.
He’s right you nerds. Find a gf, ask her if she knows any of those games and then HAVE SEX

>le anime website meme
Cope harder weeb

> Posts about China or Japan don’t count
> Cropped image counts
Cope, the absolute state of westcucks

>over 70 % of the people i met

I bet you have 3 people in your fucking phonebook, who are you kidding here incel?
Yea Forums steam group friends that seed doujins don't count

definitely the hypocrite crying about buzzwords

>He’s right

> Weeb, Incel
Anyone unironically who uses these is the one whose seething

You’re not white? Oof

>not an anime website
W*stern dickriders pls go


>*TL Note: this man is an incel*

I got paid 300$ a day every day over the summer, we have people flying in from Russia, Italy & Mexico

Check for yourself you nigger faggot. croft,samus aran

t. SEETHING weeb incel

*TL note - mom and dad gave him $300 allowance to go to comic con in mexico*

I can smell lard and neckbeard from here

Take a shower then

me too! and my family resort survey says you're wrong.

Half the world didn't know Samus was a woman, you cunt.

lol just no, is not dressed or looks like any Lara

> Fighting: Street Fighter II
> Action: Legend of Zelda
> Open World: Legend of Zelda
> Indies: Cave Story
> Adventure: Legend of Zelda
> Console FPS: GoldenEye
> Survival Horror: Resident Evil
> Platformer: Super Mario Bros
> Racing: Mario Kart/Gran Turismo
> Metroidvania: Metroid/SOTN
> Movie Games: Metal Gear Solid
> Console RPG: Final Fantasy
> Arcades: Pac-Man/Donkey Kong
> ShootemUp: Space Invaders
> Consoles: Atari, Sony, Nintendo
All of these don’t exist without Japan, Doom is the only genre creating game the West has since we don’t get GoldenEye without it

Turbo Sperg on a rampage.

Kill yourself retard

absolutely nothing

> Buzzwords
> Not even a complete Sentence
> IP Count hasn’t gone up
> Another jealous shitposter is seething

Seething baby man.

Seethe harder, incel

Seething Wagie, go back to living Rent Free

Akabur remembers, episode 5 came out yesterday

Attached: Untitled1.png (636x800, 251K)

>cave story invented indies
you heard it here first

> Still samefagging
> Can only resort to using buzzwords
Go back to /reddit/

> IP Count hasn’t gone up
only one post per person allowed.... holy shit you have issues

Yep still seething, imagine samefagging so hard

SUGOI, so you're a friend who's mentally retarded!

Attached: Bouncy.gif (370x400, 944K)

Imagine being this much of a retard
COPE harder

Kill yourself

having a nuclear meltdown incel weeb creature?

>people didn't recognize Tetris
yeah dude that's totally believable

nu lara is cringe

Attached: 1552734214809.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Is it all one guy who constantly spams the same gamefags list in threads or is it multiple people?

It's the same faggot

There is no way people didn't know Tetris. What is the average age of people you ask? Just estimation is fine.

>Core gave Gard creative control over the game, although it was clear they wanted to market Lara's sex appeal, even asking Gard to implement a nude code into the game which he refused to do. His vision for Lara was "a female character who was a heroine, you know, cool, collected, in control, that sort of thing" and that "it was never the intention to create some kind of 'Page 3' girl to star in Tomb Raider".

>Samus was always the most influential female in gaming history.

Attached: Lara Croft Way.jpg (766x511, 61K)

>primarily a solo female protagonist
>typically male antagonists
>doesn't act with men in mind
>driven by personal goals and wants
>embraces the fact she's a woman, showing off her feminine figure regardless of environment
>sexualized not for others but because she knows she's hot
>literally kills the viewer for sexualizing her in the second game's ending

Someone explain to me why old Lara was bad for feminism/women again?

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Lara used to be amazing! pity what the marxist developers did to her now but we will always have the older games.


fuck off


based retard

>episode 5
*Includes and is limited to 10 (ten) new images.

Boy, I can't wait to see what comes next, in 10 months.

By the way, what happened to the Summertime Saga? Didn't see or read a thing about it for months now, did the guy get like 40k dollars a month?


>Mass Effect
Good choice

Nothing. Laura isn't Lara

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>Summertime Saga
since he was forced to remove incest nobody cares anymore.


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Because she was hot and exciting. How can normal boring frumpy fat women compete?

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You know you would

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just get it on f95 lmoa

it's not even 10, it's 3 cgs and 4 outfits, most of which are either drawn like trash or designed like trash, but some of the lara stuff is okay. i wish he'd drop the constant expansion and the cuck shit, and just focus on fleshing out 1-3 girls again like in pt, it's been what, 4 years and nothing fucking happened

watch her uterus nearly bursting from a horse ejaculating inside? Yeah, I'm thinkin' I would.

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Whats with this Lara fucking horses meme thats been going on? Im so lost.


like 90 percent of SFM shit is bestiality.

>nintentoddlers get more excited over nintendo character being in a nintendo game
Do you honestly think nintendo is synonymous with video games as a whole?

Based and doggopilled

Attached: 249352.jpg (1198x1439, 195K)

>"burger is the most popular type of food to order"
>t: person who only ever dines in mcdonald's

I don't remember seeing a game-magazine with fucking Samus on the front page, there's however plenty of Lara Croft wearing that towel, unf.

Because she's hot and men like her.

A lot of things went wrong. The original developers stopped enjoying making the TR games, so they handed off production to another team with 3. With nu Lara, it’s unironically liberal Canadians. That’s the problem. I get wanting to reinvent the wheel, but they only did it from a character standpoint. TR could’ve evolved into a better, more different type of adventure game.

>4 years and nothing fucking happened
Isn't Akabur from Siberia or something? You would think he could make tons of money if he put in some real work, at least for Siberian standards.
A real shame, I think his artwork is one of the best out there.

Why do leafs ruin everything?

If you want the true Mommy Croft experience just play Milfy City.

Attached: 1531072224961.jpg (273x185, 8K)

Multiculturalism and Jewish brainwashing. They go hand in hand though.

EVERYONE makes bestiality porn of NuLara because she's an obvious feminist self insert, so seeing her degraded makes it that much hotter. Though to be fair, there's a ton of bestiality SFM porn in general because you can only use Geralt, Scout or Coach so many times.

Why do NintoddIers have to ruin everything?

Attached: Cult of Nintendo.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Horses are meh

But Laura on all that dog and wolfcock is the best. Take the knot indeed

I refuse to believe people like these actually exist.

Have you been on Tinder lately?
>my dog comes first
>if you don't like dogs swipe left
>dog mom
>my dog is my life
>I sleep with my dog
>if you have a dog I would date you
>if I see dog I will swipe right
>my dog is my baby

Yea, women would fuck their dogs instead of you.

Attached: 1553028627057.jpg (257x240, 11K)

Who do you think spams all the Smash threads and other Nintendo stuff on the board?

why does everybody look slightly uncomfortable

There better lovers.
More loyal. Will go down on you for ages. And fuck these girls like the bitches they are

I want to play with Lara's hair.

Attached: _20190110_214555.jpg (1080x1703, 212K)


I hope Putin and the bugmen nuke the shit out of murricans before this shit goes pandemic.

>Being a dogfag
No wonder women love dogs so much.

Attached: 1539039028952.png (465x742, 515K)

>Imagine if they rebooted back to this Lara realizing their mistake.
They could just put the classic outfit on the Rise model and copy the game design from the original trilogy. It wouldn't perform any worse than the other reboot games because sales come from marketing.

Attached: lara.webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

Why do I like seeing women that could beat me up losing to dogs.


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SJW will castrate men and their fantasies and turn them into something toothless and bizarre.

You really don't know? Sounds pretty obvious to me, especially since you sais "women that could beat me up".
It's about degradation and humiliation. A strong woman that becomes a literal bitch. It's not about the dog, or the horse, or the pig, it's about the girl being a weak slut


What if it's my waifu too? Does that make me a cuck?


She isn't real. You might subconsciously self insert into the dog or the female though.


I ain't no beast, cuck.

all we are is all we are, transcendental animals

>Gaming doesn’t exist without Japan
O shit now I'm triggered

Gaming would be better by orders of magnitude if those weebs hadn't enabled whole generations to be raised as consolefags.

This begs the question:
Would gaming today be better if there was a third nuke?

I love Metroid, but nobody outside of the USA cares about. Samus used to be more iconic, but I am positive that most people have forgotten who she is and view Lara as the de facto vidya girl.

Attached: 794.png (500x500, 77K)

>MineCraft spelt like that
>normies knowing MGS, TLoU, and SotC
>not knowing Doom, which became famous after the Columbine shooting
>not know Tetris, one of the best-selling video games of all time
>family resort

Attached: Yikes.png (559x566, 612K)

>implying it's not because the creators are degenerate themselves

Lara is for marriage and impregnation

>queen of horses
you don't mean: 'What went right?'


>be underwater
>almost drowning
>small trapped air pocket
>reach it
>Lara is desperately gasping and moaning for air

Attached: I have no girlfriend. This is the only path.jpg (600x529, 66K)


lord almighty

Attached: 1392849639458.jpg (251x171, 6K)

Im still pissed they used Anita Sarakeesians face for her.

no they didnt

Without a question

Attached: 1508860906013.png (861x714, 828K)

>tfw own full goty 2013 tomb raider and i'd rather play tomb raider anniversary and tomb raider legends

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>can't even spell the title properly


Attached: 1394850924582.png (1000x1395, 2.19M)

No u

nuh huh, u

Attached: 148549857242.png (944x724, 980K)

Stop posting my wife

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Stop it

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Yeah noone's googlin her because we all know her already. Way to be a retard. Whereas your literal who seamus aaron character gets googled all the time coz faggots are always like


So people google.

>"Oh! W-what are you doing here user"

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>turn Lara into an average girl next door character
>everyone just assumes she fucks dogs and horses

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Theres hours of video evidence.

I think she does bears now as well

Attached: lara and bear 3.webm (1920x1080, 2.16M)

>Geralt, Scout or Coach
>not Maleshep

You would too if you were Lara

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>if you were Lara
I'd be a complete slut, yeah

Unfortunately the old design was too male-gazey. They removed her overt sexuality, the problem is they didn't replace it with anything interesting.

Nulara is a bald space marine in a typical female college student's body. She has no charisma, no wit, no sense of humor at all. I could get over her losing her tits and dick sucking lips if she she had an attractive personality, but she doesn't have one. Playing the new games, I'm genuinely curious as to why she has any friends at all. Everything about her screams elitist, stand offish snob more interested in murdering schmoes than actually studying archeology.

I want to lick her armpits

Do it then...

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Now that the dust has settled can we agree Paititi ruined Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
>you can't use guns because lara doesn't want to frighten the savages
>even though local merchants in this "uncontacted tribe" sell guns and ammo
>the game encourages you to craft new outfits for lara
>you're not allowed to use any of them in Paititi

be less iconic than Samus

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This was frustrating and dumb as fuck yeah.

u jelly?

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>and dogs
False, no such videos exist.

Samus isn't iconic though, nintendo retard

you can throw a ball on a string and the cat will do the same lmao


I never got into Tom Raider games as a kid because I tought playing as a girl was gay.

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The only people that say that are insecure fucks, same as those who moan about gay characters in games.

Why would it be gay? What the fuck is the reasoning behind this?

Lol fuck u weeb.
People knew Shit about samus back then, and people knew Tifa due to the same Traits that she and lara shares(not only tits).

She became only "mainstream" thanks to prime trilogy, and TR back then had THIS, which was meh but boosted her fame A LOT since Angelina nailed her.
and yes, the rumors that She used to stop some of the filming to continue replaying TR were true, plus she hated doing the 2nd movie since it took the liberty and independence that Lara had in it in the 1st one and in the games She like michael keaton who keeps calling himself BATMAN, still considers herself Lara

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>Queen of horses and dogs

>from Queen of Vidya to Queen of horses and dogs
>tfw is true
poor Lara

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>everyone still preferred Samus
who? is that some obscure Zelda character?

DEEPEST LORE. More recently i saw a tranny lara croft porno parody. Sort of made me feel like the boomer age was over, and the age of zoomers was now.

Nintendofags forgets that she became mainstream AFTER Prime Trilogy
Even with Super Metroid, she was still a niche character.

>piercing on nipples

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Only nintenbabys know her

>wonder loli
this thread will be nuked soon

Assfags really are mentally ill

>ywn be that guy

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really wish Enji does a lewd cosplay once

It's all very lewd

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How 2 get Enji gf, bros?

>2008 to 2015

>Open World: Legend of Zelda

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>one-piece swimsuit fetish
>this level
I was rock-hard the entire time.

The one with Chanel Santini? Very nice

>Survival Horror: Resident Evil

Alone In The Dark.

I'd marry her is she romanced Garrus

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you say that like they don't already

may well have been the one. However i realised porn has warped my sexuality out of all control and i'm now 6 weeks absolutely no porn and i feel better for it. quit while you're still in there user


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Even my mother knows who Lara Croft is, noone knows who some bitch in a suit in a childrens nintendo game is

>muh reddit internet hype

holy shit you zoomers need to hang, Lara was fucking HUGE and all over the TV during the 90s

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Damn, I've never seen her without her dreadlocks before

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Were the 80's and 90,s commercials really more entertaining and funny or is it just me ?

Most PC gamers never even heard of Samus

>brown eyes
>stretch marks

cats don't play fetch
they might chase after something like that if they are still a child

>chest tattoo

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you tell me

>Racing: Mario Kart/Gran Turismo

what the? what's being marketed here?

are these """people""" having a birthday party for the fuckin switch???

It's dumb but at least it's entertaining
I like this french commercial too

I wish there were more underworld lara porn

You know what she's famous for, right? Since you didn't mention it...

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have sex
that's why we should never ban birth control but enforce and promote it
samusfags seething she's a literal who to 90% of the world

No idea, dude. She looks like a girl who likes to get naked in public.

I'm gonna cum inside mommy Lara and you can't stop me!

Woah bro, you're so mysterious and cool for knowing a dogfucker!

>Have some landwhale sit on your face
>Same as having sex
LMAO, literally deluded and ill.

>pic related
Now you know

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Are we allowed to post ryona?

Is she into animals or are animals into her?

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ok where can I watch this

>no complaints about her proportions being "unrealistic"
God I hate this sjw meme.
WTF even is a realistic boob size?

You can go, now.
We are talking about Lara Croft

What makes Lara Croft sexy?

>What went wrong?
A sexy, morally questionable character written and designed by Britons was bought by a US American company and redesigned to be less threatening to US consumers; ie. docile jailbait with no tits and a flabby arse. Nothing "went wrong" -- it's just a localization process arising from international cultural differences.

I want her to shrink me and place me inside her swimsuit so I can be snugly smothered by her lips or cheeks.

Peak performance body and attitude. Disregard Nu-Lara tho

First reboot Lara was pretty hot imo. Great face, nice tits, nice ass. Tits weren't massive like they used to be, but I still enjoyed looking at her and the game was pretty good. I dropped the second reboot an hour or two in because I didn't like it, so I don't know about that one

Why does everyone hate nu-Lara?

My nigga

It's not hate. Prime Lara was just better.

She only exist to carter SJW, PC, Tumbernites, and 2-4th wave of feminism.

I fucking hate her. Shity boring personality and beyond mediocre look.
The absolute state of Anita-approved female characters...

You know the v in Yea Forums stands for videogames, not vveebshit, right? :)

>Downgrade: the franchise
Vikander is to nu-laura what nu-laura is to Lara


They didn't. They used a mongoloid Anita-approved design, though.

>implying you wouldn't shag Nu Lara
She s still very attractive

can you retards shut up and post more porn

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Have sex

Shes seems so fucking dull and generic woman equivelant of the generic brown haired white man protagonist. Lara was a go getter taking control of the matter into her hands, nu-Lara seems to be jostled around by circumstantial opportunities until she comes out on top. I can believe Lara could shoot people, nu-Lara not really.

>Unfortunately the old design was too male-gazey.
What does that even mean? It's another way of saiyng that she was attractive?
How is that not a good quality?

I jack to her only in Ryona videos is there something wrong with me?

Bend over

This to be quite honest.

How many Metroid movies are there versus how many Lara movies are out there.

Who knows? It's a mystery.

That was already a downgrade for her. In legends she was 10/10, as was the game. Here she's already decidedly less "feminine".

Stop pretending it's about personality. She always had basically none, you don't need one for a player character. What did have was an attractive body, face and outfits making her appealing to play as. Sex sells.

The new games got rid off that instantly robbing the franchise of any edge over something like Uncharted, then you could (as consumers did) infer politics about the developers based on this decision which would tell you more about the likely game they were going to produce. So everyone avoided it.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.


>In legends she was 10/10, as was the game.
She's a cartoon and the game is shit.

Whois pretending, nu-lara is a wimp with a perpetual surprise scared face as a staple of her personality. It's always that sensation like she doesn't want to be there and things are always over her head, but through the magic of circumstances she manages to overcome the challenges even though shes a fragile girl alone in the woods. Oh and she guns down people with automatic weapons just because we have to make it a video game i guess *groans the game developer*.

Its boring action wank that every half-movie-action game does these days.

Yeah, humans have the capacity to recognize sexual features in non real women. A cartoon is just as real as any pixellated woman on your laptop.

sorry you misunderstood
She's shit as is the game.
Legend is as bad as 2013 reboot which is slightly above Chronicles and AoD