>Series go multiplatform
>Becomes shit
Series go multiplatform
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Everything that Demon's Souls did, Dark Souls did better.
i can see preferring Demon's Souls for the hub structure but it's true that the opinion of anyone who claims that Dark Souls is shit but Demon's good can be pretty much disregarded.
is ds2 actually a better demon souls?
It bothered that, ultimately, the best way to play this game requires you to stay dead (soul form) and without being to hear the character's footsteps. Not to mention that you have to die in order to shift the world tendency to get certain equipment. Contrived mechanics to that extent are pants-on-head retarded.
Demon's Souls is shit, just like every other Souls game.
Hi, i'm here to check on the thread.
Rent free
Almost there but still too much of a brainlet, play the game again.
I rate this thread a 3 out of 10.
Literally false
No. Wrong. Demon's did it best and toddlers think Dark is anything but a failed attempt at reclaiming the feel of DeS.
>Series go multiplatform
>It's shit because I can't brag about it being exclusive
Pretty much true.
DeS has a better hub but that's because DaS's world does not absolutely revolve around Firelink, it's an important location but you really only have to visit it 2-3 times.
DeS's "gimmick bosses" are massively overrated. Its most straightforward fights are actually the best ones (e.g. Tower Knight, Penetrator, False King).
This is what zoomies believe to cope
Fagtano would trash demon's souls and become obsessed with the franchise after it became big though
please have sex
Tower Knight is a gimmick boss tho.
Bloodborne is even worse by the way.
Boss designs
boss fights
overall gameplay
Demon's is good but it's definitely not leagues above or below Dark Souls.
For example, I like the world design of Dark Souls but Demon's has some cool level themes. Demon's has some sweet boss design though many are gimmicks and rather easy. DeS is the last one I played so I had a lot of Souls skill already, but I'd say Maneaters, Flamelurker, and Allant were the hardest. Each took me 2 tries. Dragon God is probably the coolest dragon design yet
Mechanically I'd say Dark is a pure refinement. Inventory load was a nuisance in Demon's and only doubly inconvenienced heavy armor builds
Also Demon's has some nice waifus with Yuria, Maiden, and Astraea. Plus there's that infamous doujin
IMO Demon's was survivor horror. Then Dark came and everybody knew how the game was, so a lot of people had walkthroughs and went min-maxing, also it was way more of a action game.
I thought Latria was overrated until I got to 3-2
Two things always made me wonder, why the fuck did they cut out being able to climb over obstacles from DeS in later Souls games?
And why did they never try to make another World Tendency type of shit that would influence the area around you making new playthroughs more interesting.
DeS had so much cool concepts that instead of improving them or trying more new things they instead made 3 asset flips with more simple bosses and called it a day.
The absolute state of this post.
This. I don't understand. World and soul tendancy have huge potential, and it added a lot to the atmosphere of the game. It meant your actions and your deaths had consequences on the world and your interactions with other characters.
I guess hardcore DaS fans only want to be able to read their guides and get minmaxed from the get go instead of being immersed.
I'd rather replay Demon's Souls than replay Dark Souls 1 any day of the week.