Gm_construct... home

gm_construct... home

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I was playing ttt earlier
had a lot of fun
gm and source games prior to l4d are comfy

Yeah man... Yeah!

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at least it was till i fucked everythang up

at least it was until a LUA error

>"FUCKING RETARDS, DELETE THIS!" in the distance

Flatgrass is better



E2 ruined Wiremod

Did it always had that sky scrapper and lake?

>used to have the creativity to build stuff in gmod
>now I just spawn some retarded npcs and half-ass try to weld stuff together then give up because it wasn't what I envisioned

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The skyscraper I don't remember, but the lake has always been there.

at least it was before bouncy balls tanked the framerate

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I used to turn that building in the back into an office space or a hotel. I always added more floors and made a shit ton of rooms. GM was always more entertaining in single player just building shit and downloading 1,000+ workshop mods.

construct 9 was top comfy and fuck you if you say otherwise

>bootleg minecraft
uhm. okay sweetie have fun!

I have excess of 2,000 hours in gmod just from going around filling up empty maps with props. I would download rp maps just so I could furnish every room. I think I had like 50gb of addons before I forced myself to quit cold turkey.
god I miss it

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The skyscraper is normally out of bounds, but the lake has always been there.
I think. It's been quite some time since I've played.

I agree, though I don't like how scary the dark parts of construct are

>muh minecraft
tranny faggot fbi faggot agent niggertron hunger was good

The lake yes, althought I realize now it's more square than before.
The skyscrappers are a new addition, before they were just background elements.

I did the same thing user. dm_avalon was one of my favorites, and I spent a ton of time in Atlantis from Star Gate as well.
I also had a map of Falling Water, and have wanted to visit the real place ever since.

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>I didn't like the addition of Hunger in MC. It ruined the game IMO


if you actually think alpha was better than fag fag beta boy than youre spastic take your MEDS faggot

I absolutely adored that map, had the exact same reaction.

>PVP was a bad addition
in your opinioj ... but niggers dont have godly opinions you fucking faggot so die now and take your nigger education out of my board

You what now?

stop spaming my fucking thread agent faggot... i didnt ask your opinion worthless queer fag. hebrew 13


take your meds agent faggot niggertron your trandforming is fucking sandnigger tier and youre spamming my thread


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Based misquoting user

Dark room was best room

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Now THAT'S the gm_construct I played on. *siiiip*

What happened with all the good servers?
>Over 5k players on darkRP and it's off-shoots yet all servers are shitty with powertripping mods and crybaby players
>TTT are 50% Minecraft maps, 35% BR tier retards that can't speak any english, 10% "BUY VIP TODAY! Or you will lose every round to cheaters!" That usually only have 2 players on at any time and 5% actually good servers that is overrun with drama or faggots voting for minecraft maps every round
>Prophunt, ZS, Murder and flood servers only have like 2 servers each that isn' t missing half of the mods functions or are overrun with russian BRs
>The rest of the servers are either dead 90% of the time or are just running broken LUA that makes you unable to play

I miss the the golden age of Gmod before TTT and DarkRP became the "main" game.