What's the most overrated game?
What's the most overrated game?
Killzone 2 or MGS4
Any of these
Doom 2016, FF6, Earthbound, or Devil May Cry
But can it be done, can we change the course of history by convincing people Half life 2 actually sucked? The trials begin now, this is government patented weaponized autism in it's highest form.
Fuck off
Wow, he's a fuckin raccoon now.
Seething, overrated doesn't always mean the game itself is bad
All of this except Doom & DMC is wrong
Final Fantasy VII should never be allowed near any greatest games list, the only thing it does better than its predecessors is that it's in 3D
Not the most overrated, but certainely up there
Sorry Nintendie. Your bing bing wahoo just ain't that good.
So you're a Discord tranny? Makes sense
DOOM is literal outdated shit
>Earthbound is good guys
Trannies love Nintendo and similar cutesy shit.
I meant All of the games WEREN'T overrated except Doom & DMC. Which i was agreeing with the user about
Stardew valley
OoT is great but it's insanely overrated. People still placing it as the greatest game ever made are delusional.
I'll take your bait.
No it's not, it deserves all of it's praise. Zoomers like you just cry because you never played it
Even worse
Go back to /reddit
It's hard to say, but these are definitely overrated:
Animal Crossing
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Crash Bandicoot
Devil May Cry
Donkey Kong Country
Final Fantasy V
Five Nights at Freddy's
Goldeneye 007
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Half-Life 2
Halo 2
Halo 3
Metal Gear Solid
Metroid Prime
Persona 4
Persona 5
Pokemon Red and Blue (Red and Green)
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2
Spyro the Dragon
Street Fighter II
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>all good games except RDR2, persona, witcher, and ff7
All of this is wrong except GTA, GoldenEye, Half-Life, Halo, Uncharted, RDR2, COD & Doom
Based on this chart GoldenEye, Dark Souls, FF7 & BOTW are easily the most overrated games
I would love to hear you explain how some of these aren't deserving of the praise they get
t. xboxfag
Halo is fucking garbage too
Earthbound is reddit tier while DMC and Doom are Yea Forums approved games
How can you say this when Fallout 3 gets more recognition and love despite it being a worse game?
Yea Forums rated EarthBound higher than Doom & the entire DMC series you fucking retard. Yea Forums is literally /Reddit
>Lemme just grab my alphabetical list of games I hate real quick.
Fortnite is the only one that's overrated, every other game here is good
Fallout new fucking vegas
Why the fuck do people love Skyrim so much?
Why the hell do normies even like about The Last of Us, as it was a 7,5/10 at best? Story is basicly altered Children of Men and gameplay was Uncharted but with additional "survival" stuff hamfisted in.
It's because you don't even have to play most of the time, isn't it?
>How can you say this when Fallout 3 gets more recognition and love despite it being a worse game?
Are you kinding me? any fallout video that's not even remotely related to NV at all usually has a handful of niggers spouting how much the love suck NV's cock and how shit 3 was
No one actually voted on this. These types of spaz posts are just made up bullshit. EB was liked more by some retard and they decided it should be higher. DMC mostly deserves to be low rated for being button masher junk in the shadow of Ninja Gaiden.
This list is 100% based. Every game here aside from DDS2 is good. Cope contrarians
>DMC still making NG fags seethe to this day
That's only partly true. NV is more popular among the people who care more about Fallout and gaming in general. Fallout 3 is still way more popular with all the normalfags. It's like saying Morrowind is overrated when Skyrim exists because there's this dedicated Morrowind community that will defend it no matter what.
>126. Pikmin 2
There are a lot of people who don't even know what a pipe shooter is.
I'd probably go with Overwatch.
Won GOTY 2016 despite being just another class based arena shooter.
Shouldn't have even been nominated.
Dark souls
>NV is more popular among the people who care more about Fallout and gaming in general. Fallout 3 is still way more popular with all the normalfags.
Not true but ok
literally how, to this day people who play smash don't know who Ness is
Imagine actually believing this.
Every game on that list deserves it's praise contrarian faggot
>overrated=popular game I dont like
>the best co-op Mario game
>including the original Mario Bros
>powerups are treated as rewards instead of handing them out like candy
>the sense of grand adventure going through all the different types of worlds and planning out where to go on each map
It was better than World. Fuck off.
> No one actually voted on this
> Literally has 30,121 Votes at this moment
> Half of these games were in fact nominated by Yea Forums
> Voting Algorithm literally prevents Spam
The amount of cope
Zoomers will never get hl2.exe, you're forever cursed to have been born after the golden age, shit is your daily diet and you're so used to it
I think The Witcher 3 is insanely overrated. I really like the game don't get me wrong, but I group it in the same level of quality and polish as TW1 & 2. Mainstream gamers seem to think it's some kind of TES/GTA hybrid that ticks every box.
Mgs4 isn’t overrated. I don’t hear people talk about it much and when I do they usually criticize it for being an ugly fan service fuckshow
Anything that From touches.
it's the most overrated game of all time. it's a fucking joke how overrated it is except they were serious.