What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
i think we all know
Woman here you're pathetic
post tits or gtfo
they're being literal. It will infect and destroy consoles
They mean they've been huffing their own farts for so long they can't even tell people aren't interested.
I'll just stick to PC I guess. or not. who cares about video games anymore?
google plus killed social media
Honestly isn't it a win if Sony leaves the market, regardless of what happens to the other two?
>Streaming games
>On American Internet
They're delusional
Console's dead anyways lmao PC mustard race
There's no way. It'll only work with turn-based games. Anything requiring quick reactions is unplayable or very frustrating.
>kill XYZ as we know it
The PR team is retarded
I would assume they mean that they believe their device will be so popular that it effectively forces competitors to try and adapt to compete with it, or die off. This of course meaning in their eyes, that traditional home consoles will be retired, as all competition moves towards their style of service for marketing their games.
In reality, it's probably going to sell moderately and then Google will decide it's not profitable enough and kill it like so many of their other ventures. I personally do not trust Google as a company and will avoid doing business with them if at all possible.
Cunny really is the best thing ever.
If logic and technology could kill consoles PCs would do it 10 years ago. You can't defeat brand royalty and rabbid fanboy culture.
>its logical to waste $2000 on a gaming PC to play a leisure hobby
are PC turds this delusional?
>have nearly 40 years of data that shows video game streaming will make tiny profits for 2 years maximum if lucky
>it'll be different this time -some dingleberry in PR
>the data delivery method hasn't changed since the mid 90s
The hamburger will kill noodles as we know them
do you really believe that or are you baiting
it will be so awful the practices they will use to push so unappealing that consoles as a platform for video games will completely die off
no one cares you loser, there is nothing logical about PC gaming
so you're baiting ok bye
free games tho
Best post
Holy finna cunny
It means it won't work so it will kill the stadia
if you are hot i WILL motorboat you baby
there's nothing logical about why youre still alive
Tell me how much you think it costs to build a pc as powerful as a ps4 pro.
not a argument
theft isnt logical
>buy my shit
Quite literally.
>get stadia
>online multiplayer game
>game has lag
>internet connection has lag
>turning around takes 45 minutes
and you thought the tick rate was bad before.
They were referring to their Stadia console
It's streaming platform will kill their own console
no cash but still want to play it. that's logical.
Stadia will never win. its game studio is led by Jade Raymon a fucking hack who took all the credit from Patrice Desilet the one who created Assassins Creed
Except people who prefer physical games won’t buy it
>he thinks 2000 dollars is a big amount of cash
Sucks to live in a fucking favela just praying every day you're not gunned down by coked out goons while you play your stolen PS4 with a controller you carved yourself from plywood and used scrapped electronics from a dump to assemble it
You can choose to buy a plastic shitbox that can only do one thing, play games, and either buy games long past their due or scrounge up 60 dollars for every major game release, play 20 hours and be done with it, or buy a beefy fucking computer which you can basically do just about anything you could hope for, not just play games
PC is a long term investment, a console is a condom you throw away after use.
literally no curves, fucking hell i've seen traps from this board that are more feminine
Why not COMBINE the hamburger with noodles?
guess she lost her sex appeal since those days.
>he thinks 2000 dollars is a big amount of cash
Dude, are you fucking high? To american millenials, fuck yeah, that's alot of money.
We're generally happy if we have a roof over our head and our loan collectors aren't ready to shank us.
Do you really need more than gigabit unlimited internet?
that bitch was a producer.....she literally made sure assets got finished by weeks end!!!
Imagine flipping through menus at .5 seconds per action and then stop saying this. It will only work for literal movie games.
No, you madman! You'll destroy us all!
not $300-400
logical to a nigger maybe
ironic cause most third world countries PC is more popular
>unlimited internet
now that is a good joke
If everyone lags, nobody does.
Feeling threatened by cartoon children.
Keep your composure. It's better for you.
If Google forces internet companies in the US to upgrade all of their connection lines and to change their prices so that a reliable enough connection in order to use Stadia is in an affordable price range for most people, then I will say that their statement might hold some truth in it.
I don't understand people who choose to live in shitholes where just existing costs you like you're trying to live in a 5 star hotel
>logical to a nigger maybe
ironic captain, an emotional response to a logical post.
The people purchasing physical copies are rampantly dropping yearly in retail purchases, even if that was the case since years ago they were never there target demographic there shooting for in the first place.
I want to buy Jade's console!
And they're happy with this, why?
I hope they become public enemy #1.
we just all stand still together. great game system, Google.
Give me an actual answer. Tell me how expensive you think it is.
Which is a completely ludicrous thing to say considering Google fiber is flopping.
again stealing is not logical nigger spic
Reminds me of the "this MMO will be the next WoWkiller" fad from last decade. A retarded thing to say, that's certain.
Did they even make that available in more than two cities in Bumfuck, Nowhere?
You mad? My monitor costs almost as much.
google can barely fucking get their fiber shit going because other telecoms basically holding all the balls of local politicians
are you a developer? so worked up about it.
>Jade Raymon
back in her prime this bitch was hot. probably the hottest female dev in all of gaming.
It's about latency. A station wagon filled with hard drives has a fuckton of bandwidth, but half a day of latency isn't getting you any Stadia action.
Boy I can't wait to have no rights.
it doesnt matter a cent over 300-400 machine is too much
why would I be mad that you wasted money
i thought she is mostly act as producer
this is what happens when everything is always online. the internet of things is a trap.
That's whats odd though, it still applies to other games that don't require optimal latency. I wonder what the true purpose of it is, do you think mobile games will still get taken over just because they can play some turn based console/PC tier game?
Actually the multiplayer aspect is way more intuitive compared to mobile games but were talking about the mobile market being conservatively x10 larger then most gaming platforms.
I mean obviously the latency delay is going to fuckall work for Apex legends or Fortnite right?
Why is 300-400 dollars the magic number? You're starting to sound like a casual who doesn't care about quality.
If anything good comes from this, it's that Good will throw away millions to make streaming somewhat better. Plus, the dumpster fire that this is will be pretty neat.
Why are consolefriends so dumb?
no just hate poorfags trying to justify themselves acting like nigs
just accept you are a nig spic with pride
millions is fucking chump change for them desu
having more pixels =/= quality nimrod
>no discs
Yeah no
The moment video gaming goes 100% digital is the moment I think I'm done with playing video games.
I think he's using that amount because that's about how much a PS4 and other consoles cost nowadays.
now this is based
lmao rest easy brother that agenda won't come to fruition in the next 20 years maybe even more depending on how fast we recover from the coming economic disturbance. Multiple possible timelines will determine how fast/slow we get there though, you'll likely be rich by then to avoid the grid for normies anyways.
Post dick
>framerate and resolution doesn't real
Sure, just like Wave killed emails
Who the fuck cares about quality nigger it's 2019
learn english first before replying to me
obviously not PC turds since a glitchy early access battle royal game with 1 map is the most played Steam game ever
So a better framerate isn't actually better?
>mature and major tech company spews tech buzzwords that you'd find in startup pitches
>quietly talk about internet speeds
Our infrastructure, as a whole, is absolute dogshit; and that's not even including data caps.
That conference made it seem like that if you can get YouTube streaming in 720 HD and above, you have access to Stadia. That's going to be Google's downfall. Once the mainstream hit their first datacap, Google is going to get a rude awakening.
That is, unless, they partner with ISP's to have "unlimited" bandwidth like Netflix, YouTube, and Pokemon Go services, to name a few. Which means either a premium price, or increased ads, and/or that coveted user data.
FUCK, that gave me a really strong goosebump
Such a shame. Companies like Limited Run Games are a blessing, but if Stadia can’t play physical games, then it’s pointless. And kind of dumb to not allow physical purchases, no? Why not both?
PC prices, hackers, account boosters, hardware gaps are starting to outweigh the pros of owning a PC desu in regards to competitive or PVP.
After nearly 20 years of steam FPS's and MOBA's MMO's im somehow back on consoles even the communities are largely different and in small circles.
yes thats why consumers are ok with 30fps for decades
that game was desgined for controllers, so I dont see your point
I'm asking if you personally want things to be 60 fps instead of 30 fps.
60 fps was the standard before the 5th gen though
So you are saying that for non-standard input it increases the difficulty? Hmm, why is that? Shouldn't it be the other way around.
>MOBAs and MMOs
Normie trash
I enjoyed a shit ton of games at 30fps and lower, I personally would want 500fps but not if I have to pay a lot for it
What are hardware gaps?
prove it, cause DOS games were made to run at 20-30fps and thats before 5th gen
They're pushing legislation that the end user should not be able to own their own devices, because doing so opens up piracy issues (officially), but mostly because those gosh darn goyim keep saying "jews did 911" online and we really should be able to take away their toys if they keep saying stuff like that.
It's a control thing.
They want to kill the console and replace it with dumb stations because then your social life and your entertainment can be held to ransom on you staying docile.
>but not if I have to pay a lot for it
You don't though. Even if you have a cheap pc by lowering the settings.
Or you can pay 500 dollars and play everything at 1080p 60 fps with medium-max settings depending on the game.
It's a streaming service that's why, if the were to somehow implement it would probably just be some kind of license. All this tech is based around preparation 5g and a demographic they want to cater to. They just want market share of the mobile market is all.
They meant buy our stock because we are launching a REVOLUTION BUZZWORD BUZZWORD FOREVER BUZZWORD.
You can open any emulator right now. For consoles the standard was 60, for pc shit was variable and there really wasn't any kind of standard.
don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh
>long term investment
Don't most people just buy a new one every 3-4 years?
Assembled this PC for 1000€ back in 2011 and upgraded it for 350€ last year so I could play on 2160p60. You're the delusional one here.
unironically me using a controller
Going from 144hz refresh rate to play RD2 on console capped at 30 FPS literally hurt my eyes and gave motion sickness because I tried to use my Xim Apex on it.
Imagine the combined nightmare of gamepad + Internet latency.
I'm moving up to 1440p 144hz ultrawide, there is no turning back.
no what the fuck, what could possibly justify building an entirely new pc every 3 goddamn years, technology doesn't advance that fast
The automatic turret has a built in weakness, how is that an issue? You can circlestrafe the TF2 turrets as well.
If they're retarded normies who don't know how to replace parts? You don't buy a 2k computer and then throw it away the moment a single part breaks.
I've had my computer for around 10 years straight and I haven't had a single part break, I've only gone from i3 to i7 and from gtx 960 to 1080ti, added SSD and more ram to run games better
Jesus, that's awful
you talk of quality before now you suggest lowering settings
emulators arent like original hardware and have higher framerate and resolutions
Tranny is not a women you shitskin.
>all millennials are poor with shitty jobs
That was never true you retard. Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean the rest of us are.
it's not an automatic turret, it's a player
post your specs
You're joking, right.
Oh god I watched it again and you can see the guy transform into a turret. How the fuck do you get a player with that much of a turning weakness?
that's not how that works. if the games had a higher framerate than originally then they would play much faster because that's how games were made back then.
I hope it does
yeah millennials are bad with money like buying a gaming PC with colorful keyboards
>it's a win if the leading gaming station manufacturer disappears
Kill yourself pathetic Nintendo shill. It says a lot that your system is doing so shit the only way you can imagine shcceedinis if the competition disappears
>all the games
>cheap to build and don't need to care about muh generational console cycles
>cheap games
>all the best games
>all the games
>can use it for other stuff
>can make games
>can buy all the cheapest best games for cheap
>play games on 3840x2160p 60fps or 90-120fps on lower resolutions for fast paced stuff
>can use MKB, any controllers you want, flight sticks, steering wheels, whatever
Apparently you wouldn't know logic if it had reasoned you into existence.
people like to act like google is a company that aims to own everything but comcast already does
emulators are made to accommodate for that, thats why there are 60fps PS1 game emulators
>>all the games
all the shit too
>>cheap to build and don't need to care about muh generational console cycles
a new graphics card is made every month
>>cheap games
console have cheap games too
>>all the best games
good joke
>can use it for other stuff
ok a cheap laptop I can do that, dont need a gaming PC
>>can make games
why waste years of my life to do that
>>can buy all the cheapest best games for cheap
cheap doesnt only exist on PC
>>play games on 3840x2160p 60fps or 90-120fps on lower resolutions for fast paced stuff
no one cares if you have extra pixels
>>can use MKB, any controllers you want, flight sticks, steering wheels, whatever
you can on console too
Since Speccy fucked up:
>i3930K @ 4-4.2Ghz turbo, aircooled by big ass Noctua
>16GB RAM also OC'ed
>GTX1070 8GB, OC when needed (no need so far so no need to waste the extra power)
again that's not how that works
It's going to show up on this list in a three years
You, sir, are a true gentleman and a man of taste.
lol, they had one day of relevance before everyone forgot it was even announced and lost all enthusiasm in it.
>all the shit too
>a new graphics card is made every month
Not really, and there's no need to upgrade every month, every 3-6 years for GPU maybe.
>console have cheap games too
I have a PS4Pro and the cheapest game I've been able to get for it in years was still 25€ so no.
>good joke
I wasn't joking.
>ok a cheap laptop I can do that, dont need a gaming PC
Be my guest.
>why waste years of my life to do that
It's how games get made, it's fun and interesting, you can potentially earn money.
>cheap doesnt only exist on PC
Pretty much does, yeah.
>no one cares if you have extra pixels
Confirmed for never having experienced a great game on 1440p or 2160p, okay.
>you can on console too
No you can't. Sure you can buy overpriced licensed peripherals for three times the price and not even half the quality, but no consoles and especially no console games support MKB so if you prefer MKB for certain games you're shit out of luck. Actual flight sticks and decent wheels don't support consoles. But you can use a Dualshock or Xbox controller on PC.
I don't care for cunny but I love the fact it scares normalfags so keep dumping
>and there's no need to upgrade every month
Nvidia literally gimps their hardware
>I've been able to get for it in years was still 25€ so no.
so keep looking tard, you can find games for $5
>it's fun and interesting
writing a billion lines of code is not fun
>Pretty much does
>Confirmed for never having experienced a great game on 1440p or 2160p, okay.
i did at a TV store
>three times the price
you PC turds love to waste money so no problem and yes console supports MKB,
>Actual flight sticks and decent wheels don't support consoles.
define actual
>optimizing code isn't fun
>viewed 4K at a TV store with shit lighting
>less than 20 games on seventh and eighth generation consoles combined, including keyboard only usage for MMO
First off it was $1200
Second, yes if it means 144FPS on 1440p
I don't get unlimited internet unless I pay 50 dollars on top of what I already pay.
>>optimizing code isn't fun
>>viewed 4K at a TV store with shit lighting
stores are designed to make their displays look best
>>less than 20 games on seventh and eighth generation consoles combined, including keyboard only usage for MMO
there are devices that trick your console into thinking a MKB is a controller, works on all games
70% of PS4 users use their console to exclusively watch movies/TV shows & play sports games and CoD/Battlefield, then occasionally get suggested to buy a normie friendly game like God of War by ads they watch. Google knows this firsthand and will try to monopolize on streaming for adult non-gamers whose angry and jealous girlfriends identify them as gamers because they play a game for 2-5 hours a week, then stream for the rest of their time on PS4.
Optimizing code is literally the best part.
God I wish Mya-nee were me
It means they will try to buy anyone notable, but not big enough to stand on their own so they can force adoption of their shit console. Kinda like Microsoft of the 90s and 2000s
This is some "we took the brave choice to remove the headphone jack" moment. And all the googlefags clapped.
Adorable yet also humorous
What if he is poor and white?
poor white people have some dignity
When was the last time calling anything an "X Killer" worked?
It's damage control.
kawaii and comedic
I really like how removing the vowels just leaves you with STD
wolf3d ran at 70fps
doom ran at 35fps (no 4th gen consoles could even run it properly at any framerate and the PSX port was still missing a lot of stuff)
people picked and chose the framerates
Man I fucking hate these tech companies. Even normies won't be able to stand the latency of this garbage with their subpar connections and that's not even getting into data caps.
But literally everyone in the world already has 10 gigabit already, right? Fuck off google.
That's a console player using a controller.
Don't call it a grave.
Input Lag.
Yeah I'm thinking he's based.
>you PC turds love to waste money so no problem and yes console supports MKB,
>there are devices that trick your console into thinking a MKB is a controller, works on all games
That's a hack, not native support. For a game designed for controllers, using this ranges from absolute shit to barely functional. And you'd still be limited to the ~10 buttons on a controller. No bigger waste of money than buying consoles when the end result is having fun with games.
>Nvidia literally gimps their hardware
That's great, meanwhile a 1070 is still more powerful than a 1660, a 980 than a 1060 etc. you just need to not be retarded. Have a look at for example Tomshardware's GPU tier list if you have no idea what you're doing and don't understand how GPU naming works (which admittedly is made to confuse the fuck out of people).
>so keep looking tard, you can find games for $5
I wasn't talking about second-hand scratched discs and if I have to pay 15$ shipping from halfway across the world plus getting an additional import tax charge a month later it sort of defeats the purpose.
>i did at a TV store
If it was hooked up to a console that's not 4K but upscaled 1080p, 1440p for some near objects in some games, but largely upscaled 1080p.
>writing a billion lines of code is not fun
It is when it effects something you were designing and it works in the game, game design isn't just writing code either, modeling/sculpting, animation, sound design etc. etc. all of which feel rewarding when you get it right.
>define actual
Some of the better Thrustmaster sticks, throttles and wheels for example. Some of them have some support for either Xbox or PS4 but not all and rarely for both. CH Product. Saitek.
Those things literally don’t matter. Only zoomer faggots care about that kind of thing. As long as a game displays at a stable 30fps or higher it’s perfectly playable.
Do you refuse to be play games that arents in high definition or which don’t have at least 60fps? Enjoy missing out on 95% of the best games ever made.
>took all the credit from Patrice Desilet the one who created Assassins Creed
I doubt he cares much, as if "I created Assassins Creed" is something to be proud of.
They are entertaining while also endearing
This should be updated stadia instead of ass creed.
good work user
The irony of this post. Physical hardware is dead. Physical media is dead. Get used to it.
Google has been on a mission to kill itself since the end of the Microsoft Google war
What did you make your post with?
Silicon valley yuppies assume the rest of the world has the same opportunities, infrastructure and attitudes as them, and when that turns out not to be the case they get angry.
this controller looks comfy
Goolags gonna lag
i want to buy her game now
>What did you make your post with?
A device I can steam games on.
>this thread
What is going on?
They jumped the shark on this. They had a very good opportunity here to get people slowly hooked on this service: demos.
Think about it. You're instantly trying out the game in question. No installing, downloading, tweaking settings.
Even certain control configs could be standard. They could have had developers sign off on getting their game a demo on their service then slowly worked up to full games.
By then the normalfaggots wouldn't have noticed the massive latency fucking them in the ass but google you were too greedy
it means that they've created a scheme that is even worse than current consoles, if you can believe it
Microsoft, Nintendo and Snoy replies: HAHAHAHA
No, retard. If everyone lags, everyone lags.
Fuck google and the horse they road in on
>someone was so upset about being a virgin that they made a wall of text infographic to explain how totally not mad they are
loving every lel
young men are just naive these days. they need an image like that to stay in check and in reality
who said you could reply to me, incel
lol @ using sex as a weapon
My favorite part is how they utterly falsified their comparison charts with input lag.
I'll grab some of those steamed games, please
Anyone else find it quite funny that fucking Phil Harrison is the public face of the Stadia?
>literally proving the image right
i actually posted that to trigger some discord trannies
lol @ getting none
stay mad, reddit
Human beings likes to own physical things.
It will never happen google.
Plus you will censor people that you dont like on your platform so no one will want to play your shit.
Nobody likes google tho.
if it will work it will kill the entire industry as we know it. all games will turn into mobile-tier grinding fest.
People will be so disappointed, they will have to be consoled in new, innovative ways.
absolutely seething
No thanks
>framerates don't matter
Unless they supply the entire USA and Europe with +25 MB/s connections for free, Stadia is never going to take off.
It's funny too, since Japan and South Korea are two of the only countries who are equipped with the internet infrastructure nation-wide to handle something like this, but then it's not available in Asia.
Except it wont, this 'technology' is literally worthless.
Its amazing how millions to billions can be thrown away like this on a product any engineer could have told you day 1 wont work.
This may be true. It is not too far fetched that streaming will become the main platform for interactive movies.
>streaming games as a service device that was so shitty it had notable latency even inside the building Google had specially set up for it
the Ouya was also going to kill traditional consoles.
Internet speed is just half the battle. Stadia would need to have rendering stations all over the place to ensure low enough latency for everyone. It's not like merely having 25mb/s would give people anywhere around the world sub-30 ping to google's servers.
trannies shilling for corporate entites vs based cunny Yea Forumsirgin enthusiasts
I hope it flops too, not like Google always win (google+, glasses, etc). but it's still somewhat of a threat hanging there in background. the market might be retarded enough to actually allow it.
PE it's inevitable that eventually all pc will become an online service, but there's a fundamental difference between "gaming as a service" and hiring CPU / GPU and continue to work as we do today just without physical machine in our room. the latter option will not damage the industry as much as stadia would.
what about download caps, I know the jews who controls the burger ISPs are big fans of those.
>hey kid, wanna buy some ass screed?
Can't wait for the EU to fuck them into oblivion.
Fuck microsoft. Remember when they shut down the GFWL store? Sometime last year their shit client quit connecting to the server and know you can't even download the shit you bough from it.
Yeah, about that,
Microsoft and Nintendo are going to kill these fucks before they even release their worthless console. Gonna make a thread about this when I get up today.
If Stadia succeeds, all the normalfags who just use video games as another form of social media will flock to it, leaving a more pure gaming experience for other platforms.
>demos in the year of our lord 2019
>expecting publishers/devs to have confidence in their product
Ain’t happening. And after all, why give the consumer something for free when you could charge them for it?
Why burn books when you can just turn them off?
That's fine and dandy until the other platforms decide to make stadia clones because normalfags are now 99% of the market.