So it turns out pc gamers haven't ever become honest paying customers...

So it turns out pc gamers haven't ever become honest paying customers. They merely are addicted to the steam social network.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_ass

Honest business practices lead to honest customers. Shitty business practices lead to shitty consumers.

>PCfags were shitters all along
What a suprise

Nah, I was addicted to having all my games in one easily accessible system with achievements and mods aggregated for me with a one click install button.

I have and always will pirate my games then buy them on sale if I liked them, though.

But if you are playing before buying how do you get achievements?

I don't. If the games good enough I'll buy it on sale and replay it.

I know it's wrong, but $60 is money I could spend in a lot of other places and hobbies.

>Trusting the chinese
Yeah don't do that.

yar har

i don't care how much shilling you're going to do.
i will still pirate epic exclusive games and you can't stop me.
say whatever you want, call me a steamdr(o)ne or something lmoa

fiddle de dee

do what you want cuz a pirate is free

h ggn
w hdb

You see, steam never had all the games aggregated. It only has like 1% of the games that are playable on pc. Those who are only getting games from steam are severely limiting their library.
>one click install button
That's what any game store has and pirates (speaking of relatively modern releases) don't have.

>revive piracy
that's actually gog.

spot the chink


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>that's what any game store has
I didn't know EGS, Origin, EA, GoG, etc had a workshop. Oh wait... They don't.

Not really sure why you think calling me names on an anonymous Finnish rally racing forum is going to make me stop pirating my games.


are valve drones this delusional? this is cult level shit

you tradin or seriously dont hopin

I was thinking about games themselves, my mistake.
Mods are too restricted on Steam anyway, for example, GTA modding scene is one of the biggest yet there's no workshop support in any of the games.

I'm gonna pirate games I don't even want to play just to make you moralfags more upset tbqh.

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>people buy games on Steam, Origin, uPlay, BattleNet and GOG
>but the second they don't support the Epic Store, WOW PC GAMERS ARE PIRATES
Fuck off Sweeney.

Is it always online career mode in latest dirt rally 2.0 that turned you to racing irl mate?

>people buy games on GOG

not trading, just shitposting
h btn ptp
sorry bud

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tfw will never into hdb

>online store does nice discounts
>i buy games
>online store does not do nice discounts
>i pirate games
simple as. not like i lack f2p games to play while waiting

How can I be addicted to the social components of Steam when I don't have any friends?

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This. It happens a lot with censored content and also region locked games/movies/shows/etc too.

If price and service is easier than piracy people don't pirate aside from those that would either way or those that like having giant backup collections but buy the game anyway (surprisingly a lot that I've met do this or have a pile of downloads and only play the games they bought because its lazier to install them or something)

Same thing is happening in Anime too. Fansubs had gone way down, but now that hulu, netfix, amazon, and crunchy are dicking people over splitting shows/seasons across them its no longer an easy one stop shop at a good price. People like Steam because it avoided the exlusivity fuckery of shops. People liked streaming because it was getting the dick in the ass of double pay wall cable TV. If you make it that again people will fuck the system again. And the companies deserve it and caused it.


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There are no Uplay exclusives.
Blizzard games never were on Steam.
People WERE actually upset about EA leaving Steam, it just was a long time ago and when pc gaming weren't as big and Steam domination so prevalent, people seem to forget.

I want fansubs back.
It was better than this corporate shit.

I pirated Metro:Exodus when it fucked off to Epic.

Then I was on the fence about Sekiro and noticed it got cracked after a day. So I pirated that, too.

Was it always this easy? I’ve been paying 79.99+ like a total faggot this whole time.

Thanks Epic!



Piracy is a service problem.

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If you're serious, I'd advise not trying to trade in public forums like this when it comes to trackers like ggn. Mods on cabal and quasi-cabal trackers have a lot of free time and like to ban people who trade invites with strangers.

We grew up, got a job and started paying because money isn't an issue anymore.


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But the vast majority of games in my library are single player.

i'm just shitposting, too
but i really want that sweet hdb invite

I unironically do.

>why should i use epic? i can only buy from them or humble so the deals aren't that good, why can't i buy epic games from a hundred stores like everyone else??
>okay, but why doesn't epic spend their money to make an awesome client and partner with publishers to offer insane discounts or even loyalty programs instead of this exclusivity nonsense?? steam sales have been really shitty for the past 5 years, the events are terrible, its just queue clicking lame shit. gog sales are better.
>okay, but why doesn't epic try to beat steam at this level? hell even uplay offers me 20% off games why don't they do soemthiing like that? they have so much money it could be done. they could hire smart people to make a modular client where users could choose-

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Are private trackers ever really worth it? It seems like a shit ton of effort to get an invite when even fucking TPB has all major releases.

You'll get there someday. Keep an eye out for recruitment posts and invite forums on respected trackers. Having ggn is a good first step already, be patient.

>major releases
There you go, private trackers are not only more reliable, they also have the more obscure shit.

This will be thread #3729 where Epic shills (and steam kids by extension) will be unable to explain why I should be okay with DRM slapped onto my video game, for the sole purpose of allowing a corporation to control access to the game I paid for.

>w-well you never actually owned it! you were always renting a license!
I see. And when I pirate the game, I no longer just rent it. I own it forever. I can tear it apart, mod it, and do whatever I want, and mr. corporation can suck a fat one if he doesn't like it. So what incentive do you bring to the table to dissuade me from piracy?

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How do you expect anyone fight monopoly though? It's just impossible to overcome a giant without resorting to dirty tactics like exclusivity. Epic makes people upset but only it finally made Vavle moving.
Yes, piracy increased but overall it's a good thing for anyone I think.

Yes. GGn's economy fucking sucks though, you better hope you have god tier internet to cross seed or seed free leech or rent a seedbox.

TPB also has a ton of malware, bloat and dead torrents. Yes, private trackers are nice to have, for more than just vidya. Are they 100% necessary? Of course not, you can get by often, but not always.

the same fucking reason you post here, r tard. you don't need friends to enjoy social media

i'm already on a highly respected tracker, but it has no invite forum
i also don't know anyone

Steam isn't a monopoly though


They really don't. It's just elitism. There are few good trackers with free registration though.

Make use of open registrations or ones who do interviews. Also Empornium recently re-enabled invites and has an invite forum, so you could get into that, then work your way up. Don't know what else to tell you, there's a process even if you don't know anybody. Makes it harder, sure, but you can do it.

Epic doesn't even have its own DRM unlike Steam afaik.

>ones who do interviews
That seems like pure, unbridled autism to me.

>anything epic has
erno retard

>doesn't have its own DRM
>launcher is mandatory just to download games

how about dont use words you don't understand you cock gobbling faggot

Trust me, it is. You get asked some simple questions and can just search them up in an instant and get everything right. Really pointless.

Wait, piracy was dead before the epic store?
How did I pirate stuff before? Necromancy?

Fuck yes!

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Some fansubs were better I grant you that. But it was nice having one place to get the one thing you wanted with a very short wait to release.

>It's just impossible to overcome a giant without resorting to dirty tactics like exclusivity.
PC gaming was doing it for years. The whole point was being a better experience then consoles who only defining difference was a handful of games. (granted old old consoles did have unique abilities, but that is a lifetime ago in the age of the PPU)

I could agree that the competition could be good overall, but Ubitsoft and EA already tried there hand at this. There could be a point were its so splintered, I'm not bothering with an installer for every damn game. Happened with Crysis. Loved the first one, 2nd one lost me with too big of ironsights and linear start, and never got around to part 3 because fuck origin there are other games to buy and play.

So it could be good overall, but I don't think anyone pirating the exclusives could be blamed.

And I also find it weird the industry treats PC gamers like some sort of scurvy scum, but piracy is easier and often safer on console. PSP, PS2, PS1, Wii, Switch, WiiU, 3DS, DS, anything older I mean once you have the tool or mod you need the whole things is wide open where on PC every single install can be different and a potential problem. Maybe its an impression they have or I really don't know.

I'm not trying to justify piracy. I say it as the annoyed customer who spends too much money on my dumb hobbies. I just can't be made at people finding a loophole when companies use customers as pawns.

>A duopoly though? Now that's a healthy market structure I can get behind

Breaking people's bonds with the dominating company will free them to use any of the plenty of game stores.

steam has solved piracy long ago by steadily becoming a good service that is easy to use, has rational prices and does everything a customer might want it to do. if you are someone who was of age at around orange box release you would remember that too. drms were retarded at the time, denuvo has nothing on some starforce or some shit, so by buying legally you often would get a ton of shitware on your pc and some pain in the ass trying to run it, and piracy was more customer friendly, until steam started to streamline things, eventually reaching current state of almost every game being a couple clicks away.
now, epic store brings a grand total of zero positive things (to the customer) to the table, all it does is trying to lure you into having another launcher by buying out exclusives ruining steams uniformity which was one of its better points, you open steam and you have pretty much anything there is to have at pc, small exception was blizzshit and thats about it. literally the single decent thing about epic is lower store cut but to the customer it doesnt matter because the price is the same (or not, because steam has regular discounts) while the service is wastly inferior and given the type of shit they perform, it wont ever get better - its all about epic sucking game corps off by throwing money at them, customers arent even in the equation.
to them, customers are a herd, who would gladly go to swamp should you wave at them with a carrot.

>honest paying customers
I am actually. I only pirate when I find it's morally justified. I've pirated maybe twice in the past 10 years.
Now that Epic is paying for my copies of the game and I don't want to use their launcher, I have no reason to NOT to pirate their exclusives.

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Piracy is one of those weird things that can only exist as long as most people don't do it, but also requires a large amount of people to do it in order to continue existing.

>There could be a point were its so splintered, I'm not bothering with an installer for every damn game.
What about DRM-free games though? Often one comes with its own installer and own website to [purchase and] download too.

Epic games store is just a shit, it's not a fucking competition for steam. And the exclusivity bullshit they make combined with fact that epic game store is a fucking spyware(I know many programs tend to track some shit but EGS scans almost entire PC) really grinds my gears.

And if we want a competition for steam then there is no better steam alternative than based GoG.

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That's just excuses. Apart from "stealing" games from Steam, there's nothing Epic do worse than Valve, EA, Ubisoft, Activision do.

No refunds is a pretty big deal.

But what stops you from buying steam keys on any of those game stores for half of the price my man?

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Yeah, I can see how refusing to sell on ANY other store and not facilitating 3rd party key sites would lead to that. You fucking moron.

There are refunds on EGS.
>regional pricing
There is regional pricing on EGS.
Half of these features like friends, forum, broadcasting, achievements you should expect from the game itself or from 3rd party services, not from a store. Unloading them onto store is what created an unhealthy ecosystem.

Ok Huang, here's your (You)

the last three games I bought, I bought on steam and only because it became a pain in the ass to track for patches and downloading workshop shit from shady russian sites

>epic has no features and that's a good thing here's why

Consider games journalism

>steams uniformity which was one of its better points
>you have pretty much anything there is to have at pc
Except for old games, most of which aren't on Steam. What's the point of uniformity if it isn't perfect?

Valve can disable this keys feature at any time if they feel it threatens their store sales.
In fact, they are already controlling it. Developers can only generate as many steam keys as vavle allows them to.

Alright Cheng, one more (You) but this is the last time alright?

I see a company that not only doesn't care about the consumer, but has open contempt for us. Like we're cattle that can just be corralled. fuck tim sweeny.

For old games the modus operandi was simply to pirate them, assuming they worked at all: there was really no place to buy them. GoG is solving that problem a bit, but since GoG is DRM-free you can pirate them anyways. GoG is simply attempting to lure people in by usually making sure the games work on modern hardware.

Why are we defending Steam ever since they started banning Japanese loli, rape, and hentai VNs with no explanation to the community after their OFFICIAL stance said they would let all games on the platform?

Fuck Steam for all I care. Any censorship = I pirate.

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I don't give a shit about Epic but nonstop Epic damage control is fun.

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good for you. lets not pretend epic is going to be somehow less curated than steam is. I guess it's piracy forever for you.

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i don't even play video games i just really really hate chinese people lol

S-s-stop mocking EGS, guys!
I just want all of your money and to destroy videogaming! Why would you mock me for that?

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Did you know part of the reason valve takes their "greedy" 30% is to account for the fact they make nothing off of 3rd party keys?

They don't want to disable keys, they encourage them.

>>Piracy is a service problem.

What a bullshit quote. Piratefags still pirate quality games even though they do everything right like Sekiro

>Fully Steam integrated
>Same time release as consoles

But pirates still pirate it

Attached: sekiro steam.jpg (1131x1040, 167K)

There is you retard. Non-localized prizing. Valve worked hard to fight piracy by encouraging locally adjusted pricing to entice third-world low-income people (who usually pirate) to actually buy games, instead of either pirating themselves or buying bootleg cds of scene releases. Epic doesn't have localized pricing the same way Valve has.

Of course you won't see retarded devs (not all devs) applauding this because in their eyes they're losing money because they're not selling at 60 USD in all regions, instead of realizing the people who bought it cheap never would've bought it at 60 and most likely would've just pirated.

>anime poster
>is a whiny little pussy

>26% of devs are selling the games on their own website
How often do you see such websites? I bet not every day.
That's why radical measures like EGS are needed.

>Check regional pricing
Well of course people are gonna pirate it. See retard.

Yet somehow sekiro was still massive success and sold well

Funny aint it?

Its almost like good games dont need to worry about shitty practices like drm and platform exclusivity.

I told y'all valve does 30% to give the customer nice discounts
Devs are Jews

i wish piratefags would just admit they're just cheap instead of trying to justify their piracy by blaming epic games and DRM

>they're just cheap
i never said otherwise. im also lazy and installing another laucher take me more effort than pirating a game every 3 months sooo

I've only been gaming on PC for around 3 years now but I am never going to download and install the EGS launcher purely because exclusivity is bullshit that should have stayed on consoles.
In fact, when Epic does it, it's worse because at least Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo paid for their exclusives to produced whereas Epic just buys the rights to exclusivity last minute.
Any game that comes out on the EGS that I'm even the slightest bit interested in, I'm going to pirate.

I bought Sekiro after pirating, checkmate atheists.

I don't get this post. Your screenshot just shows that the scene isn't going to refrain from cracking games just because they are good games. Sekiro sold incredibly well so what point are you trying to make?

There will always be piracy, and diehard pirates will pirate everything no matter what. But there's a significant demographic of players who pirate only if they are pushed too far with shitty DRM, Denuvo performance hits, censorship, Epic exclusives. For example, Reddit is filled with the absolute most cucked moralfags but even they say they will pirate EGS games like Metro Exodus because of how shady Epic is. That's the customer segment you're trying to capture, the "swing" pirates who only pirate if they're pushed far enough.

Valve made a lot of inroads when it comes to making games affordable to poorer countries, Epic is looking to change that by passing the transaction fees onto the consumer. It won't take long before games start having larger fees than the cost of the game itself in certain parts of the world during sales.
Oh wait Epic doesn't do sales, imagine allowing those disgusting consumers to save money.

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Valve don't do discounts at their own expense, retard. Price cut for a customer is the same cut for the publisher.
Saddest thing is, the only effective DRM is always online. It prevents piracy perfectly but it's awful for preservation.

Why the fuck are you even here then nigger lmao

if you didn't have epic games launcher installed at the moment of egs announcement you aren't playing much anyway so no big loss

I'm thinking I'll start pirating games during their Epic store exclusivity, and then buy them when they hit proper store fronts

>live in Asia
>can buy game on Steam, Origin, uPlay and BattleNet for $40
>for some reason, games are $100 on the Epic Store, Tim Sweeney cites "additional costs"

Exclusivity on consoles: paying $400 for the same hardware you already own again and $9 monthly
Exclusivity on pc: creating a free account and installing yet another launcher

Steam never had a monopoly and doesn't need to be fought. Nearly everyone was happy with the PC marketplaces before EGS started sniping games for exclusivity

If we keep pirating you know what happens? Games start getting drm. Not too bad, it can be circumvented...Until online features require authentication through the store through your account. Games stop allowing the usage of lan or self hosted servers. Great, pirates boycotting a store have now killed online gaming for us good paying people when the official server closes because nobody is playing the game. Fuck pirates, fuck pissbabies boycotting epic. I hope pc gaming just dies if people are gonna be like this.

>Steam never had a monopoly and doesn't need to be fought. Nearly everyone was happy with the PC marketplaces before EGS

I wasn't

Holy fuck this retard HAHAHAHA

Online can be cracked by the way, usually you can only connect with other cracked clients but it works.

>Games stop allowing the usage of lan or self hosted servers.
Already happening and will continue regardless of what people do since the suits think it is a good idea to earn more money so pirating is 100% justified.

Now I see why all of you guys are so upset. Here in Russia regional prices are ok.

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I've joked about Epic reviving piracy too, but let's be real here. Zoomers aren't going to learn how to pirate.

You COULD add JAST and Mangagamer...

On steamworks games yes.
And don't forget about always online singleplayer.
Ubisoft pulled it out again with Crew and Crew 2.

Oh, and add Indiegala; it gives a free game every now and then (week?).

>epic will pass the cost through consumers
Well fuck you too. You're never going to get a dime from me.

>press one button on kickass torrents
>click set-up

wow so hard

>But it was nice having one place to get the one thing you wanted with a very short wait to release.

Can someone explain to me where this "but the devs will get a bigger cut" thing comes from? I assumed it's the publishers that will get the money as usual.
Also how big is the cut that Sony and MS take from digital sales?
I know that GOG, Google and Apple also take 30% so I don't get the "but the cut is so big and unfair" complaint.
Honestly this feels more like people who have a vendetta against Steam for selling porn/animetiddy games are going all out

They made like $8k with GOG last year

That's a really sad situation. The more consumer-friendly the game is the more likely it will be pirated. So maybe that steam cult isn't that bad after all, it kinda makes people buy games regardless of how piratable they are at least.

>get cryptoblocker aids


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Name one game in the past six months that hasn't been cracked day one by the scene. Anti-piracy DRM doesn't work. Oftentimes pirates got the game even before legitimate buyers from leaked copies.

fpbp. Anything arguing otherwise is either blatant ignorance or shitposting.

>always-online drm does not exist

>what's a torrent?
>I guess I use this utorrent program I googled
>wtf is a rar/iso?
>why are there 30 parts?
>how to install crack?
>I clicked the exe and nothing happened
>why is my PC saying it's locked now?
You overestimate these people.

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name one game

Gee it's almost like people that run companies are hypocrites that only look at their bottom lines.

Hitman 2

Forza Horizon 4.

>This feels more like people who have a vendetta against Steam for selling porn/animetiddy games are going all out

That's exactly it outside of this shitshow of a board, most any big name "journalism" site will say that Epic is good because it helps little Timmy not see a tiddy or because it filters out the shitty unity asset flips (which steam already does because none of those asset flips are front page material)

I'm a 31yo boomer that hasn't pirated a game since I earned my first honest money. But I'll make an exception for Borderlands 3. Randy and Epic can go fuck themselves. Is still a thing?

The Division 2, The Crew 2

woah, haven't heard that in years.

It's infested with malware and intrusive ads last time I went there.

>Is still a thing?
Not really. You have a lot to learn to accomplish your brave goal.
Still a good site for old games.

I plan to purchase Anno, WWZ, Phoenix Point and BL3 from epic store. And nobody can stop me.

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>piracy is redditry

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cs.rin is a good site to get cracks and updates.

The thing is nobody is stopping you from doing it, but some people just don't want to give them money. I am in that camp. I don't like their business practices or launcher so I'm not using it.


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Buy Anno directly from Ubisoft, retard. You have to use their launcher anyway.

I wish I was that little honker

Didn't Steam include some kind of Family Protection shit years ago? I remember because I had that shit on for a while when I tried to figure out how I can turn on that share function so my brother could play my games when he's logged in his Steamprofile when using my computer

But that way he will have the game in both stores for the price of one!

>Won't someone PLEASE think of the multi-millionaire publishers??

That will be gone because it goes EU regulations

Piracy is a service problem to some extend. I'm pretty sure people are more likely to pirate because the game will be cut in their region or something like that

? what does this even mean

literally no one cares about them pal

I'm pretty sure the way it works now is that Steam won't show you any age heavy stuff without first inputting your age somewhere or just directly turning that feature off

I will add it for v3, thank you for your service.

I actually kinda care about million dollar companies

Think about THQ, Midway and Acclaim

All gone

I don't want that. Hell, I don't even want Gamestop to close - Yea Forums takes too much pleasure out of people losing their jobs

When those games stutter remember it's the Chinese botnet working away.

Nah, I don't give a shit. Even if somethings on sale for $1 I will pirate it. I play P2P MMO's on free private servers, and multiplayer games through Tunngle. I also leave restaurants frequently without paying, I never tip, I take all the free samples for my self. Honestly, if you don't min/max your economy you're an idiot. I was able to save enough to buy a larger apartment despite having a minimum hour job by just being a cheapskate and don't waste a single dime on anything other than the utmost essentials.

I'll ask, why?

As long as it's not a 14/88 split.

Should have increased the price to 2% and given that portion to Epic :^)

GameStop didn't adapt, tough shit. You think Blockbuster before them would be a good example.

You ain't playing shit with tunngle, that got shut down ages ago.

>I take all the free samples for my self
You're a monster, user.

As someone who has been heavily using the Steam store since The Orange Box when Sam & Max had the rabbit ears, I've seen the slow and steady decline of the Steam store since a couple years ago at least

Ever since Greenlight allowed any piece of shit onto the store and after that, something even worse than GL which was just paying to get onto Steam, it's clear what was good about Steam has been long dead

Here's what Steam used to do: Only allow the best of the best games onto the store like Braid. Sure, I don't think Braid has held up, but for the time, it was about right for the quality of the time.

Now indies come onto Steam, get buried and die. Look at Legend of Grimrock 2, it flopped utterly - I have no doubt LOG1 sold as well as it did because Steam was much more curated back then

Or pic related - how is selling only 300 copies justifiable for Steam? It's clear that the royalty rate should be lower for indies

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I mean they are taking money from poor brown people to the benefit of their huwhite game developers and publishers.
And the Epic Games Store logo is literally white bearing down on black.
Wait what are you trying to say Epic?

Attached: Epic Games.png (512x512, 29K)

Gameranger is still kicking.

Because rockshit actively tries to hinder the game's (specifically GTA 5) modding scene to sell microtransactions
But in general none of the GTA games were developed to support modding out of the box like most games that have a workshop
The Witcher 3 has a bunch of mods but they're cumbersome to install and manage so it doesn't have a workshop either

I don't approve of the way Epic is doing business, and thus will not support them financially. I will be downloading the games I wanted to buy elsewhere, and buying them on Steam after the exclusivity expires.

I don't like having to put more programs on my computer to play what I want to play. Holding titles hostage that I had been looking forward to buying is not going to sway me to your service, it's going to drive me away, especially when you pull it from Steam in the eleventh hour.

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Market your games better. Twitter exists for this reason.

What's wrong with allowing anything on there? If it's good it sells and if it doesn't who cares? No one is getting hurt. It's a good example of a free market.

This. Seriously who fucking cares about this shitty little game? It wasn't marketed and it's just another shitty indie platformer, who cares?

piracy is a service problem

Valve is a lot of things but you can't deny Gabe's pure, unrivaled hatred for Microsoft. The fact that a huge portion of the steam library can be playable on linux has been far better than the industry than Epic could ever hope for.

>What's wrong with allowing anything on there?'s_ass

Why is Yea Forums the only board on the entirety of Yea Forums that takes issue with piracy?
Yea Forums and Yea Forums explicitly encourage it as do /t/ and Yea Forums, why are there faggots such as you that exist?

Metro Exodus had Denuvo but I bet the crackers were raring to go and break in more than usual. Sekiro was actually Denuvo-free so it's pretty much no effort to crack.

XBLA and Steam are the advertising platforms - Braid being apart of the Summer Arcade release schedule or being one of the first indies on Steam really propelled it

Attached: braid-20080521002344473.jpg (480x270, 61K)

does Epic Store sell Linux games?

Right except no one is making you pay for those games, or even look at them. You can ignore them. They don't affect you at all. You choose what you want to buy, it's your money. Your money doesn't go towards those shitty little games at all. I don't know what you're implicating with that link. This isn't about the needs of a mule, it's the financial decisions of you as an individual with your own goddamn money. The decision is solely on you, regardless of what you think the steam market is doing.

>why won't valve give me special treatment over all this other trash and promote my game for me!
>t. Literally every indie dev

The irony of it all is epic are on the other end of the spectrum and barely allow anyone on the store unless they're already well known. The schadenfreude from entitled indies devs and their MUH 88% is fantastic.

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>Buy a game on EGS
>Also have to pay the transaction fees
Imagine every game being more expensive on EGS than any other store.

The notion that the only way in the market is to overthrow the biggest player is silly, you carve your own niche and target a segment of the market.

They don't support it at all

So you are saying that store being cherry picking curation service is a good thing.
Maybe. That's exactly what EGS is at the moment.

Epic simply cannot compete with all of Steam's half-baked and abandoned features.

Why there's Steam Music, which barely works. And Steam Family Sharing, that works sometimes. Then there's Steam Broadcasting, which, five years after they explicitly promised it, still does not support hardware acceleration. The screenshot uploaded is great, when it actually works and also there's that implementation of WINE for the 0.8% of bearded M'Linux fatasses who use Steam. Did I mention VR? V fucking R?

I have no idea why anyone would dare to compete against such a feature-rich DRM platform like Steam.

My steam is slow and laggy often. What botnet am I connected to?

It's clear that Steam wants to curate (removal of Rape Day and the blocking of Rance games)

It's just that they're too cowardly to admit it because that would imply having employees willing to trudge through shit

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

One of Steam's best features is controller remapping, and I can use Steam itself with my Epic Store games if I need to.

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

>It's clear that Steam wants to curate (removal of Rape Day and the blocking of Rance games)
Not really, they only did it after the internet shit their pants over allowing games with rape. Otherwise they would have not allowed Hatred and all these sexual VN's to begin with.

The fact that they were removed proves that they want to curate but they're just picky and choosy about it or don't want to hire people to do it. They're doing really half assed work and Steam drones defend them

I think you're reading too much into it. They're pretty open about being hands off. Truth be told I wouldn't mind all the pornographic shit being taken off but then I don't have to look through all that shit if I don't want to since they allow you to block it.

Here's the thing:

I'd be okay with quality porn games, anyone can see Rape Day is poor quality shite while Rance games are actually decent.

If Steam wants to be hands off, be hands off - but they're not; people shouldn't have to find out that a game has a bitcoin miner, there should be paid Valve testers

The devs don't lose if I pirate, the one who loses out is Epic, and they don't offer a good enough service to care about them

>there should be paid Valve testers
I really don't know how they would have enough people to screen the literal thousands of games they have on steam now. At this point it's a buyer beware scenario, but luckily with user reviews and a refund policy we can't really be screwed over too bad. Has the bitcoin miner thing actually happened before? I'm going to look that up.

Long story short, I believe responsibility lies with the consumer, you think it should lie with the marketplace itself. There's a middle of the road somewhere but it's 4AM, I've lost control of my life, and I should try to get some sleep. This has been an interesting conversation and I appreciate the fact that you didn't lose your shit and we immediately started calling each other drones or shills or whatever.

Later bro.

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Have a good sleep bro

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How come everyone keeps gargling Epic's cock but the Windows Store has consistently been shat on?

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Epic walled garden good, Microsoft walled garden bad

Same reason they, keep forgetting the games journalist having a vendetta against steam because they said "as long as it doesn't break the law we will allow it"

They don't even do that anymore so stop defending Steam

You say that like it's supposed to be an insult

>How come everyone keeps gargling Epic's cock but the Windows Store has consistently been shat on?

both are universally reviled though, stop reading shill posts retard

If you call preferring something that doesn't steal your data to something that does addiction, sure.

>stop reading shill posts retard
That's the point, no one even tried to shill M$'s shit.

>pirating bad!

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>There is regional pricing on EGS.
What regional pricing they have is shit and isn't as robust as Steam's, and for some regions there literally isn't any. Try again.

imagine unironically paying 50+ for a fucking toy
>just support the devs!

How about no! How about, it should have never been a thing!

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Ya, seems about right.

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what is it with huge public companies and leftists always telling people not to go with logic and just simply with what is good?

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>revive piracy
>he hasnt been pirating every major release for years

Because they didn't need shilling. They got good games.

PC has always been hand nd hand with piracy, especially now on a digital only age. Why would you ever buy a game on Steam if you can get it free on torrents? Because of convenience, support the devs, social space, a store thats treats you with dignity etc etc. If those are gone then you get no reason not to pirate.

>EU does investigation into piracy
>compile hundreds of pages on it
>decide to completely scrap it because they found it doesn't actually hurt sales; never publish it

you got it wrong and you can get the study online

No they didn't
They didn't find that it hurts sales, that's why they scrapped it

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That may have been true a few years after Steam launched, but it certainly isn't true any longer unless you count literal abandonware. And it's not like Steam users only ever play games on Steam, it's just the main library alongside GoG Galaxy (if you use it) and/or simply directly launching games.

Forced to pirate what games?

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Got about 15 of these for free over the years but yeah, GOG is nice.

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I already paid fucking 100$ for an OEM license, I'm not making a Microsoft/Xbox account and tying it to my Windows installation just so I can buy GaaS and SaaS stuff that MS will find some way of blocking access to a few years from now, just so MS can turn my Win10 into yet another ads datamining platform. I like my Unique Advertising ID the way I like my eggs: scrambled af.

Allowing more malware and surveillance onto my PC, you mean. The real reason I've never tried fortnite and wouldn't consider overwatch is that i don't want to install any more launchers

Based Chinks paying the publishers to give me games for free.

>unless you count literal abandonware
Why wouldn't I? Are you saying that average gamer doesn't ever play games released a few years ago? Many games stop selling because of license expiration or because they were relying on servers.
GOG doesn't have much on top of what Steam has, we counted just 124 games:

My one friend once looked at all the parts, determined that the final part was the smallest, and only downloaded that. Then when it didn't work he decided that piracy doesn't work and he should just give up on games.

but you can refund on steam.

He sounds like someone who would cheat in Sekiro, so maybe he should give up, yeah.

so, same as steam?????

>personal responsability doesn't exist in pirates' case, only store owners should br accountable for their decisions, pirates don't act, they react

No, I was saying that was what the post I replied to implied, that Steam users only ever play Steam games. Of course you can stretch it as far as you want, abandonware,, all the games on the iceberg meme image, but when it comes to the games most people play, Steam carries a lot more than 1% of the games currently being released. Not saying that's a reason to limit yourself to Steam though, even if I'm sure some people do. The post has a point with the one click install button though, that's a real convenience feature of Steam and Galaxy and will only get more convenient as average internet speeds increase. But it's not a big deal, I do wonder why Installshield Wizard didn't figure out long ago it didn't need all those clicks, just somewhere to choose your installdir and any and all options could just be presented in a single dialog.

>Honest business practices lead to honest customers
Remember when steam changed their eula so your games are now only "subscriptions"(it was their move againts refunds) or how how the fat fatfuck also whined about the windows store because it could ve a competitor

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Why are Steamfags such techlets that don't even understand how computer works?

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The best thing about the Epic store is how it makes VaIvedrones seethe and cry like toddlers.