Play a multiplayer game

>play a multiplayer game
>teammate asks "how are you"
>use *okayemoji* in chat
>get banned

Attached: df0deadba971fb1ddd4872d59b048b9e.jpg (768x768, 270K)

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what's the purpose of this thread?

for conservashits to try and backtalk honest hardworking liberals who don't want to associate themselves with racist symbology, amazing that there's people here that would deny that.

OP posted Flandre, so it's either a Touhou thread or a loli thread.

Attached: 1536952209038.jpg (2351x1522, 1.1M)

but why op have to post it here?
I though /jp/ is better place to post flan than Yea Forums though

Touhou girls are a curious thing in Yea Forums. You can post them in almost every board (with the exceptions being "no girls allowed" boards like /cm/ and /y/ and the boards for 3DPD) without people complaining about them.

Attached: f5d8ef861a98dad38b7260dab997d177-1.png (1289x1128, 970K)

I hope you guys enjoy the colors of the rainbow while its not banned.

why should it be banned?
it's a symbol of pride for mentally ill, nobody will DARE to say anything bad about it

>hating homosexuals and minorities