Play a multiplayer game

>play a multiplayer game
>teammate asks "how are you"
>use *okayemoji* in chat
>get banned

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what's the purpose of this thread?

for conservashits to try and backtalk honest hardworking liberals who don't want to associate themselves with racist symbology, amazing that there's people here that would deny that.

OP posted Flandre, so it's either a Touhou thread or a loli thread.

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but why op have to post it here?
I though /jp/ is better place to post flan than Yea Forums though

Touhou girls are a curious thing in Yea Forums. You can post them in almost every board (with the exceptions being "no girls allowed" boards like /cm/ and /y/ and the boards for 3DPD) without people complaining about them.

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I hope you guys enjoy the colors of the rainbow while its not banned.

why should it be banned?
it's a symbol of pride for mentally ill, nobody will DARE to say anything bad about it

>hating homosexuals and minorities

Luckily on Yea Forums, Touhou threads without 80% game/lore discussion are deleted on sight.
Shitpisting secondaries need to be gassed.

Attached: fascist reimu.png (800x518, 434K)

Yea Forums memed ok hand into a white supremacy symbol, what makes you think they can't do the same with the rainbow?

And? We're you even alive in the ninties faggit

Remember when companies didn't buy into internet conspiracy theories?

How do I stop spilling spaghetti on stage 6 every fucking time?

>people think /pol/ doesn't have power

bug master

Attached: bugmen.png (519x797, 558K)

You guys have the power to creep people out with your 'whites are the REAL victim!' reverse racism mentality, good job.

I like this artist

Attached: Daddy.jpg (3178x3345, 969K)

king of chads

You git gud on previous stages so you have tons of resources.

saying shit like reverse racism proves you're a fucking racist who hates whites
go fuck yourself bigoted asshole

Anybody played Sakuya's game? I really enjoyed it with the time mechanics and bosses but it was way too short. Good thing we'll be getting an extra stage in a later update

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why does everything have to be political

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>make up shit that literally hasn't happened
>get upset at a private company deciding what they want to be associated with
>not exercising the principle of voting with your wallet in our glorious capitalist society and letting the market decide what's right

Attached: 1538333798715.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

Yeah it was short but sweet
Grazing made bosses too easy I hope they fix it in the extra stage
Patches was best boss

because everything IS political

You called?

Attached: great picture mkay.jpg (768x1024, 291K)

>Enslaves POC for centuries
>They finally free themselves and talk back against their slave masters
>S-stop oppressing me!
God you white supremacists are disgusting, go back to /pol/.

Which is the worst bait?
Vote now:

Damn. Forgot one

kill yourself racist


Attached: 13e0df39bd90ee54d16b081352c445b8.jpg (1387x1798, 607K)

>honest hardworking
Pick one.

>Enslave your own kind for free for millenia.
>Eventually white man comes along and offers to buy your slaves for money.
>Take the deal and your slaves go on to live in the best country in the world enjoying all of the gibs and being able to say the N word while you stay in your shithole country.
Slavery was literally the best thing that ever happened to nigerians and that is an undeniable fact.

I am a white supremacist and this is amazing.

Attached: 1554588122207.gif (300x259, 1.68M)

t. cancer

Attached: __cirno_and_hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_caibao__2000963cbd0e624ca612a06857469973.jpg (1000x708, 601K)

Is this fucking real life? Who the fuck is pouring onions into the water supply?

Gotta work better on your bait, you only got two (you)s aside from me.

To find out how many /pol/ bros here. Who else /pol/ here?

>We're you

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