UNIST Thread

The time has come and so have I

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play gordeau

Pass is vee
I doubt we'll get higher than 4th in evo but that alone is worth celebrating

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These are the worst the stutters have been, damn

>forgot to change block directions to do CS
We've been having a pretty bad connection since last night for sure.

Has sei had the chance to fight maiko?

I was gonna ask if it was the real lolimaiko but seeing him play has convinced me it is. Didn't realize he joins these lobbies.

Yeah it's him.
He's joined a couple times before. Do your best to join the "I beat maiko once" club

kw: pclobby

I need to forget the day's sorrows with uni.

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I can't beat suika so I doubt I could take on maiko.

I guess I'll have to wait in line for the fight. Really regret messing up the game winning CS now.

I'd go reset my router but I really want to fight maiko again


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I'm pretty trashed so expect gimmicks.

hold on i think my pcs exploding

I'll get these optimals down on netplay or die trying!

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is eltnum gun attack A the best opening out of the whole cast?

Yeah probably

>try to CS midscreen to react to overheads
>get shield and die
I really should just grind the input in the lab. This happens all the time.

Busy actually being social for once so it'll be a while before I can get on

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I was going to try out PC tonight, but maiko is on so maybe next time

Im already playing like shit over the last few days, I'm not ready for one of the best players here, especially with a matchup I know nothing to

>dropped the 2369C
Fuck me, that's an easy one too.

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>especially with a matchup i know nothing to
Well it's time to learn

Lobby full?

Room full?

yes and yes

PS4 lobby is full



Guess I'll make a second one

Is the lobby on the PlayStation 4™ full?

I'm sorry for the shit connection, maiko
>Wanted to CS IW punish so bad that I banked on the meter filling as I CS'd
>Don't even use an EX either

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yes the lobby found only on Playstation 3™ and Playstation 4™ is full.

I think the lobby is full

¿Está lleno el vestíbulo?

Damn I gotta steal Maiko's tech

Stealing is wrong, don't be a thief.

Hmmm. That VO>B DRILL should have a big enough gap to mash a 6f normal. I'm just going to tag that to netplay.

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Damn, Blue gave me a massive beating

Light blue hell with a vengeance

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holy SHIT I am not used to netplay

I didnt know Blue plays Hyde

That definitely felt a bit weird for sure. Might have stopped mashing a little too early.

I can't even remember beating you that hard ever.

Might not be able to make it tonight since I'm learning how to play Dragon Ball Heroes. Hope I'll be able to wrap my head around all these tutorials and then head on in in abit!

My awe at hippie's hyde finally inspired me to diversify my repertoire but clearly I need to work on it a lot more

Valva using the nanoha color.

i miss a day and can't even input a dp
fuck dude

Started so strong then completely buggered it at the end, geez whats with me tonight.

these yuzus are putting me through the grinder but that’s okay, I haven’t played in a while

>Keep trying to TK j236C off CS

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Yeah guess this will be a night of beatings and me not knowing what I am doing. Damn unfortunate.

And to think, if I lived just 20 minutes away I could have fiber.

it’s all part of the process. that’s what I’m doing right now

Wagner 6C. Unblockable. What the hell am I doing?

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What is Hyde's worst matchup?

crouch blocking

5A~5A~5A 5C CH! I liked that one a lot.

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Anyone who can block

Fuck you for blocking that lamp and killing my win streak.

vatista or yuzu
merkava is pretty shit too but that's my opinion

Somehow I got so impatient with Mag that I reverted back to blocking patiently
It worked though. park plays really differently now that I think about it.

Imagine how strong Hyde would be if he started swinging all of Vat around instead of just one of her wings.

I can't even pressure normally, how am I supposed to keep someone who can bust out an invincible flash kick in line?

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know where your gaps are in your strings and bait/rebeat

I love you 22x

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Try to get a sense of how willing they are to use their flashkicks compared to other defensive tools with shorter strings.
Ran into a Vat online that would flashkick every overhead and I eventually just figured to grab him.

I'm feeling like hippie tonight with my 95% win rate tonight in lobby 2.

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you’re welcome

Time to put an end to that

Ooof. I'm going to take that as a sign to go to bed. GGs everyone. I hope to catch a bunch of you guys at EVO... assuming I can go.

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Hippie or someone, please come knock some sense into Icy

ggs. I think we counted at least 5 last thread. We should get some games in person for sure.

And now it's time to lobby up!

Looks like Blues is doing a pretty good job providing a challenge for Icy.

I'll try shorter strings, but melk strikes like a cobra.It makes me scared to run up on him too much because he always seems to know when I'm half-committing and when I'm really trying to go back in.

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At least 6 of us will there, I'm sure more of the WC anons will join up too.
GGs, thanks for stopping by.

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it's a lot easier said than done. if they always seem to know, they may be fuzzymashing or you might be restarting your pressure in the same place frequently. don't be afraid to "rebeat" by dashblocking and see what they do, and it's scary but you still gotta frametrap her to condition her to let you restart your string.

>wakeup grab

Hopefully I won't fall for that again (I probably will).

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I like how Dia is learning how to style now

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Fuck. Finally remembered my CVO ender but forgot I needed 30% to get two kuugas in. GGs Mag.
In that case, is he actually flashkicking your overheads? You could also space him out if he's ready to press buttons.

Valva is so good at doing anti airs but you mash too much dude.

GGs Dia and company. Gotta practice my shit so i don't drop basic combos like j.[C]->j.2[B] in the future. i dropped that like 3-4 times tonight and that's unacceptable.

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I know, I’m working on it. It doesn’t look like it but I’ve been practicing with Orie most of the day, but I haven’t netplayed in months. I get into a match and then it’s PANIC

>when both players are 1 tick away from death

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Just play it cool, I know Orie is a gorilla and she's safe on everything, but you gotta play it smooth.

made a second pc room because I don't feel like waiting too long pass is vee

flash kicking pretty much any time I actually try to get back in after rebeating to 2A and pretty much any time I use assault.

Why is this game called UNIST when the actual abbreviation is UNIB?

it’s the latest version

UNIB refers to the original iteration

>pc room
Oh yeah, i have a vague memory of telling someone i'd come fight them on PC when i showed up drunk on sunday.

I'm glad I'm finally getting used to using my dash ins after kuuga. It makes my positioning a bit more nebulous even if I'm overusing it a bit too much right now.

Blargh, an opportunity to win thrown out the window hahaha.

Not sure what I was doing there!

No wins at all and i felt like i learned nothing tonight. Ggs everyone, I'm just not feelin it these last few days.

Someone please come beat up Icy. I've come to realize I can't deal with Yuzu's bullshit either

Because UNI will never reach its original glory ever again.

Leave me alone. I'm not someone to be targeted, I'm kind.

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i won a round, which is my cue to go get some food. brb

Honestly, the only advice I can give is getting a better read on his habits. It's something I'm working on myself, but it's the necessary step to get on the next level anyways. I fee Vatista as a matchup forces you to do it anyways.

Ah, thanks.
I don't keep up with the scene, but seeing the names fly around from EVO talks confused the hell outta me.

I can't think of anything more UNI than double time outs.

>atic went from 6 frames to 3 at the end
>dia connection is serviceable again
I do not like entertaining the idea of 6 frames of lag being a new norm but I also didn't reset my router today either.

Whew, them teleports can be tricky to read sometimes.

I'm happy I was able to raw IW there though!

Keep it up, progress is a bit hard to judge with these sometimes

>hippie is the only 3 bar in the room
what sort of bizarro world is this

I wish it went to 3f at some point, it went to 6f early on and stayed there the whole match for me.

The bars lie, don't listen to me

Also, is anyone having trouble with captcha? Because it's happening again

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Ah beautiful dodge Lamp. Good shit.

yeet nigga

Damn it Atic, you've instilled bad habits in me. I've forgotten how to watch for orie's overhead!

Dropped another round winning CVO combo. I'm going to have to grind them again.

His pressure is way different from atic's and it's messing me up too.

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Why do all the people come in after an absence when I'm having a night of terrible performance?

Don't worry, I'm going to incorporate the overhead again soon. I'm getting tired of 4C>2A being useless filler or not punishing crouch shield after my 2A as much as i should.

actually, gotta take off for the night. GGs lobby 2, hopefully I was a serviceable punching bag. I decided to start getting back into this game like a week ago so being welcomed by two yuzus was definitely eye opening. I’ll probably start coming to these whenever I can

Once I learn proper pressure strings and stop using 6B as a crutch to win games the usual big dick PC chads are in for a world of hurt
Or I'll stop winning all together and I'll cry

GGs lad, a shame we couldn't play tonight! Hope to see ya next time!

It's been like what, 3 weeks since I fought akatsuki again


Honestly i prefer Orie's who use 6B, it's about the only spot in her offense i know i can interrupt. Atic gives me nightmares since i have no idea where the gaps in his pressure are without it.

Have none of the others been showing up recently?

Yep. I haven't seen beatie or haters for a bit, I can probably imagine the latter practicing offline though.

From Merk and you, I've learned to almost never go for 6B on people who try mashing a lot in my pressure anyway. 6B is just there occasionally to catch crouch tech attempts and also encourage mashing on people who just want to downback so I can frametrap them more easily.

alright im ready to be a practice dummy since im tired!

Gah, stupid achievement popped up and distracted me at the very end. I think you had it anyway but it was pretty distracting to have my meter completely blocked by a popup.

Knocked down that 100%

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So do you want me to keep playing Aka to beat the anti-gorilla into ya or is elt fine too

You've been on point with these X Hiens

Also fuck I'm back to last year with the constant random VOs in neutral, guess the new controller is somehow affecting my ability to not hit my shoulder buttons even if the pad and buttons themselves feel better now.

what controller did you get?

I hate fighting either so come at me with either.

That can be pretty lame hahaha.

It wouldn't go away for some reason so i had to close the game and reload it. I was gonna try to Icey you to steal the round, but i couldn't see if i still had any Veil off time left because of the popup.

It works well in the matchup especially if I CS. I've been playing my friend who's a Hilda player a lot.
He mashes out a lot so I've gotten into the habit of not going as aggressive as I should be though.

Just a new DS4 to replace the old one I've been using for a year. It took a few days to break it in, but I can feel the difference when inputting stuff like 3B > 623A at least.

For myself give me the Aka, I can get really good Elt experience at locals anyway

The worst part of having the 2nd shittiest health in the game

Whew. Note to self, never raw IW with Linne at the start of a match.

Also nice combo at the end there Lamp!

shami fucking died

Err start of a round, but yeah mistakes were made!

I was feeling it that round too

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What weaknesses does Phonon have and what is her worst MU?

Its easy as shit to get vorpal when I fight you but it doesn't make a difference.

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No overhead that isn't a relatively easy to spot 66[B]

GGs GonD's lobby. It was nice to play against you a bit again GonD.

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>all of these 2Bs and 2As when I wanted to antiair OS
Waifu needs to drop by more because I need to practice this damn OS.

Ggs lads, glad I was able to finally catch Maiko in these lobbies.

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I've finally got my ps4 back in it's rightful place, so I might pop by more.

>her worst matchup
I don't think she has any outstandingly bad ones, personally I have trouble with Yuzu, Hilda, Vatista, and anyone else who i can't just bully at fullscreen.
Her weaknesses are, she only has one grounded overhead, and she can't start it mid blockstring so it's pretty predictable. Her moves are fairly punishable on whiff, although you pretty much have to be Yuzu to capitalize on that one, and she doesn't have a meterless reversal so if she's out of meter you can kind of bully her on wakeup.

GGs all this time and my only victory was probably due to a lucky drop. I'm not satisfied with that. It was fun to fight you again though.

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ggs pc lobbies

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Damn. I messed up my galaxy brained EX Hien into EX Hien. wOul dhave worked too.

ggs both PC lobbies

Fuck airgrabs

Dropped my "easy" version of the confirm aI wanted and them messed up and EX DP input somehow both of which should have won that.
Anyways, ggs everyone. Was going to stop soon and the lobby's filling up again anyways.

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>maiko rolls through the day I'm hooked on RoR2

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Whoops, meant ot pick vat



I don't think I've done a single good j.214B 2A combo route this entire night, it's all been 2C > 5C into salvaging it with 623A.


GG's bro

Nice parry there lamp! Didn't expect it to eat both fireballs.

GGs, nice to play you all again.

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Got a good chuckle out of that character choice Hippie, thanks

I was waiting for the switch. I also tried to remember redblade's FF combo in the corner so I'll see if I can remember that for you later.

GG's pc guys, felt I did much better than usual tonight which was nice.

Man, I hate that you don't thrust against me. I get you're just using me for practice but I can't try to do the thrust practice I've done in training.

What part of last match for me don't you two understand.
Anyways, I'll close it after you two are done. GGs everyone.

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ggs everyone

hippie I know I was playing like ass tonight but playing a 6f Seth is not really a better experience so I'd prefer the Hyde.

I mean I can thrust against you like usual if you have your own practice to do. Ideally rarely thrusting would come naturally in the matchup once you punish them more often.

ggs Sai. I'm sure you're aware of this, but be wary when you're trying to max range assault.

That was a great set of matches Lamp. GGs!

Thanks for sticking with me throughout all of that. Fun times were had.

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I'm on jp version. I can't read that shit.
Nah it's fine, I'd fuck it up anyway and waste your time.

I just really wanted one more try after those pitiful displays.

GGs all

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Is UNIST related to the fate series? Also, does it have an anime?

I think it's like 次でラストにします

Yeah, I was definitely noticing the punishment coming out more frequently, which is why I opted for changing it up towards the last few rounds.

Didn't stop me from trying a few more times though hahaha.

Also, GGs to the rest of Lobby 2 though I really only got 1-2 rounds against each of ya generally.

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Only barely through being Melty's son and no.

sion is from fate

You think I'll remember that? It all looks the same to me. Just do the emotes and I'll understand instantly.

Definitely try incorporating more throws into your pressure. I was focusing so hard on assault that I even missed a few gold grabs during our sets.

On the other hand, the fact that I could shield your long distance assaults on reaction while sleepy and under 3 frame delay should give you an idea of how risky it is


I thought she was from melty blood? I know she, arcueid and ryogi are in a fate game or 2, but I don't pay too much attention to that.

just learn it lmao

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True that. Then again, those were some sleek opening combos into IW that you were pulling off in your tired state.

I could learn a thing or two from that stuff.

Thanks for playing my scrub ass lolb. And GGs pc lobby

Know what I need to improve on, just gotta practice...

Sion is from Melty Blood, which originates from Tsukihime/Kagetsu Tohya