We're almost there lads, just a few more shitposts and Yea Forums will be dead
50% of Yea Forums has less than 20 replies
Are you stoned
Compared to others boards especially vr this ones pretty active. Mu is fucking dead these days ill tell you that
>tfw 1% of Yea Forums has 99% of replies
How did we let this happen?
Yea Forums and /k/ are dead too.
>Pissing in an ocean of piss will make a difference in the ocean having always been people pissing in piss
>Implying it won't improve board culture as shitposters drive off phoneposters and internet activists bore
>shitposters drive off phoneposters
XD the phoneposters ARE the shitposters
Newfag confirmed or unfortunately pretending to be retarded.
>this ones pretty active
And the most heavily moderate. Just look at the fucking catalog right now.
>ban twitter threads
>ban youtuber threads
>promote anime tits threads
There i fixed it.
Ban off topic porn threads, there, I fixed it.
How many damn filters do you have?
Also ban gachashit threads if they don't post enough anime tits.
That's off topic though
>twitter and youtuber threads aren't banned on sight
Confirmed for the problem
>ban porn threads
>ban e-celeb shit
>ban wojak/pepe usage
>ban faggots who hijack vidya threads but making them into porn threads
>stop removing on-topic threads
there i fixed Yea Forums
let it die
we will rise again from the ashes
>>ban faggots who hijack vidya threads but making them into porn threads
>>stop removing on-topic threads
>there i fixed Yea Forums
>leave Yea Forums when 75% of posts became shitposting about their walking dead waifu
>get nostalgic and pay them a visit
>75% of posts are retards "ironically" using game journo/ movie critic slang.
at least I was there during it's golden age
They need to spread that around, it's not fair
rip in peace
/k/ was fun before they started banning anyone who mentioned a shooting or politicians who were trying to ban guns
90% of that faggots on that board are disarmed europeans that play with airsoft toys
That would just kill Yea Forums in the process though
Good thing
Retards shitpost on my "muh journos" threads and people actually discussing games are on a pretty cozy, slow board
>50% of Yea Forums has less than 20 replies
Yea Forums died because pol shitposters can't stay on their board and just ejaculate their incel garbage here whenever they get triggered because a women or brown guy flashed in their videogame screen
do a sitewide ban on polposters (24 hour ban on any board other than pol if they posted) then I assure culture and quality will be restored
stay triggered you pathetic freak
Yea Forums is going to hit such a singularity of autism that it'll be deleted, I swear to god.