What's the consensus on Yea Forums about Banjo?

What's the consensus on Yea Forums about Banjo?

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100% based

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Based and breepilled

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I’ve seen a lot of people say kazooie>tooie and while I agree I don’t think tooie is a bad game

also I literally just beat the grunty fight in tooie for the first time like an hour and a half ago

>I don’t think tooie is a bad game

I don't know how anyone thinks otherwise. Kazooie is slightly better and more tightly designed, but Tooie just comes into its own as you progress through it despite its weak start.


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ugly furbait from a mediocre game.


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One thing I’ll say that is annoying is having to travel across the map to change to mumbo just to use him on a pad then run back to change back into banjo

boomer and gay


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Outdated platformers with a lot of soul

Banjo threeie comes out and banjo is hyper realistic and roars


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I have a save state right before Grunty's Furnace Fun just so I can play it whenever I want to, I love that part of the game so much

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why does he have man-hands

It's just a vocal minority that hates that Tooie is longer and more challenging, it comes off a "tedious" too zoomers but it no doubt has a lot more depth than the first game which you could easily 100% each level on the spot.

He said Yea Forums's consensus not your piddly little uneducated uninformed consensus

banjo's a pretty cool dude

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I always liked Tooie more, but it's perfectly understandable that people prefer Kazooie.

I deeply love Banjo-Kazooie, and I like Tooie quite a lot too.

I hope the Spyro and Crash remakes shake Microsoft into doing something with them
probably not but I can dream.

Banjo 1 and 2 are labors of love.
You can feel the soul oozing from them.


Step aside, Banjocuck!

It’s pretty damn good.
Though I’m stuck at the final boss in Kazooie. Any tips on the last phase Yea Forums?

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>Yea Forums
No group of people can ever reach a singular consensus on anything.

Golden feathers when her spells become more accurate (when she falls off her broom)
move in a jumping zig zag pattern when in the final Jinjo phase

I hope Tooie gets better. I finished Mayahem and am now entering the new world.
The game so far is fucking huge. I liked the first one a lot more.

All the worlds are going to be huge. They also start to interconnect after awhile.


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I know some people don't like it, but Glitter Gulch Mine is one of my favorite worlds from the series and also has one of the comfiest themes. Also if you think it's huge now, you're in for some shit when you get to Grunty Industries

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Tooie > Kazooie

I actually like it a lot too. I like the glittery hills and the creepy ringing in the poisonous gas cave, and the way you can run on the river.

The ordinance shed music from glitter gulch is vidya kino

Thanks. Will try that when I get the chance.

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Fucking loved how the music got more terrifying the further you descend



Anyone else notice the environmental themes in this series? It took a long time but I just notice how many stages revolve around Grunty polluting everything. Clanker's Cavern, Rusty Bucket Bay, Grunty Industries, The pool in Jolly Roger's Lagoon... Even Grunty's Revenge on the GBA has a harbor full of oil spills and another level where Grunty Industries is being built. Also she kidnaps the breegulls in breegull beach.


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I enjoyed Yooka Laylee


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Anyone else think Mr Patch's theme is absolute kino and is pretty much a must have if B&K DO get into Smash?

Replaying them both in 2017 Kazooie had more of a novelty to it, like you jump into a whimsical theme park and come across the landmarks, a good, ageless experience, but lacking compared to Tooie's content. Of course Tooie trades this off for feeling less emotionally in touch with its predecessor.

Yee haw!

The XLBA remasters help them feel even more special, especially for fixing Tooie's infamous framerate.

also notes you collect in Kazooie don't reset after dying, which makes some levels a lot more tolerable
Yeah I'm talking about Rusty Bucket Bay

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You have to give credit where it's due, they were so devoted to creating atmosphere they made a sewer level that actually felt as putrid to play as you would expect from a garbage dump.

>changing goalpost
>both hoped for smash ultimate as fighter
>fell on the grinch troll
>square remove geno costume
>when direct was delayed cuz earthquake in japan, isaacfag max mentalretard say that was delayed because isaac has the moveset based on earthquake.
Yeah, very fan demanded.
>File name: Banjokes
Another time tranny discord steveposter, you aren't real geno/Isaacfan.

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Gotta hand it to rare, they sure knew their shit.

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>starting an autistic taskforce to shitpost about a children's building game character being in a children's party game
jesus christ

Can I get the invite?

Dunno if it's just a grant thing or Kazooie just has a disproportionate amount of caves but it seems like every level besides Witchyworld has at least one low key minor remix that plays in a indoor area. It gets really bad when you go into a fish inside a cave inside a deep sea abyss like one of those Russian dolls and the music is appropriately shit to compensate.

Are you goddamned kidding me
discord and 2016 kids ruined this board

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Sorry Snoy
I'll stop the smash discussion for two major reason
>you will cry about another thread nintendo own fighting game.
>this is a banjo-kazooie games thread, not the same lame speculation thread.
So please tell me a good reason on why banjo is a good game instead.
This. Those childish people are the worst.

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>Stevefags can't even talk about their own character's game, it always has to be about smash


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Minecraft threads are made daily. It's Banjo who people can't talk about in here except for Smash. Mostly because his games are hot garbage and didn't age well.

>normal banjo thread
>someone posts the stevefag discord
>suddenly shitposters arrive
coincidence? or not? you decide.

This, just ignore them.

Not even being contrarian
>Better atmosphere
>Darker tone
>Better humor
>interconnected levels
>more gameplay variety
I love it, one of my favorite games ever. Kazooie is a more compact package but Tooie takes what Kazooie built and gets way more inventive with it.

Nice Smashboards thread

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I prefer tooie. But I enjoyed the plot of BK a lot more, especially the final encounter with Grunty and the game over scene. I feel like if the two games were fused into one long adventure, with all of the features tooie introduced, it would be perfect.

It feels like mumbo was supposed to have a bigger role in tooie. Because you're right, you literally travel halfway across some levels just to activate a mumbo pad.

I love that level too, whenever I think of Tooie, that theme plays in my head. That or I imagine the coughing rhino in Witchy World.

still better than your discord

Hung out on the Rare Witch Project forums back in the series' heyday just speculating about Stop n' Swop and stuff. It's a shame they didn't include Devil Bottles in the XBLA remake.

Kazooie nailed the fractured fairy tale feeling, Tooie ripped the book open and made a much bigger adventure. I love the dry wit as you go from one absurd situation to another. Even played the GBA games and Nuts & Bolts. All great but different flavors of gameplay. Better to have this than endless clones with the same gameplay ala Ratchet & Clank.

Big Al. He coughs all over the burgers. Salty Joe serves up oily, cold, limp fries. Still more appetizing than the bones the oogle boogles had to eat.

If a new banjo game looked like this would Yea Forums like it?

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