any games with canon genderswaps?
Any games with canon genderswaps?
dark souls 2 i guess
Brown dust has gender swap skins for some of it's units.
i mean, besides the coffin, you could say it's somewhat canon
>starts game as male undead
>when you regain your humanity you can pick female, turning the male undead into a woman.
Fate sucks so much, why is it the only thing that comes to mind that does canon gender swapping outside of gags that last 1 minute?
I guess that shitty all girls SNK fighting game that came out recently did that whole thing with Terry which was great while it lasted.
the only one i can think of that uses the whole gender bender thing more seriously is blazblue, but even then, it was pretty shit.
kbtsmboy is legendary and his arjuna pics are even better, you have legendary taste user
you're ready for his arjuna doujin?
Honestly Mai and Terry seemed like such huge pr successes I'm surprised gender bending isn't done more often. Most people can't name too many girls from Blazblue or SNK, but both Mai and Terry became hugely popular strictly because they used to be guys.
Bowsette proves this point farther.
Baldur's Gate. It's pretty entertaining when you get a wild surge and switch gender.
Terry is already really popular.
You're overestimating Mai's popularity, since even Bowsette got more recognition despite being a meme fad.
at this point i guess it's a matter of waiting, between FemTerry and Bowsette, there was a decent boom of genderswap last year.
Hell yes motherfucker
Terry was popular because he was the Ryu of King of Fighters, but it reached new heights when his female design was shown off for SNK Heroines. People that normally wouldn't talk about Terry or fighting games in general were acknowledging it and I'd bet that one character garnered interest in that game just because of it being a genderswap. If it was just some random Samus Aran look a like she would have been forgotten along with most of the rest of the girls in that game.
Mai is very similar in that she gets extra attention by people just because of her backstory of being a man before her introduction into the series and it makes her stand out compared to a lot of the other generic anime girl in Blazblue.
>it reached new heights
I get you really like this fetish but cmon now.
Mai indeed does stand out but that doesn't necessarily translate to popularity
Can I get some sauce?
BlazBlue Remix Heart
the only good scene
hell yea you rock user
Dude I don't know if you were paying attention to SNK heroines post announcement and pre release, but literally not a single human being gave an ounce of a shit about it because the in game graphics looked so bad and the 3D models of the girls were ugly in a game about fanservice and cute girls. Even the concept of Mai Shiranui in a cow bikini didn't turn like any heads.
Female Terry put the game on the radar and is the only reason why a lot of people even know it exists. She has the most fanart of any of the others and her trailer has 2x the views.
Sometimes standing out does translate to popularity because more people get exposed to them and I bet both those characters chart on popularity polls for their respective games.
wish i was a girl lads
he's reffering to Terry in general, he was always popular, just because he got pranked didn't make him more popular than before.
The entire Fate series.
SNK Heroines exposed Terry to people that had never heard of him just by giving him booty shorts and huge anime titties. That by default raised his popularity even if it already was pretty high. It should be done more often.
Like that other user said, I'm talking in general. Both games are still in a niche genre.
It makes sense that FemTerry got so much focus because it was something new. The other characters have had fanart/doujins for years already. The usual fans spread out to their favorites while the genderswap fans converged on FemTerry.
I honestly doubt there's people that don't know who Terry is.
I mean I guess that's a good point, but I do think genderbending a popular male character is a safe bet for free publicity.
I would bet you money that half the cosplay sluts dressing up as femterry to this day don't know he's really a man or could tell you what King of Fighters is.
I personally know people that spend a lot of time playing video games as their main hobby who couldn't tell you who Terry Bogard is.
You are over estimating the general populous.
Breath of the Wild on Cemu with mods.
The Dark Souls 2 female models were so terrible it took me like 2 hours to even notice anything had happened.
If you're going to make a low quality post at least add a nice picture to it.
Never reply to me ever again.
Isn't the whole point revolve around shirou pumping his aquatic jackhammer into every historical figure ?
Sorry fag I don't like fruit salad.
No, the whole point is to buy quartz in their horribly abusive gacha game.
name 1 (one) good videogame with this theme
don't even know how I don't have a genderbending fetish after playing that tons a a kid
Espgaluda has it as a mechanic. You can do it any time you like.
why is this bitch always portrayed as mommy
edwin turns into edwina in a quest in baldurs gate 2
its canon that it eventually becomes permanent
Probably her canon nurturing personality, she would probably describe herself like that too. I mean she's clearly pure fetish bait.
>Probably her canon nurturing personality
shame she is exclusive to gacha
because she herself calls you her son and likes to be called mama.
She's also mentally ill.
It probably helped developing mine but I'm sure I had it ever since I was a kid watching cartoons. Fuck you Ginyu, stop swapping bodies with the ladies.
Femronimo is my jam
I wish female to male genderswaps were more common
because it would be interesting to see what a girl turned into a guy would do instead of always the reverse
Living the dream
God we need more American servants
What was Cag's reason for wanting to go full cute-girl-mode anyway?
It's not my fault if it's one of the things that work the best on my dick.
piss standing up
>see coffin
>have no idea what it does
>use it, thinking it will take me to a different area
>nothing seemingly happened
It took unequipping all of my armor to realize something's up.
baldur's gate 2 had the belt of gender bender
What was that name of that one french servant in FGO that could swap genders whenever?
same thing happened to me
really shows how bad the DS2 models and animations were, when you couldnt tell the difference between male and female characters
Perverted old man
Her original body was weak and sickly, but she managed to change that by the time her sister was an adult.