What is the best fps of this generation?
What is the best fps of this generation?
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There wasn't one
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2. Too bad nobody bought it. My only regret was that they didn't have dedicated speedrunning challenges.
black ops 4
Anthem because it was fun to watch it crash and burn
Castrate yourself.
R6S, unfortunately: the game is old and full of shit, though.
Based and militiapilled.
I can tolerate the Specialist shit, but Barebones made me realize how fun the gunplay is without the specialist stuff in the way. I feel like every single gun is viable except maybe GKS/Outlaw.
>fast is now dead
i dunno about best but it was real good
Excuse me for not bothering to care and research exactly what it was, thinking it was a schlooter in the vain of destiny
Live F A S T, die young
RoR 2
This or nu-doom
Dusk was good, but I wouldn't call it the best
True fps or are immersive Sim also counted?
You wouldn't even have to research, it's the most surface level thing about the game, why even post about it
I guess I'd say any game that has first person shooting would count. If you're talking about Prey, it was indeed a damn good game.
>System shock clone with the most uninspired enemies and dishonored graphics despite not having the same art style which makes it look waay out of place.
You say system shock clone like that's a bad thing
Titanfall 2. Remember, no RDDT.
Its that kind of formulaic thinking that kills genres.
If it's a genre with like 4 games I don't think one more is going to kill it
>Titanfast 3 killed for another battle royale social network
I hate modern video games so much
Because I hate video games
They said that they're releasing something Titanfall related later this year (specifically said Titanfall, not Apex). I doubt it's going to be 3 but I'm curious what it will be.
Turn based mobile game
This and I still play it from time to time. Apex helped out with population a bit on PC.
That's what my first thought would be too but they've already tried and failed with mobile so I'm kinda doubtful they would do it again so soon.
I bought it but I was fucking dissapointed that I never managed to get into any online match. The single player part was great but way too short
Definitely it isn't the best one tho
Doom 2016, no doubt
Go back now, they're full lobbies now because of Apex Legends
I recognize this part of Wolfenstein, even though I only have 1 hour in that game. That piece of shit game doesn't work on anything AMD and crashes specifically at that part of the game without fail. It's been a known bug ever since launch but has NEVER been fixed. Only game I've ever refunded.
>I recognize this part of Wolfenstein, even though I only have 1 hour in that game
I find it hard to believe you got to that part in 1 hour.
Its the prison part right? maybe it wasn't an hour.
Yeah. That's at least 2 hours in unless you're rushing and skipping cutscenes
VR titan game.
TF3 is years away and a VR game could do well if people enjoy Wolfensteins VR titan game.
That issue was fixed. It wasn't just AMD, it was Id tech issue with vsync.
>Doom Eternal
>Rage 2
Anything else promising on the horizon?
Amid Evil being finished
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin
and you expect anyone to take you seriously when you rate those 2 over it?
Bad company 2
based anons