Fire Emblem is dying
Fire Emblem is dying
I don't know think anyone sane still plays it, you have to be pretty fucking bad for gacha addicts to quit
As someone who doesn't give a fuck about mediocre srpgs that nintendo pretends is on the same level as mario or zelda that's a good thing!
Good. Now purge it out of smash
Their slots are literally nothing but shit stains
good, I'm tired of all the incels and normies shitting on my beloved franchise.
no, the shitty gacha is dying
I seriously don't understand what IS is thinking. Fire Emblem was on the brink of death until Awakening revitalized the series, but right after that they went right back to fucking around. Three Houses doesn't look good whatsoever.
Thank Christ
Only Marth and Ike should stay. Everyone else can fuck off, honestly
Blame IS for being greedy jews.
3H will get rid of all the mobage waifufags anyway.
And that's okay.
I hope 3 Houses does okay, though, assuming it's good.
Yup. I spent over 5000, and even I quit FEH last year.
I miss the GBA days bros
I woulf say that Robin should stay, but yeah, I could live with this.
Nintendo is dying
Y-yen, right?
Robin is a shit character and a constant reminder of the death of the franchise.
Sacred Stones was my first FE. It was a good game, if a bit too easy.
The GBA sprites and animations were full of soul
The 3ds models look terrible in comparison
Just add Black Knight so the series has an antagonist and actually cool character in Smash and then never add anything from FE again
Nope, American dollars.
Thank God, I can't even stand looking at the series anymore
Ah, Cuphead, an indie darling. But what's that trashy-looking indie game on the bot-
Seriously, if it wasn't for the hashtag, I would've thought that some random South Korean dev ported a mobile game to Switch again.
I'm ok with this.
I fucking hate you Smashfags. Can't have a single thread of this game without you filth stinking the place up.
>customizable mary sue self inserts (corrin)
>gacha phone game that sells itself on waifus
>romance/marriage mechanics
>multiple versions of the same game (pokemon)
>face petting
>next game is literally taking place in school
>casualized easy difficulty modes like no peradeath
>spinoff games focusing on fanservice
Is there any franchise that has fallen more than Fire Emblem?
Awakening was an okay game overall. Better than whatever Fates was, honestly. Robin also has a fighting style in Smash that is very unique.
What happened?
Based. Fuck Smash.
>this mad about a couple anime characters in his children's party game.
>using a tweet about the gacha game as an indicator for the popularity of the entire franchise
And there's nothing you can do to stop me, you seething little faggot.
Pokemon is virtually dead right now.
the word "beta" gets thrown around a lot these days, but when even 2D golddiggers can scam 4 digits off you I don't know what else to think
I don't get what I'm supposed to be looking at here. What is it about the image that makes the game worse than before?
This, remove them all and then only have:
Ike (Black Knight echo)
maaaaaybe Robin for the magick, no more, specially not OC SONUT STEAL Corrin
It was already dead after 9.
I wish. Let's Go sold gangbusters to normies.
So your average Yea Forums user?
GBA was one of the worst eras for FE outside the current. We had Mystery, Genealogy, and Thracia right before them, and PoR and Radiant Dawn right after.
>it looks like a mobile game
Well yeah, it's a mobile game, and it's not on switch.
>for being angry for no reason
Jesus, project harder
Final Fantasy hasn't had a good game in 20 years.
Shhhhh, you all hear that? That's the sound of the Fire Emblem bubble finally starting to pop. And man, what a delicious sound that is.
>you seething little faggot
You're the one complaining about "slots" in your shitty party game lmao
I hope Alm is DLC just to spite you
Get fucked you triple nigger. If it weren't for Smash we probably wouldn't even be having this thread about Fire Emblem in the first place and it would forever remain a niche Jap franchise
Is this supposed to be insulting? I've been in the beta role since early childhood. Life is a living hell. I liked FE and wanted to spend to roll with the big boys, so at least my fantasy life could be alpha. I wasn't doing it to jack off, even. Wasn't whispering to my phone pngs.
i think it's less of being a beta and more about having a crippling gambling addiction that's only further reinforced by the chance of receiving cute anime JPEGs in exchange for your hard-earned shekels
>You're the one complaining about "slots" in your shitty party game lmao
I didn't complain about slots though. I just said keep Ike and Marth.
>wanted to spend to roll with the big boys
The fuck does this even mean?
Marth, Lucina, and Ike should all stay and Robin should get replaced with Celica.
Roy, Chrom, and Corrin should go so they can bring in Hector and Lyn.
Big dick whales who drop thousands on the mobile game of their choice and become among the most powerful in the game. Usually only matters in PVP.
Agreed. Three Houses looks to be the worst in the series and it's not even out yet. Wake me up when we get another Path of Radiance-tier FE.
>proud of being beta
this reminds of when the term cuck first took off and libtards started copeposting that being called a cuck was a compliment
the gba games are awful though
You mean an ugly one with UNGA BUNGA ME IKE ME SOLO GAME.
I'll keep an eye out user.
>Muh slots
I can't believe I am having an argument with you
Are you the same faggots that claim the only reason Fire Emblem is popular is because of smash?
I'm not proud of it, I've just accepted it. I try to act alpha in real life, but posturing only gets you so far when you're no rich anymore.
you can lord cheese most games boye
>Are you the same faggots that claim the only reason Fire Emblem is popular is because of smash?
t. underage
>I can't believe I am having an argument with you
Likewise, because you seem legitimately retarded. You're pulling talking points out of your ass that I never even made, lol. Just stop posting.
>big dick whales
Is this what whales see themselves as? Everyone sees whales as addicts getting milked there's nothing big dicked about it.
it's them big dicks that are getting milked
True. I had a habit of buying the monthly promo most of last year and I dropped it a couple of months ago. Glad I did too. Not just a waste of money but a huge waste of time. The game keeps getting worse and worse as well since IS is trying to milk it for all it's worth. The anniversary was probably the breaking point for me.
I just generally enjoy it for at least the big HB quests and the update in that pic is shallow but amusing. Nothing really else for me on phoneshit because the Pokemon ones suck fuck and I like FE. Sometimes I'm bored on the bus. Rolling is by far the least enjoyable part.
When this dies, that's it for anything phone related.
I know you can do better, user. Gambling is every bit of a conscious decision as walking in front of a fast-moving vehicle.
Get your shit together.
I didn't making massive sales for 2 years straight constituted as "dying"
Shit, WoW, ESO, and XIV must be hurting their respective companies so much
It feels like such a circular chain of logic, too.
>why does FE get at least one guaranteed new rep in each Smash game like Pokémon?
>"it's a popular series!"
>well what makes it so popular?
>"it's in Smash!"
When you take clones out of the equation, FE still has the third best franchise roster representation with four unique characters. Only Mario and Pokémon (AKA the two biggest fucking gaming franchises in the world) eclipse it. That's objectively retarded.
Smash is the reason Fire Emblem is popular in the west, if it weren't for Marth and Roy being some of the most popular characters in Melee then it wouldnt have been brought to the west or wouldve been much later than the GBA
Dickhead, even when Smash introduce Fire Emblem, it never got popular. The fact you actually believe that Fire Emblem is only popular or even know because Smash show that you know nothing of that game or it's history.
I'm taking points out my ass, you're the fuckboi who is angry just because the series have more characters than any other games. Your autism is fucking cancer in a giving form that ruin Smash community because we have to listen to your dumbass every fucking day of how much you hate the series. You faggots never shut the fuck up, seething over a fucking sword like someone killed your family with one. Here is a very important you need to learn, grow the fuck up you entitled manchild.
>tfw the last vestige of quality left for your series is a fucking trading card game
Aether Resort is literally 600+ mb of nothing. There's literally nothing to do but play house with your characters. No fighting, no gameplay, nothing. Just clicking on your character and seeing an emoji pop up on the top of them. Easily the worth update they've ever released outside of tap battles.
go away resetranny
Based retard, doesn't understand he's the other side of the same coin
>I fucking hate you FE Fags. Can't have a single game without you filth stinking the place up
I have Smash Ultimate and think you're pretty based
Sounds like someone is seething pretty hard over someone not liking their favorite game.
People have been asking for that though
fuckboy, I am general Nintendo fan. I have an interest in all of their games. You're get annoyed too if you see the same spam everyday with out the mods actually cleaning it up.
read this It's not that FE is my favorite, but more of, I hate you faggots who can't stop complain for 3 years.
Perhaps it is the people who are wrong
>calling them "people"
Seethe more.
Not an argument, dumb light novel kid.
>I am general Nintendo fan
you must be 18+ to post here
Reminder that Ike is the biggest fag amongs the Lords.
Only Marth, Ike, Robin, Roy, Corrin, Chrom, and Lucina should remain. Cut all the others. Also add Celica, Sigurd, Seth, Leif, Byleth, and Hector. Now it's stripped down to it the bare essentials.
Face petting was removed, wasn't it?
lol no
I really hope it dies.
Its Nintendos worst franchise.
god, i hate Ohmori and Masuda
Neither is yours
Seeting smash autist
What argument?
Also, Robin is still the best avatar character to date.
Everyday I wonder I question my decision to be an FE Fan, but then I see these threads and realize that I made the right choice.
Oof ouch owie my fee-fees how will I ever recover?
You don't want a Toyota Celica as a character as an echo for the inevitable Mercedes Benz free dlc that will be added in the future?
Not while we still don't have the Hornet from Daytona.
>Robin is better than Corrin
not a huge accomplishment desu
I quit FEH, for one. I still spend a bit on Dragalia, but not even half of what I spent on FEH.
Probably, but we know nothing about how supports will work (or anything really)
>Awakening was an okay game overall
No, it was terrible.
>Better than whatever Fates was
Keep telling yourself that, Awakeningbabby, Fates may be shit but Awakening is still worse.
I don't blame ya, the risk of getting eldwatered is just too high to bother trying for more dragons after getting a character. It's an insultingly low amount of eldwater too.
I want to fuck a FE girl
Robin will stop feeling unique once they add Erdrick.
FEH dying is great though, fuck FEH.
>Ikefag seething
Not when Smash exists.
All true Pokemon lovers do.
That's just its fans though. Nintendo tried to scare em off with Brawl but they're still here.
I hated Awakening after I got bored of it, but after Fates, Awakening looked amazing in comparison. Not in graphics, but in about every other way.
I started with Sacred Stones. I've also played Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Echoes.
Feh is really not popular with people. They never balenced out the raretys so almost all character are 5stars with super low drop rates, this got to the point where there were so many rares that certain rares stopped being in the drop table because there was just so many of them. On top of that there has been an ever growing power creep
>echoescucks and smashcucks coming out of the woodwork to shill their games again
I visited the Fire Emblem board on /vg/ once to talk about FE but it sucked.
I literally have zero bad feelings about summoning Eldwater, since I enjoy going 50 nodes on my favorites. You can never have enough.
Fuck you i'll shill Metroid Prime 2 as much as I want.
Can anyone explain wtf is going on?
Everyone is like "this game is bad blah blah blah"
No one is saying why?
Not even ops image explains it.
That's Sakurai's fault for getting mad people were playing Melee in a way he didn't. Casuals hated the tripping just as much as the competitive players. He failed to realize everyone enjoyed Melee and only saw it one way. Plus with his own personal tastes and preferences, Smash is disgustingly self-indulgent. Fire Emblem had twenty years being self-contained within its own walls.
FE reps should be Marth, Hector, and Ephraim (weapon triangle)
>series that went from focusing on battles to focusing on marriages without even having the quality of waifus of fate to keep people interested is dying
>game given to absolute chucklefuck localizers who are garbage at their job and hate the target demographic is dying
who woulda thought
fire emblem is never going to be a good srpg again, hasn't been since they "revived" it. and this isn't just about their gacha game
No content. Powercreep. Shits on old characters. Moneygrubbing devs.
Happy now that you've been spoonfed?
>FEH is dying and almost universally just pissed off its userbase before the FE Expo in May
just throw a Smash reveal in the Expo on top of this, come on Nintendo let's complete a perfect storm to get not only outsiders to fucking despise FE like never before but now FE fans too
The GBA sytle was way too good
>zero bad feelings about summoning eldwater
Neither would I if it was actually any significant amount. The pitiful compensation for a duplicate at 3000 eldwater is just insultingly low.
>series that went from focusing on battles to focusing on marriages
You're a brainlet, kill yourself.
How is he wrong?
then maybe the series would still be decent
It's the only gacha i still play because at least it's not as grindy as FGO&co
>Severe sustained power creep for going on 6 months at least
>Arena ruined so that you can't just build one team of +10, you have to keep building new characters or turn your strongest into impotent cheerleaders
>Aether Raids extremely pay 2 win mode that has an even more cancerous PVP meta
>The rewards for Aether Raids are how you strengthen your free 2 play units LMAO
>Free currency keeps diminishing month after month
>Stale event modes that haven't changed much or at all in a year
>Summoning pool sucks, they won't demote old characters
>Book 2 story shit the bed super hard. Book 3 started out edgy and then got predictable and safe
Is that Adol and Dogi in the center?
Please play shadow dragon again and tell me what you spend 95% of your time doing. It sure as shit ain't reading bond lines, it's constant battle after battle with little time spent on any scenes in between, it's battle centric as fuck, as all srpgs should be.
Thank fucking god.
>Be IS
>Make a few good srpgs for GBA and GC
>Fuck up other releases of said game series in the western world.
>Start screwing up and making each instalment worse
>Series start dying out on their home-turff and has been dead for nearly a decade in the west
>Manage to pull a minor miracle and make two good games in a row that everyone seems to like
>Gain some goodwill from the community and create a new subsection of weeb fans
>Start fucking it up again by relying on the WORST parts of the new games (the "dating" aspect)
>Release a godawful gatcha mobileshit game
>Fan-base start tearing itself apart thanks to "shipping" and fanservice
>New game seems to focus on everything that is wrong with modern FE
Im surprised that there are/were enough idiots with money to keep them afloat up until now.
After FEH and having enough Halloween Sakura to +10 AND use like 3 for worthless Warding Stance fodder while +10ing Halloween Jakob... 3000 Eldwater is at least useful. Should it be higher? Sure.
Not him but you know you don't have to do the supports right? If you aren't interested then just skip it.
>extremely pay 2 win mode
liftlets really believe this
>not enough content
>actual gameplay is so piss easy a baby could play through it with no problems
>each content update would get cleared in no more than a week of light playing if that
>nothing to do and no actual strategy
Langrisserchads, rise the fuck up.
It's not just the support convos though, it's all the scenes between battles that go on for far longer than they need to and have terrible writing compared to older games. The newer games have not only stagnated, they've regressed in many areas.
You're a retard if you think the 3DS games are focused on marrying people. And you're even more retarded if you think the marriage is a major flaw that ruins the games.
Then again, FEfags are so mad because the series is only known for the waifus that they actually think the newer games are shit thanks to the waifus, so it doesn't surprise me.
Yeah that's right, compare it to the most vanilla game in the series, how convenient.
>spend 95% of your time doing. It sure as shit ain't reading bond lines
And you don't spend 95% of your time reading bond lines in the 3DS games, unless you grind for it
Early in the game's life you were given enough free resources to reasonably keep up with the game's banners. Obviously, you couldn't roll literally everything unless you wanted to hand over a lot of money, but free players could easily save enough to roll well every once in a while and have a decent shot at the SSR, or save up for a few months and basically guarantee a particular favorite character during their banner.
Over time, the free handouts have slowly been decreasing, and free players are being forced to miss more and more banners that they want to roll for, or rolling too many banners and missing out on all of them, and that kind of shit makes players leave.
FEH is for login bonuses. I have like 700 orbs saved, so all I ever do is wait for a banner with someone cool or slutty, roll about 100 orbs to get them, look at the art a little bit, and then stockpile more orbs while I wait for the next one. This bullshit resort thing is the worst addition yet. I opened it, skipped the text, and shut it. I honestly don't think I'll even bother to look at it ever again. The paltry amount of whatever redundant and inane currency they give just isn't worth being reminded that they thought it was a good addition.
On the other hand, Dragalia Lost has many flaws that are made very apparent here, but the gameplay itself is actually pretty fun at its core. Since I don't let myself view the grind aspects as a mandatory job and just do what I can when I have what I need, the game doesn't wear me down.
And this Elder Scrolls game is . . . I can't decide. The gameplay is alright, but it eats your battery, and they have a really odd way to time gate your playing. Granted, they said they're working on a rebalance.
holy fuck dude well maybe if you're rolling an insane amount, sure
However, the Kitty Paddle itself is more than worthy enough for being unable to merge the rest, far more valuable than what's basically the equivalent of roughly 1500 feathers in eldwater form. It's "useful" but it's a spit in the face considering how only a few characters (e.g. Vanessa) need those eldwater nodes maxed out to be good. If I could I'd have maxed my Melsa's nodes since she's my favorite (the nodes are useless though) but the incredibly small amounts that trickle in from dupes leave it so that the majority of my intake is from quests and events like this facility one.
I stand by that 3000 eldwater is the devs spitting in your face, at the bare minimum it should be 5000 because as it stands it's the equivalent of 3 4* dupes. I'm avoiding using the 5* ticket until they update the pool again just to avoid the water.
I'm sorry but was the argument not specifically in regard to the supports? The original comment mentioned a focus on marriage and the following comment was about bond lines. If the argument is on all cutscenes, then yes I do agree that the remake of the NES game is less cutscene focused than the 3DS game.
>Series killer Ike
>Boring as fuck
>Shill rep just like the ones you bitch about
Ike is gay, got raped by a nigger when he was a child and got his brown tomboy gf fucked silly by a twink. Your adoration for this piece of shit let's me know that you shouldn't be in charge of even the most basic decisionmaking.
but of course he's okay and better than all the other fire emblem reps because being heavy garbage for a long time means he's Yea Forums certified based because the average age here is 14.
m8, Ike and Guts are not the same person.
he's just fun to play dude.
Literally everything you just said was a hyperbolic lie.
>He say this while using a level 40+10 Surtr to get past Tier 20
5* dupes in FEH are worth 1000 feathers, right? Now THAT'S insulting.
Anyone have a good idea on how to build Ranulf? I might try to roll him tonight if i say fuck it and spend the orbs but I don't want to make him another EP Bonfire unit. Should I just kill Ikes dad and give him Fury4?
FEH was a mistake
Not even remotely close, since you can use the dupes, inherit skills off them, and they aren't automatically converted to feathers (plus feathers aren't for unlocking individual unit skill parameters that can make or break High Dragon runs for some units, just extremely small stat boosts (merges) and sometimes promoting 4*s for their skills). It's basically more equivalent to rolling a dragon dupe, although it varies more (since obviously all 5* dragons are useful in some capacity, and many 5* FEH heroes are not).
>any armor
>anywhere near T21
I don't agree and fail to understand why the GBA animations are so beloved?
I guess people just like flashy things because the hit - reset - hit - reset animations died with the NES and I was sad to see it return in the GBA.