Why is Artorias so fucking cool?
Why is Artorias so fucking cool?
he skipped leg day and isn't afraid of anything
He looks like a bird.
Because chosen undead is a bro and fixes his shit for him without taking any of the credit.
discount Guts who jobbed and Ornstein was cooler
Saved his dog.
He isn't.
he has a dog, a cape, a cool sword, he fights cool. he's basically a bait character but I accept it
People beat down on Artorias a lot because of the fake legend but give the guy a break. He didn't want that shit, he was doing what he was told was right by fighting the abyss and wanted nothing more than to protect people. He ultimately failed, but he's still one of the only DS characters to actually be genuinely heroic.
The Ivory King is cooler
He can’t hold a candle to the chad Gael
The other genuinely heroic characters in Souls were typically cooler, but Artorias was a good guy.
Bc the legend of artorias is the player characters story just with the bad as looks to go with it. The real artorias was a beta cuck
He's literally Guts in all but name.
it's because you were/are an edgy teenager who likes the grimy darkedge look. you probably like shadow the hedgehog too, don't you faggot?
Finally, the right answer.
>I'll show you who's the fake abysswalker around here
Gael has even less characterization than Artorias and manages to be even more of a guts ripoff
you can post paragraphs about the guy's significance or whatever but even compared to soul of cinder it wasn't a very good end to TRC/3
Step aside edgelord.
In a game where very little was overtly explained he got some basic overt explanation
That alone would elevate him as a rallying icon for fans of the series
Otherwise he’s just a pretty run of the mill Fallen Paladin that would normally be a dime a dozen, but context matters
>be such a cool dude that you turn a complete cunt of a witch into someone who absolutely loves you
because hes guts
And they lived happily ever after.
>People beat down on Artorias a lot because of the fake legend
He still kicked the shit out of the Four Kings in their prime.
Y-yeah, user. Of course they did.
One armed wolf
They better be.
They lived a long, happy life with their daughter, who takes great pride in her hat and her magic.
Why is Sif so fucking cute?
Look at his big sword uwu
>Absolute chad with witches
>Is the face of all DS2 gestures (the best gestures)
>Fucking incredible armor set in both looks and stats, so good it came back in DS3
Based Alva.
>SL1 run
>decide to try out my lightning hatchet on Artorias
>forgot to upgrade it
>did under 100 damage per hit
>had to fight him for 20 minutes straight with all of his attacks deleting half my health bar
That was a rush
He's not, he's the most circlejerked character in the entire series
>expect him to have a small shield and a straight sword since his armor is based around practicality
>he actually travels with a fucking curved greatsword (representing his dick size) and one of the heaviest crossbows
>Looks like Alan Rickman
>just a normal guy, but still talked about in legends eons after his journey
>so loyal to his waifu that he protected her body to the end of time
>spends almost his entire journey accompanied by an 11/10 qt witch who is trying her hardest to seduce him, accidentally seduces her in the process of NWFing her
Is there any knight more based than Alva?
I think it's funny that Ciaran has a boy's name and Sif has a girl's name, makes me wonder if it was intentional to show Sif as a male
Could Sulyvahn beat Artorias in a 1v1?
It depends if sully's HURGH is stronger than Arty's AAGGH. They have equal amounts of CLANG though.
what a ripoff of guts
perfect design and the one handed sword thing makes him look like a combination of laziness/not having to try, insanity and edgy coolness
also his powerup screams sound hype as fuck
Did he really make a pact with Kaathe to traverse the Abyss?
There's nothing to contradict this.
I don't know who else the "beast(s) of the abyss" would be other than kaathe/serpents. assuming frampt was always gwyn(dolin)'s buddy and not a new manipulator.
it couldn't be the 4 kings or darkwraiths because he was explicitly said to be against them after the fall of new londo
I think that's just a grey area that they wrote in before fleshing out AotA
The fuck even is Sully?
>Guy sees some unexplained unholy fire and imbues it into his sword
>Gets a cannibal priest who OD'd on humanity to eat Gwndolin after making him a lord of cinder, becomes the Pope.
>Has angel wings and has the power to turn people into beasts.
It's like a Great One from BB decided to fuck with the Souls universe.
Just a shitty guts knock off
Who was the bigger Chad?
I remember hoping that you could fight SIf without killing him if you satisfied some crazy conditions or something. A lot like the meme about bringing Aerith back to life in FF7.
Still the DLC story where you become Artorias was pretty good.
also I like Artorias because i'm an edgelord and that's ok
being edgy is cool. anti edgyfags are jelly nerds.
He's the son of a tree and a birdman, and born with the power to get shit done; the only one in the painted world who wasn't a forlorn loser.
because his lore is sick without being too highschooler-esque edgy, because his armor set looks sweet and because he's in a good game
he's just one of the tree people from the painted world
Artorias didn't abandon his duties, but Ornstein's duties were pathetic when he left. It depends what you think of law vs good intentions.
>Cool things can't be cool
Fuck off you insecure pussy
the Daughters of Ash mod, for all its jank, has some pretty cool Artorias/Sif content rearrangement
What were Ornstein's duties?
Fuck this guy and his massive hit boxs
Hai Yai Forces
this really does look like a design straight out of an MMO
why were Dark Souls 2's designs so fucking bad
Helping Smough get to and from his scooter and the bathroom.
Because Dark Souls 2 was scrapped entirely half way through development and restarted from scratch.
Raime is a cool design
Wait, what? So he's a Corvian? I thought the wings were meant to imply a connection to the Angel Knights and their dead founder girl that's hanging in the Archieves?
I don't even really know the lore behind those. Corvians make sense, they seem to be related to the crow demons or possibly Velka. Because they're hated they're all on a quest to find The Painted World where much of their kin already live.
Those tree girls don't really have an explanation, they seem to hate their existence though. They might be releated to the hollows that are becoming trees on the High Wall, though I thought those tree hollows were in the process of becoming Pilgrim Butterflies, another mystery.
Legit question here, why hasn't FromSoft made a Dark Souls MMO? It would be extremely profitable and as long as they have a good team working on it I could see it being great.
Raim's design is actually closer to a more souls look, the lighting is just complete shit though.
t. Velstadt
We know that he's from the painted world of Ariandel. There is cut dialogue from the tree lady guarding the Snap Freeze spell where she is looking for her son, so many assume that she was his mother.
Thanks user, I hadn't even heard of this mod. Installing it now. Sounds fun.
Artorias is lame as fuck. He tripped on some Humanity and broke his arm.
Do we know if Sif is male? I refer to him that way, but I don't think the game ever confirms it.
Because he’s the best boss fight in any Souls game. Ferocious but dignified. A remarkable opponent.
Sulyvahn could beat most characters. He just looks weak because he can beaten pretty early on by the player character.
While I'd love to see Souls aesthetics how'd their "overcoming challenges through persistence" philosophy be done in an mmo which are usually grindfests.
>ywn watch Sulyvahn genocide Anor Londo
Isshin was pretty dignified desu.
I can't find the dialog, do you have a link?
Could you imagine an MMO where skill trumped stats/gear? That would be incredible, but probably too difficult to balance/cheese PVE.
Ornstein. He's the leader and named Dragonslayer, when dragon slaying is their job. He's basically the star quarterback.
>Because he’s the best boss fight in any Souls game.
Get the fuck out of here.
Its the holy grail of mmos.
I’m not there yet but I’m looking forward to the fight.
Max level people would get mad when they accidentally get killed by a level 3 rat in a starting area because they weren't paying attention.
I will not.
Don't hesitate.
With how much Souls difficulty has become a meme, such a thing could actually attract an audience.
No clue, I just assume it because of the name scheme I mentioned.
Guys, I wouldn't call memorizing attack patterns to be "skill"
Nah, 4 people would put up a fuss over how disabled people can't play it properly and the game would be banned.
It's a learned ability (like any specific input), which can be termed a skill, thus skullful
>Gael is blind in one eye
christ he really is Guts
Call it whatever. From is good at balancing frustration and reward. MMOs don't really give you a feeling of accomplishment.
>Pontiff was born of a woman who became a tree
>All the deacons of the deep have roots growing out of them
>Hollows on the high wall are becoming trees
>Pilgrims have roots on their back
>Pilgrims presumably become burning tree like "buttreflys" that are ascending into the heavens.
What the fuck is going on, does Sulyvhan want to make everyone into tree angels?
He's not
He's Guts for even edgier kids
I just assumed he was Irish with his liking of stick women.
Because he kept all the doorlets out of claytons
Alva is better
>go on quest to find cure for priestess
>word of your chivalry spreads far
>witch hears about your quest and decides to stop you
>she fails after multiple attempts
>falls in love with you and decides to help you find the cure
>fail to find the cure in time and priestess dies
>become depressed and give up the sword
>witch stays with you and lifts you out of depression
>take up the sword once again
>travel around the Dark Souls universe with your blade in one hand and your witch wife's hand in the other
Only Onion knight was cool
>a character is edgy because their design uses dark colors and sharp edges
Absolute brainlet opinion
not sure about pontiff, but while the deacons, pilgrims, and aldrich are all growing roots down, only the pilgrims and hollows are growing upwards (either blocked by the shellback or turning into a pus of man/tree). The cathedral of the deep/cleansing chapel, aldrich faithful, and their fixation with accumulating human dregs seems like they were draining that 'pus of man' out of themselves. It's like two different developments from the same basic idea.
Wait, what happened to Alva in DaS3?
This plus he's a very enjoyable fight.
Can we please talk about how the whole Angels storyline went absolutely nowhere? I get that Dark Souls is built on minimalist storytelling but this isn't a narrative. There were a handful of namedrops and then nothing. Let me tell you; in a game where almost everything was just being recycled, this was by far the most interesting development and instead we just got more Berserk references and Patches.
either staying in Anor Londo as a trial for the undead, or if you believe that they were an illusion, then protecting the cathedral in Heide
either way, pretty pointless
Pontiff's wings look like tree branches, if anything desu
he invades in the dungeon and you find his set outside of karla's cell
however, he also invades in the ringed city and you find the witch set on a body nearby
lastly, eygon invades and drops the domino mask which puts some weird spin on the witch tendency to attract knights
>Protection of Alva, seeker of the spurned. This (Piece Name) was trimmed to reduce weight.
>To this day, troubadours sing of tales of the Wandering knight Alva and his travels, and of his involvement with the saint and the witch. Needless to say, the songs traditionally end in tragedy.
it makes sense to be a mix since corvians sprout wings, he sprouts wings, and the wings look like tree branches
Because he's left handed.
he invades you in Irithyll with the title "Seeker of the Spurned" and later on is encountered in the Ringed City guarding Zullie's corpse
I find it best to discard the existence of old dragonslayer entirely as it relates to ornstein himself
ds3 was a big pile of plothooks that go fucking nowhere. It was infuriating, because there was some great shit.
I've always just assumed the base game was written with enough plot points to account for 3 dlc, but they scrapped one last minute and had to jam everything into 2 and forgot half the shit.
The Domino mask thing makes the least amount of sense to me. Zullie's stuff says that she spent her entire life with Alva, so there wasn't a chance or a reason for her to go after another knight. Some people think that Eygon stole the mask because it looked like a Firekeeper's mask, and he was going to give it to Irina.
>The other genuinely heroic characters
Who? Biorr "One more demon down!" of the Twin Fangs?
Ah, see. Cool piece of visual storytelling.
Ah yes, I remember now.
People usually refer to the Ivory King as the most heroic Souls character
I think so too, because there is no doubt in my mind that there was a plan to bring back the serpents at one point.
It could have been a gift or something too. While Eygon seems the type to smash and grab, it wouldn't make any less sense really. The firekeeper connection definitely works though.
What was his story again?
Considering the suggestion that the real Gwynevere went to Heide's, it's not out of the realm of possibility that one of the knights went with her
the whole game was repurposed ds2 style and existing assets were shuffled to accommodate a new storyline
I'm still mad that out of 3 souls games we got like 1.5's worth of complete experience
took one of the shards of Manus in and protected her knowing full well what she was, then descended into Chaos with his knights to fight it but got consumed
Nothing about him is a Guts ripoff other than his weapons
This, plus Gael is sort of thrown out of nowhere as the final boss. He needed more development time which another DLC between Painted World and Ringed could have given
the serpents were originally going to be a boss where you fight Lorian/Lothric in the main game
My take on the Deep is they're trying to usher in the age of deep water, and it somehow involves collecting dregs. Aldrich ate people and his softening into sludge clearly has a relation to this. Eating humanity of course resulting in abyss mutations, but I think in the end Aldrich was really only eating dregs, which seem to be some heavy portion of the dark soul.
Whatever the reason, it's like the Deep worshipers were trying to "sink" beneath the world. Meanwhile the Pilgrims seem to be pro-first flame aligned hollows who are mutating into butterflies. There is something about the "Above" as well in DaS III considering the Angels. If the deep is a darkness outside of man then there is certianly a light outside of flame.
So maybe the idea is that since the world is truly ending everyone is bailing either above, below or into a painting.
>Possibly fucked Seath
>Married some guy named Flann and ran off
>Shacked up with Heide (who may or may not be Flann)
>Eventually became Queen of Lothric
Man, Gwynevere really got around huh? I hope she ended up doing okay.
Ornstein went after the Nameless King after leaving his 'ruined cathedral' post, the same cathedral referred to in smough's set calling him the last defender, so I find that hard to reconcile
You're right, I completely forgot about his set in Archdragon Peak.
It makes a lot more sense for the Nameless King's progeny to be the reason for gwyn-family associations throughout lothric than for it to be gwynevere.
Isn't she also possibly Rosaria?
Yeah, but I decided to leave that one out. I think that was a massive red herring.
I could see it as Eygon finding it around after Zullie died if it wasn't on her corpse. My personal theory is that Karla killed her with Dark Edge, and Alva is trying to find her after she ran away.
That's odd considering their boss room looks pretty much designed for them.
>One of them was an edgy furry who accomplished nothing and only made things worse by getting raped by Manus
>The other was known with the symbol of megachads(the lion) and remained faithful to his lord until the end
Gee user I don't know
It always bothered me how Sulyvah was the pope of the Deep religion, yet his entire "kingdom" looks nothing like the cathedral. Although maybe that was the point, he was the leader but he wanted nothing to do with all the gross shit.
Are the Serpents mentioned after DS1?
Because you're a 12 year old who wears wolf sweaters
I really wish the pus of man was expanded on more. You see Gundyr and various hollows in the High Wall transform, and then it goes nowhere after that.
I'm pretty sure it was just visualization of how the world's coming to an end. Like the Abyss is starting to run wild.
I like to think of it as the dark soul/humanity being some sort of natural immune system trying to fix the world after it got screwed up by linking the flame
>humans can undertake the path of the dragon to become like the dragons
>pus of man looks like a serpent, an imperfect dragon, and apparently hardens into stone as seen in the beginning of the dreg heap, plus the aerial association of angels and dragon-ish pilgrim butterflies
>great deep soul states 'Archdeacon McDonnell, a sorcerer himself, delighted in the cathedral's stagnating souls. For him, they represented the glorious bedrock of this world.', these drained dregs accumulate and form a foundation similar to the expanse of Ash Lake
>if it slowly leaks out instead of bursting, hollows become trees, though there's also a symbiosis between butterflies and a rooted hollow which may be the kind of thing that happened with everlasting dragons and their apparent homes, the archtrees
there's something floating around about a winged serpent busting through the big circular stained glass window in the twink princess' room
The Ivory King was one of the best knights in Forossa, a kingdom renowned for its knights. He was so beloved that when he eventually left to make a kingdom in a frozen wasteland, people followed and obeyed him. He built Eleum Loyce on this location because he found a portal to the Old Chaos and he wanted to prevent it from ever spreading. In fact, his throne was directly in front of the entrance so he would always act as the first line of defense for his people. His nobility and strength attracted a shard of Manus. Like her sisters, Alsanna sought to ruin him, but he knew about her plot. Despite this, he genuinely loved her, and his love chased away her fears and made her genuinely love him back. This love can still be seen to the present day, where Alsanna tries her best to fulfill her husband's wishes. When the Ivory King found that his soul was beginning to falter from the endless onslaught of chaos demons, he threw himself into the chaos for one last fight.
supposedly they flew in from the windows and attacked from a set position. Lothric was also going to have wyrms/flying serpents flying in its skies instead of the pilgrim butterflies
simple but cool and intimidating design, compelling and sympathetic backstory, good boss fight.
Whats not to like?
yes, in 3
Yuria of Londor when killed shows regret over not fulfilling Kaathe's dying wish, and there's a painting of the 2/3 maidens of the Sable Church handling (killing?) serpents. There's also statues of primordial serpent heads with kind of hilarious lower halves in both the lothric grand archives and the ringed city
Who is the strongest boss character from the souls universe? I'm not talking about difficulty or anything, just which one would destroy all other bosses
I think the chill is from pontiff's painted world connection & frost magic, the cathedrals of anor londo and the deep are more closely associated with aldrich.
there's plenty of sick shit in there though, like the sewer centipedes
Interesting, I only played DS1 and just started 3 and havent gotten to far, but I always found them to be the most mysterious part of the game.
The Greatsword of Judgement also talks about this. It's blue hue is suppose to look like moon related miracles, but closer inspection reveals that it is far closer to magic.
>your dick will never be so good it anticorrupts the very shard of Manus
The Consumed King's Garden where Oceiros currently resides was originally where Gundyr was meant to be fought.
Is pontiff just the mirror world version of ivory king?
>eventually became queen of lothric
here we go again, why do people keep posting headcanon as fact? this is not stated anywhere
Where in the game does it say he's a tree person or some shit? Why do people keep saying this?
Fuck Gwyn and his entire family for causing all of our problems.
Aldrich's Unlimited Arrow Works might be quite a contender. Kalameet and Darkeater Midir are up there as well.
Yeah maybe, but if pilgrim butterflies really are transformed pilgrims, then maybe there was more of a running theme.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I don't know if I dreamed it or what, but I vaguely remember some pre-release interview where all these phantom swords in the ground were supposed to represent other players who had died to Gundyr, and the more swords there were, the stronger he'd become. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
That's probably because based on the lore it wasn't too long ago that people were still worshiping the gods and the Way of the White teachings. It's even stated the Cathedral of the Deep was originally a cathedral of The White based on a few items related to it. The Cathedral has clearly been "corrupted".
That changed because the Pontiff established a new religion, people accepted it likely because Saint Aldrich was A lord of Cinder and also devoured Gwyndolin and possibly other divinity.
People of Irityhl were likely Gwyndolin worshipers and the Pontiff with his Sword of Judgement(which has a description pointing out how it tries to represent the moon but is just powered by Sorcery) clearly represents how he probably bullshited Aldrich's actions as a step towards a religious reformation. Aldrich is now Gwyndolin, Adlrich says it's time for the Deep; everyone bought it.
hero who sacrificed it all to save his friends
what's not to like about this guy?
>the sewer centipedes
I hated those things so much, they scare the fuck out of me.
He's from the painted world (one of the only ones to leave), as described in the frost sorceries you get from that dlc. There aren't many women there that aren't trees, and there's cut content dialogue of a tree woman looking for her kid.
SIster Friede is actually super strong.
Yeah there was a world tendency sort of system having to do with rituals you'd perform that would change the sky to different eclipses and stuff. All those swords and stuff from TheKnow leak are something to do with that I think. There are youtube videos going over some of this cut stuff.
Ivory King
>Noble knight who fought against a chaotic flame and left his home for a frozen land
>Redeemed the embodiment of fear and darkness through his love and rigorous dickings
>one handed a single ultra greatsword that he could enchant with magic
Pontiff Sulyvahn
>Manipulative sorcerer who was seduced by a Dark Flame and left his frozen homeland
>Corrupted a descendant of the gods through his cruelty and rigorous dickings
>dual wields two greatswords that are always enchanted with magic
She's ashen, unkindled, not strong enough to link the flame. Probably how she got the burns on her face and why she had a falling out with her sisters.
obviously gael, hes literally the last boss of the series who you fight at the end of the world who's also absorbed almost all of the dark soul.
Thanks for reminding me of the first truly hard dark souls boss
Those statues are bizarre, also every statue depicting a knight in Lothric is decapitated or in the process of decapitating itself.
Why is Friede so averse at the idea of burning the rot that's afflicting Ariandel? Also, what the hell has happened to the native populace there? Why are Corvian Knights holocausting their brethren?
I like watching these boss vs boss videos
he's just lucky and relatively immortal. you aren't fighting him in the last phase which is the strongest
If we're talking lore, there are two contenders: Manus, Father of the Abyss, and the Soul of Cinder, who is a dead pool of hundreds or thousands of obscenely powerful souls.. In my personal opinion Vendrick would be a close second to either one
You mean arm day.
More shit that was never explained. Ashes of Ariandel was such a shit tier DLC.
the entire kingdom of Lothric is built on the themes of self-sacrifice, hence the knight statues showing themselves taking their own lives
Father Ariandel restored the painted world (which he knew to be painted in blood, could very well be patched up with his own) and was going to follow its usual cycle of burning away for a new painting to take its place, but after Elfriede showed up she convinced him to keep the fire contained (with his self flagellation over the not-lordvessel). This lead to stagnation and rot.
The Corvian Knights sided with Friede while most of the townsfolk just want to burn it all away, so they work like her secret police.
I meant to add, Friede probably didn't want to fucking die is why
The natives are suffering from the rot. I think their bird heads have no real meaning, they're Corvians but their crow hybridization manifests with a bird head while other just have the fucked up torso and wings. It's also possible that since all the human-faced Corvian's are seen being pro-friede they're of a later generation.
I think the fly men were previously Corvians who embraced the rot, or possibly some other shit like the actual flies in the outside world are eating the rotten portions of the paining and they just spawn as man-sized abominations within the painting.
>One was a wayfaring knight, on an endless, forbidden search. Only the Abyss granted closure, if not reunion with his beloved.
vendrick is really unfairly underrated, the feeling of finally getting to him and he's just a fucking hollow was really awful, it was great.
He’s the real final boss of the base game, and fights like one too.
Fear not the Dark, my friend, and let the feast begin
Vendrick and Aldia are two of my favorite Souls characters, and it annoys me that people dismiss them because they're in DaS2
I love everything about Vendrick, he's what happens when the Chosen Undead chooses not to link the flame. He grew to become the most powerful person in the world, but with all his power he still couldn't break the curse....without help.
He really is the over-arching villain, he just wasn't that powerful of his own accord. Everything related to him seems to be in place to ensure the flame fades for good.
He may have even been responsible for the other lords of cinder abandoning their thrones since Yhorme seems to be a prisoner.
> artorias
> 2019
Im pretty sure you meant Genichiro
if it helps, vendrick's whole point is to be dismissed and Aldia is like the only character from DaS2 to potentially have an impact on anything
Ironic considering DS2 NPCs are some of the best.
artorias is great and all, but I don't see any way that ludwig doesn't push his shit in
is it too much to ask for just one story to end on a high, positive note?
Imagine being a Soliare fan and realizing He fused with the sunlight maggot and became a sand worm.
Solaire at the Kiln of the First Flame.
Usually in Souls games you don't get much info about other characters origins or stories and you are left with some basic info of who they are and maybe their objective.
With Artorias this is vastly different, first all the legend you see about him and how important he seemed to be even among Gwyn knights, you need his ring to go to the Abyss and they hype you by telling he conquered it or some shit like that.
Then you actually go to the past to meet the man himself and adds another layer to him of being a tragic character, turns out he actually failed in his mission to defeat the Abyss but for a noble reason that was protecting Sif with his shield, in a world where most characters end up being insane, cunts or at first they're good and then they betray you he was really unique for being an actual heroic character that didn't want anything but the protection of people from the Abyss.
I don't think is a deep character or anything like that, his story is rather simple and cliche but in a world where most characters barely get any stuff going around them he was more interesting and engaging than any other, it also helped that his boss fight was the best one in the original Dark Souls.
>sand worm
it's been actual years and I'm still tired of this reddit meme
>Lightning the First Flame
>A good end
He's cool because he can sleep anywhere.
Until I pretend that Sieglinde is just really upset that he's asleep in Ash Lake for a really long time...
If it makes you feel better, you save their daughter
>tfw Artorias Tomoe r34
Why else would there be a giant lightning spitting worm in former Izailith?
>not lighting the flame
>good end
Not-hollow Gwyn. The guy schredded dragons like they were nothing.
It's a good end for him. He wanted to be grossly incandescent like the sun, and he managed to make it to the former lord of sunlight himself.
Alfred was an actual maniac bent on murdering someone he had never even met. And then the first thing he does afterwards is kill himself so he becomes a Martyr just like the object of his zealotry.
He doesn't deserve a good ending.
Difficult to tell, considering that most of them are fought well past their prime. Probably Gwyn, if not then his firstborn before his banishment.
I love these lorefag threads. It's comfy shit.
The same reason batwing demons use lightning weapons, who the fuck knows.
It's originally from Carthus, Smouldering Lake is its "new home".
So... Since he doesn't appear dead in Ash Lake if you defeat those things alone, does that mean you "save" him?... it does, r-right? You even get a ring you wouldn't if you let him die, it's just another way of finishing his quest, PLEASE TELL ME IT COUNTS AS SAVING HIM, I JUST WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY
t. waifufag
Siegward's story is bittersweet. He dies in the end but he fulfills his duty and his promise to Yhorm.
And his efforts were futile too: she's an undying queen.
Vilebloods: 1
Churchkeks: 0
>yes now please get me more blood semen from other hunters
Me too. Always get me in the mood to replay the games.
And she has cute feet.
It doesn't help his case that all Vilebloods in the game are qts who did nothing wrong (or the least amount of wrong compared to everyone else)
It's not cuckoldry if I'm the only one slapping her with my penis.
It drops lightening Stake user.
Also Batwing Demons use lightning because they're for whatever reason associated with Anor Londo, especially with their re-occuring role as a taxi service. Theories include that they're former servants of Gwyn mutated by the chaos flame but remained loyal.
bravo miyazaki
>before his banishment
If anything I got the impression that Nameless is the only god that didn't lose his power. Fucking look at the guy, he's in amazing shape.
All I ever wanted was for him to be safe, user. And I think he lived happily, sleeping somewhere away from all the troubles of Lordran.
hes bad ass and is the strongetst knight of gwyn hes so strong he goes to beat up the abyss but gest overtaken and scrifices himself to the darkness to save sif and become artorias the abysswalker and fights with one arm becomes the other is covered in darkness but he is still the strongest knight in the world of dark souls
>Executioners have better fashion
They win
who is the biggest chad of dark souls?
my vote is Gael desu. only a turbochad would sacrifice himself for painter girl
t. blood_skull_boi84
Not as good as the Choir. Wish we could join them.
Lightning stake has nothing to do with solaire directly.
>Miyazaki: It's impossible to do it without hints. For Solaire, there's a shortage of hints in general. To be able to fight alongside him in the end was pretty much a secret. We expected Solaire to be taken over by the Sunlight Maggot as the general norm. But anyways, in this case (and in others), the conveying of hints is a subject we need to work on. This is another topic, but we should work more on achieving goals in the game regarding both locations and objects. We should try to include more ways to present clues, as it is my personal taste. I just think there are more ways to convey hints. Going back to Solaire, it's really a secret and I think that the happiest ending for him is to die by becoming the sun!
>Isomura: That's nice.
>Miyazaki: He's happy, he becomes the sun!
>Murohashi: Wait, I didn't understand well. So what exactly happens?
>Miyazaki: If you kill the red-eyed Sunlight Maggot, he can fight with you against the last boss. After that, he will link the fire in his own world.
If anything he's more likely to be one of the spearchuckers in Soul of Cinder.
> the game straight up gave option to explicitly propose to her to just have her turn you down
It's Ivory king.
ivory kang is the generally accepted answer
That's just all the good Gwyn jeans while Gwyndolin was born with snakes for legs
The trio of infinichads consist of:
The Ivory King
That was said before DaS III, so what if Miyazaki felt like being an asshole?
It isn't so black and white. The Executioners are a strange faction. They predate the Healing Church even (the Church's attire was styled after theirs), which suggests conflict between the Vilebloods and the Executioners was the norm before the Church's establishment. Logarius was the one to lead a band into Cainhurst to kill them. This was orchestrated by the Church. Why? Well from what learn from Arianna's blood vial and Alfred's dialogue, there seems to be a fixation on their "impurity". A byrgenwerth scholar managed to smuggle "forbidden" blood to the Cainhurst nobles, after the initial scholars found the "holy medium" from which they harvested the blood from. Note that the Church's goal is ascension of humanity via the "old blood" and are finding ways to make it usable without people turning into beast. To them, Vilebloods are a genuine threat to their blood's purity, so using Logarius and his people would seem wise to mitigate risk of cross contamination. Not to mention, their Cainhurst Hunters actively murdered Hunters to extract blood dregs and give them to their queen so that she is slated to bear a "Child of Blood", i.e. conceive the child of a Great One.
many dealmany thanks
Big deal.
The Ivory King is one of the biggest chads in video games, if not general media
I don't know, what happened to Gwyndolin was pretty well deserved
Big thanks
The Cursed Undead cured the curse and became the king of like 4 different kingdoms. Chad of Ages.
a king without subjects, nice
Don't forget that he remembered his promise to Lucatiel, became a true immortal, and is probably still banging Shanalotte to this day.
They seriously kicked this under the rug. Didn't the Bearer of the Curse not only cure it, but managed to split himself away from the cycle? That's fucking monumental in the world of DS.
The only acceptable answer is Pontiff Sulyvahn.
Imagine my boner when the desert sorceresses appeared in TRC.
Because he's the abyss walker
I don't think Solaire has any more importance in DaS 3 other than "Remember Solaire??? Here is his armour!!" the theories about him being Gwyn's first son got undone by the Nameless King and I think is fitting for him to die by linking the flame, other than that he's not more special than you, he's another Undead who happens to be real strong and a nice person yet even his armour states that it's nothing special and he was just really strong, which I like more because not everyone needs to be some special dude in order to be a strong fellow.
And Benhart loved him so much that he just gave the nigga his precious family Greatsword
>developers add a canonical love interest
It's canon but totally irrelevant to the overarching events between 1 & 3. Kinda sad really.
>gets cucked by manus' abyssal seed
There's always hollows
it's loosely canon, barely any of it matters and it takes place in a weird water portal land anyway
he took off his hat because he had an itch to scratch and fucking died
this, the vilebloods were too much of a competitor to the church. They were an old wealthy family with a large castle outside of the city, and annalise achieved what the church never ended up being able to do, immortality by blood without a beastly transformation. If annalise was able to have a child, it would probably mean the eternal victory of the vilebloods over the church, as they never actually were able to create a great one. The closest was the brain of mensis, which was trapped in the nightmare anyway.
>travels through the most dangerous and desolate areas of DS2
>his entire race of people are filled with autistic fury and will attack the player on sight
>just wants to buy some cool things
>will give you an axe for giving enough cool things
No story surrounding him, no tragedies, just a guy trying to wheel some deals.
What in the fuck is DaSII's intro?
It's okay to like all 3 games.
That was always the intention really. It's a side story just showcasing how the Curse affected a different part of the world.
My guy, you can kick and scream all you want but DS2 happened and you know what else? People enjoyed it.
what the fuck was even the point of the gyrms? Are they offshoots of humans or just weird dwarves that exist independent of everything else?
Fucking based Miyizaki confirming my favorite DaS1 girl as the canon love interest
Dwarves. DS2 introduced the fantastical concept of races besides humans and giants existing.
They were turbomanlets, which is why they are always so angry
I love all 5 actually. I haven't yet reached the cynical, jaded mindset just yet.
wasted opportunity
>tfw no option to go back through the portal and explore the ruins
Roleplaying as a zealous retard is cringe.
Got a link to the interview?
>cucks manus' abyssal seed
Isn’t Oolacile an elf land?
Don't let them take that away from you.
How the fuck did he manage to rip off berserk so much and not get sued?
Where is the connection
He even disparages lesser choices
what are demons?
This is the translation I'm using but I've seen it elsewhere too. soulslore.wikidot.com
because it's literally just references and not that big of a deal
you can't sue someone for having a one armed dude with a big sword
Reminder miyazaki's favorite boss is Paarl.
Oh yeah, you're right. At least it was until Miyazaki pussied out.
That hit a little too close to home, desu.
Copy/paste Guts.
>what are demons
Deformed humans. Like how the Lords are just humans with divine powers or Nito's subjects are humans with a bad case of death.
Get fucked berserkfag.
Ivory king litterally fucked the evil out of one of Manus' daughter
>A sort of mad as fuck wank demon
Reused leftovers from DaS2's different ideas and concepts
>a sort of mad as fuck wank-demon, if you will
What did he mean by this?
No he wasn't you retard.
WOW what a hot take
>out there, amidst all of the battles between hollows, gods, and Ashen ones, there's a guy who singlehandedly completely rid himself of the curse and unbound himself from the cycle now living in a small house with his cute firekeeper wife
>First of all, there are different species. Quelana is a daughter of the Witch of Izalith[...]
there's nothing stating the inhabitants of izalith were humans. Blighttown, sure, but not Izalith.
Well he damn sure felt like he was. Gael and that entire painting storyline felt cobbled together as fuck. It didn't even have a Goddamned ending, the DLC just stopped.
The Soul of Cinder is a pretty poetic boss when you think about it.
Miyazacki stated somewhere that for DS1 and 2 the "Link the Fire" ending is canon for both. I defy that, the whole Aldia storyline was way too prominent to be a noncanon event.
Did you need a fucking cutscene that triggers after you give the dark souls pgiment to the painter?
Gael is indisputably my favorite fight of all soulsborne games tho
The music just goes so well with it
it had two moments of "miyazaki you motherfucker" for me
the first was the DWGR backflip in pyro form
the second was phase 2
Why couldn't I just marry Yuria instead of that loser Anri?
He is pretty similar to Gwyn in some regards.
I like to think, since he acknowledged Solaire can link the fire, that it's the canon ending while the player does the Dark Lord due to the amount of bullshittery required to reach it.
What’s the red thing?
Miyizaki's fetish for tragedy extended to the players.
Bacon. Ashen One is complaining about how a hollow girl looks like shit and he doesn't want to marry one, so Yuria gives him the ring that makes hollows look human and takes her mask off to demonstrate.
>reverse corruption through relentless dicking
Absolute Chad taste.
Yes? No, let's cut this "Lol Dark Souls" bullshit alright? There was no ending, 6 years of buildup to fuck all. That is not okay.
It uses Gwyn's moveset in phase 2 because It grows desperate when the movesets of every previous Chosen Undead's couldn't bring you down.
I’d rather fuck those idols
>Some hero that got trapped to the bad side by trying to fight it off and still tries until his last breath
>Even saved his wolf companion
People enjoy eating shit all over the world and I couldn't care less. What do I know for sure is that DS2 is one the same level of shit you faggots eat. No wonder Miyazaki barely referenced it in the closure of the series.
>travels through the most dangerous and desolate areas of DS2
Pretty sure that goes to the faggot with the fake Moonlight Greatsword. Motherfucker is in one of the Giant's dreams before you even get there and recognizes you, meaning he went through the same bullshit you had to in order to get there except he did it first.
I bet the Ivory King held Alsanna's hand while relentlessly fucking her abyssal chasm
Dark Souls 3 had too many good girls.
It is. It's not okay to put 2 above anything else though.
I didn't like that shit at all personally. Felt too much like a harem power fantasy.
>Fight all the normalfags and tools who set themselves on fire to halt the objectively correct path for the world for the sake of some shitty hollow god, all at once.
get fucked people who bullied me in school
this post was sponsored by darkwraith gang
2 is objectively the best
I bet he kissed her too!
he has a front flip move dude.
Fatefags get out.
His legacy spurred a fanclub, dedicated to eradicating the abyss. That's pretty based.
Muh erect penis.
Hewasco o l then it turned out he did nothing
Fuck rhat rwtarded dlc
Sirris is best girl.
Sirris is absurdly pretty for a FromSoft girl
I bet she even wrapped her legs around his torso!
Would've been cool if they explicitly were in conflict with Aldrich or the Sable Church due to their relation to the Dark. Wasted opportunity.
Vendrick in his prime
Haha I bet they cuddled afterwards.
>Eygon is just Chad Patches
Darklurker 100%. We don't even have a grasp on its origin. It could just be a projection of its true power. It's the most alien being in the franchise and lore-wise I'd argue it's the most powerful.
Leonhart looks pretty based. Also, what was his deal? Why do we invade him in Gwynevere's chambers after he kills Rosaria? Did he have an end goal?
Not to mention it can do all kinds of shit that other bosses can't.
This is what Alva looks like
Man, I bet she kissed his helmet every day before he went off to defend his kingdom, and they would hug each other tightly whenever he came back home.
>why is this character so cool
>because it's a copy/paste character from a different series
Except everything you said is pure conjecture. So little is known about him you literally can't make any broad statements whatsoever. Also power ranking souls bosses is practically a futile effort because there is no way to accurately gauge power levels.
I bet he even looked back.
>Leonhard is Agent 47
They're both Guts copycats in different clothes.
I bet they went on long dates with each other that would end with the two of them looking up at the starry sky as they leaned against each other
I'd creampie mating press Yuria like the existence of humanity depended on it. I'd slaughter leagues of foes for the chance to bury my seed in her.
God can you do nothing but parrot Yea Forums?
Wizardry Online was pretty much hardcore MMO.
No one wants to play hardcore MMO, so this game is died due to no online.
>Good guy consumed by the darkness only he could've stopped (until you cone of course), people like tragic characters
>giant wolf companion, wolves are cool
>face completely hidden, can't look weird/easier to draw
>one of the baddest motherfuckers in lordran, even without extensive lore knowledge when you fight him you know you're up against one of the finest knights ever
>his death has impact on the characters around him, Gough and Ciaran thank you for giving him an honorable death before he ruined his own name, you can see his grave after you kill him
>easily the best developed character in the series without a single line of dialogue, his significance told through the many people who respected him and the impact he had on the world (his grave became a huge target for grave robbers to the point where the forest hunters were born, his legacy spawned the abyss watchers/watchdogs of Farron)
>fun fight
Artorias is basically a bit of everything that makes dark souls so great
I played demon souls recently. How is it not clear that dark souls continues the story. The only reason the name changed was because of copy right.
The ancient one is a giant tree. Demon souls ends with you walking inside of the tree far into its center. Deep inside of the tree. And the ancient asking you for more souls as the fog spreads.
Fast forward time and the world gets covered by archtrees, dragons are likely freerer actors carrying demon souls. But the fire is than found on a shot that pans into the inside of a tree which tracks all the way down into the core.
Which to me is suggesting that this is a highly concentrated amount of souls leading to the bursting into flame. Which is then grabbed by everyone for power. The fire doesn't burn them, it seems like they use it like the old soul arts.
Here is the finale the age of fire ends. Soul power was essentially the coal of this universe it eventually ran out. And to ignite the klin again it takes someone to essentially mop up all the major souls, and those that lose their soul, their purpose for being go hollow to connect it back to dark souls which uses hollows but essentially sees them as soul starved either demons or souless. [Some demons maintained perfect physical forms but still gained power aslong as they had the will]
Hell, she'd probably want it since you're the Lord of Londor.
wow what a fresh original observation
I bet their hands even touched and slowly clasped each other firmly.
I still have literally no idea what the purpose of Gael is in the lore and why he's the final boss.
I'd rather Friede desu
Are you a retard incapable of paying attention?
>And I, of course, am also thine..
the final boss is Dark Souls. Gael is just the vessel.
She's a bitch, though
There is no wasted effort friend
user, come on. He was looking for paint for his lady.
He has no purpose he's random.
So why couldn't I marry her? It's not fair!
he's an undead soldier of the slave knights which were used in meatgrinder battles basically, being undead he just keeps coming back
he's the painting girl's servant and she asked him to get the furtive pigment
so he did, by going to the ringed city and eating the pygmy lords
however, it took him so long that everything was basically dead and shriveled, the only reason you can get the blood of the dark soul is because you made him bleed and die.
he really could have used introduction in the base game at least
SoC is still the final boss.
IMAGINE fucking Yuria all over the place while Anri is forced to watch
I'm not going to lie her dialogue got me hard as fuck.
>that smirk
Ah, so you are a retard incapable of paying attention.
Because she's a designated side piece
>hot as fuck voice
>extremely loyal
>won't even fight back past a certain point
>does everything she can to help you succeed
>sister's appearance implies she's also fucking hot
Give me one reason why the AO shouldn't mating press Yuria into oblivion
I like this artist.
I did pay attention, he has literally no lore.
Luckily for retards, there are fools who still spoonfeed:
>makes one of the few Io pictures
>it focuses on her legs and feet
Fucking footfags
>Give me one reason why the AO shouldn't mating press Yuria into oblivion
because he's a big stupid idiot that I can't control to my hearts content
I said should not, not can not.
I'd rather make her my main squeeze with the firekeeper has a side piece.
Is there a version of this with sound?
The firekeeper is for stepping on
Well you got me there. Too bad From games are all about hitting things really hard and not inseminating waifus.
The firekeeper is for marrying you degenerate.
Orbeck of Vinheim is canonically gay
take that, INT builds
Look up Honk Honk on YouTube
No that's Irina
so your reasoning is literally that hes too popular to be cool
>stealing Eygon's waifu
very rude user
t. Eygon
I actually got by my first playthrough of DaSIII as an INT build with just the spells Yuria gives you.
I found it, but I also found this.
The fact of the matter is that Miyazaki likes to retread the same core themes while crafting different worlds, lore, and games around them. So the major background lore in all the souls games, bloodborne, and even sekiro are pretty similar. Old Ones, Great Ones, Fog, Archtrees, corrupting water, parasites that turn men into monsters, etc. pop up across several games but there's nothing concrete that blatantly links the games together (aside from Dark Souls' direct sequels) because Miyazaki's big thing is he wants to recreate the experience he had when he was younger and struggled reading english stories. He had to make up his own parts to link the bits and pieces he could read into an actual narrative, and that's why Souls lore has so many loose ends and is so open to personal headcanon and interpretation. There's enough similarities between the games that you could argue they are linked but no one can really say for sure one way or the other, which is intentional.
Why are the best bosses in the DLCs?
>the theories about him being Gwyn's first son got undone by the Nameless King
Miyazaki has confirmed numerous times that Gwyn's firstborn was NOT Solaire
Who is canonically the biggest slut in Souls? Your degenerate fire keeper fanfiction doesn't count.
It's hip to be square
Exactly. She's a bottom bitch sub whipping girl who is perfect as a side piece while Yuria is for loving.
The Fair Lady, Gwynevere, or Gwyndolin
>The Fair Lady
She is the most pure thing in existence.
The Witch of Izalith. She got fucked to such a degree that she literally birthed all demons in existence.
Demon Prince is my favorite boss but AoA has practically nothing worthwhile and the others in TRC are only 'solid'
Artorias, Manus, Maria, Orphan, Gael.
>The Fair Lady
>The Fair Lady
All those eggs gotta come from somewhere
I also just remembered this: youtube.com
not him but he is the most random final boss that was inculsevely forced into being meaningful and climatic but ended up looking anticlimatic because he didnt get an actual build up to that point
What is cool about this furry faggot?
people are going to respond to you with "but the point is that he's nobody! it's poetic!" but I get how you feel man
>He didn't get a build up
I feel you faggots are just shitposting at this point.
This thread is making me realize how bad Sekiro is compared to DS3.
The insults were to the notion that he has no lore. Gael had sufficient buildup; you have him introduce you to Ariandel, the painter mentions and has great affection for Gael, he can fight with you during the Friede and Ariandel fight, he leaves messages throughout the Dreg Heap. It's just enough to go into the whole
>You're both nobodies
angle, which is actually the first time across the entire series a fight with this context has happened. I quite enjoy it for that...
BUT, if I had it my way, I would've had Gael appear throughout the base game to make musings on the futility of fighting against the curse. Give him that Oscar sort of story that never manifested in Dark Souls 1.
I don't understand.
I just killed the bull and I'm sorta waiting for that moment the game really grips me and I care about what's going on. Hasn't happened yet.
>appeared in AoA for all of 2 minutes unless you summon him in a weird way
>passive mention about him looking for the DARK SOULS III GOTY EDITION
>he tells you to do a flip faggot all through the dreg heap
>boss outta fuckin' nowhere
I don't think anyone expected Gael on the other side of literally who's egg, for one, and his 'buildup' is only in the DLC.
DS3 just makes me feel like I'd rather be playing BB instead. At least Sekiro feels like its own thing and not an inferior version of another game.
Swamp best girl, no idea what shes doing fighting demon king though
Again, it plays into the
>You're both nobodies
angle. If you didn't like that, well I guess that's that.
For most people, its when you fight Genichiro when the game really starts to shine.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the character himself and his boss fight, I just think it's a mistake to make him essentially the final boss of the game when it doesn't seem to have any real thematic relevance at all. His plotline is side-lore tier.
I got it, there isnt anything to not understand since it is very simply.I like that he is supposed to be a nobody but the context of the dlcs just didnt flow into each other which affected his build up and i partly blame the execution and direction on from's part since i dont think they know where they were going with with the dlc.I think it would've been better as a trilogy continuing from where the first dlc was left off and discovering more about the sable church and other sisters of the church and then tying it up to dark souls and gael.
so the first dlc would've been introduction to Gael with the second one following up to flesh him out and the last one to conclude his story.
That guy filtered me hard. At least it was enough filtering to make it smooth sailing past him, but jesus christ.
He is right.
a guy like solaire is a nobody to me, gael felt like they were trying to rush characterization into a slim dlc window to wrap things up and be done with it
It's funny how much of a jobber he turns out to be in the end.
Can't really play it because consolefag. What changed there? Can you finally spare sif?
I think there should've been another dlc between TRC and AoA where Gael is delved into some other world to find more pigment for his lady to flesh him up more.
The very fact that DS3 exists makes linking the fire the canon ending for both of the previous games, as world must keep existing for DS3 to occur.
And Aldia was a monster who tried his best to ruin everything for everyone and whom you're clearly not supposed to believe.
>Didn't the Bearer of the Curse not only cure it, but managed to split himself away from the cycle?
There is no such thing as "splitting yourself from the cycle", because if the world ends sooner than it must due to not returning all the great souls that the Cursed Undead collect to the Flame, he too will end with the world.
i never thought he was that cool because i don't have shit taste
Not necessarily. The firekeeper's lines in the darkness ending heavily suggest that the Age of Fire willl begin again, which means that the age you're in in 3 wasn't necessarily Gwyn's and that flame died before.
I'm not into feet at all, but geez are they distracting on DaS girls. I guess it's kinda like those jokes about old-timey lewdness, since these maidens are so "noble" and covered in conservative outfits even just seeing their ankles feels like the start of a stripshow
there's an alternate progression for the DLC, the basin portal takes you to the prison in oolacile township right above the chasm, you fight manus alongside artorias in the chasm, then artorias leaves after getting corrupted or something and you rescue dusk.
later on when you fight sif in darkroot, artorias shows up for a duo battle. When one of the two dies, Black Phantom Manus shows up as "the abyss in artorias" and you fight him alongside the dlc's phantom sif and white phantom!artorias
also, once you finish the first dlc part you still get dropped off in the prison cell, but have to travel towards the township, artorias' boss room and the actual forest in reverse which is kinda neat.
It's a bit of a cluster but I found it cool. Worth watching if you can tolerate LPers
if gwyn's flame died the soul of cinder wouldn't be using his moves
>Be self proclaimed allfather
>Get denounced as a fraud and forced into undead slave army
>run away into painting
>find painter dragon loli
>Just wants to make a comfy new world
>Some bitch comes in and locks her up
>Forced out of painting
>Conscript random guy to free your daughterfu
>Become guts and kill everyone in the world to becpme the strongest guy ever and reform the dark souls 3: the fire fades edition in your own body.
>Random guy from earlier kills you
>Realize you've succeeded and became the perfect paint can
>Die so new world can be born
Gael was the perfect way to end. Even if we fought the sneks he should still be the final final boss. This is dark souls, and you fight the dark souls garden gnome himself. How could you come so far into a game with build it yourself lego lore and still want a full biopic of the end boss handed to you?
>His plotline is side-lore tier.
But that's what it is. The real ending of everything is still confronting Soul of Cinder. Painted world shenanigans are literally a side quest, dealing with another futile attempt to stop the inexorable march of entropy that can only delay it (we have a whole DLC showing that painted worlds rot eventually, and the "real" world gone there would be no more gathering of ingredients to paint a new one).
Is it possible to play the dlc on a pirated game?
Couldn't the Soul of Lords survive through multiple ages of fire and darkness?
gael isn't lloyd, that's ridiculous
I think Dark Souls III would've been far better off if it focused on one, MAYBE two of the many things it introduced. The Deep and Gael, with the bosses being Aldrich/Sulyvahn's many disciples, would've been perfect for me.
And much of me still quite enjoys Gael's whole shebang.
Likewise the mod would probably work, too.
He's just an uninteresting mary sue with a ton of fanwankry.
The souls of lords were explicitly in the first flame, the only thing that would suggest this is the weird way DaS2 handled them
Check his bossfight theme. Lyrics are chanting "The Father Lloyd"
Mary Sues are always the best because they actually get shit done and have sick magic swords that fuck shit up.
Some asian inserting fan fic subtitles into a song that doesn't belong doesn't make him Lloyd.
I'm not convinced that the chanting means anything, it usually doesn't besides maybe something like Ludwig having "Dominus" or something sprinkled in.
If anything my gut reaction to Father Ariandel was that he was Lloyd but I dropped that pretty quick.
Highly doubtful that Ariandel painted it.
Because DaS3 is an unfinished mess that Miyazaki purposely jumbled to be completely unfulfilling.
I mean, it's right in the description
>A flail used by the bulbous Father of the Painted World to shred his own skin, producing blood to appease the flame.
>Ariandel, being the restorer of the Painted World, knew that it was painted with blood, and only blood could protect the secret.
To anyone reading this, beware skeptics and deconstructors that don't propose alternatives.
It's honestly pretty stupid how they didn't repackaged AoA and TRC together in one DLC. TOH had a similar situation, but thankfully it become just one, excellent DLC. AoA was incredibly short for what it was worth at the time of release. I hope FROM doesn't pull this shit ever again. But, like always, the DLCs (together) were great.
what are you talking about? they claim the fire has ended multiple times and on top of that Ludleth the exile who i believe is the missing pygmy from the ringed city (one of the seats is empty) outright states that it was an age of dark when he went and linked the fire
Not only the firekeeper could be, you know, wrong, and the circumstances leading to the End of Fire ending, specifically all that surrounds giving her eyes, are at least suggestive of that. The world is still littered of the relics of DS1 (and 2 to a lesser extent) with people very vaguely remembering what they are. Hell, Andre is still kicking. All that is not consistent with a total extinction event which living without a sun will cause. Furthermore, Soul of Cinder, of course, is still half-Gwyn.
On the basis of that you can do very far-fetched speculations about the each new world being born from the Flame exactly as before, with practically the same lords and heroes, or a pretty logical conclusion that the world in DS3 is the future of the first two games' world.
Nah m8, it's fan fiction garbage. Gael isn't Lloyd.
It is literally a sandworm wtf
>The grave wardens of Carthus used these to repel a great sand worm. The worm tumbled to the catacombs and proceeded to dominate its new home in the Smoldering Lake
>Since Lord Gwyn, the first Lord of Cinder, many exalted lords have linked the First Flame, and it is their very souls that have manifested themselves as defender of the flame.
I suppose so.
>that don't propose alternatives.
>literally the creator of the video said the two Koreans who tried interpreting the song don't even think it's an accurate interpretation
There's your "alternative" to your fan fiction.
You seem pretty dense. I feel bad that you have to live with yourself if your thinking is so bland and wall-sighted.
It's not the job of the skeptic to propose an alternative for something so far fetched. Gael is human, Lloyd was far more lordly. Gael has no personal affects which suggest deity, clergy, whatever. The way of white circle spell is the only thing, and that's because he's a slave knight bound to the will of the way of white, i.e. Gwyn and his progeny.
At least you didn't say Filianore is Velka
Gael isn't Lloyd, your fan fic is shit :^).
I meant the "solaire is the sandworm" thing, I know it's a kickass dune monster
>Ariandel can restore the painted world with blood.
>So when Sister Friede appears before him and convinces him to make it a lasting home he decides to just let it rot instead of restoring it.
>Also the only solution is to let it burn instead of just restoring it again.
I don't know, but Ariandel deserved more than being a phase two meatwall.
Though, if something's rotting to the core a new coat of paint will only do so much, he probably touched it up before all of that set in.
>To anyone reading this, don't listen to logic or common sense my fan theory that his literaly zero basis or evidence is correct
All souls lore is fanfiction then.
Imagine someone comes to your art and says "It'a shit." with no critique. That's a pretty worthless statement.
It's the beard genetics, man.
>Literally no alternatives, just "no, it's not true."
There's a flame in Ariandel. If it isn't fed with Father Ariandel's blood, it'll burn the entire painting. Hence why, when we kill him, the arena starts burning down, and is implied that it'll consume the rest of the painting too.
>All souls lore is fanfiction then.
Nope, plenty of lore in the game is verifiable through item descriptions and in-game dialogue, which there is none of in the game implying Gael is Lloyd. Nice goal post moving though, next you'll tell me none of it matters because it's just fiction.
Nope, it's not true.
well I've backed up my statement with at least enough to match the vague interpretation of a boss theme chanting
>they claim the fire has ended multiple times
"They" who?
>Ludleth the exile who i believe is the missing pygmy from the ringed city (one of the seats is empty) outright states that it was an age of dark when he went and linked the fire
He never does. This is what he says: "The eyes [Firekeeper's Eyes] show a world destitute of fire, a barren plane of endless darkness. A place born of betrayal. So I will'd myself Lord, to link the fire, to paint a new vision." This does not imply that the Eyes showed a past age rather than a vision of the future.
If you're so insistent on living in a non-reality, I could not think of a better punishment for being a retard. In this way you are self correcting.
Explain how your baseless fan-fiction is reality. I'm waiting mongoloid-kun :^).
I mean, if we really want to get into it, the only paintings that rot are oil paintings on untreated canvas, though I doubt the same rules apply to a magical painted world so it's probably a moot point.
Just seems like a hole in the story that someone can restore a painting, then decides not to restore it, when restoring it would solve the problem.
Why's there a flame there and where did it come from?
Only a retard or a swindler demand "alternatives" as a prerequisite of rejecting his bullshit theory, when "we don't know" is an acceptable answer, which of course it is in a game with deliberately incomplete lore.
i bet you're a KH fan you massive faggot
If we consider what we know about Lloyd from his charms, sword and shield rings, and the coin
>Gael's Shield doesn't resemble the shield ring
>gael's sword doesn't either
>Lloyd promoted Undead Hunts with the duel charms and anti estus talismans, so his hatred for them while allegedly being one is certainly odd. Lords don't go undead.
>I can't really tell what he looks like on the coin
your thesis on this subject just doesnt make sense and is purely subjective you dumb faggot
Why does Anri change sex depending on your character? Waifu/husbando bait?
Because you marry them and Miyazaki hates the gays
But some random chink inserted subtitles into his theme, he has to be Lloyd.
dude they're both called uncles there are no other uncles in dark souls who else could it be really??
>Much time has passed since the worship of Lloyd was common in the Way of White. The clerics of Carim had always strongly asserted that Lloyd was a derivative fraud, and that the Allfather title was self-proclaimed.
>Why's there a flame there and where did it come from?
That's unknown. I'd like to think that Father Ariandel was ready to burn the painting down, and so he kindled a fire. But as soon as that happened, Friede convinces him to not let Ariandel burn. Since the flame cannot be removed, Father bounds himself before the flame and tears his flesh with a flail, feeding the fire blood so that it doesn't burn the whole world. Friede must be a masterful manipulator, by the looks of it.
>none of this has to do with Gael, literally none
yes and if you look at his conversation about the eyes of the firekeeper he also implies he actually knew who those belonged to, and you find them in the untended graves which also means that IS the past where ludleth linked the fire during an age of dark
not only that but champion gundyrs armor also 100% confirms that its the past because it outright states he was beaten and became a sheathe to a coiled sword
which you pull out of him at the beginning of the game.
But i just found mine dead in Gwyndolin's chambers
I'd love to fuck them
Just because Caitha superseded Lloyd and Carim took over from Thorolund doesn't mean Lloyd was secretly a human undead slave knight the entire time man
There's so many holes and bizarre happenings and baseless reasons in DaS3's DLC that every time I ask about it I just end up feeling less interested. Thanks anyway though user.
that's where you get married if you do the questline 'right'
thats because you stab her in the head with a sword.
He does carry that bowl of soup that looks suspiciously like the lordvessel did so it being a means of stoking a fire would make sense
>And then the first thing he does afterwards is kill himself so he becomes a Martyr
>Ornstein was cooler
Lterally just false. Explain why.
It's definitely FROM's most complicated DLCs in terms of lore. Usually, they succeed in this (see TOH or Artorias of the Abyss).
Yup, after you finish his questline and go back to the first place you met him (the executioner statue) his dead body is leaning up against it.
>beware skeptics and deconstructors that don't propose alternatives.
The alternative is that your headcanon is wrong, but can't admit it.
He's gold, he's got his own trophy room, he's killed actual dragons instead of dying to humans
The more I try to understand it, the less complete and interesting it seems. I really liked Friede as I perceived her before delving into all the lore and learning the background of it all over the last few months.
good thread
>I really liked Friede as I perceived her before delving into all the lore and learning the background of it all over the last few months.
And how did you perceive her? As some innocent waifu or some shit?
Good thread.
I want to bully Maria.
im still mad about all the cut content and complete rearrangement they did during ds3 fuck me i wanted to see an end to the serpents storyline
I'd rather hug Maria.
Reminder we have verifiable proof that the serpents flying in the sky weren't primordial serpents like a lot of people thought.
We also know there was a "snakesoul", so it doesn't really deconfirm stuff about the twin princes room and all that
>For me, it
I should have known, at this exact moment.
>so it doesn't really deconfirm stuff about the twin princes room and all that
What stuff about the twin princes room? I'm out of the loop.
Bigass glass window allegedly was supposed to have a primordial serpent bust through it, and all the feathers were from its wings or something
yeah i know but this really made me think that the primordials serpents goal was an attempt to use the first flame or the abyss to evolve to and replace the ancient dragons.
not him but apparently one of the serpents was supposed to attack in twin princes boss room
>not him but apparently one of the serpents was supposed to attack in twin princes boss room
Makes sense from a lore perspective, Kaathe could easily have been one of the people telling Prince Lotrhic that linking the flame would be a bad idea, to usher in an age of dark.
the feathers thing also REALLY makes it obvious that the one who arrived and gave gertrude the whole "Angelic faith" thing was one of the priomordial serpents, why? perhaps to spread chaos and destroy lothric as you can see when traveling through the great wall that what can only be called a Civil war happened
yeah, the fat knights are juiced up on abyss based on the painting at the beginning of lothric castle which is why there are so few compared to the red knights