>original devs come back together to make a sequel
Original devs come back together to make a sequel
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But why?
people don't actually believe the earth is flat right? i mean holy shit come the fuck on retards
could set up a potential mars mission
I took an astronomy class that was basically entirely about using observational evidence to prove the earth isn't flat. Was pretty cool.
For those that may not know, the idea is to send another shuttle to orbit the moon, send parts to that shuttle, and send those parts to the moon from there, allowing the astronauts to build a moon base. The moon will also be useful in propelling rockets to Mars, which is a longer-term goal. The technology created back in the Bush era during the since-cancelled Constellation Program has been updated and will be used for this mission.
Who gives a shit. Call me when we're finally mining asteroids.
All you gotta do is squeeze earth's titty
Oh God stop please, you'll attract them.
Haven't all the shuttles been decommissioned?
Besides, the amount of fuel it would take to send what's effectively a freight train into orbit would be quite literally astronomical.
based sub 50 iq poster
ace combat 7
Can't wait for the clunky educational games describing things that will never happen.
To finish the fight
I can't believe no one has ever drawn a flat earth chan who is super conscious about her chest.
I don't believe it. But I accept the possibility.
Apparently the U.S. is willing to do anything to get there by 2024, even if that means spending vast amounts of money.
What's the challenge? Did they lose the blueprint to the old rocket or something?
To live on the Moon.
They also believe vaccines cause autism, or that President Trump is a successful competent person.
This space stuff is really interesting but seems like a waste of money.
They always had a plan to go back. The challenge is to do that by 2024.
No, but a ton of the companies who built the parts of the Saturn V no longer exist.
john madden
>that President Trump is a successful competent person.
Who believes this at this point? Is anyone still on his side?
The military has a budget 90 times bigger than that of NASA, and the military doesn't do shit aside from pushing refugees into Europe.
>faking it again
there was a whole internet trend about that like a year ago
They're using the SLS this time.
Before the 60s, we didn't had the technology to find out the earth's shape
Despite that, earth globes were invented in the 15th century by freemasons and taught as the absolute truth
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
NASA has went to shit the last few decades, Space X would probably have a better chance of getting to the moon. The only thing NASA has going for it is government funding.
Then they won't get there before 2040.
The SLS is a mismanaged clusterfuck.
They've spent decades adding on diversity hires.
>zoomers are too retarded to understand why space travel is important
put down your fortnites for a second and read a book
Stepping stone to getting our drone buddy off Mars
Can they put Elon Musk in the mission by telling him there's unobtainium on the moon and just leave him there?
The possibility of what? All mathematics being completely wrong? It is round, bro. This isnt Slayers and the works isnt flat just because Lina Inverse said so.
Then what is this, retard.
Boy are you in for a rude surprise in 2020
>The moon will also be useful in propelling rockets to Mars, which is a longer-term goal.
How? The moon is something like 400,000 km away. Mars is, at best, 50 million km away. How is starting from the moon instead of earth a significant help?
If we don't figure out a way to colony other galaxies, we're fucked as a species. We should be spending a lot more on space travel.
>or that President Trump is a successful competent person.
I mean... He did win an election. Let's see you do that mister "oh look at me im so smart and headstrong"
Why, because you are tired of a bored faggot and his private company is making you look bad?
>land a man on the moon 60 years ago
>proceed to do nothing for decades because “we don’t have the technology for another landing”
What did nasa mean by this?
>original developers did not actually developed a game but filmed a movie on a Hollywood studio and claimed that it's s finished game
1. If science can do it, it will be done regardless of morality
2. Our planet is fucked, so we need a way to live off Earth long term
3. Practice for going to Mars
>president asks nasa to do a thing
>spend a few billon working on thing
>next president asks nasa to do a different thing
repeat for the last 40 years
Easier to launch shit from there.
to explore!
It would take a shuttle being built right now for there to even be a chance of doing this by 2024. That would take giving NASA hundreds of billions to trillion dollars a year for several years. The retard in office cant negotiate anything on this scale to congress.
>original devs
>implying it wont be "diverse" devs this time and blow up in mid air like the FIU bridge from diverse engineers
Sending American Astronauts to Moon in 2024: For real this time.
look up eratosthenes
George W. Bush also win not one, but two elections despite being a fucking idiot who had his hand in orchestrating 9/11
By your merit he's a successful competent person as well, right?
not him but it could work as a refueling point, you use up a good amount of your fuel just trying to get out of the earths atmosphere so having a place where you can refuel after getting out would be helpful.
ironically the myth of a flat earth was founded in the 15th century when protestants were trying to make the catholic church look stupid
Please ignore flat earthers. Thank you.
Did "diversity hires" blow up the Challenger, too?
Because the majority of the fuel spent when launching a rocket is due to launching it from Earth, due to the atmosphere.
The moon has very low gravity and almost no atmosphere, launching rockets from there would be vastly cheaper.
All math doesn't fall under the umbrella of physics.
So they're actually going to the moon now instead of faking it
...because it's much easier to beat the Moon's gravitational pull than the Earth's?
Do you realize how hard it is to get something in to space? Moon's pull is 1.62m/s^2, while the Earths is 9.81.
But anything we launch from there will have to be launched from earth first anyway. If you want an easy "launch" then stay in orbit. Why even land? It's not like the moon is abundant with resources to collect or something and even if it was it's not exactly feasible to do so.
But the moon is a resourceless rock. To make it a fueling station, you’d need a good amount of fuel to send fuel to the moon.
Also, space travel really isn’t fuel-intensive once you’re out of the gravitational pull, so you’d just be adding more fuel costs to rake off from the moon
Earth's gravity and atmosphere, fucktard.
>By your merit he's a successful competent person as well, right?
Well... He did win an election twice. Lets see you do that mister "oh look at me im so successful im arguing about politics on a indo-chinese cartoon website"
>get handed blank checks cause big daddy government wants to show up rival big government
>land on the moon a few times
>mystique wears off with the public and having already done it first big daddy government isn't as eager to throw cash at you
>retards start claiming you haven't gone back because you don't have the technology
>this nigga don't know bout Eratosthenes or lunar eclipses
The American education system at work.
Isnt it just a debate club?
It's 1000000x easier to fix Earth and DOABLE RIGHT NOW instead of coming with this bullshit
I, for one, am against the idea of governments building bases on the Moon. Imagine going on a walk at night, looking up at the full moon and seeing a bunch of shit on it. That would make me so goddamn upset.
The idea is to eventually have fuel production done on the moon. Look up the rocket fuel equation.
>NASA accepts challenge
This phrase rubs me the wrong way when I think about 1960's technology versus today's technology. But then again, we still have airplanes crashing to the ground despite the overwhelming technological enhancements.
>diversity baby doesnt understand the concept of probability
>But anything we launch from there will have to be launched from earth first anyway.
Send materials and equipment to the moon. in manageable loads. Build shit to launch from the moon to Mars.
The moon has always been considered a more viable staging point for a Mars mission. There are other options, but this isn't a bad one.
Wasn't trump supposed to be the frugal, won't spend unnecessary money businessman president?
The moon has the exact same mineral resources as earth in basically the same proportions, also it has ice. And lower gravity makes not just space launches but literally every industrial activity tremendously easier and much cheaper once offworld manufacturing matures.
>earth - moon - mars is a cheaper trip than earth - mars
Who's the brainlet here?
What? I'd love to see that.
And this nigga has never played Kerbal Space Program.
Let me explain in brief: The vast majority of the fuel used (watch a Saturn V launch) is used simply to fight the Earth's gravity and get into orbit. Robert Heinlein wrote that once you reach orbit, you're halfway to anywhere. It's much easier to assemble a mission in orbit or at the moon and go from there because it takes way less delta-v to escape the earth's orbital influence.
Moon landing never happened
Your "muh old technology" is pretty dumb
What are they even going to do on mars?
Bathe in the lethal sand dunes?
From I've been told from some early "flat earthers" it started off as kinda a troll attempt to simply practice debate and presentation of evidence. Then like all jokes on the internet acctull moron found the fake morons and thought they were in good company. The host of the site keeps it up because the cert. Sales are pretty decent at this point.
But it's NOT possible. We've flown around the entire fucking planet. Even before the space shit.
Unless you're a third world shithole, space colonization should be every nation #1 priority
We have a friend on Mars who needs extraction user. A brave and hard working rover who's been stranded for years now.
We don't leave our allies behind user.
Stay strong buddy, we're coming!
how many details can you point out while looking at the moon while not using a telescope? human made shit isn't gonna be viewable with the naked eye.
He wants to build a fucking wall in the middle of the desert. He clearly has nothing against unnecessary spending.
I'm not a math nerd and I hate math, but does it piss anybody else off when people use "x times less" as an actual expression?
We are on earth. Anything we do will inherently have to start with the resource expenditure required to leave earth. There's no getting around that.
does this mean they never really landed before? why is this a challenge
Anyone else worried that people building bases on the moon will fuck up its orbit somehow? Earth can tolerate our shit since it's been dealing with quakes and volcanoes for billions of years but the moon is so tiny in comparison.
NASA keeps getting it's budget slashed, how the fuck are they going to do anything?
And then you wonder why so many people say it's faked.
Space expansion should be humanity's biggest concern right now.
Earth is fragile, we can't stay in here forever.
nonexistent/untested technology is required
Uh, no. It's just you mate. What do you want them to say?
All the shuttles have been decommissioned. They would have to build another one.
I get why that bothers but no, you just have autism.
Mathematicians accurately calculated that the earth was round and the exact size millennia ago.
Case in point, the only reason Columbus sailed west was because he sucked at math and though it was egg shaped, narrower at a point to provide a shortcut. Everyone else knew the circumference of the earth. There was no proof that the Americas were even here, it was thought to be empty ocean and considered a fools errand to try.
No we have to ban silly hand signals and clowns you fucking racist.
Think of the future!
NASA doesn't have any Saturn Vs.
They need to use newer rockets, the SLS, specifically, which hasn't been tested yet.
user, the moon is still pretty fucking big.
To build a moon base so we can launch rockets from there.
>the moon is so small
>1/8 the size of earth and one of the largest satellites in the solar system
Personally I don't think anyone believes the Earth is flat. People who get heated over 'flat earthers' are retarded.
Is that a moonbase alpha screenshot
That relies on the word of people, who can be compromised for an agenda. Not saying there would be one or anything, just saying it's possible...
It'll barely make a difference.
Expressing it as a fraction is more sensible, e.g.
>Apollo 11 was landed on the moon using a computer that had 1/1300 the processing power of the iPhone 5
It's literally harder to fake than to go and do for real.
How can you brainlets not understand that it's not about the raw amount of crap you send up, it's about how much you can send up in one launch. You can't just add more fuel, you have to increase the size of the rocket and the power of the engine. And every extra pound you add to that rocket makes it flimsier and flimsier because of the square cube law. You can only build a rocket so big, and that's why it's advantageous to have a refueling point even if you have to launch the extra fuel beforehand. Also, it is even more advantageous to be able to build the ship in orbit, because not having to resist its own weight or hold together under atmospheric stresses means a space built ship pretty much CAN be as big as you want, and it doesn't need anywhere near as high of a thrust to weight ratio.
>All the shuttles have been decommissioned. They would have to build another one.
That's what (((they))) want us to believe.
We just had to win the Cold War vs Russia somehow!!
We've never landed on the Moon and never had the technology to be able to do it back in the 1970s. It's so fucked.
And how exactly are you gonna fix the Sun exploding in 5 billion years, genius?
It's a lot like a long term investment user, the government or company that can manage to be in charge of future space infrastructure will reap massive financial benefits when harvesting resources from space becomes financially viable since that group will get a cut of that entire industry just for owning the infrastructure.
>The technology created back in the Bush era during the since-cancelled Constellation Program has been updated and will be used for this mission.
Guaranteed never to happen then, great. This shit costs way too much, and without a massive push like the dick waving contest during the cold war it'll never be funded. Absolutely no chance NASA wont have it's funding drastically cut in the next few years to where this wont be possible, and then the project scraped. Again.
If they'd just aim for something realistic, like make big rocket (ie. Saturn V that we had 50 years ago) and just go to Mars, we would've had people on Mars at least 10 years ago. Instead they propose the biggest project imaginable to try to get the most money possible.
No shit. But what's more efficient, building a car in a giant pool of quicksand and fueling it up, then having it spend 80% of its fuel to get out of the quicksand, or sending pieces out of the quicksand, assembling it there, and letting it use 100% of its fuel for things other than leaving quicksand? It's more expensive if you include everything, but considering the bigger the car is the more fuel it has to use to leave the quicksand (the tyranny of the rocket equation), you have to build a tiny car if you're building it in the quicksand.
If you're assembling it outside of the pool, you can build a big car with tons of seats, leg-room and a big trunk to hold stuff in.
>trying to explain shit to amerilards
Okay, you stay here and deal with the niggers.
If you had a few thousand dollars to spare, you could do it yourself. How are you humoring such a stupid possibility? Does being a fence-sitter make you feel smart?
I never said he wasnt charismatic. He has spent his entire life perpetuating an image that he is successful when research and investigations show that all his business involves shady dealings, lying about having buyers for property to get investors on board, and most of his money got sneaked to him by his daddy to dodge taxes. No one thought he was successful until he got a dumb tv show that insisted he was.
Pretty sure the egg/pear shit is a meme, he just used a map that said he had a chance so the king would give him money
For a lot of voters the plan wasn't to vote for him because he was competent, but because his opposition was. A retard who couldn't get anything that would affect their day to day lives done was a win in their books.
I unironically believe this. I don't think it was possible with 1960's technology to get a man on the moon. I take an Occam's Razor approach to things and the only thing the government is good at is making bombs and stealing peoples' money. More likely than anything else, this 2024 mission to the Moon is the first real attempt at getting somebody there.
Normal person: yo the moon is pretty cool
>Hillary Clinton
wtf man
NASA is never gonna make something amazing again. The first people on Mars will be from an American company, probably Space X.
>China suddenly sinks even more money into their space program
>Make a big hooplah about America once again being the ONLY country with a flag on the moon.
>Mao rises from the grave and reinitiates the 4 pests campaign except this time its Eeyore, Tigger, Roo and Pooh.
>Every piece of substandard steel is melted down to make an elevator all the way to the moon.
>Thousands of children dead during testing.
>China bankrupted when it turns out the elevator was built over a sinkhole.
>America: Lol jk it was just Trump bullshitting we haven't spent $10 on NASA.
>Every country gets up and starts clapping and defaulting on every bit of Chinese investment debt.
OK, I understand that it is hypothetically possible by some grand cosmic fuckery that the Earth is actually flat, and that all our observations are erroneous. But past a certain point, the sheer amount of evidence in favour of the globular Earth should really satisfy your standards for evidence.
There's certainly no where near as much evidence that the Earth is flat.
We'll just put it in a box
The Sun cant explode in 5 billion years if we make it explode 4.9 billion years sooner.
Not it’s fucking not. The moon landing isn’t fake but this is the most retarded argument ever.
try a food analogy, those seem to work best
John Madden
How can you brainlets not understand it's easier to send all that shit up into orbit and rendezvous there instead of sending it to the moon? They worked all that out already 60 years ago. You are acting as if building a fucking rocket fuel factory on the moon is trivial. It's not.
By throwing water at it so it stays cool, retard.
Shows what you know. Physics is hardly involved at all. You use geometry to calculate the size and the shape of the earth by observing angles.
You can't throw water in space it'd freeze!
Rethink your post.
Occam's Razor
>buy tickets for seats on Soyuz
Wow that was so hard
Nah bro, boil it before hand so it's warm enough to survive the trip.
Everyone wears SPF 1 million
can you imagine if man set foot on the moon? It would be an amazing accomplishment dude
>i take the occam's razor approach
>speculates that 1960s technology was too shit to send people to the moon
>speculates that nasa faked it all
>speculates that all the imagery is fake
>speculates that nasa was too incompetent to land on the moon
>speculates that all the astronauts are simply lying about it
>speculates that everyone that COULD have monitored the landing were in on the conspiracy
We should throw ice at it. It's colder than water and we won't have to worry about it melting on earth and raising sea levels.
And the bay of pigs didn't fall under the umbrella of air support but that didn't stop the subtraction to JFK's skull by Physics.
It's uncontested that Trump is successful. If you dispute this you're honesty on some weird level of cope that does not exist in this world
>I take an Occam's Razor approach
What a valueless approach. Goddamn I hate when stupid people misuse techniques of thought as if they’re a philosophical math equation.
SPF levels got really stupid after the freezerburn saga.
Is this low key proof that the moon landing was fake?
I mean why in the fuck would it be any sort of challenge for NASA if they already did it 50 years ago?
Because we can
Sun cant explode at 5 billion years if it gets swallowed by a massive Black Hole before that time. We'll just have to kill a bunch of stars and form trillions of black holes to get rid of the Sun
I would rather every cent spend on social security, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare and the military get put into NASA and private space company subsidies.
Aside from the fact that they have pretty much the same budget except not adjusted for inflation?
Fuck I bet the simulator is now an old VAIO laptop with a pirate copy of KSP installed on it.
I appreciate when they toss in shit about trans people cause it makes it obvious they don't have real problems
50 years ago their budget was whatever the fuck they needed.
>All the shuttles have been decommissioned. They would have to build another one.
They went to the moon on Saturn Vs, not the Shuttles. The Shuttles were made (over a decade after the moon landing) to build the ISS, and were decommissioned after its completion.
Gotta use our tax money for something.
we just have to wait a few more decades to learn the real truth, like how the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't necessary, Japan was on the verge of surrendering, the U.S. just wanted to test the bombs there. They just had to wait until all of the people responsible for that diabolical shit died off before they could write it in the history books and shame them.
You don't think the Russians would've called us out on it if it was fake?
Have you? What if you just flew around in a big circle? Youd have no way of knowing
Read the upper left, below the logo.
Think before you post.
Also, sending shit to space was hard and still is. Computers have improved, but it's not like we have some new incredibly energy-dense fuel that can revolutionize space travel.
The opposite, he was the "corporations are gonna spend less money on taxes" president.
The Left is ascendant in the West. They hate space exploration. It isn't going to happen. Maybe one moon or two moon landings, sure, but nothing constructive and long-term. The Left would rather allocate that money towards minorities in the form of hand outs.
We need something to boost our self esteem as a nation. A new moon landing could have drastic positive economic effects.
I know this is a joke, but it's inaccurate. The flat earth doesn't exit in space. there's no such thing as space. Man has never ventured beyond the firmament that encapsulates our world.
If we didn't drop the bombs, Japan would have been under red army control and it would be a third world post commie shit hole right now.
Which means no anime. The nukes were based.
I agree. That's literally my stance. I just happen to not dismiss the possibility as harshly as others do. I find their anger toward it a little strange and almost as if they're substituting science for "belief" and lash out at anyone that questions it.
Isn't the Left filled with "I fucking love science" crowd tho?
NASA got cucked really hard in the Bush and Obama years
>force NASA to become a glorified weather station
>let the shuttle program expire with no replacements
Also a cucked public who thinks that money into space is just a vanity project and that it either needs to dumped into missiles or gibs.
Japan needed a 3rd nuke
Fuck weebshit
have you seen the flat earth documentary
blows my fucking mind how some people can prove to themselves simple physics concept that must be true for a round earth and they still can't believe it
>in a big circle
You mean like around a sphere?
Well half of it might have been under communist control. We'd have snatched up the other half and it would have cost hundreds of thousands of American lives. Believe it or not, the only real concern when he dropped the bombs was how many American lives it would save, and it saved a lot of them.
I personally can't wait for the photo of the black hole coming soon.
isn't that the year india is suppose to be a super power?
It's always inspiring whenever the mentally retarded overcome their challenges and can use a keyboard. Truly amazing, humans can really achieve anything.
can the moon actually be mined for anything? Does it have any other uses that being a potential space-faring dock and research benefits?
It's good for national pride and general moral to acomplish a major, public scientific advancement like this
I honestly think lack of shit like this being on the news is why America has produced so many whiny cunts, nothing ever gets shown to prove that the government isn't only full of shit
Good, so no matter what that Trump retard will be gone by the time this happens.
That's just virtue signaling. I know what you mean, but how often do you see Leftists criticize space exploration and raise the issue of welfare and the environment as alternatives to that spending? It's frequent. They love science that they can use to push their social policies. After all, space exploration and colonization is a little too... imperialist and capitalist.
Are they going to actually give NASA their budget back
No one really cares about trannies dude.
For frame of reference, all of the other planets could fit in the space between the earth and moon, and we still see it at about the same relative size as the sun. The moon is fucking huge. And it wouldnt jave very much effect.
Agnostic, but behaving for all intents and purposes as if "the Earth is an oblate spheroid" is a true statement. At least, until someone demonstrates to your satisfaction that the above statement is not true. Respectable and rational.
because freedom
You should know by now that crowd doesn't actually love science, they're just in a state of post-cope semi-seethe because they were "smart as kids" but then got their asses handed to them in any remotely rigorous class in college.
Now they're like "I was smart all along, I'm just lazy". It's a smokescreen
more than half of India's population still poop on the streets
whoever decided they'd be a superpower is fucking retarded
If you mean flown around the diameter of the disc, just how fucking fast do you think planes go? What conspiracy is worth wasting all that extra fuel to take a longer path? Conspiracies happen to make people rich. And burning extra fuel to keep up an unprofitable ruse for generations seems... unwise.
Considering how the Left will ignore even blatantly obvious shit like sexual dimorphism in humans. No they are just like any tribe, they'll ignore science if it's contradictory to their preconceived notion.
Same. Shit inspires people to be better. We need inspiration
Terraforming would be interesting. Too bad I’ll be dead seven thousand years before it starts.
Flat earth is unironically a great setting for an rpg.
>implying Trump wouldnt have 4 terms
>NASA got cucked really hard in the Bush
>USA embarrassed their rival by winning the space race with the feat of having a man land to the Moon
>the USSR was completely unable to disprove this in any single way
>conspiracy theorists still think that the moon landing was faked when even the USA's biggest rival couldn't find a way to prove so
wew lad
I just wanted a comfy spess bread.
The moon's just a chunk of the Earth that got blown off way long ago, right?
Doesn't that mean it has all the same minerals and resources that Earth has, sans any biological matter?
Nigga, not even Alex Jones believes in flat earth.
John, just chill out. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
They didn't try to disprove it because they're in on the lie.
Because of an odd bit about solar wind and the moons chemistry you can make some fuel on the moon. So you can refuel and go to mars
No. A circle is a different shape than a sphere you retard
So what you're saying is you can't prove me wrong
It genuinely reminds me of the setting for Bionicle. Mata Nui.
>here is some money bro just don't tell the world that we didn't make it to the moon
>we will also keep using your rockets to get to the ISS
man people really took the flat earth bait.
Do Flat-Earthers think that the moon is flat too? Is the moon a flat disc that just always happens to be oriented towards the Earth?
You can't fly in a circle without banking, retard.
You made me sad because the revisionist site is gone now.
But you miss the true trick of: The moon isn't even fucking real.
You do realize we have 70% of ocean to live on right? In fact its retarded not to find out how to live in it via underwater since it closely mimics hostile space environments
We can live on this planet for another millenia
>USA won the space race
Because it's a completely retarded conspiracy made to paint all conspiracies as completely retarded
Guys. If the Earth was flat then all the shadows would disappear at noon. It's literally that simple.
No doubt with crazy mages trying to bust through the firmament and flood the world.
Build an airship with a cargo hold full of fireball scrolls all set to a master trigger...
And the right doesnt do this?
It’s dangerous bait though because people genuinely believe it. Stupidity is contagious.
Sort of. Because the moon isn't geologically active on the surface, there's quite a few compounds there that dont exist in appreciable amounts on earth's surface. Helium isotopes and such. Rare earth elements
>border arrests have plummeted
Yeah because they "catch and release" policy means they aren't really arrested lmao. How many illegal immigrants got released into Texas again?
it still hurts so fucking much that I was born too early to sign up on a suicide mission to mine asteroids with a band of miscreants for some giant megacorp
>the left hates science
tell me why the US doesn't have a supercollider again?
because america bitch
based goy trusting his honest government. yea they absolutely do not keep secrets from us goyim. btw they arent massively surveillancing its own people at all
Dangerous bait is the only bait worth throwing out. Live life in the fast lane like me bro.
>We can live on this planet for another millenia
We’ll all be dead from nuking each other within the next two hundred years.
I get what you're attempting to do here, but its kind of hilarious that a 1000 years is supposed to be an optimistic estimate. I sure fucking hope the current period of technological advancement doesn't plateau and stagnate for at least a few centuries like the last every single one since the start of written history.
Alex Jones is a gift to humanity.
>nukes trained on each other
>fighting each other in proxy wars all over the place
>yeah but the moon landing hoax that would be extremely damaging to american pride/honor/public image is agreed upon to be kept secret
>catch and release
I thought they changed that to hold asylum seekers while they process their claim now.
>let's have our rivals humiliate us completely
>as a prank to sell fucking globes of all things
>yeah bro here's some money so you'll let us look good and undermine you bro
They can't even launch JWST in time this is a joke.
what kinda shit is this lmao, this is your brain on /pol/
I mean, I already implied that when I said
>just like any tribe
I was just pointing what science the Left has a tendency to ignore and that they aren't the SCIENCE IS AWESOME side. No, they're like any other tribe: "SCIENCE IS AWESOME (only if it says things I agree with)"
Yeah, the race was to put a man on the moon. The USA succeeded while the Soviet attempt to do so kept blowing up at launch. Of-course the Soviet's other achievements are respectable and they were true pioneers in space travel. Their soyuz system eventually survived to become the most reliable and safe means to reach space, so all in all Russia should be proud of its achievements and contributions just as the USA deserves recognition for its own achievements and contributions.
How is that?
I don't want to be that guy, but it was the soviets and that is a hell of a jaw. Was there like a papal confirmation?
Nukes are very very overdramatisized.
The only true threat is yellowstone
Why is space travel important?
>hold asylum seekers
They're not "holding" anyone, the projection is for 600,000 illegal immigrants to be released into the US because sending them back over the border is racist or something. America is being colonized and there's nothing you can do about it.
And tell me why something like "there are biological differences between men and women" is treated like a controversial statement today?
It ends the game if you're playing with technology victory on. Idiot.
And we're sure as fucking not going to get a diplomatic victory at this fucking rate.
If you were alive for that to happen you would still be sitting in your room, on your computer, doing nothing.
Which a collapse soon follows
Which slows down civilizations pollution and destruction
Which greatly delays the doomsayers predictions.
Whoa user, we can't have a reasonable opinion in here! Get that shit out!
Long term survival of the species. Preservation of intelligence and culture, and all that. It also offers the opportunity to expand our knowledge, wealth, and extent of our society.
>oy vey the rival that we're threatening nuclear warfare over is lying about shit and humiliating us
>let's not expose their lie at all and imply it is true for the sake of the manufacturing of globes which as we all know Satan's power level is multiplied by the number of globes successfully sold
Look don't either be the same fucking poster now talking like an actual human being after dumping that pile of shit on my doorstep before, or alternatively don't be expecting anything but for me to say "well yes" to that.
>"there are biological differences between men and women"
you're a delusional propaganda-cucked retard if you believe any significant portion of the population views this as a controversial statement.
>not knowing what a fucking circle is
>flat earthers failing to grasp elementary school concepts whilst pretending to knowledge of the motivations of nations and "conspiracies" throughout history
Because people use it as an excuse for treating people badly.
You are missing the point that building a vessel with better long term fuel efficiency for the much much further journey requires a launching point that is already outside earth's orbit.
Imagine thinking that feeding and educating people is a waste of money but putting tin cans in outer space just to say we did is a good use of money
Wait, so if flat earthers think the planet is a disc, what the fuck do they think is on the other side?
Then take your EARF IS FUCKED MAAN and shove it cause we aint going anywhere.
And we should be colonizing the ocean before spess right now before western civilization collapses.
Turtles and/or elephants.
So it's okay reject scientific reality because it could be used for something wrong?
It literally isn't. Can you tell me why "Gender is a social construct not exclusive to biological sex" is such a controversial statement among uneducated conservatives?
The other side is a happy land that has no white males
This is basically the soiboi answer to Penn & Teller Bullshit.
Maybe for the first year or so, then it'll be 'lol, actually we need this $2 billion for defense spending, but you guys can still get to the moon with just a couple hundred mil, right?'
Then bring it out into the open. You know what I consider "treating people badly"? Insisting that the poor performance of blacks in Western society is caused by white racism whilst laws are enacted to benefit blacks and tax money is given to them in the form of handouts while white people are accused of racism. That's not very nice.
The nicest thing we can do is enact policies that are devised from as accurate an assessment of realty as we can make. To do that we need to absorb as much information as possible. Process the facts and take account of them.
>Russia sent a bunch of men into space on pods who never came back
>Right now there is a Russian skeleton in a pod floating around in space
>A few actually
Fucking ruskies man
I hope China's autism triggers another space race.
Well putting those tin cans into outer space requires a lot of education. And putting those tin cans into outer space also brings back valuable first-hand knowledge and samples, which in turn furthers education.
is this actually true? sounds like bullshit
I just watched the flat earth documentary. these retards spent $20,000 on an electron gyroscope or whatever to test whether the earth was round and rotating, it obviously proved that yes it was, and then they go on and say "Well I don't agree with these results so let's ignore it", and it is never brought up again. Scary that these people might be reproducing.
Topmkek 555d chesseckers
>Imagine thinking that feeding and educating people is a waste of money
Well what has it achieved? Go ahead, tell me how it has made the country better or even minorities. The data actually says the opposite; the welfare state has had a profoundly negative effect.
>Russia sent a bunch of men into space on pods who never came back
you what
Those Italian guys were obviously running a big hoax
The original moon landing was only halfway fake. They had Spielberg film the fake one but then the government actually landed on the moon and filmed that as a backup.
Spielberg was such a perfectionist that he demanded the fake moon landing be filmed on the moon.
The moon landing was real but the return was faked, there is no way they could have gotten off the moon with that dinky little ship. The real Buzz Aldrin was captured by the nazi's who have had a moon base since the 30's and the one we have now is just an actor playing the part.
I think I'm witnessing a schizophrenic attack.
No rocket is powerful enough to lift a single American let alone multiple of them.
nobody is rejecting scientific reality except for the anti-lgbt crowd you strawmanning queer.
It literally is the definition of a waste of money. Some people will never pay back the investment put into them.
>The last thing the men of the ISS will know is a skeleton punching through their station at roughly 30,000mph smeared in shit.
True hell.
>education hasn't made the country better
hmm yes I'm sure "the data" proves this
>nah let's not feed and educate people man
>let's have the Holodomors of commie Russia and the technological advancement of tsarist Russia
Oy blin.
I think you're just retarded.
>someone asks if Lefties are the party of "SCIENCE IS GREAT"
>point out no they aren't
>people seem to think this is an endorsement of Righties being the party of "SCIENCE IS GREAT"
Holy hell, neither side is. It's not that hard to grasp you tribalistic ape.
Because it solves our biggest existential crisis. It's in our best interest to have humans on more than one planet, so at least some of us will be alive to preserve knowledge and culture if something happens to Earth.
What's in the Great Deep?
False, even if true, such a pod would be in LEO and have deorbited by now
>Spielberg was such a perfectionist that he demanded the fake moon landing be filmed on the moon.
Why most poltards ruin every thread?
I had so much fun in the last election. I really want another "it's xcom baby" night.
and sometimes y
Google "distance between earth and moon"
Then google "Diameter of Jupiter" and notice that I bet it'll either answer your question directly or show the other planets.
If you hit over what, 300k? Been a while, its bullshit. If it isn't, its true! And even better, you aren't trusting shitheads on Yea Forums to teach you.
Also the firmament. The world was folded in on itself. Physically, the oceans were connected to the waters above the firmament. If you swam deep enough, you would reach the firmament of the sky
Diversity is our strength bigot.
Prove to me the earth isn't flat then. The burden of proof is on you.
My fellow flat earther.
>going back to the moon
but all those creepypastas told me we're not allowed back
>Americans did land on the moon but they couldn't take pictures so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but couldn't return so they had to take it
>Americans did land on the moon but discovered a secret that was so horrible they couldn't leak any of those images to public so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but the guy who took the pictures was retarded so they were ugly so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but the spacecraft exploded and kill everything so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but space lizards shot them so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but that wasn't the moon the world saw so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but the astronauts got isekai'd so they had to fake it
>Americans did land on the moon but got captured by ayyy so they had to fake it
Pick your poison
You mean Kubrick, right?
because fuck you nigger
apollo 18 was a pretty good movie
critics didn't like it but i liked it.
arbitrarily funneling more money into "education" (administrative bloat) hasn't delivered any results. taking away money from agencies like NASA on the other hand has had a noticeable impact on the decline of the US as the world's sole remaining superpower. Meanwhile China is full steam ahead with their space program and on the rise on the global stage. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
>2. Our planet is fucked, so we need a way to live off Earth long term
Stop biting literal Jew bait. It's false.
Is he a cool guy?
Force healthcare and insurance companies to reduce their hyperinflated costs first and then we will talk. I had to quit my healthcare job because this shit got too depressing.
Read the thread.
>lunar return to South Pole
>permanent surface base eventually with in-situ resources
You faggots better brush up on your lunese, the future is moonpilled
lol if u think huemans will ever live outside earth
damn thats cool. thanks senpai
It is until the muslims, the catholic hispanics, and the sexuality alphabet soup all start murdering each other. No seriously, why do leftists think devout muslims and flaming fags are going to become best friends
Honestly I would love to go to a museum with this guy on display post rescue.
But the profits!
He rolls every gacha for every units everyday
We have the entire rest of human existence to try, I think we'll do it.
They didn't have the lighting necessary to fake the scene back then fuckwit
>point out no they aren't
You did no such thing. You threw up a straw man and became defensive.
>people seem to think this is an endorsement of Righties
Your parroted /pol/ opinions on sex vs gender is an endorsement of "righties" you projecting brainlet.
they're already living outside of earth on a space station. it's been going on for awhile now.
More like the Mars colonists are gonna build a plaque commemorating it wherever it broke down.
Chinese steel.
Wont be a sequel if there was no prequel in the first place
Imagine thinking the moon landing was fake. Actually believing that in the last 50 years, not a single person involved with this huge, elaborate hoax hasn't come forward.
It's honestly amazing.
Don't make me post that screencap
You can wonder about that after you stop the Andromeda galaxy from colliding with ours.
You know we want it.
Because they killed Kubrick to keep it secret, duh
you're an idiot and you need only visit youtube or watch a documentary to know there are real flatearthers
Stanley Kubrik is dead wonder who willl shoot it this time
>parroting /pol/ strawmen
Oh fuck off, I argued with this shit against other grad students in my degree program
They unironically believe there is no biological difference between men and women in terms of muscle mass, bone density, upper body development etc. They refused to believe that you could tell the difference between male and female skeletons.
Virtually everything of use in modern life today comes from space tech. Small cameras, GPS, velcro, microwaves, solar panels just off the top of my head. You couldn't take an Uber or upload a picture to Instagram if we just had fucked around for 50 years after WW2.
It exploding it a product of the sun cooling, nice one retard you'd get us all killed earlier
fifty bucks they're all going to be niggers and mexicans
>They didn't have the lighting necessary to fake the scene back then fuckwit
There are literally hundreds of editing tricks and techniques to get around something like lighting, retard. The conspiracy theory is bullshit, but you’re not going to disprove it with nonsense arguments.
>a massive rock orbiting us
>lol it has no resources
>Some people will never pay back the investment put into them.
Not only are public benefits not supposed to be paid back on an individual basis, but the rate of return for education alone is staggering so I seriously doubt that. And no, giving LonQueesha and her kids $250 in food stamps per month is not money down the toilet. It's strictly better to have healthy niglets who can read in your country than it is to have sickly niglets who can't.
Jordan Peele
Can't wait.
It doesn't have any resources though. All the dense materials are in the core
Like the Star Citizen people?
Bush is smarter than you are.
there's nothing worthwhile on the moon except Water and Helium.
Where does extreme moderate fit in?
Adding all their diameters together it around 387 thousand in total. at mean distance the moon is about 384 from earth, but at its farthest it is 405 which would definitely fit all of the other planets.
It has water at the poles. If you weren't aware, hydrogen and oxygen make rocket fuel.
>Not only are public benefits not supposed to be paid back on an individual basis, but the rate of return for education alone is staggering so I seriously doubt that.
Show me evidence that we are benefiting from generations of welfare recipients and crime ridden ghettos.
You are so full of shit.
> It's strictly better to have healthy niglets who can read in your country than it is to have sickly niglets who can't.
Better to have no niglets at all or if you must have them, to let those who can't care for themselves die off. All you are doing is encouraging the failures to breed and placing a burden on actually productive members of society. Blacks were steadily improving and rising in society in the days before the welfare state. Look up the data if you have the backbone.
Welfare doesn't work. Dumping money on the blacks IS. NOT. WORKING.
It is far better to have none
Post these tricks if you're so great
>when you're going to be the first person to land on mars and have to think of a better speech than Neil Armstrong because its what everyone expects of you
Hell man, even the Sexuality Alphabet soup all hate eachother with how politicized they've gotten.
>Gay men are hated because they're "the most accepted" (even though most anti-homosexuality laws were directed at men historicallly)
>lesbians hate the trans
>trans turn everything into about them and hate the cis groups because they got more privilege
>Everybody hates the bisexuals for one reason or another
They all hate each other.
So there's resources on the moon that would only help alleviate some of the resources spent going to the moon? Who gives a shit? And who's going to launch the factories into space and land them on the moon to produce rocket fuel?
Revitalize the space-centric fervor and generate interest from the media and public.
Ideally nasa would get more funding and everyone is happier with efforts leading towards space colonization
At least, that’s my uneducated take
i got a chuck outta that for some reason
i miss futurama i liked the ending too
>Encourage space exploration
>Really up-sell the shit out of it
>All those smart kids who were on the fence about what to do go into engineering and applied sciences
>Instead of finance and business
>Huge surge in new ideas and manpower
>Technological renaissance as new stuff is developed at an astounding rate
>Finally get our shit together as species
The greed from Wall Street is taking all these high potential applicants from the literally more useful fields.
Everyone hates bisexuals and gay men because they don't make being gay the only part of their personality like all the other ones do.
Found the spic.
That’s definitely not happening. With how retarded people are, they still managed not to destroy everything. It’ll be fine.
Armstrong worked with publicists hired by NASA during training to figure out the right speech to give. Any other major space thing is gonna have the same amount of support.
>Show me evidence you're right
>Also find evidence I'm right or you're a coward.
they get the bullet too, I'm sorry.
I don't get how some mother fuckers can in the same breath care about a cluster of cells inside a woman they do not know, and then not care about the actual child when it's born. Shouldn't a top priority be turning as many people as possible into red blooded AMERICANS?
Editing the film frame by frame using matte painting, using smaller scale objects and superimposing the actors in front, perspective tricks, smoke and mirrors, the point is that it’s a terrible argument. There’s plenty of proof that the moon landing is real that doesn’t rely on falsely claiming it couldn’t be faked.
>during training
Well that sucks. I thought he came up with it at the moment.
Who cares about niggers? We're talking about human children here.
Helium-3 is incredibly rare on Earth, while there's a bunch just sitting in the soil of the moon.
You know in second thought that is a good point, what a fucking shitshow that entire year was
Elon Musk should be executed, he is possibly the single largest welfare queen in the US, might be Jeff Bezos but still. Tesla would not exist right now if it weren't for the subsidies they received. Notice how his companies all rely or will rely on government money to stay afloat or make a profit now or in the future. Insider traders get decades in jail for a few hundred million dollars, Elon has received $5 billion up to 2015, it is surely more now, so I think execution is a proper punishment. There is one faggot in a Tesla that I see all the time coincidentally, like once a week at the very least, and I spit on his Tesla from my 1984 El Camino, 1969 GTO, 1973 Chevy Malibu that I bought because of Drive, or one of my other cars every time I see him.
You can overcome poverty and hardships but you can't overcome death.
Sounds like Kojima
Who in the fuck said anything about niggers? Are you implying that impoverished people never turn out to be anything important? There aren't any poor white people?
Retarded faggot.
>theoretical rocket propulsion
Who's going to set up a whole new NASA on the moon?
Modern day Nukes will do that though if enough are detonated, and if any Nukes are ever sent, all Nukes are going to be sent.
>we still have airplanes crashing to the ground despite the overwhelming technological enhancements.
It has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with greed (assuming you're talking about the current B.Max 8 shit)
Definitely not. NASA's entire future was based on not only the mission going well, but it being as big a cultural event as possible. Hence the playing up astronauts as heroes and explorers, singular individuals representing a humanity in a new age. Really good quotes are a part of that. Even today, you don't get to be an astronaut without PR training. Not just for the external optica but also so you don't drive the rest of the crew crazy by being an asshole when on mission.
>gay men because they don't make being gay the only part of their personality like all the other ones do
Not true. I knew and dated a lot of gay men in college who were some of the most shallow people on the planet. The type who walk into a conversation and seek the slightest excuse to talk about how much dick they got over the weekend.
I know you're playing double's advocate, but what motive could the One World Order (TM) have to say that Earth is flat?
You can't die before you become something.
>He doesn't know about the state of the ocean.
>NASA sending people to the moon for real this time
Aren't niggers like 33% of all abortions yet only 13% of the population?
no, they just say that to piss easily baited retards off
They were and maybe still are looking for "funny" astronaughts to boost crew morale.
all those types are trannies now.
>welfare doesn't work
actually yes it does. The best data we have says that welfare keeps people from slipping further into poverty and sets up future generations to better take care of themselves.
And if this darwinism nonsense had any merit to it then people who were born wealthy should be the ones allowed to "die off" because they faced the least selective pressures and the failures weren't discouraged from breeding.
also you're totally missing the point which is NASA is fucking gay and a waste of good money
How fucking stupid/underage are you?
It's Poe's Law, unironically. Act as satire of dumb people and real dumb people try to join for the kinship. Same thing Pickle Rick did.
living things die and you know it.
I feel like some of you anons are far too confident in saying that the scientists from fucking NASA are wrong
I understand question everything and I agree but goddamn
It wouldn't surprise me those attention whores did.
Drumpf only won because Clinton is literally the most unlikable candidate to ever run
Are you outta your fucking mind, shure we'd have people on Mars if we shot them there 10 years ago, BUT NOT ALIVE, do you know how long a trip there is even? 7 fucking monthes and that's one way, there and back where talking a full year and 2 monthes just to do this. Then there's the space issue (no not outer space, space space) Can you imagine being shoved into a tiny ass room where you can't even stretch for a fucking year?
So do you flat earth retards think the planets are just a massive man-made project (which we somehow have the technology for but not a moon landing) or what? If you've ever used GPS you're a hypocrite and an idiot.
>Drumpf didn't win because he's the first president in 80 years to actually do something about 500,000 mexicans coming into the US every year
Uh huh
>spend hundreds of millions on campaign
>forget that you need electoral votes to win
>dont do anything to win over flyover country
How can someone be that incompetent?
He lost the popular vote so Clinton was clearly, at the very least, the second most unlikable
The best part is he flubbed the line
>Claim moon landkng was faked
>Ignore that the Soviet Union. US's biggest political enemy, would have easily discovered this and mercilessly mocked them on the world stage, dealing massive political damage.
How many democrat districts had 105+% voter turnout again?
So we going full bible thumping faggot and saying every sperm is sacred ? If your fucking brain and heart aren't formed you're literally not a creature, you are a ball of cells. Later term abortions are fucked up, but it's not MY fucking choice. Also pretty sure most later term abortions are due to medical issues.
i thought people were saying obama did it first and everyone was being a hypocrite to trump doing the same thing
Lets hope the space shitters don't fuck up our trip in 2024
They're just fucking people, user. The people at NASA aren't gods, all knowing and all wise. And you better believe they've diversity hired, they aren't even as intelligent as they used to be, which wasn't very intelligent considering NASA has failed to make 1 (ONE) space craft reliable enough for manned flight, hence why they use the russian soyuz. NASA is fucking shit at space.
To serve as a starting point for colonizing rest of the universe
>this faggot
>not the filmmaker guy
Lets hope the space shitters don't fuck up our trip in 2024
>stick to shitting in your streets
They simply said "obama deported more mexicans than ever" when in reality more illegal mexicans were coming into the country than ever.
what an amazing non-answer
>double's advocate
>He lost the popular vote
>caring about democracy past the state level
probably all of them if you're a conspiracy theorist
Main issue is that theres nothing we can do right now. We landed on the moon and sent robot to mars yay what a accompishment but we cant do anything right now. The moon is the moon so the most we can do is make a moon base but why? Going to mars is a extremely bad and wasteful idea terraforming the planet is not possible with the tech that we have right now and it woyld take mountains of reasources to keep people alive and expand out there. I mean you cant even properly block the radiation from the sun while your on the planet. Its a better candidate for nuclear waste dumping than habitation
It is an answer though.
I’ve found that many conspiracies exist simply to make the believer feel safe and in the hands of an all powerful government entity, even as they defame and accuse the government in the same breath. Conspiracy theorists feel more comfortable this way, instead of the world being a chaotic series of events. The towers weren’t attacked by extremists, Daddy Bush did it, he’s so powerful. The globalists have crafted all these lies about a round earth, how amazing must that have been?
It’s essentially a religion to make retards feel safe, and also important or on the “cutting edge”.
is this true?
You ever wonder why they do that ? You ever think that maybe instead of wasting money we could house, teach, and disperse immigrants around the country?
Did you forget what America is and how we fucking began ?.....
NASA has done extensive confinement studies, and train astronauts - the ones who have gone through a myriad of psychological tests to make sure they can withstand it in the first place - for it.
And they could just use Yea Forumsirgins. Most of use have been confined to small rooms doing nothing for years already.
>double's advocate
Yes, actually
No it's not. "It offers an opportunity to expand our knowledge" is the vaguest thing you could ever say
People bought back moonrocks last them they went there
nothing came from it obviously, because it's just a big rock in space
Nope. There were quite a few in California and Florida though. Also on the east coast but I can't remember who.
A racist white invasion?
>anons musclefibers have wilted to uselessness except for his masturbating hand
Posts like that are a diamond dozen, newfags.
Pretty much yeah. Conspiracy theories are like paranoia, they're comforting because they let people think the world isn't a a jumbled mass of chaos, and that they do matter.
>Did you forget what America is and how we fucking began
A nation of slavers that hated anyone that wasn't a WASP?
Can we have a nice thread about space and not about americas retarded politics?
Yes, niggers also account for 80% of all gun crime and it's almost always with an illegally obtained firearm.
Illegal aliens cost us 300 billion dollars a year, we're not wasting money trying to get rid of them.
It is so much easier to launch shit from the moon. Not only is the gravity way lower but the moon is also orbiting around the earth at all times so its easy to use the the momentum and fly in any direction that you choose.
Does a poorer, less educated race have problems using contraceptives and practicing safe sex and conversely not using abortions as a method of contraception?
Gotcha covered.
>t. geology and astronomy brainlet
>LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144% Of Resident Citizens Of Voting Age
Isn't most gun violence suicide though?
tell me how the average person has ever benefitted from a moonrock
Getting COLONIZED is a bit different then our mixing pot of a billion people coming from fucking everywhere.
>Hey Yea Forums! Let's talk about space!
Holy shit this site is worthless
the most killings are done when the organs you pointed out are formed already, and the thirst stuff that is formed is the brain and nervous system at 6-7 weeks.
You don't seem to be aware how cruel that business is.
Excluding suicides
Get rid of them where and to what extent? You could use 300 billion to make a fucking CITY for these people to live in while they get turned into English speaking, law abiding, money making, Americans.
Nah fuck them fuck their shitty country fuck everyone. We, the most powerful country on earth, can't possibly do anything for these people but throw them back over a wall.
That's assuming we succeed. If we fail it's just a massive waste of resources.
They also do all our jobs for pennies making things cheap, pay taxes up front, and are never entitled to the meatiest entitlement programs that they pay into.
The tax cut and scaring away illegals has done more to hurt our debt than any spending cuts will make up for.
>Mars shuttle lands
>man steps out and gazes towards the horizon
>radio static
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children...
It’s the new jet fuels can’t melt steel beams
you are free to go back to r*ddit
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what to do with their body? Is it right? No not really, like I already said later term abortions ARE fucked up.
It's not the lower gravity. The real reason to launch from the Moon is that you can build bases there, mostly automated, to produce fuel and water and rocket parts that you dont have to get off Earth. That's where the savings lie.
>Judicial Watch’s claim rests on its inclusion of “inactive voters” – people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable – usually as a result of moving. They aren’t reflected in turnout tallies or signature-gathering requirements, don’t receive election materials, and are ignored by campaigns.
So only more registered voters than citizens if you count people who moved out of those counties as voters (but not citizens)
>knowledge is only good if it has immediate practical use
That's a dangerous hole to go down, user. It's really easy to use that logic to justify civilization, or even consciousness being maleficent to us.
Why should americans have to pay for mexicans and their children for 18+ years just because they hopped the border? What does some farmer from Idaho have to do with juanlita and her 4 children from columbia?
Correct, beaners are the 1%'s slaves. I thought most people were against slavery, it is 2019 so maybe things have changed.
I could care less what you morans think
>moon landing was 50 years ago
>all the retards wanting to set up some useless colony on mars
>instead of using the moons lower gravity as a lauch point for mining platnium-group metals from asteroids
WHY should we do anything
They're going to be worthless for at least three generations. It is pointless. I rather that money go to to infrastructure or people who can function in the first world
based and asteroidpilled
We lose more money from remittances than anything we possibly get from Indio slave labor
We did it boys. The Wall is Unclimbable.
>California is failing to comply with the voter registration list maintenance requirements of Section 8 of the NVRA. For example, a comparison of the 2011-2015 U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, and the most recent California active and inactive voter registration records shows there were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) counties: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).
>Our own research shows that the situation in these counties is, if anything, worse than the foregoing data suggest. For example, we contacted Los Angeles County directly this past June. At that time, county officials informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.
It means illegals are voting you tard
Why not both? Set up a mining launch point on the Moon and get a greater foothold on our solar system by setting up on Mars? With all that asteroid metal flooding in it would be much cheaper.
>English speaking, law abiding, money making, Americans.
The only reason we don't fight over land anymore is because all the land on earth has been claimed by a country already
Because we're Americans, you dumb knuckle dragging cock sucker.
You turn these people feeling their shitty country, Americanize them, and send their asses to Idaho to do some farming because nobody here gives a shit about it. Are you too fucking stupid to see how that could be useful.
The process of getting the moonrock advanced technology for telecommunications, satellites, food preservation, decontamination processes, and even psychology. The rocks themselves give info on astronomic events that dont show up on earth due to water cycle and tectonics mixing things up. Plus a few brand new types of mineral were found. That's from a cursory google check.
>what are spinoff technologies produced in order to achieve that goal to get moonrocks
In all seriousness though, I'm sorry you're such a philistine that you hate the genuinely human pursuit of knowledge for it's own sake though. I hope that you are never in a position of authority.
>Did you forget what America is and how we fucking began ?.....
It wasn't as a welfare nation with a government that housed, taught and dispersed immigrants if that's what you think. It was a nation where you worked. You worked hard or you died.
There is literally no reason to colonize Mars. A dick ton of effort for exactly nothing.
Automated space mining is the only way forward
>The process of getting the moonrock
yes, incidental discoveries, amazing how everyone who supposedly loves science falls back on this logical fallacy to justify space travel
>The rocks themselves give info on astronomic events that dont show up on earth
Useless information
I agree with you overall but I disagree with the idea that immigrants are worthless past the 2nd generation
You got me excited because I thought they were gonna make a Moonbase Alpha sequel.
>Americanize them
That's not being done because too many are entering at once and they have no incentive to adapt.
Was there ever any hope for this thread?
Because solving a modern issue with stone age tactics is also a waste of time.
You aren't paying attention. "Inactive voters" aren't necessarily citizens in that county at the time, it makes no sense to count them when getting a tally of voter turnout. It's not Mexicans sneaking into voting booths, it's a clear case of counting people incorrectly. No wonder this story was dead in the water two years ago
>Americanize them
Do you know how many mexicans want to take over the SW US because it's "rightfully their land"?
Just hopping to the moon is a good way to flex our muscle and remind the rest of the world that we are on a different level.
declare a national emergency and do it anyway?
immigrants have to work to live in the US
Do you understand that the populace has to pay for them? We subsidize their healthcare, housing, law infractions and existence while big agriculture gets away with slave labor and the public is stuck footing the bill.
And all the public gets is a dumb underclass that just burns money like a damn furnace.
A little
Immigrants are bad because they don’t pay taxes, that’s really the only reason why people want them out.
I'm not that guy, but 6-7 weeks is fucking nothing. Yes, those organs have formed, but who the fuck cares? Actual consciousness doesn't begin until about six MONTHS in.
The majority of abortions in 2015 took place early in gestation:91.1% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (7.6%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (1.3%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.
Oh man you got me haha! I just enjoy Yea Forums more then Reddit is all.
Niggers are a serious problem though. We can't invest in space if we're paying for illegal spics and Shaquan and her 12 kids.
>Incidental Discoveries
Define this term.
Reading comprehension. They're useless until gen 3.
Discoveries that may not have happened if it weren't the necessity that produced them.
>Useless information
Why is it useless?
>just does every single fortnite dance in radio silence along with dabbing
You've clearly never met a spic. They're arrogant and have no intention of learning English, instead often demanding that everyone else speak Spanish.
what are you even going to do on mars unless you terraform the shit out of it
colonizing Jupiter's moons makes more sense desu senpai
>Yea Forums - Video games
>all these cool space games
>exploring the galaxy, lazer weapons, meeting cool aliens
>nah fuck all that shit we gotta stay on earth! Who cares if we're just a tiny spec in space that can be destroyed at any moment by a stray spacerock we gotta keep all our eggs in this one basket!
so we can shove identity politics into it of course. why else?!
that was a good shine in mario sunshine
Based. Cultureless utilitariancucks btfo.
It's eligible voters user, not inactive.
The second there was a post even referencing flat earth it was done.
You dont need a nuanced, complex plan when the reality is very, very simple.
You think all of them will just lay around and do nothing if given actual incentives and ways to enter the country with education and job training ?
This should be how it works, and if you lay around succing the system ICE comes to their fucking house and deports your ass.
Why would we not colonize every place we can? Terraform mars, sure! If we have a team dedicated to researching and implementing proper terraforming procedures it would revolutionize our future as a space-faring species!
Doing thing A is justified because thing B happened in the process
a fallacy because thing B could be arrived upon by doing something else too
Going to the moon was a wartime publicity stunt
It’s amazing. We don’t have answers because we’ve never had to answer such a stupid question as to why we want to explore space. It’s such an obvious, powerful drive, curiousity.
>all male astronaut crew
>except for the token PR face diversity female
>shove her out the airlock in interplanetary space
>say it was an accident
>hard workers get the credit
We also have to pay to get rid of them dude, which also seems to be fucking expensive.
The United States is run by Demons.
>if you lay around succing the system ICE comes to their fucking house and deports your ass.
sorry that's racist we can't do that