Could there ever have been a smile more worth protecting?
Could there ever have been a smile more worth protecting?
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that seems like a lot of eye makeup for someone in an apocalypse.
There was.
I love Reisen!
i want to protect clem's smile
>Could there ever have been a smile more worth protecting?
Can't think of one, user. This one's the essential.
Safe and sound in Texas 2
Is that Clementine Creevy?
based and canonpilled
I was thinking on going Louis the second time around, but I just couldn't do it, he's so obnoxious. Instead I went for "Louis fucking dies and Tenn lives" ending, which was extremely kino, a much better sequence than the basic shoot/distract zombie Tenn.
did you at least get this kino scene?
Not this time, no. I didn't romance anyone on the second playthrough (I should've just gone with Romance Violet/Let her get kidnapped for experiment's sake, oh well).
Ah, if you romance Violet and save Louis, in the end she apologizes for how she reacted in the cell and kisses you. not as good as saving her too but it's cute.
I wish there was more Season3/Season 4 clem porn bros, season 2/season1 shit is gross.
Based and Lillypilled
that smile deserves a small, fluffy animal to sleep on that lap of hers.
Not pictures, Mike eating the shit out of the Raccoon
A raccoon can't throw spears. Therefore a slugcat is 20 times better than a raccoon.
Raccoons also can't kill scalie-faggots, so that white furry nig deserves to place itself upon Clem's one-legged lap right next to based louis/violet, to keep that smile going strong
based mike
Pretty girly.
LEE, this little shit is a rude ass disappointment.
based. Too bad slugcat wouldn't survive two seconds before being eaten by some giant tentacle monster
FUCK minnie
based anti-minniefag. FUCK Minnie
More like KEK Minnie
So pure.
OTP for sure