Shield and Sword are the best of solo hunters whom don't need no faggots.
Shield and Sword are the best of solo hunters whom don't need no faggots
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I want your dick.
As a hammer fag I agree
Swagaxe is always king.
Why are you so smug and cute, Nergi?
I fell in love with the Charge Blade.
My question is, its too powerful, did i pick the easy modo casualfag weapon?
Sword amd shield users are the healsluts of world
The long sword and dual blades are the casualfag weapons. Chargeblade is used a lot but is more difficult to master and combo
Based and mightpilled.
I just charge my shield, charge again, swing my axe until monster falls and then shockwave the crap outta it, i dont see the complex stuff yet or maybe because im not that far into the game yet.
Great Sword is the best for solo. Tons of damage, range, overhead slashes, can dodge out of harms way faster than you, blocking is for fags, the list could go on.
Chargeblade is one of the few weapons you cant feel out initially. Look up guides on youtube since there are also bad chargeblades you should never use
whats your steam, lets hunt together
I just started tho, i killed orogaron, but if youre fine with that, sure.
Buuuut, not today, 11.00pm here and have work tomorrow.
>No oils
What's the fucking point then?
good night
Great sword needs you to git gut too much, i'd rather use a bow
Best Elder
What's some good armor to not get 1 shot by this fag? It's like every attack does a 1 shot.
Good positioning and knowledge of his moveset.
Yeah, that might apply to other monsters which don't take up all the screen with their fat ass, wings, and regrowing spikes.
getting good
a more technical way of getting good
Nigga just use Hammer and bap that edgelord lmao
Personally, I prefer the Gunlance.
Hunting Horn players are the masters of independent solo hunting, Sword and Shieldshitters just spam items.
HBG is the thinking mans weapon
is it me of is SnS too weak in world for solo hunting? i used to solo hunt with SnS in previous game and felt like i made average time to hunt a monster
based and redpilled, fellow Gunchad
not at all friend
Literally only evades cuck-status because of the shield slamdunk.
Alright, whatever. Any tips for gitting gud at this faggot?
Don't mind me, just posting the best monster
>readied spirit counter 5 seconds before your post while within 3 miles
heh, you spoke too soon...
There is only one true galaxy brain weapon.
>hunting with gunlance
>use shield when monster attacks and/or roars
i can do this all day
You need to get higher raw weapons while playing space jam constantly
I think its actually Light or heavy Bowgun. Sure you can't get hit but once you get used to the monsters you don't have any other faggots there making the monster go other places.
I main the Gunlance, Charge Blade and Longsword. Am I a faggot?
Aw nippa SnS is my jam, been rockin it since FU
Go for RAW or a specialized stat proc build for solo SnS in world. You cant do enough Element DPS with SnS in solo.
What may suck is those anons are entirely right. Unless you play a blast range build, you literally have to git gud user cmon you've come this far
I sailed through the storymode by just going ungabunga and using maybe a quarter of the combos available to the chargeblade.
Didn't even realized how much i missed until actually looking up guides and experimenting to learn that i've used the CB wrong all the time.
Imagine, if you can, being a cowardly ranged fag who brings a gun to a honobru swordfight.
Listen user, ranged is the only way I can kill Durambros without wanted to blow my head off.
monsters can
spit poison
puke lava
fart out sleep gas
fly around you
blind you
deafen you
shit out explosives at you
yet the bowgun is somehow dishonorable?
Apply yourself
You're good at video games, right user?
>autistic screeching in the distance
SnS has practically been second fiddle to DS since F2 though.
I like to think so but I don't have a lot of confidence. After going back to 3 recently and doing that first fight makes me never want to fight another Durambros again after trying so hard to cut that tail off and it dies before I can get the fucking thing.
Just be like every other homo and use a poison sword kek, else be a Longsword chad and fade slash in circles around the fat ballerina.
Really? I would have figured that using a raw weapon with a large reach like Great Sword/Long Sword would be the best option if you wanted stuff like the tail without accidentally killing it.
if you're going great sword don't go elemental. just go raw like a chad
Just recently killed one with some group of randows on MHGU. Was it shooting poison or something? We gang banged it before it could run away.
reddit weapon
>"I don't care about numbers, sword and shield is cool!"
Duramboros is ultra weak to poison, otherwise use longsword for best dps since he kinda lumbers around slightly so he'll be easy to keep up and still hit with longsword's attack mobility. I get kinda pissed greatswording him and whiffing triple charges despite being a huge piece of shit because he can still turn on a dime to face you.
He was shooting demonic purples at you not poison
Ah wasn't sure since it was my first time hunting one. Had a pretty sick design though.
You would be suprised how much balls it takes to run a ranged set against certain monsters.
For me, its the Heavy Bowgun. The most alpha-looking and highest damage-dealing weapon in Monster Hunter.
Hammer carried me to heaven and back
Yeah I play Switchaxe, you wanna say something?
based and same, mfw using hbg
Anyone else here a TRUE hunter and not a one trick shitter who hasn't mastered every weapon?
Gore Magala's from 4/4U. His gimmick his he breathes not fire, but a virus known as the Frenzy Virus. It makes monsters go berserk and if it infects you, it'll take a while to incubate. If you let it, it'll prevent you from regaining red health when you're damaged, so you'll take more damage overall. But if you push through and deal enough damage, your immune system will fight off the virus and you'll gain temporary immunity to it, as well as gain +15% affinity.
This is objectively correct. Gore a best.
He's shooting monster AIDS at you, user. Gore is a pozzer.
>tiny brain weapons
>big brain weapons
Insect Glaive
>galaxy brain weapons
Charge Blade
>ASCENDED weapons
>Charge Blade
I will concede it's difficult to use properly, but any cunt can get crazy good times with just the basics. It's too strong.
You're missing 5 weapons.
is it possible to use the adept gunlance in GU without autistically memorizing every attack every single monster can do?
parrying shit is fun but every time I try to use the thing I just get pissed at how useless I feel and how much I just sit there waiting for the monster to do something
>requiring a brain
Put Medium Bowgun and "taunts that deal damage only' in A S C E N D E D tier, and Magnet Spike and Tonfa in Weeb tier below tiny brain tier
>"taunts that deal damage only'
This isn't a weapon. And you're still missing two.
Lance is the true solo hunter's weapon of choice. Perfect balance of skill and fun.
This "chargeblade is hard" circlejerk needs to end. Once you learn about the basic guard point from sword to axe morph and learn it's basically just a 1 second parry, you can abuse the shit out of it and never take damage. Other than that it's just learning how to do smooth transitions which will only take 10-15 mins of testing in a random quest or in the training room.
That guard point is the easiest to set up and you will be using it probably 99% of time, the other 2 guard points you really only trigger on accident or as a last resort.
I guess in terms of monster hunter standards you can say it's complex since most weapons are pretty simple, but anyone semi decent at the game and who understands the physics should have no problem picking it up. The only people who would really struggle with it are new players who don't know how lots of basic mechanics work yet.
And which ones are those, pray tell? Don't say Accel axe because Explore is a dead game and the accel axe will never show up again.
Why no long sword?
I'm boring so I use greatsword
That is one of them, yes. It is an equippable weapon in a Monster Hunter game. The other one is more recent.
Medium bowgun is a true chad weapon that only chads will even know existed.
cats aren't weapons dumdum
>He considers frontier to be canon monster hunter
Fucking mad af at Kush Dora since he never fucking land that I had to use ranged weapon for the first time
>50 hunts
>Galaxy Brain
>Hurr durr poke poke poke shield when the scary monster attacks me because I cant dodge :(
flash bomb?
Prowler is on the weapon usage tracker screen, so yes, it is.
Ah fuck
>anything but greatsword
So was world originally going to let you choose if your cat was melee or ranged?
Odogaron armor is decent for that part of the game. Make sure your fully upgrading your armor. His dive attack super is supposed to one shot you at this point. Try to avoid it.
>greatsword but anything
Anyone who isn't gud at all weapons is shit.
Idort chads represent.
>Slaying instead of capturing
I want to have hot wild steamy sex with Nergigante.
Dodo is for carving.
Best weapons are:
MH4U:Charge Blade
MHGU:Sword and Shield/Heavy Bowgun
If you don't use these weapons your gimping yourself.
Don't worry kid, been playing since FU and usage with each weapon overall is far more than that, 50 per is all I care to put into world until iceborne hits. Also of course world doesn't weapon track arena runs, which is always my main mode in every game, and requires you to get good with every weapon.
I know it's upsetting that you pour all your effort into a single weapon yet still get mogged like a gigachad like myself, but that's just how it goes friend.
Even with how much they have done to make GL better, it still feels like they are limiting the dps capabilities of it. I want them to make a mode that removes the shield to allow for more dps.
For me it's the swagaxe
SnS feels like shit in world, like most weapons.
I got most of the way through the game before I realized you can follow up a full burst with a wide sweep.
To be fair most MHfags who idort have probably 999 in P3rd or whatever else.
Charge Blade>Everything else
Like big swords
Like big numbers
Simple as
whats the go to armor,skills and weapons for SnS in GU?