Terra's theme is the literal peak of all final fantasy songs and also the peak of videogame music as an artistic entire medium.
Terra's theme is the literal peak of all final fantasy songs and also the peak of videogame music as an artistic entire...
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FFIV overworld theme is better
No actually the peak would be Answers
>Terra's theme
The FFIII overworld theme is better.
but user, Terra's theme is FFIII's overworld theme!
I didn't play much of FFIII DS but the intro music is elder god tier.
Hello, I've just entered this thread to say Sevenleaf is a faggot
> 2019
> Thinking faggot is an insult
Chrono Trigger exists.
>the magitech suits walk to Narshe in mode7 while this theme plays
I want to teach Terra about love.
Counterpoint: youtu.be
Beautiful memories.
For being such a shit game, Masashi Hamauzu nearly redeemed it
Where does Terra show off her tummy and why doesn't she do it more often?
>not wearing any armor other than pauldrons
[muffled YOOOOOO in the distance]
I love ff6 and most of its soundtrack but it has by far the worst battle theme of the series. What the fuck were they actually thinking?
My niggers Eternal Wind is elder god tier.
My nibba
>that Eternal Wind remix in the Shadowbringers trailer
Listening to past FF games music makes me sad we will never get old Square back
Legit lost my shit. I watch this thing daily.
Same. At least there's still some old Square games I haven't tried. Going to play Treasure of the Rudras soon. Play Live-a-Live if you haven't, it's really cool.
>Super Saiyan Esper with a giant fucking sword
Came here to post this. Eternal Wind is amazing.
How about a remixed version that is arguably better than the original?
How the shittiest games in the series behind XV manages to have the best music is completely beyond me.
Taku Iwasaki's Episode Ardyn soundtrack is the closest they've gotten in a long time.
My dude. I put Dragonsong very, very close to it too.
>dat twangy guitar
you can equip her with heavy armor if you want
Why is Amano's Terra so kino?
I think Awakening is better, but both are amazing. youtube.com
That's a blast from the past.
>game is called Final Fantasy
>there's fifteen of them
>game is called Dragon Quest
>it's not about dragons on a quest
Memes have absolutely ruined this song.
FF13 has some fucking sick bits. just not a good game, well LR was okay.
Celtic mode:
Based [partial] FF4 poster
I could have sworn Uematsu was on record saying this was his favorite composition but I guess I just imagined that shit. Looking into it, turns out he had said his favorite overall OST was IX and then switched to VI a bit later. Gamefaqs has a thread on a 2015 interview where he said his favorite character theme was Aeris' Theme and his favorite song overall was To Zanarkand.
I don't think another game will ever tie music ot an in-game location like this ever again.
Your mom's orgasm was the literal peak of my life.
No. Gladio's theme is better.
*FFIV Boss Battle theme.
Damn, this is pretty good. This isn't Uematsu is it? I could see his band The Black Mages doing something like that
Yeah the Regis battle theme is like a rock orchesta version of Dawn which is basically Regis's theme youtu.be
Uematsu came back to FF for some FFXIV expansion and FFXV music, his XV music in particular feels like his old 90s style music
Trash that has permanently tarnished Final Fantasy.
Nope it only restored the prestige to FF and is also consistently ranked in top 5 best FFs in polls with over 10k votes.
Imagine being this retarded, contrarian and fragile.
How? It didn't do anything to "tarnish" FF that 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 didn't already do.
worst cast, story, music, plot, storytelling, gameplay.. shall I go on? It's sad because when I thought Lightning was the bottom of the barrel, I was proven wrong by Tabata-san.
man I love mostly all of the music in Final Fantasy. FF9 had a really good sound track too.
hold on, now I can agree the gameplay was awful. The story wasnt awful though and niether was the sound track and definitely the characters were good. What really made the game suffer was the pacing and gameplay.
welp, time to play ff7 again
you know, looking at Zidane's swallow blade, those daggers are too big to be daggers.
It has a great cast and interesting story with easily the best antagonist though, and its story telling isn't any worse than 4 or 6 or 7 or 9s is. And the OST is absolute god tier.
ff13 is the only trash FF.
Video game music is bad and you should feel bad for liking it. Orchestral music in particular has been terrible since Bach died.
And what is good about captain fuckface who does literally nothing except help take out a checkpoint or whatever
I will never like his music for having sex with his little boy slaves!
cor does more than fucking yang or cyan or fucking general leo, plus has the actual hardest boss fight in FF
Hes right thou, what little story it has and characters that need an entire separate DLC to develop them were all shit
>be progging UCOB
>transition from Nael to Trios with the reprisal of Answers
never fails to get me hard, fucking amazing
Nope, and it has more story by default than 6 or 7 has, fucking kefka's entire backstory is one sentence long which is less than random NPCs have in XV, ardyn literally has more backstory in the base game which is more compelling and interesting than anything kefka ever had, and its because its so interesting that people begged SE for a playable prequel DLC about him, and the DLC content in XV is better than majority of shit in other FFs too, especially ignis and ardyns DLC
It's obvious you haven't even played it or them or really any FF
I disagree. Since the story was based around brother hood and when you play the game it's quite apparent the characterization of each of the main cast had.
each had their own personality and each stood out from each other. The seperate stories wasnt needed to tell me who they were already. But it does flesh them out more. the story did suffer a lot for being poorly put together. But the characters if anything was the best part of the game.
>has the actual hardest boss fight in FF
t.XV kun
doesnt matter cause the shit game is finally dead after all these years
woah woah woah.
XVkun, why do you keep coming back. You are too bias to give a good analysis. 6 and 7 were waaaaaay better and your hyperbole are taking this too far.
Literally Uematsu is right now in the Top 10 of the Classic FM Hall of Fame
Yes, you clearly haven't fought him if you think otherwise.
t. kh sperg seething without any argument
by your own fucking logic ff1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc are all dead too so what the fuck are you even trying to make here you fucking retard?
Bro, people wanted them to explain the retarded backstory of Ardyn because it made no fuckin sense. And now that dlc shit on the plot of FFXV even more, leaving it even more trash than ever. Noctis's game and legacy are forever ruined.
You're full of shit.
No they weren't, take off those nostalgia goggles.
Ardyn is objectively a better written antagonist than one sentence backstory Kefka and one scene actual present appearance Sephiroth.
That guardian battle theme sounds like actual classic FF but with guitars
I liked Caius better
No they didn't you idiot, they wanted to play as him because of how well his backstory was executed in the main game and everyone saying how Ardyn did nothing wrong which is why there was demand to play as him in his own DLC, his DLC only just shows things that he already said happened and that you learned through main game, that is why he was such a compelling character because of his portrayal and the twist regarding his true identity, which everyone fucking understood completely you fucking revisionist, and the DLC only doubled down and made the game better by emphasizing the themes of his character and the relationship with the gods moreso, and solidified him as objectively the best FF antagonist and even regardless of that already was, and Noctis the best FF protagonist who has a better legacy than fucking cloud with his spinoff shit of any other FF protag has, XV is literally consistently ranked in top 5 best FFs in polls with over 10k votes.
No you're just retarded.
No, I'm afraid that's you.
If I was going to pick a "single best piece of FF music" it would probably be this.
You have no argument.
Well, since Ardyn dindu nuffin, then Noctis died like a retarded bitch, for no purpose, over something absolutely retarded that happened 1000 years ago. What a legacy.
Go look up the boss I posted, retard.
Shut the fuck up pedophile you got molested you homo.
So you didn't pay attention to the story at all
Noctis sacrificed himself to purge the starscourge which in turn killed ardyn which he wanted to begin with and ended the bloodline built on betrayal and literally saved the world for the greater good
fuck you're dumb
Not him, but absolute virtue is hard to the point of not okay. He had to be nerfed repeatedly to even be beatable. Good game design? Arguable. Harder than what you're posting? absolutely.
>MMO shit
lmao there is no real gameplay involved there, only stat shit
Cor boss is pure gameplay only.
Everyone in this thread is a boomer or a zoomer who can't adapt to his own generation.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
All that's pointless since the crystal could've just done that to begin with and without all the bullshit. Noctis's power comes from the crystal. There's nothing he did that couldn't have been done to begin with.
FF was dead at XIII.
Haven't played XIII or XV, but XIV is good for an MMO.
MMO "gameplay" in 11 is inherently based on stats for 100% of things you do, not real gameplay
Spoken like a true retard who never raided in their life.
You mean A Realm Reborn and onward. The launch was a catastrophe. Being an MMO makes it basically its own thing, anyway.
he's repeatedly defending ff15. Do you really think he has the mental capacity to memorize even a single boss mechanic?
Best FF music.
Just kidding, I really like Matoya's theme.
Matoya's Theme is great.
Nope you fucking idiot, Bahamut literally says the only way is with the combined power of the crystsl absorbed into the ring alongside the glaives of the kings and the astrals and the life of the chosen, the light of providence is the only way, the crystal alone isn't enough, Bahamut literally says this when you're inside the crystal
You're a fucking idiot that didn't pay attention to anything, he needed the astrals blessing which he gets during the game thanks to luna, the lucii weapons which he gets during the game thanks to cor, the ring of the lucii which he gets during the game thanks to luna, the crystal which he gets to during his journey to niflheim, and his own life sacrifice as the true king after absorbing the light of the crystal, the astrals and the glaives of the lucii into the ring of the lucii to perform the light of providence which is the only way to purge the scourge
good job invalidating yourself
>look up FFXIV subscription price
>$13 a month
Heelllll no. If it were like 6 I could see going for it. But double digits on top of the cost of the base game? MMOs can eat it.
so you never played 11 where everything you do to attack, heal, buff or debuff is stat based
XV-kun please stop, we're trying to talk about music. Make your own thread to circlejerk your shit game.
Sounds like you never made it to the endgame.
Literally every RPG is stat based, you mongoloid. What matters is what the game does with those stats, and MMO's have their own unique system, like most RPGs.
Cor boss has more actual combat mechanics than whatever bullshit mmo crap you think is a valid counterpoint
Bahamut's a fucking retarded puppet of the crystal, anything he says may as well be a lie or misdirection. He goes out of his way to paint ardyn as an evil badguy, but Ardyn didn't do anything wrong at all. And again, the chosen one.. choen by whom? The crystal, that's right. Even Ignis realizes the idiocy of it all in his dlc. I hope one day you have a similar realization.
Tell that to the retard that can't deal with XV having god tier music
>look up cor boss fight guide, 4 minutes
>look up sigmascape savage guide for ff14, 20 minutes spread among two parts
What did XV-kun mean by this?
And action RPGs use action combat mechanics where stats only affect how hard you hit
in an mmo every autobattle command you do is only stats, no action involved whatsoever, and the cor fight is a pure action fight where its all 1:1 like in an action game.
You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
Don't mind me, just posting the best FF battle theme.
Thanks I won't
No, he is the one who bestowed the crystal to mankind to begin with
fucking hell you really didn't pay attention to anything
He didn't paint ardyn as a bad guy, one way or another the prophecy is to be fulfilled but the details within can change, Bahamut never told ardyn to go around killing people to absorb their memories, the scourge only needed to be spread so it could be erased for good in one fell swoop with the providence, ardyn chose his path as defiance to bahamut but still in service to the prophecy
the crystal itself was also "killed" by noctis performing providence
there is nothing either good or bad, only thinking makes it so, that is only further exemplified now more than ever.
>4 minutes after trying and losing a billion times and learning the fight patterns and making better use of the combat mechanics
>but muh damage sponge boss in mmo takes 20 minutes so its harder
holy fuck you're retarded
mmo are literally autobattle click shit
get help barry
Thanks, that sounds like an even more worthless and unnecessary death for Noctis. Even his story in Dissidia is less shit than that.
20 minutes worth of mechanics to LEARN, much less actually perform capably. Didn't you say
>CCor boss has more actual combat mechanics than whatever bullshit mmo crap you think is a valid counterpoint
then you link a youtuber, a true paragon of gaming skill as always, taking 11 minutes (with cuts!) to beat the boss. You really showed me, XV-kun. Bravo.
Rich coming from the game of holding O. Also, get back to me after actually playing at least 1 mmo to endgame.
Bro, sometimes you have to hold square when the huge square button appears on the screen
amano: beadsnsashes>nomura: beltsnbuckles
Oh so you're fucking retarded KH/versus/nomura shill who is only now pretending DNT is better because nojima wrote it and wrote versus, fuck off you retarded cunt; you got proven wrong countless times and exposed for not knowing anything about the story.
You're right bro, shit I forgot. That totally beats the 3 bars of abilities FFXIV players have to manage while dodging attacks, doing mechanics, and remembering what comes after. Aw shit, I have been defeated.
the combat in mmos, including ffxiv, is retardedly simplistic they make up for it by having you run around like a retard trying to avoid shit, which is why when monster hunter world came out with behemoth and ff dissidia nt had summon battles it filtered casuals for months
There is no mechanics to learn in an mmo other than what stat does what which is universally applied, by your logic FF11 is harder than sekiro because this boss guide is 4 minutes youtu.be
fuck off dumb fuck
Release absolute virtue is absolutely harder than the literal ape because of the layers of mechanics that people had to deal with.
>taking 11 minutes (with cuts
Did you miss the fact that they died multiple times and that video is showing multiple deaths and retries in a supercut? Their uncut vid is in the longplay, but guess you ignored Maximillian dood playing the cor fight and dying a bunch too
You say that, but once again FFXV has dodge-roll spamming and counter timing inbetween holding down O for the entirety of its gameplay. Meanwhile, MMO players deal with HP management, MP management, when to use cooldowns, weaving OGCDs, deciding whether or not to double weave to clip animations for optimal dps despite difficulty, remembering mechanics, performing mechanics flawlessly with other people doing the same thing, among other things. I think it's pretty clear which game is more complicated.
A true paragon of gaming skill as always.
Hold nothing but O against Cor, please post your results.
But ignore that XV actually has proper combos, directional inputs, dodge rolls, dodge cancels, aerial combos, manual finishers, manual weapon switching, party techniques bar, armiger bar, MP bar for warps, warpstrikes, phases etc, shield blocks, tech rolls, counter parries, break enenies, vulnerable state, stunlocks on harder enemies through crit boosts, weapons buffs, passive abilities, etc
>ff11 is harder than sekiro
holy shit you're retarded
So you post a webm of someone rolling into an attack? Bravo.
Also, 80% of the things you listed are part and parcel for ARPGs, so things that people are used to and should not be difficult if someone has played a singular game of the genre.
>mp management
no. that hasn't been a thing since forever. all the other things come naturally if you have a working brain. this is like a stay at home mom listing "skills" on a resume.
but no, you're right, ffxv isn't hard at all, not that poster
XV has HP management, MP management, tech management, armiger management, stamina management, remembering mechanics, deciding when to best dodge cancel or manual dodge roll, performing proper ground to aerial combos and vulnerable stating enemies by breaking their weak points to maximize damage dealt, when to use tech which are on cooldowns, actual real time blocking based on precise timing
XV is clearly superior
Not an argument
if it came naturally there wouldn't be samurais with 3k dps but okay
What's retarded is not even taking the time to consider the viewpoint of the opposition. You're clearly as much of an ape as that boss because you hold so dogmatically to your viewpoint that you refuse for even a second to acknowledge the strengths of mine. I will admit that FFXV probably takes more reflexes and ARPG know-how, but in the complexity department it is sorely lacking. You can't even acknowledge that Absolute Virtue's relative difficulty is much higher than any boss in Sekiro. People could beat sekiro on release. Not so for virtue.
Go play through FF15 again. Between that and ruining perfectly good music threads with FFXV supremacy talk, I doubt you're good for much else.
Part and parcel for ARPGs. Not special outside armiger shit.
Thanks for proving you're retarded and never did the fight
to zanarkand was, is, and forever will be the peak of FF musical genius.
dancing mad gets an honorable mention.
MMO is all stats, its nothing compared to an ARPG or Action game
I never did the fight. You never played an MMO. Yet here we are shitposting about them.
And the ape repeats himself because he's at a loss for anything else to say, while still being so very wrong.
Go back to playing your unfinished game.
Not even the best overworld theme in FF6.
ff11 is literally unfinished, hell every ff is more unfinished than xv is
I play both, i have a 70 smn and i play the arpgs on my consoles. honestly they're both challenging just in different ways. there's no need to fight.
...this is bait. No person can be this retarded.
The game that literally required patches for years after release is MORE FINISHED than ACTUAL released games. Here's your (you), you really had me going for a second.
I approve of the sentiment, but do you know what site we're on? Arguing is 90% of content here.
There is a mighty need to put down anything and everything XV related, though.
If XIV is simplistic, what does that make XV which has a fraction of the complexity in terms of fight design?
>it's all 1:1
>hold O to watch Noctis automatically attack
Depends on the ARPG, and XIV itself is basically irrelevant for stats, the only thing that matters is gear level and to a lesser extent attack speed stats since certain jobs need to hit specific values to line up buffs properly. Fights in XIV are 90% execution, have you even played the game? Everything can be cleared slightly below the minimum required gear level
What's the logic of the egg hunt event in ff14? I really don't know how to solve this puzzle.