gamefaqs walkthroughs
Gamefaqs walkthroughs
Other urls found in this thread:
>certain old walkthroughs of the late 90s
>no punctuation or capitalization, typed like it's an AIM chat
>doesn't even bother to tell you how to get through larger levels, just goes into a basic boss fight strategy
how did some of that shit even get approved?
Gamefaqs walkthroughs were some high quality shit.
I used to like making fake text-based walkthroughs for my favorite games.
I always went for the one with the largest file size since that meant the quality was highest.
I always have and still do this. It works. At the very least, you know you're not getting Bullet Points: The Walkthrough. Although I think I did get burned once by a FAQ having most of its size dedicated to extensive lists of enemies and shit while the walkthrough was super tiny and barebones. Still worked out, as I can appreciate a good list.
>to beat this boss just do what you did with the last one
Still is best place for advice, guides, etc
All those journalistic sites are quick to push out "guides" or tips for clicks but its always garbage
I fear these feel like reading a fucking blog
A fellow non-brainlet, I see.
>most words = highest quality
Nah you are apex brainlet
my nigga,always going for the "most complete" ones
>not MrShotgun
>The third macguffin can be found where you [did the thing]
>ctrl+f [the thing]
>1 results found
>that 2000+ page FFXII walkthrough
>just grind until you hit level X and this boss is a piece of cake
>average level of a player at that point in the game is far, far lower than level X and would require hours of autistic grinding
>rest of the walkthrough is written with that same type of overleveling in mind
Still my favourite written walkthrough
I don't know what to do if gamefaqs is gone for good someday
Youtube walkthrough will never satisfy me
im amastura and what is this
>author makes up a map with keyboard syntax that is even more confusing than the map in the game
You literally stole this from the front page of reddit you stupid fucking faggot
I only know this because I'm also a raging faggot
If the mods had any dignity they'd ban both our asses.
>author has a section dedicated to gamefaqs forum drama
>check info of a particular boss that's giving me problem
>"If you have been following this guide you must have X missable item and you should use it here"
>tfw There's a guide on gamefaqs that i wrote that someone stole from me and posted there.
>tfw nobody ever believed me because the people that stole it are the game genie code creators club
These need to come back in style. Fuck modern day bloated picture/video walkthroughs broken up into six gorillion different sections to maximize ad revenue
>bossfight strategy noted throughout the entire faq is literally "lol jus use this gamebreaking exploit EZPZ"
This, it's fucking weird. I don't even use the site (rarely did in the first place), but I figured the forums would be dead as fuck but time and again it still provides the best information for current games even still in 2019. It boggles me, but oh well. The layout is much better than fucking reddit shit (kill yourselves redditors).
>Guide is frontloaded with spoilery shit like who your entire party will be
>mfw Dan Simpson
My favorite guide was one for a SNES Dragon Ball Z RPG that the author wrote in first person as Vegeta.
>niche game has obscure rpg mechanic that's poorly explained
>Google it
>top result is two posters on gamefaqs message board in 2002 doing extensive discussion on how it works
Gamefaqs was home to peak constructive autism back then. You can still go onto sections like the old NES Final Fantasy 1 and 2 boards and find old pinned threads going into every single damage calculation, every single level-up calculation, every spell broken down as to what it does mathematically. or in the case of FF1 and 2, what they were supposed to do mathematically since holy fuck Nasir what the fuck were you even DOING.
As usual, OP is indeed a faggot.
i know this exposes me as someone who hate-browses r*ddit, but i'm willing to expose myself to let everyone know how much of a faggot op is :^)
Hate shit like this. I was having trouble with boss on a snes game a few weeks ago and looked up an faq and it was basically "he's not that hard and you should be able to take him down quickly. After beating him, go to..."
So annoying. I had to go to a youtube walk through to figure it out
>elaborate ascii art
>first 6 pages are just the changelog
>another 12 pages that just describes the controls
>every aspect of the game detailed with incredible insights of the author
>author actually put in the stats and stuff of every fucking item in the game
>guide is only half way done when your printer ink runs out
I remember reading some of the silent hill lore on some of the FAQs and it was fascinating
Good format but I never found out whether I could fucking turn the screen dark or not. Night time readings were an eye sore
>this guide may NOT be hosted on
>You will be banned for this post
>go to print out a walkthrough in the computer lab at school so i can have it when i get home
>clicking anything besides starred faqs or board stickies
>friend brags about how much he had to struggle to beat majora's mask
>tell him i did as well and that it was really good
>he then asks me if i used the official guide
>internet guide?
>gets mad at me because he thinks the game is impossible to beat without a guide
Thats why you and a notary sign all your documents in blood. My resume has my handprint on it so no one can claim my special skills as their own.
>gamefaqs stopped letting you download the txt files for their walkthroughs
>a copy of this faq is also hosted on my angelfire/geocities page!
Favorite section? For me, it was the /quickrundowns/ of different characters/equipment.
Absolutely based.
Too bad you can't do that mapmaker/dictionary writer's trick by including false information to expose copycats who reuse your made up "facts."
Why do people respond so positively to this phrase? I hate it with passion.
I would always wonder who makes walkthroughs, they can't be possibly be doing them for free right?
Djibriel best author.
Using hid FFV guide right now to finally get all chests 100%.
If you're reading this, you are a total bro and I'm totally copying your writing style from now on.
God Bless the autistic and the devoted. Their passion for useless shit betters and enriches our lives.
Djibriel had crazy good guides from what I remember. Tons of detail, well organized.
I usually just check videos if I use guides now, but lots of good memories of GameFAQs. I remember printing out hundreds of pages for PSX RPGs back in the day like Lunar and Xenogears.
>A dog really did save Japan 400 years ago from an army of ass-
slapping monkeys. Don't worry if you have not heard about this, it is rarely
reported by our Western education system.
some people genuinely enjoy their hobbies and don't need compensation. It's a good thing to channel that into something other people can also use especially about something you enjoy
Yeah, you can take pride in creating something that other people enjoy. Writing a FAQ seems like a fun project if it's a game you love.
My favorite guides are the ones with a nice broken down and numbered Table of Contents.
So many times have I just used a guide only for looking at the Table of Contents to see what number area of the total to gauge how far into the game I am. I loved that shit.
Same, I always used to do that.
on the older guides you can scroll down to the bottom and there's a view as text link. just cut and paste into a text editor or print from there
>once you get to the room with the thing go left and then down and then left again and then right and pan your camera 90 degrees and you should see the thing to the north
Who the hell was A I e x? How the fuck did that dude manage to write so many popular guides?
At least it was before Gamestop fucked everything up.
fuck, I meant Gamespot.
cuz he's your boi, user, that means you have friends on the internet!!! now go donate to him on twitch.
What I like about them, both in his FFV and FFVi guides, is how he describes every single enemy in the game. Othef authors are pretty brief and only copy paste data, Dji's a fucking crazy hobo. Usually you only need strategy for some bosses, but he bothers to put good ways to kill every single random encounter, curiosities about their AI behaviour and random tidbits of obscure trivia, like that fucking tedious but doable method of killing Magi Master in FFVi without using Reraise, Jump/Quetzatcoal or Rasp.
All of this while being funny as hell.
If anyone deserves the word "based", is him.
>choose these dialogue choices during these events to unlock the hidden character in the sequel
>it's pretty clear who it is but I'm not going to tell you as it's technically a spoiler
>lists every enemy for each area
>kill these enemies first, they like to spam these really annoying skills
you have to appreciate all the good people making them
>they can't be possibly be doing them for free
They totally did.
And fansites and complicated in-depth series analysis, and fan animations and so on and so on, all for free.
Now, some people here will feed you the idea that back in the day everything was perfect and everyone did all these things for free because they loved all these games from the bottom of their hearts etc etc.
And while that's definitely true, to a point, the biggest reason and most fundamental difference between now and then, is that back then you COULDN'T make money off these things.
You COULDN'T just make a video about video games and instantly make money off it, unless you were very lucky, and were partnered with specific parties (and you'd still not earn as much as a modern youtube even remotely earns, even if you were big).
Take Let's Plays.
LPs have a complicated history i won't get into here, but basically SA was the main hub of the most notable LPs back in the day.
Back then, when the first people started monetizing their LPs on youtube, people on SA were laughing their asses off at it, they openly mocked the very idea of making any video game related content from a fan and monetizing it, it was considered absurd, and greedy as fuck.
But the truth is, a lot of those people that were laughing about this back in the day, then went on to monetize their shit.
Simple truth is, people just didn't know how to make a profit off it, and now they do.
Because who in their right mind wants to work in a store stacking boxes when you can just be an autistic nerd on the internet with a mic and a webcam and make at least minimum wage off your autism?
If back in the day everyone could, everyone WOULD have done it, there was no "purity" that prevented all these people from monetizing their content back then, just a lack of easy services that would allow them to do it.
>you get to a part that's written like this
>you try to decode it and power through but one of the wests should have been an east and now you're hopelessly fucking lost with random encounters wearing you down
Thanks for reminding me of the ugly side of these things. Any guide for games that had a map that was even sort of non-linear very easily fell victim to this
Damn, what a reminder about what a tame a regulated hugbox the internet has become
>this puzzle is really hard to display with ascii but I'll do my best
Best Baldur's Gate walkthroughs
>game doesn't provide player with boss health value
>guide somehow knows boss health and provides it
How did they know? Were they wizards?
They did, because it was about gamers helping other gamers.
Otherwise you had to go buy some predatory yet retarded game guide made by Prima or some shit
Pavlovian conditioning.
>says "fuck it" halfway through failing miserably at making it and just posts up a cheeky LUEshi in the middle
someone had to have done this