Will the grim dawn team ever learn stat balance?

Or will it forever be "Put all your points in physique no matter hat build you're going for"?

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How should we know? go ask them.

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Grim Dawn feels so slow and clunky, I also can't believe how ugly the UI looks, puts me off everytime I open the menu. It honestly feel like an early access game to me, even though it has a lot of content.

shit game

better than diablo 3. Now that shit's clunky.

nobody even mentioned
d3 being shit doesnt make grim dawn any better, it just means theyre both shit

I mean, D3 being a slightly worse piece of shit doesn't really help. I just wish Grim Dawn felt more polished.

I think they're scared of altering it too much this late. The biggest point of getting physique is still for DA and the +hp to other stats only served to bloat HP numbers. I know they added some augments that give DA but good luck maxing and overcapping resistances if you slap those on your equipment. Each stat should have had varying amounts of HP/OA/DA.

what feels bad about it? the fighting and gameplay feels good and tight. And being "SUPER FAST" isn't a good thing, look at POE, actual "click" spells are viewed as worthless meaning the only Melee abilities used are essentially "Explode from player/on player" AOEs.

grim dawn is paced at a rate where actually clicking on enemies is seen as viable.

>I hate fast and fluid gameplay
lul okay gramps

Grim dawn is fine. Its no slower than D2 and is actually faster, and D2 still holds up well to this day.

I like the UI, not sure what's wrong with it

>the fighting and gameplay feels good and tight
Not that user but the skill feedback is poor as fuck, it's like animations are half as fast as they should be.
PoE click skills are worthless because there is something better, and since that something exists the endgame is built around it. Give me grim dawn with poe responsiveness and I'm sold.

because it doesn't have little balls on the sides for hp and mp like all the other games.

They don't need to balance the stats, they just need to remove them. The only incentive that could be made for more points into cunning or physique is for gear requirements, as no amount of damage scaling matters if you can't survive things you can't react to. Making the gear more restrictive to stats reduces customization, and this game is far from hurting for customization. The stats are already homogeneous; just drop the point allocation entirely and have it governed by class ranks.

You can have stats give Defensive attritbutes but in different ways, like POE handles ES for int and Armor/HP for Str.

>The stats are already homogeneous; just drop the point allocation entirely and have it governed by class ranks.
You would still need to rebalance what the stats give or you will have more subpar class combos.

Path of Exile is still the king of the genre, baby

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It's a pile of shit on top of other piles of shit, Nigger Wilson and the rest of his gang of Kiwiniggers couldn't balance their way out of a fucking seesaw and Syntheshit tanked so hard that they're doing a Turmoil/Mayhem race when they admitted it's dogshit for retention because the league is fucking dead anyways.

Only because all the other options are shit. Grim dawn is just as good, but its not free so its fighting an uphill battle.
They should have copied POE's "free but for cosmetics and stash tabs" model.

They don't need to balance shit though, It's a single player/coop game, no one but streamer whores give a fuck about the ladder anymore, you play the way you want.
And the reason why synth is dead is because delve happened.

Whats even the fucking point of this games systems when they cant even bring them a country mile within balance of each other.

>They don't need to balance shit though
In a game where there are a total of 16 ascendancies they cannot manage to get more than 2-3 played in any capacity. In a game where there are only 3 primary attack methods, 1 of them has been nearly unfuckinguseable bar molten strike and blade flurry (for single target only) since they nerfed AoE. They promised good uniques and delivered absolute, unadulterated dog FUCKING SHIT and have spent the last month doing damage control on the shit league. Go back to sucking tencent cock at $40 for a fucking weapon skin you kiwidrone.

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inquisitor is gay
fuck word of pain and fuck rune of FAGarrad
and FUCK crate for nerfing aura builds