What do you think of OSRS?
What do you think of OSRS?
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It's good but I don't wanna grind my stats again
cookie cutter
brain dead boring
You goddamn zoomers don't know what a good mmo is.
t. clinically depressed boomer
it's good and i enjoy grinding the same stats I did when I was 15
Can’t bother doing all that grind again.
I love it. Didn't play much runescape as a kid cause WoW got to me first. Wasn't a big fan back then but I've been really enjoying it ever since I came back a year or two ago. Haven't been playing much lately due to time restraints but I hope to return soon
it was good but constant "QoL" updates keep ruining it
not looking forward to the new elf quest that plans on redesigning all the elves
was never fun honestly
if u think about it there was nothing actually enjoyable from it
only okay as a kid because u didnt care about anything or doing stuff so u were fine messing arond besides that it sucked
Ice barrage /10
Bots get detected, even premium scripts do. Only bot that probably survives is some private ones
I really wish it was run by competent devs and wasn't a borderline private server.
Late game content is soul draining, can't keep playing.
t. 1700 total level
i got 99 str and like 95 hp from it
left it over night at range guild at 41 woke up and had 70
litteraly no reason not to bot
just dont be dumb about it
sense training urself is really boring maybe they should add some actual ways to train that isnt brain dead boring as long as its paced right it would work
Boring grindfest
Make your own bots. I made a color bot in autoit that made law runes and it actually got all the way to 99. I got banned after I kept it running for 4 days consecutively and it was only a 2 day temp ban.
How their bot detection system works is it just tries to find similar behavior between different players so it can profile scripts and banthem in waves. If you have a custom script your chances of being banned are much lower.
Was good when it was RS 2007, now it's slowly turning into RS3 without EOC & pay 2 win, which is fine honestly, but just always makes me think they should revert EOC in RS3
It's the perfect mobile game. I only dropped it again because I realized I was going to waste my life all over again if I kept going with it.
Also, downside is that playing as a non-member is a huge waste of time because you don't get the waterfall quest.
Nowadays when you talk to anyone playing, it's a bunch of boomers talking about slowly getting on with life and their career. It's kind of depressing.
Polling updates is fucking stupid. Also the current devs are fucking up left and right. I used to laugh but its just sad now.
i still play it, mostly because i have nothing else to sink time into and ive played it since ~2005
constant shit updates and standard jagex incompetency are running it into the ground though
Couldn't get into it/don't want to grind again. Played RS on and off til dungeoneering.
im a zoomer whos playing it for the first time rn
what should i do after tutorial island
>run some rockcrab script
>come back in the morning
>logged out
>log back in
>automatically teleported from rock crabs to wizard tower on like top floor in some cage
>5 seconds later
>logged out
>try to login
still weirdest experience with a game ever
lewd the cows
they really enjoy it
The first months were great before they started adding new shit. Now it continues down its long, slow decline
but user, they did
go to varrock and say hello to the mages right outside the entrance
I'm enchanting ammy's as we speak, I just got 75 wc, and plan to hit 75 farming next membership.
Feels good to get shit done.
>inb4 get a job
I botted 3 accounts to max combat and never got banned I quit when the game got taken over by reddit
It touches on several exact things that I enjoy about video games so it manages to be incredibly addictive. I'm playing it for the first time and enjoying it and I can already see myself paying for a membership (currently on a private server to try it out) and trying an iron man or something to start over again and do things more efficiently.
Good, but at this point its starting to get overrated. The grind is horrendously boring and the game isn't exactly entertaining to play unless you are doing high level PvM. It's very good to play on the side but as a main game to play I wouldn't recommend it.
Do you want meta advice or just want to know what's fun?
do quests
I loved Runescape as a kid, but it was the first and last time that I was really invested in an MMO. After a while you've seen what there is to see, your old mates leave, and everything just boils down to grinding up levels for the sake of grinding up levels.
I still love the nostalgic music and the memories of running home after school to log on with friends, but I don't really feel up for jumping back into it.
Quests, then train your skills until you can do more quests. The early game is quite enjoyable, there is a lot to do so it doesn't get too repetitive. Mid to Late game devolves into doing the same mundane tasks for hours on end just to progress.
Train stats to moneymaking methods
Raise strength first to raise your highest maximum hit, find equipment and weapons that attack fast and raise the "strength bonus" in your stats
You can pick a skill to grind at or just do quests (and only gain skills that are requirements to start them)
Talk to Duke Horacio and Father Aereck to start quests Rune mysteries and Restless ghost
Pick up every item spawn in the castle, including the ones in cellar, don't forget the cabbage
Fill a jug with water
Go to the top of the castle and light the logs until 15 Firemaking
After that fletch the same logs into 1000 arrow shafts
Pick up 4 ashes
Pick up 1 log for later
Take out 25gp from the bank
Thieve men until 270gp, buy a steel axe (make sure the world is full stock, it should cost 200gp)
HCIM, quickhop some cabbages in the cellar for hp, normals can just suicide for hp.
>Lumby swamp
Kill a rat (safespot with ranged) for its meat
Safespot: i.imgur.com
Take a spade from the swamp shed that takes you to Zanaris.
Talk to Father Urhney to get the ghostspeak amulet, equip it
Take the air talisman to wizard tower
Pick up 2 cheese at Aggie in Draynor village
Walk to rimmington, pick up 1 snape grass near crafting guild at the hobgoblins.
Make sure you have ~10 run energy for this so you can just quickly grab one and get out.
Then head to Falador
Lifted from Oziris ironman guide
1. Get membership if you're not a poorfag
2. Cows are one of your best resources starting out. Kill them, bury their bones and cook their meat for exp and collect their hides to sell later.
3. Once you've got 100-150 hides sell them on the g/e for cash
4. Get 10 crafting doing whatever and then buy 1k flax
5. Turn that into bowstrings (spinning wheel in lumbridge castle)
6. Use your newly earned stack of cash to get to work on the following quests for easy stacks of exp
waterfall quest, digsite quest, the knight's sword
now do whatever while working towards skills and quests that open up fast travel options
Needs the Stronghold of Player Safety and Dungeoneering to be 10/10
Full of sweaty ultra incels that just world hop in the wildy and pvp worlds all day
>giving a new player ironmeme advice
how to equip goblin mail??
Hey anonymous anime poster BACK the FUCK OFF
I only want the resource dungeons that came along with them, also it wasn't the worst skill in the game, grab a few dudes and speedrun through them for quick exp
I liked it mainly due to how rewarding it was to get a chaotic weapon, then they fucked that up by releasing drygore
The only acceptable way to play osrs is ironman, hardcore or not
>grab a few dudes
stop tying content to social interaction you fucks
its an mmo you fucking retard
>earning 10k an hour
>on purpose
>giving people free loot to just sell in the GE for 300% profit from the general stores
>on purpose
raidfags get out
when you're an ironman item values are useless you retard.
>its an mmo
runescape is a single player game, other players may as well not exist
Useless to you
>stop tying content to social interaction you fucks
fine then you fucking loner
dungeoneering could all be soloed anyways
>People still seething over this
Imagine having to use trading posts in the current year
only because autists like you pushed jagex into more and more single player content
literally everything can be soloed just because everyone is so fucking terrified of social interaction in an mmo, even theatre of blood was nerfed to scale with less players when it was intended to be done with a group of 5
It may be soloable but it doesn't make it less miserable. Pretty much the only thing where leeching is understandable
Still upset about how Jagex feels the need to change this, one of the most nostalgic places in their nostalgia bait game, to make it more """streamlined""" or whatever the fuck their excuse was
While I do think the ge is necessary, I think it would be nice to add some sort of tax on it to encourage trading when dealing with bulk.
you're a retard. even as a kid I fucking loved questing and exploring the game world while listening to the kickass music. doing underground pass is one of my fondest memories as a kid
you're probably the kind of spastic that skips quest dialogue
Ironman mode + doing all quests and experiencing the world without autistic xp efficiency shit is the only way to play osr
membership needs to be cheaper
I'm not paying 11 USD a month for a game they keep fucking up
>broken drop tables
>adding more content without player approval
>How their bot detection system works is it just tries to find similar behavior between different players so it can profile scripts and banthem in waves.
I noticed that when doing initial testing for a goldfarming script that ban rates were low at first and then drastically increased when I began running more bots.
Later on, I used private scripts made by myself to bot to max + 120 slayer in RS3. I'm currently botting another account to max combat in OSRS.
The only thing ironman mode offers is a separate highscores page and a little badge next to your name.
and a sense of "accomplishment"
sure you could farm and purchase all you'd ever need at the Grand Exchange to get all skills to 99
you could do it all by yourself, earning every bit of experience through your own labor
I should also note, even having my goldfarming bots take breaks to do alternate activities from time to time and reducing daily runtime to 8h/day had no effect on ban rates. In contrast, I botted up to 14 hrs/day on my main during the final sprint to 120 Slayer.
if "accomplishment" is what you're after, then learn how to program your own bots
you'll learn a very valuable and in demand skill
NEET detected
Nothing is stopping you from doing that on a normal account. Hardcore was the only interesting aspect of any ironman account but, in typical Jagex fashion it was implemented horribly. Oh and don't forget that a lot of high level hardcores die to disconnections forcing them to be restricted to safe activities because there is no guarantee the servers will be 100% stable.
Used to be big into it. Now I just log in to see my vampire girl Mandy
>nothing is stopping you from doing that on a normal account
>lol you don't like the super easy and superior option for character advancement just don't use it xD
>lol you don't like the super easy and superior option for character advancement just don't use it xD
Yeah I agree playing an ironman its pretty stupid.
It's nice, but not very oldschool.
>play game
>"uhh but I don't wanna grind skills aka playing the game"
>install bot to play game for you
2011 was the pinnacle of runescape, fuck 07 graphics
b'd and rp'd
left the game because reddit clearly runs the entire fucking gig and influences the devs to make changes that suit them. They have the absolute worst customer service ever. if you get hacked or lose account information they even tell you to go post on reddit to get their attention, all of the devs are literally just faggots that browse reddit all day and make changes to appease all the faggots there