Game has alcohol

>game has alcohol
>you get instantly wasted after drinking ONE (1) beer

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Asians cannot hold their liquor

More like they don't drink as much as the average westerner. Having to drink 5 beers to feel anything is pathetic. Get your lives in check alcoholics.

>game has alcohol
>getting drunk means your vision is blurred

>having the constitution that 5 beers does anything to you
Get your twink ass out of here.

Case is point here.

how was s6

fucking lightweight

Pour one out for Monty

I drink maybe once or twice a month and 5 beers will only give me so much as a tingle. Maybe try not to be such a weak body.

>hit 21
>get hyped to play vidya while drunk
>get a mikes hard lemonade. its got 5%, thats as much as my moms beers
>Im gonna get buzzed HOLY SHIT
>drink until my stomach is full
>guzzle the entire thing
>dont feel anything, its just lemonade that tastes worse
Why is drinking beer at parties a thing? its useless even if you like the taste of beer. I can't get drunk off anything that isn't liquor.


lol no

countries like south korea are notorious for excessive drinking

>Yea Forums

Everyone here is underage boi

The best one so far, but the writers just can't get a fucking grip on the good shit.

I only drink a few times a month but i drink about 2 2 litre jugs before i call it quits

What? Japanese and Koreans drink a fuck load, it's even a part of work culture, and you can't even really refuse your superiors when they ask you to go drinking after work. Alcoholism is huge.

Why are squares so goddamn self-righteous. Just fuck off, cunt

>game has weed
>you have hallucinations after 1 hit

>implying underage teenagers don't drink

Ruby makes me wake up horny

Drinking beer in a setting like that isn't supposed to get you wasted, just buzzed, and only if you drink a few in quick succession. The generic college party usually involves hard alcohol, and drinking in a setting like that will get you drunk. Generally speaking, I bring a bottle of Jack to any bigger get together where I plan on staying all night. Only kids drink beer and think it's anything special, you're not wrong user.

>case is point
Alright ping, get some english lessons next time you skip kidney training

>tfw it only takes me 3 beers to get drunk

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Height and weight?

5'8" manlet. 126lbs.

Rubes is NOT for lewd!

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Fat fucks need to drink stronger stuff or more of it to get buzzed. Just fyi

It's a literal genetic trait you fucking idiot, a ton of asians lack an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol. That's why they get red as a beet when they drink.

An actual beer would get you more drunk. Carbonation gets the alcohol into your system a lot faster, it's why drinking beer from a keg will get you more drunk than a can or bottle and flat coolers like Mike's or Smirnoff ice you need to drink 3x ss much for the same effect.

Ruby makes me wake up with all the skin falling off my face. It's great for curing sore throats though.
Where in MA do you live?

You can buy fucking kombucha with more alcohol in it than your average pisswater """""beer""""". I drink maybe once a year, and I have to have hard liquor to actually get drunk in a reasonable amount of time.

Asians consume alcohol by the barrel, theres no excuse here.


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Started strong with everything that's appealing about RWBY (good action, comically bad writing, grimm being spooky), slowed down in the second half, and had a mostly disappointing finale.

Shut-in virgin: the post

I mean that's probably got a lot to do with it.

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It's great. Cheap too.

Why do people have to announce that they're drunk when playing vidya? I drink a lot when playing but I don't scream into my mic to announce it.

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Hopefully to find out they're not drinking alone, I imagine.

They're sharing a drink they call loneliness.

I dated a little viet ladyboy who could outdrink me, a 6ft white guy

pic related and coke will get you drunk fast
and if you complain that doing this is wasting good rum i like to remind you that they add so much sugar in it that the bottle get sticky

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Same, but I'm 6ft 150lbs

>he has to drink more than two beers or 4 shots to get drunk
Moderates rise up

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Eat a sandwich man

>Buy bottle of rubinoff
>Don't get bored all month
Imagine having bodyfat

4 shots of 90+ proof alcohol is worth 20 beers

I might just have high metabolism, or a small stomach, cause I can eat till I'm full and lose a pound by the next day

Fatass here, weight may be a factor, but I get drunk really quick. 2 shots and I'm pretty buzzed. Sober just as quickly though, don't feel anything after 20-30 min after I stop drinking.

How many beer?

Are we gonna talk about how much of a bastard Ozpin is