Because he's the hero pc gaming deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight
Because he's the hero pc gaming deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it...
Fuck off Chinese AstroTurf shill.
what good games do they have the rights for
Ching Chong Hong Kong Bong Long Dare Hare Ware Tiananmen Square.
They're destroying those uppity faggots at Valve and that's a good tihng.
it's getting ri-goddamn-diculous
Sorry, wrong pic.
>Retard pissbaby is mad about Half-Life so he wants to be fucked into the dirt by Cheng instead of having a good service
Damn. What a retard!
>uppity faggots at Valve
How is anything about Valve "uppity"?
Thanks epic for dividing the community even more
Thank epic for giving me an excuse to pirate games
Thanks epic for fortnite
Thanks epic for selling my data to our new chinese overlords
Presumably because they're making a serious attempt to remove the need for Windows for PC gaming, right at the time Microsoft is attempting to finally lock the platform down.
Which raises the question of why EPIC, despite their engine being ostensibly multi-platform, only has their games in the PC gaming space on Windows, and has seemingly targeted games which were previously multi-platform to be Windows-Exclusive thanks to being exclusive to their store.
i hope the epic store crushes valve's monopoly so they have an incentive to actually make games again
steam is also spyware
Steam gathers information about your use of Steam, which it should be obvious to anyone they can do.
People are up in arms about Epic as spyware because it also gathers information about your use of Steam.
yar har fiddle tee tee
As if their games are worth the trouble.
Epic is not a hero but the worst kind of a villain, the predatory practices of holding games hostage, spying on the customers and trying to build userbase by corrupting little kids just shows the flaws of capitalism in action.
>So we'll hunt him
Ain't nobody doing shit for your bitch ass fuck off.
1) Steam isnt a monpoly. Literally no definition of the word can be applied to it. Epic is actively trying to become one
user you're scaring me
>wanting that chingchong spyware on your machine
>Thanks epic for dividing the community even more
Pfft... the gaming community has always been shit
>Thanks epic for selling my data to our new chinese overlords
Even if this were true, your american overlords have been doing that long before
t. brainlet who didnt play half-life
Fuck you I'm starting a new playthrough right now. and you mean Half Life 2, which was 15 years ago.
Fuck off Ching Swiney
this is actually what rovio is like
>valve's monopoly
Yeah, just look at this "monopoly"
>implying i'm american
What's the site, user?
Nobody implied that, your irrelevant country is still ruled over by America anyway though, bitch.
Having a large market share doesn't mean they have a monopoly you faggot.
Do not reply to chink bots
He's going to come back conflating platform exclusivity with store exclusivity. They're not the same thing.
Half-Life 2 Episode 3 was 12 years ago idiot.
Its a good game but its just a game. Move on.
>>Half-Life 2 Episode 3 was 12 years ago idiot.
Episode 2 rather. Episode 3/HL3 is what everyones bitching about.
Slip of the finger.
>he's going to come back...
I just wanted a good all in one deal aggregator...seemed useful?
It is, but this is an Epic shill thread. It's what they usually do. Sorry for the misunderstanding user, enjoy your deals.
>devs decide who wins, not the consumer
They are going to force me into buying games at gun-point? Extreme doubt. This chink slave sounds psychotic.
He's shit at reading the market. He bowed out of PC development for a while, blaming piracy. Meanwhile, a younger Gabe Newell was calling it a service problem and coming up with a very profitable solution.
So here's what's going to happen.
>Every casual will but this game on consoles because console gaymurs
>laughably small margin will buy the PC release on Epic
>game will be cracked within days
>everyone on Yea Forums will play the pirated version and derail threads left and right
>Epic and T2 will no release sales figures, but claim game as GOTY because consoles are unaffected
>Will release on Steam by December as a "Christmas gift" for the patience read:sad attempt to save face.
Screencap this hot take.
fuck for using my favorite line of my favorite movie
I honestly don't know what everyone's sudden issue with Steam comes from. Maybe I'm just too invested in Yea Forums's mindset, but I've never experienced anything really negative with it beyond constantly needing to restart after an hourly update. Where did this hate suddenly come from? Are people to retarded to avoided random fucking games they're never going to buy?
There's not a new issue. It's just the EGS shills trying to raise their social credit scores.
I have to admit. The villain successfully masquerading as a hero to rival or surpass the dark knight, does sound like a very Batman-esque storyline.
Bravo for introducing this spin, user. It's very apropos, and I think it deserves to be spread.
>gaming needs communism to be saved
Who could be behind this toast?
I want some filthy rich person to start a new publishing company and buy the rights to games and make them physical copy exclusive with the entire game on the physical media, no dlc or mtx, no patches or updates, no console wannabe platforms, just physical only complete and whole like it should be. Bannerlord would be a good start.
Would Valve drones complain? Of course they would, they would bitch even more than they are bitching about Epic
It's not even just shills though. Everywhere I look, suddenly Steam is incompetent and toxic for games. I'm genuinely surprised.
I hope Valve goes for Epic's head during the next big sale.
Lots of people would, because it removes a component of ease-of-use that they've gotten used to. Even GOG uses Galaxy for easy organization and update management.
To make up for that, people would naturally migrate to a third-party solution to organize their games and sort out such things for them. Which would be good for all of a year or two until this new manager becomes a de-facto launcher on its own. Soon after, the people who make the launcher will incorporate, and start selling digital product.
So congratulations, faggot. Your brilliant idea is just to do it all over again.
>sudden issue
Zoomer detected. Valve should have been boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam. Steam was the consolization of PC. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
Used to pay $50 at most for a physical copy that was better than today's collector's edition, now you are expected to pay for a download license and put up with and or pay for all the negatives that come with digital distribution like rampant dlc and micro transactions, having to go through some console wannabe platform, games being intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, etc.
Games are more expensive than ever because of digital distribution and Valve when you take into consideration you don't get a physical copy or manual, dlc and micro transactions exist, games are intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, you have to go through some console wannabe platform, etc. Even 1 cent is too much for a download so fuck off with MUH STEAM SALES
As someone that exclusively pirates, I want all games to be Epic exclusives because the multiplayer doesn't rely on some centralized servers like Steam does so MP easily works on pirated versions
Piracy is more convenient, the only time it isn't is when developers sabotage their games with anti piracy tactics like releasing an unfinished game, patches, online requiring official server authorization. You obviously fell for Valve's brainwashing but that doesn't mean Valve is correct.
Retard, I said filthy rich person to imply someone that is doing it because they want games to be released physical only and wouldn't need more profit.
All gaming PCs have built in organization via directories. Valve and the "journalists" used brainwashing tactics to get people to accept that cancer, the same could be done for physical copies, not to the same extent but a lot of Valve's brainwashing could be undone and the unbrainwashed would at least stop paying for digital and switch to piracy.
Piracy is a service issue. Physical distribution is a shittier service than digital distribution. In your world someone would buy the full physical game, and then distribute the contents of the disc online. Congratulations; piracy rates go up, sales go down.
hey look the physical only dinosaur thinks his opinion matters OMEGALUL
Physical distribution is something that retains the first sale doctrine and allows the customer to actually own a product. You can use the license to use the software excuse all you want but they will never be able to send someone to your house to remove the game from your possession. They are able to revoke your access to the game because you said mean things online, cheated, griefed, etc.
Holy fuck that valve employee news came out yesterday and valve drones have already created an infograph about it.
>buy physical game
>has an online multiplayer service
>get banned
Still happens the same way for online multiplayer. And that scenario you mentioned never affects singleplayer.
>this dumb nigger can't even understand the context convenience was used in
No wonder you come up with such brainlet ideas.
This. Half-Life 2 was a goddamn chore.
doble cringe